Public Attributes | List of all members
Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails Struct Referencefinal

Detailed information of a blob.

#include <blob_rest_client.hpp>

Public Attributes

BlobHttpHeaders HttpHeaders
Storage::Metadata Metadata
Azure::DateTime CreatedOn
Azure::Nullable< Azure::DateTime > ExpiresOn
Azure::Nullable< Azure::DateTime > LastAccessedOn
Azure::DateTime LastModified
Azure::ETag ETag
Azure::Nullable< Models::AccessTierAccessTier
Azure::Nullable< bool > IsAccessTierInferred
Models::LeaseStatus LeaseStatus = Models::LeaseStatus::Unlocked
Models::LeaseState LeaseState = Models::LeaseState::Available
Azure::Nullable< LeaseDurationTypeLeaseDuration
bool IsServerEncrypted = false
Azure::Nullable< std::vector< uint8_t > > EncryptionKeySha256
Azure::Nullable< std::string > EncryptionScope
Azure::Nullable< int64_t > SequenceNumber
Azure::Nullable< bool > IsSealed
std::vector< ObjectReplicationPolicyObjectReplicationSourceProperties

Member Data Documentation

◆ AccessTier

Azure::Nullable<Models::AccessTier> Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::AccessTier

The tier of page blob or block blob.

◆ CreatedOn

Azure::DateTime Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::CreatedOn

The date and time at which the blob was created.

◆ EncryptionKeySha256

Azure::Nullable<std::vector<uint8_t> > Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::EncryptionKeySha256

The SHA-256 hash of the encryption key used to encrypt the blob data and metadata.

◆ EncryptionScope

Azure::Nullable<std::string> Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::EncryptionScope

Name of the encryption scope used to encrypt the blob data and metadata.

◆ ETag

Azure::ETag Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::ETag

The ETag contains a value that you can use to perform operations conditionally.

◆ ExpiresOn

Azure::Nullable<Azure::DateTime> Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::ExpiresOn

The time this blob will expire.

◆ HttpHeaders

BlobHttpHeaders Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::HttpHeaders

System properties of the blob.

◆ IsAccessTierInferred

Azure::Nullable<bool> Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::IsAccessTierInferred

True if the access tier is not explicitly set on the blob.

◆ IsSealed

Azure::Nullable<bool> Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::IsSealed

If the blob has been sealed. This value is null for block blobs or page blobs.

◆ IsServerEncrypted

bool Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::IsServerEncrypted = false

True if the blob data and metadata are completely encrypted using the specified algorithm. Otherwise, the value is set to false (when the blob is unencrypted, or if only parts of the blob/application metadata are encrypted).

◆ LastAccessedOn

Azure::Nullable<Azure::DateTime> Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::LastAccessedOn

The date and time at which the blob was last read or written to.

◆ LastModified

Azure::DateTime Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::LastModified

The date and time the container was last modified. Any operation that modifies the blob, including an update of the metadata or properties, changes the last-modified time of the blob.

◆ LeaseDuration

Azure::Nullable<LeaseDurationType> Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::LeaseDuration

Indicates whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration when the blob or container is leased. This value is null if the blob or container is not leased.

◆ LeaseState

Models::LeaseState Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::LeaseState = Models::LeaseState::Available

Lease state of the blob.

◆ LeaseStatus

Models::LeaseStatus Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::LeaseStatus = Models::LeaseStatus::Unlocked

The current lease status of the blob.

◆ Metadata

Storage::Metadata Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::Metadata

A set of name-value pairs associated with this blob as user-defined metadata.

◆ ObjectReplicationSourceProperties

std::vector<ObjectReplicationPolicy> Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::ObjectReplicationSourceProperties

Only valid when Object Replication is enabled and current blob is the source.

◆ SequenceNumber

Azure::Nullable<int64_t> Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::BlobItemDetails::SequenceNumber

The current sequence number for a page blob. This value is null for block blobs or append blobs.

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