Class SalesforceSink

  • public final class SalesforceSink
    extends CopySink
    A copy activity Salesforce sink.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SalesforceSink

        public SalesforceSink()
    • Method Detail

      • getWriteBehavior

        public SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior getWriteBehavior()
        Get the writeBehavior property: The write behavior for the operation. Default is Insert.
        the writeBehavior value.
      • setWriteBehavior

        public SalesforceSink setWriteBehavior​(SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior writeBehavior)
        Set the writeBehavior property: The write behavior for the operation. Default is Insert.
        writeBehavior - the writeBehavior value to set.
        the SalesforceSink object itself.
      • getExternalIdFieldName

        public Object getExternalIdFieldName()
        Get the externalIdFieldName property: The name of the external ID field for upsert operation. Default value is 'Id' column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
        the externalIdFieldName value.
      • setExternalIdFieldName

        public SalesforceSink setExternalIdFieldName​(Object externalIdFieldName)
        Set the externalIdFieldName property: The name of the external ID field for upsert operation. Default value is 'Id' column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
        externalIdFieldName - the externalIdFieldName value to set.
        the SalesforceSink object itself.
      • getIgnoreNullValues

        public Object getIgnoreNullValues()
        Get the ignoreNullValues property: The flag indicating whether or not to ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default value is false. If set it to true, it means ADF will leave the data in the destination object unchanged when doing upsert/update operation and insert defined default value when doing insert operation, versus ADF will update the data in the destination object to NULL when doing upsert/update operation and insert NULL value when doing insert operation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
        the ignoreNullValues value.
      • setIgnoreNullValues

        public SalesforceSink setIgnoreNullValues​(Object ignoreNullValues)
        Set the ignoreNullValues property: The flag indicating whether or not to ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default value is false. If set it to true, it means ADF will leave the data in the destination object unchanged when doing upsert/update operation and insert defined default value when doing insert operation, versus ADF will update the data in the destination object to NULL when doing upsert/update operation and insert NULL value when doing insert operation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
        ignoreNullValues - the ignoreNullValues value to set.
        the SalesforceSink object itself.
      • setWriteBatchSize

        public SalesforceSink setWriteBatchSize​(Object writeBatchSize)
        Set the writeBatchSize property: Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.
        setWriteBatchSize in class CopySink
        writeBatchSize - the writeBatchSize value to set.
        the CopySink object itself.
      • setWriteBatchTimeout

        public SalesforceSink setWriteBatchTimeout​(Object writeBatchTimeout)
        Set the writeBatchTimeout property: Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((\d+)\.)?(\d\d):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).
        setWriteBatchTimeout in class CopySink
        writeBatchTimeout - the writeBatchTimeout value to set.
        the CopySink object itself.
      • setSinkRetryCount

        public SalesforceSink setSinkRetryCount​(Object sinkRetryCount)
        Set the sinkRetryCount property: Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).
        setSinkRetryCount in class CopySink
        sinkRetryCount - the sinkRetryCount value to set.
        the CopySink object itself.
      • setSinkRetryWait

        public SalesforceSink setSinkRetryWait​(Object sinkRetryWait)
        Set the sinkRetryWait property: Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((\d+)\.)?(\d\d):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).
        setSinkRetryWait in class CopySink
        sinkRetryWait - the sinkRetryWait value to set.
        the CopySink object itself.
      • setMaxConcurrentConnections

        public SalesforceSink setMaxConcurrentConnections​(Object maxConcurrentConnections)
        Set the maxConcurrentConnections property: The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).
        setMaxConcurrentConnections in class CopySink
        maxConcurrentConnections - the maxConcurrentConnections value to set.
        the CopySink object itself.