Class NonIdempotentWriteRetryOptions


public final class NonIdempotentWriteRetryOptions extends Object
Class to define the options for non-idempotent write operations
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates an instance of the NonIdempotentWriteRetryOptions class.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a flag indicating whether automatic retries for write operations even when they are not guaranteed to be idempotent are enabled or not.
    Returns a flag indicating whether write operations can use the trackingId system property '/_trackingId' to allow identification of conflicts and pre-condition failures due to retries.
    setEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
    Specifies whether automatic retries for write operations even when they are not guaranteed to be idempotent are enabled.
    setTrackingIdUsed(boolean useTrackingIdForCreateAndReplace)
    Specifies whether write operations can use the trackingId system property '/_trackingId' to allow identification of conflicts and pre-condition failures due to retries.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • NonIdempotentWriteRetryOptions

      public NonIdempotentWriteRetryOptions()
      Creates an instance of the NonIdempotentWriteRetryOptions class.
  • Method Details

    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      Returns a flag indicating whether automatic retries for write operations even when they are not guaranteed to be idempotent are enabled or not. The default value is false.
      a flag indicating whether automatic retries for non-idempotent write operations are enabled or not.
    • setEnabled

      public NonIdempotentWriteRetryOptions setEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
      Specifies whether automatic retries for write operations even when they are not guaranteed to be idempotent are enabled.
      isEnabled - - a flag indicating whether to enable automatic retries even for non-idempotent write operations
      current options
    • isTrackingIdUsed

      public boolean isTrackingIdUsed()
      Returns a flag indicating whether write operations can use the trackingId system property '/_trackingId' to allow identification of conflicts and pre-condition failures due to retries. If enabled, each document being created or replaced will have an additional '/_trackingId' property for which the value will be updated by the SDK. If it is not desired to add this new json property (for example due to the RU-increase based on the payload size or because it causes documents to exceed the max payload size upper limit), the usage of this system property can be disabled by setting this parameter to false. This means there could be a higher level of 409/312 due to retries - and applications would need to handle them gracefully on their own.
      a flag indicating whether write operations can use the trackingId system property '/_trackingId' to allow identification of conflicts and pre-condition failures due to retries.
    • setTrackingIdUsed

      public NonIdempotentWriteRetryOptions setTrackingIdUsed(boolean useTrackingIdForCreateAndReplace)
      Specifies whether write operations can use the trackingId system property '/_trackingId' to allow identification of conflicts and pre-condition failures due to retries. If enabled, each document being created or replaced will have an additional '/_trackingId' property for which the value will be updated by the SDK. If it is not desired to add this new json property (for example due to the RU-increase based on the payload size or because it causes documents to exceed the max payload size upper limit), the usage of this system property can be disabled by setting this parameter to false. This means there could be a higher level of 409/312 due to retries - and applications would need to handle them gracefully on their own.
      useTrackingIdForCreateAndReplace - indicates whether a system property '/_trackingId' should be used to allow identification of conflicts and pre-condition failures due to retries.
      current options