All Classes and Interfaces

The AddParticipantsFailed model.
The options for adding participants.
The AddParticipantsResult model.
The AddParticipantsSucceeded model.
The options for creating a call.
The result of answering a call
Asynchronous client that supports calling server operations.
Synchronous client that supports calling server operations.
Client builder that creates CallAutomationAsyncClient and CallAutomationClient.
The base event interface.
The base event interface with ReasonCode added.
The CallConnected model.
CallConnection for mid-call actions
CallConnectionAsync for mid-call actions
Asynchronous client that supports call connection operations.
Defines values for CallConnectionState.
The CallDisconnected model.
Defines values for CallingOperationStatus.
The Calling Server error.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with CallingServerError information.
Versions of CallingServer service supported by this client library.
The locator used for joining or taking action on a call.
Defines values for CallLocatorKind.
Defines values for RecognitionType.
The Recognize configurations specific for Dtmf.
Options to configure the Recognize operation
The CallParticipant model.
Defines values for CallRejectReason.
The abstract class used as parent of [action]CallResult
The CallSource model.
The CallTransferAccepted model.
The CallTransferFailed model.
The CollectTonesResult model.
The options for creating a call.
The result of answering a call
The options for the downloadTo operations.
Defines values for Tone.
Event handler for taking care of event related tasks.
The FileSource model.
The locator used for joining or taking action on a call.
The options for creating a call.
The ListParticipantsResult model.
This class contains configuration used to parallelize data transfer operations.
The ParticipantsUpdated model.
The PlayCanceled model.
The PlayCompleted model.
The PlayFailed model.
The PlayOptionsInternal model.
The PlaySource model.
Defines values for PlaySourceType.
Defines values for ReasonCode.
Reason code names for the Play operation
Reason code names for the Recognize operation
The RecognizeCanceled model.
The RecognizeCompleted model.
The RecognizeFailed model.
Defines values for RecognizeInputTypeInternal.
Defines values for RecordingChannel.
Defines values for RecordingContent.
Defines values for RecordingFormat.
Defines values for RecordingStateInternal.
The RecordingStateChanged model.
The response payload of start call recording operation.
The options for creating a call.
The options for creating a call.
The options for removing participants.
The RemoveParticipantsResult model.
The Repeatability Headers.
The ResultInformation model.
The locator used for joining or taking action on a call.
The options for creating a call.
The TransferCallResult model.
The options for adding participants.