Azure SDK for Java Reference Documentation

Current version is 1.0.0-beta.1, click here for the index

Azure Communication Call Automation Service client library for Java

This package contains a Java SDK for Azure Communication Call Automation Service.

Source code | API reference documentation | Product documentation

Getting started


Include the package


Key concepts

This is a refresh of Calling Server Service. It is renamed to Call Automation service and being more intuitive to use.

CallAutomationClient provides the functionality to make call, answer/reject incoming call and redirect a call.

CallConnection provides the functionality to perform actions in an established call connection such as adding participants and terminate the call.

CallMedia introduces media related functionalities into the call.

CallRecording provides the functionality of recording the call.

EventHandler provides the functionality to handle events from the ACS resource.

Using statements


Authenticate the client

Call Automation client can be authenticated using the connection string acquired from an Azure Communication Resource in the Azure Portal.

CallAutomationAsyncClient client = new CallAutomationClientBuilder()

Or alternatively using a valid Active Directory token / Key.

CallAutomationAsyncClient client = new CallAutomationClientBuilder()
                .endpoint("<ENDPOINT_URL>") // e.g:
                .credential("<TOKEN_CREDENTIAL> OR <AZURE_KEY_CREDENTIAL>")


Make a call to a phone number recipient

List<CommunicationIdentifier> targets = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new PhoneNumberIdentifier("<RECIPIENT_PHONE_NUMBER>")));// E.164 formatted phone number like +18001234567
CreateCallOptions options = new CreateCallOptions(new CommunicationUserIdentifier("<CALLER_IDENTIFIER>"), targets, "<CALL_BACK_URL>")
        .setSourceCallerId("<CALLER_PHONE_NUMBER>"); // E.164 formatted phone number. This is required when dialing to a PSTN recipient

Response<CreateCallResult> response = client.createCallWithResponse(options).block();

Idempotent Requests

An operation is idempotent if it can be performed multiple times and have the same result as a single execution.

The following operations are idempotent: - answerCall - redirectCall - rejectCall - createCall - hangUp when terminating the call for everyone, ie. forEveryone parameter is set to true. - transferToParticipantCall - addParticipants - removeParticipants - startRecording

By default, SDK generates a new RepeatabilityHeaders object every time the above operation is called. If you would like to provide your own RepeatabilityHeaders for your application (eg. for your own retry mechanism), you can do so by specifying the RepeatabilityHeaders in the operation's Options object. If this is not set by user, then the SDK will generate it.

The parameters for the RepeatabilityHeaders class are repeatabilityRequestId and repeatabilityFirstSent. Two or more requests are considered the same request if and only if both repeatability parameters are the same. - repeatabilityRequestId: an opaque string representing a client-generated unique identifier for the request. It is a version 4 (random) UUID. - repeatabilityFirstSent: The value should be the date and time at which the request was first created.

To set repeatability parameters, see below Java code snippet as an example:

CreateCallOptions createCallOptions = new CreateCallOptions(caller, targets, callbackUrl)
    .setRepeatabilityHeaders(new RepeatabilityHeaders(UUID.randomUUID(),;
Response<CreateCallResult> response1 = callAsyncClient.createCallWithResponse(createCallOptions).block();

await Task.Delay(5000);

Response<CreateCallResult> response2 = callAsyncClient.createCallWithResponse(createCallOptions).block();
// response1 and response2 will have the same callConnectionId as they have the same reapeatability parameters which means that the CreateCall operation was only executed once.

Handle Mid-Connection call back events

Your app will receive mid-connection call back events via the callback url you provided. You will need to write event handler controller to receive the events and direct your app flow based on your business logic.

    @RequestMapping(value = "/api/callEvents", method = POST)
    public ResponseEntity<?> handleCallEvents(@RequestBody(required = false) String requestBody) {
        List<CallAutomationEventBase> acsEvents = EventHandler.parseEventList(requestBody);

        for (CallAutomationEventBase acsEvent : acsEvents) {
            if (acsEvent instanceof CallConnected) {
                // Do something...
            } else if (acsEvent instanceof RecognizeCompleted) {
                // Do something...
            } else if (acsEvent instanceof CallDisconnected){
                // Do something...   

        return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK);


If you recieve a CommunicationErrorException with the messagae: "Action is invalid when call is not in Established state." This usually means the call has ended. This can occur if the participants all leave the call, or participants did not accept the call before the call timed out.

If you fail to start a call because of an HMAC validation error, be sure your access key is correct, and that you are passing in a valid conversation id.


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When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

Next steps

Package containing the classes for AzureCommunicationCallingServer.
Package containing classes for AzureCommunicationCallAutomationService.
Package containing events for AzureCommunicationCallingServerService.