Class CompositePath

  • public class CompositePath
    extends JsonSerializable
    Represents a composite path of the IndexingPolicy in the Azure Cosmos DB database service. A composite path is used in a composite index. For example if you want to run a query like "SELECT * FROM c ORDER BY c.age, c.height", then you need to add "/age" and "/height" as composite paths to your composite index.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CompositePath

        public CompositePath()
      • CompositePath

        public CompositePath​(String jsonString)
        jsonString - the json string that represents the included path.
    • Method Detail

      • path

        public String path()
        Gets path.
        the path.
      • path

        public CompositePath path​(String path)
        Sets path.
        path - the path.
        the CompositePath.
      • order

        public CompositePathSortOrder order()
        Gets the sort order for the composite path. For example if you want to run the query "SELECT * FROM c ORDER BY c.age asc, c.height desc", then you need to make the order for "/age" "ascending" and the order for "/height" "descending".
        the sort order.
      • order

        public CompositePath order​(CompositePathSortOrder order)
        Gets the sort order for the composite path. For example if you want to run the query "SELECT * FROM c ORDER BY c.age asc, c.height desc", then you need to make the order for "/age" "ascending" and the order for "/height" "descending".
        order - the sort order.
        the CompositePath.