Class LongRunningOperationStatus


public final class LongRunningOperationStatus extends ExpandableStringEnum<LongRunningOperationStatus>
An enum to represent all possible states that a long-running operation may find itself in. The poll operation is considered complete when the status is one of SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED, USER_CANCELLED or FAILED.
  • Field Details


      public static final LongRunningOperationStatus NOT_STARTED
      Represents that polling has not yet started for this long-running operation.

      public static final LongRunningOperationStatus IN_PROGRESS
      Represents that the long-running operation is in progress and not yet complete.

      public static final LongRunningOperationStatus SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED
      Represent that the long-running operation is completed successfully.
    • FAILED

      public static final LongRunningOperationStatus FAILED
      Represents that the long-running operation has failed to successfully complete, however this is still considered as complete long-running operation, meaning that the PollerFlux instance will report that it is complete.

      public static final LongRunningOperationStatus USER_CANCELLED
      Represents that the long-running operation is cancelled by user, however this is still considered as complete long-running operation.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • fromString

      public static LongRunningOperationStatus fromString(String name, boolean isComplete)
      Creates or finds a LongRunningOperationStatus from its string representation.
      name - a name to look for
      isComplete - a status to indicate if the operation is complete or not.
      the corresponding LongRunningOperationStatus
      IllegalArgumentException - if name matches a pre-configured LongRunningOperationStatus but isComplete doesn't match its pre-configured complete status.
    • isComplete

      public boolean isComplete()
      Returns a boolean to represent if the operation is in a completed state or not.
      True if the operation is in a completed state, otherwise false.