Class DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient


public final class DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient extends Object
This class provides an asynchronous client that contains model management operations that apply to Azure Form Recognizer. Operations allowed by the client are creating, building of custom document analysis models, deleting models, listing models, copying a custom-built model to another Form Recognizer account, composing models from component models, getting operation information and getting resource details.

Instantiating an asynchronous Document Model Administration Client

 DocumentModelAdministrationAsyncClient documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient =
     new DocumentModelAdministrationClientBuilder().buildAsyncClient();
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getDocumentAnalysisAsyncClient

      public DocumentAnalysisAsyncClient getDocumentAnalysisAsyncClient()
      Creates a new DocumentAnalysisAsyncClient object. The new DocumentTrainingAsyncClient uses the same request policy pipeline as the DocumentTrainingAsyncClient.
      A new DocumentAnalysisAsyncClient object.
    • beginBuildDocumentModel

      public<OperationResult,DocumentModelDetails> beginBuildDocumentModel(String blobContainerUrl, DocumentModelBuildMode buildMode)
      Builds a custom document analysis model. Models are built using documents that are of the following content type - 'application/pdf', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/tiff', image/bmp. Other type of content is ignored.

      The service does not support cancellation of the long running operation and returns with an error message indicating absence of cancellation support.

      See here for information on building your own administration data set.

      Code sample

       String blobContainerUrl = "{SAS-URL-of-your-container-in-blob-storage}";
           // if polling operation completed, retrieve the final result.
           .subscribe(documentModel -> {
               System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId());
               System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn());
               documentModel.getDocumentTypes().forEach((key, documentTypeDetails) -> {
                   documentTypeDetails.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> {
                       System.out.printf("Field: %s", field);
                       System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType());
                       System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", documentTypeDetails.getFieldConfidence().get(field));
      blobContainerUrl - an Azure Storage blob container's SAS URI. A container URI (without SAS) can be used if the container is public or has a managed identity configured. For more information on setting up a training data set, see: here.
      buildMode - the preferred technique for creating models. For faster training of models use DocumentModelBuildMode.TEMPLATE. See here for more information on building mode for custom documents.
      A PollerFlux that polls the building model operation until it has completed, has failed, or has been cancelled. The completed operation returns the trained custom document analysis model.
      Throws: - If building a model fails with OperationStatus.FAILED is created.
      NullPointerException - If blobContainerUrl is null.
    • beginBuildDocumentModel

      public<OperationResult,DocumentModelDetails> beginBuildDocumentModel(String blobContainerUrl, DocumentModelBuildMode buildMode, String prefix, BuildDocumentModelOptions buildDocumentModelOptions)
      Builds a custom document analysis model. Models are built using documents that are of the following content type - 'application/pdf', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/tiff', image/bmp. Other type of content is ignored.

      The service does not support cancellation of the long running operation and returns with an error message indicating absence of cancellation support.

      See here for information on building your own administration data set.

      Code sample

       String blobContainerUrl = "{SAS-URL-of-your-container-in-blob-storage}";
       String modelId = "model-id";
       Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String, String>();
       attrs.put("createdBy", "sample");
       String prefix = "Invoice";
               new BuildDocumentModelOptions()
                   .setDescription("model desc")
           // if polling operation completed, retrieve the final result.
           .subscribe(documentModel -> {
               System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId());
               System.out.printf("Model Description: %s%n", documentModel.getDescription());
               System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn());
               System.out.printf("Model assigned tags: %s%n", documentModel.getTags());
               documentModel.getDocumentTypes().forEach((key, documentTypeDetails) -> {
                   documentTypeDetails.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> {
                       System.out.printf("Field: %s", field);
                       System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType());
                       System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", documentTypeDetails.getFieldConfidence().get(field));
      blobContainerUrl - an Azure Storage blob container's SAS URI. A container URI (without SAS) can be used if the container is public or has a managed identity configured. For more information on setting up a training data set, see: here.
      buildMode - the preferred technique for creating models. For faster training of models use DocumentModelBuildMode.TEMPLATE. See here for more information on building mode for custom documents.
      prefix - case-sensitive prefix blob name prefix to filter documents for training.
      buildDocumentModelOptions - The configurable options to pass when building a custom document analysis model.
      A PollerFlux that polls the building model operation until it has completed, has failed, or has been cancelled. The completed operation returns the trained custom document analysis model.
      Throws: - If building a model fails with OperationStatus.FAILED is created.
      NullPointerException - If blobContainerUrl is null.
    • getResourceDetails

      public Mono<ResourceDetails> getResourceDetails()
      Get information about the current Form Recognizer resource.

      Code sample

           .subscribe(resourceInfo -> {
               System.out.printf("Max number of models that can be build for this account: %d%n",
               System.out.printf("Current count of built document analysis models: %d%n",
      The requested resource information details.
    • getResourceDetailsWithResponse

      public Mono<<ResourceDetails>> getResourceDetailsWithResponse()
      Get the information about the current Form Recognizer resource with a Http response.

      Code sample

           .subscribe(response -> {
               System.out.printf("Response Status Code: %d.", response.getStatusCode());
               ResourceDetails resourceDetails = response.getValue();
               System.out.printf("Max number of models that can be build for this account: %d%n",
               System.out.printf("Current count of built document analysis models: %d%n",
      A Response containing the requested resource information details.
    • deleteDocumentModel

      public Mono<Void> deleteDocumentModel(String modelId)
      Deletes the specified custom document analysis model.

      Code sample

       String modelId = "{model_id}";
           .subscribe(ignored -> System.out.printf("Model ID: %s is deleted%n", modelId));
      modelId - The unique model identifier.
      An empty Mono.
      IllegalArgumentException - If modelId is null or empty.
    • deleteDocumentModelWithResponse

      public Mono<<Void>> deleteDocumentModelWithResponse(String modelId)
      Deletes the specified custom document analysis model.

      Code sample

       String modelId = "{model_id}";
           .subscribe(response -> {
               System.out.printf("Response Status Code: %d.", response.getStatusCode());
               System.out.printf("Model ID: %s is deleted.%n", modelId);
      modelId - The unique model identifier.
      A Response containing the status code and HTTP headers.
      IllegalArgumentException - If modelId is null or empty.
    • getCopyAuthorization

      public Mono<DocumentModelCopyAuthorization> getCopyAuthorization()
      Generate authorization for copying a custom document analysis model into the target Form Recognizer resource.

      This should be called by the target resource (where the model will be copied to) and the output can be passed as the target parameter into beginCopyDocumentModelTo(String, DocumentModelCopyAuthorization).

      The DocumentModelCopyAuthorization that could be used to authorize copying model between resources.
    • getCopyAuthorizationWithResponse

      public Mono<<DocumentModelCopyAuthorization>> getCopyAuthorizationWithResponse(CopyAuthorizationOptions copyAuthorizationOptions)
      Generate authorization for copying a custom document analysis model into the target Form Recognizer resource.

      This should be called by the target resource (where the model will be copied to) and the output can be passed as the target parameter into beginCopyDocumentModelTo(String, DocumentModelCopyAuthorization).

      copyAuthorizationOptions - The configurable options to pass when copying a model.

      Code sample

       String modelId = "my-copied-model";
       Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String, String>();
       attrs.put("createdBy", "sample");
               new CopyAuthorizationOptions()
                   .setDescription("model desc")
           .subscribe(copyAuthorization ->
               System.out.printf("Copy Authorization response status: %s, for model id: %s, access token: %s, "
                       + "expiration time: %s, target resource ID; %s, target resource region: %s%n",
      The DocumentModelCopyAuthorization that could be used to authorize copying model between resources.
    • beginComposeDocumentModel

      public<OperationResult,DocumentModelDetails> beginComposeDocumentModel(List<String> componentModelIds)
      Create a composed model from the provided list of existing models in the account.

      This operations fails if the list consists of an invalid, non-existing model Id or duplicate IDs.

      The service does not support cancellation of the long running operation and returns with an error message indicating absence of cancellation support.

      Code sample

       String modelId1 = "{model_Id_1}";
       String modelId2 = "{model_Id_2}";
       documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.beginComposeDocumentModel(Arrays.asList(modelId1, modelId2)
           // if polling operation completed, retrieve the final result.
           .subscribe(documentModel -> {
               System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId());
               System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn());
               documentModel.getDocumentTypes().forEach((key, documentTypeDetails) -> {
                   documentTypeDetails.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> {
                       System.out.printf("Field: %s", field);
                       System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType());
                       System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", documentTypeDetails.getFieldConfidence().get(field));
      componentModelIds - The list of component models to compose.
      A PollerFlux that polls the create composed model operation until it has completed, has failed, or has been cancelled. The completed operation returns the created composed model.
      Throws: - If create composed model operation fails and model with OperationStatus.FAILED is created.
      NullPointerException - If the list of componentModelIds is null or empty.
    • beginComposeDocumentModel

      public<OperationResult,DocumentModelDetails> beginComposeDocumentModel(List<String> componentModelIds, ComposeDocumentModelOptions composeDocumentModelOptions)
      Create a composed model from the provided list of existing models in the account.

      This operations fails if the list consists of an invalid, non-existing model Id or duplicate IDs.

      The service does not support cancellation of the long running operation and returns with an error message indicating absence of cancellation support.

      Code sample

       String modelId1 = "{model_Id_1}";
       String modelId2 = "{model_Id_2}";
       String modelId = "my-composed-model";
       Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String, String>();
       attrs.put("createdBy", "sample");
       documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.beginComposeDocumentModel(Arrays.asList(modelId1, modelId2),
               new ComposeDocumentModelOptions()
           // if polling operation completed, retrieve the final result.
           .subscribe(documentModel -> {
               System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId());
               System.out.printf("Model Description: %s%n", documentModel.getDescription());
               System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn());
               System.out.printf("Model assigned tags: %s%n", documentModel.getTags());
               documentModel.getDocumentTypes().forEach((key, documentTypeDetails) -> {
                   documentTypeDetails.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> {
                       System.out.printf("Field: %s", field);
                       System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType());
                       System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", documentTypeDetails.getFieldConfidence().get(field));
      componentModelIds - The list of component models to compose.
      composeDocumentModelOptions - The configurable options to pass when creating a composed model.
      A PollerFlux that polls the create composed model operation until it has completed, has failed, or has been cancelled. The completed operation returns the copied model DocumentModelDetails.
      Throws: - If create composed model operation fails and model with OperationStatus.FAILED is created.
      NullPointerException - If the list of componentModelIds is null or empty.
    • beginCopyDocumentModelTo

      public<OperationResult,DocumentModelDetails> beginCopyDocumentModelTo(String sourceModelId, DocumentModelCopyAuthorization target)
      Copy a custom model stored in this resource (the source) to the user specified target Form Recognizer resource.

      This should be called with the source Form Recognizer resource (with the model that is intended to be copied). The target parameter should be supplied from the target resource's output from getCopyAuthorization() method.

      The service does not support cancellation of the long running operation and returns with an error message indicating absence of cancellation support.

      Code sample

       String copyModelId = "copy-model";
       // Get authorization to copy the model to target resource
           // Start copy operation from the source client
           // The ID of the model that needs to be copied to the target resource
           .subscribe(copyAuthorization -> documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.beginCopyDocumentModelTo(copyModelId,
               .filter(pollResponse -> pollResponse.getStatus().isComplete())
               .subscribe(documentModel ->
                   System.out.printf("Copied model has model ID: %s, was created on: %s.%n,",
      sourceModelId - Model identifier of the source model to copy to target resource.
      target - the copy authorization to the target Form Recognizer resource. The copy authorization can be generated from the target resource's call to getCopyAuthorization()
      A PollerFlux that polls the copy model operation until it has completed, has failed, or has been cancelled. The completed operation returns the copied model DocumentModelDetails.
      Throws: - If copy operation fails and model with OperationStatus.FAILED is created.
      NullPointerException - If modelId or target is null.
    • listDocumentModels

      public<DocumentModelSummary> listDocumentModels()
      List information for each model on the Form Recognizer account that were built successfully.

      Code sample

           .subscribe(documentModelInfo ->
               System.out.printf("Model ID: %s, Model description: %s, Created on: %s.%n",
      PagedFlux of DocumentModelSummary.
    • getDocumentModel

      public Mono<DocumentModelDetails> getDocumentModel(String modelId)
      Get detailed information for a specified model ID.

      Code sample

       String modelId = "{model_id}";
       documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getDocumentModel(modelId).subscribe(documentModel -> {
           System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModel.getModelId());
           System.out.printf("Model Description: %s%n", documentModel.getDescription());
           System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModel.getCreatedOn());
           documentModel.getDocumentTypes().forEach((key, documentTypeDetails) -> {
               documentTypeDetails.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> {
                   System.out.printf("Field: %s", field);
                   System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType());
                   System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", documentTypeDetails.getFieldConfidence().get(field));
      modelId - The unique model identifier.
      The detailed information for the specified model.
      IllegalArgumentException - If modelId is null or empty.
    • getDocumentModelWithResponse

      public Mono<<DocumentModelDetails>> getDocumentModelWithResponse(String modelId)
      Get detailed information for a specified model ID with Http response.

      Code sample

       String modelId = "{model_id}";
       documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getDocumentModelWithResponse(modelId).subscribe(response -> {
           System.out.printf("Response Status Code: %d.", response.getStatusCode());
           DocumentModelDetails documentModelDetails = response.getValue();
           System.out.printf("Model ID: %s%n", documentModelDetails.getModelId());
           System.out.printf("Model Description: %s%n", documentModelDetails.getDescription());
           System.out.printf("Model Created on: %s%n", documentModelDetails.getCreatedOn());
           documentModelDetails.getDocumentTypes().forEach((key, documentTypeDetails) -> {
               documentTypeDetails.getFieldSchema().forEach((field, documentFieldSchema) -> {
                   System.out.printf("Field: %s", field);
                   System.out.printf("Field type: %s", documentFieldSchema.getType());
                   System.out.printf("Field confidence: %.2f", documentTypeDetails.getFieldConfidence().get(field));
      modelId - The unique model identifier.
      A Response containing the requested model.
      IllegalArgumentException - If modelId is null or empty.
    • getOperation

      public Mono<OperationDetails> getOperation(String operationId)
      Get detailed operation information for the specified ID.

      This operations fails if the operation ID used is past 24 hours.

      Code sample

       String operationId = "{operation_Id}";
       documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getOperation(operationId).subscribe(operationDetails -> {
           System.out.printf("Operation ID: %s%n", operationDetails.getOperationId());
           System.out.printf("Operation Kind: %s%n", operationDetails.getKind());
           System.out.printf("Operation Status: %s%n", operationDetails.getStatus());
           System.out.printf("Model ID created with this operation: %s%n",
               ((DocumentModelBuildOperationDetails) operationDetails).getResult().getModelId());
           if (OperationStatus.FAILED.equals(operationDetails.getStatus())) {
               System.out.printf("Operation fail error: %s%n", operationDetails.getError().getMessage());
      operationId - Unique operation ID.
      detailed operation information for the specified ID.
      IllegalArgumentException - If operationId is null or empty.
    • getOperationWithResponse

      public Mono<<OperationDetails>> getOperationWithResponse(String operationId)
      Get detailed operation information for the specified ID with Http response.

      This operations fails if the operation ID used is past 24 hours.

      Code sample

       String operationId = "{operation_Id}";
       documentModelAdministrationAsyncClient.getOperationWithResponse(operationId).subscribe(response -> {
           System.out.printf("Response Status Code: %d.", response.getStatusCode());
           OperationDetails operationDetails = response.getValue();
           System.out.printf("Operation ID: %s%n", operationDetails.getOperationId());
           System.out.printf("Operation Kind: %s%n", operationDetails.getKind());
           System.out.printf("Operation Status: %s%n", operationDetails.getStatus());
           System.out.printf("Model ID created with this operation: %s%n",
               ((DocumentModelBuildOperationDetails) operationDetails).getResult().getModelId());
           if (OperationStatus.FAILED.equals(operationDetails.getStatus())) {
               System.out.printf("Operation fail error: %s%n", operationDetails.getError().getMessage());
      operationId - Unique operation ID.
      A Response containing the requested OperationDetails.
      IllegalArgumentException - If operationId is null or empty.
    • listOperations

      public<OperationSummary> listOperations()
      List information for each model operation on the Form Recognizer account in the past 24 hours.

      Code sample

           .subscribe(modelOperationSummary -> {
               System.out.printf("Operation ID: %s%n", modelOperationSummary.getOperationId());
               System.out.printf("Operation Status: %s%n", modelOperationSummary.getStatus());
               System.out.printf("Operation Created on: %s%n", modelOperationSummary.getCreatedOn());
               System.out.printf("Operation Percent completed: %d%n", modelOperationSummary.getPercentCompleted());
               System.out.printf("Operation Kind: %s%n", modelOperationSummary.getKind());
               System.out.printf("Operation Last updated on: %s%n", modelOperationSummary.getLastUpdatedOn());
               System.out.printf("Operation resource location: %s%n", modelOperationSummary.getResourceLocation());
      PagedFlux of OperationDetails.