Class EntityCategory

  • public final class EntityCategory
    Gets the entity category inferred by the text analytics service's named entity recognition model. The list of available categories is described at See named entity types.
    • Field Detail

      • ADDRESS

        public static final EntityCategory ADDRESS
        Specifies that the entity corresponds to an address.
      • PERSON

        public static final EntityCategory PERSON
        Specifies that the entity corresponds to a person.

        public static final EntityCategory PERSON_TYPE
        Specifies that the entity corresponds to a person type.
      • LOCATION

        public static final EntityCategory LOCATION
        Specifies that entity contains natural or human-made landmarks, structures, or geographical features.

        public static final EntityCategory ORGANIZATION
        Specifies that the entity contains the name of an organization, corporation, agency, or other group of people.
      • EVENT

        public static final EntityCategory EVENT
        Specifies that the entity contains historical, social and natural-occuring events.
      • PRODUCT

        public static final EntityCategory PRODUCT
        Specifies that the entity contains a physical objects of various categories.
      • SKILL

        public static final EntityCategory SKILL
        Specifies that the entity contains an entity describing a capability or expertise.

        public static final EntityCategory PHONE_NUMBER
        Specifies that the entity contains a phone number (US phone numbers only).
      • EMAIL

        public static final EntityCategory EMAIL
        Specifies that the entity contains an email address.
      • URL

        public static final EntityCategory URL
        Specifies that the entity contains an Internet URL.
      • IP_ADDRESS

        public static final EntityCategory IP_ADDRESS
        Specifies that the entity contains an Internet Protocol address
      • DATE_TIME

        public static final EntityCategory DATE_TIME
        Specifies that the entity contains a date, time or duration.
      • QUANTITY

        public static final EntityCategory QUANTITY
        Specifies that the entity contains a number or numeric quantity.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EntityCategory

        public EntityCategory()