Public Attributes | List of all members
Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerItem Struct Reference

Public Attributes

std::string Name
std::string ETag
std::string LastModified
std::map< std::string, std::string > Metadata
PublicAccessType AccessType = PublicAccessType::Private
bool HasImmutabilityPolicy = false
bool HasLegalHold = false
Azure::Core::Nullable< std::string > LeaseDuration
BlobLeaseState LeaseState = BlobLeaseState::Available
BlobLeaseStatus LeaseStatus = BlobLeaseStatus::Unlocked
std::string DefaultEncryptionScope
bool PreventEncryptionScopeOverride = false
bool IsDeleted = false
Azure::Core::Nullable< std::string > VersionId
Azure::Core::Nullable< std::string > DeletedTime
Azure::Core::Nullable< int32_t > RemainingRetentionDays

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