azure-security-attestation Documentation

Azure Attestation Package client library for C++

Microsoft Azure Attestation is a unified solution for remotely verifying the trustworthiness of a platform and integrity of the binaries running inside it. The service supports attestation of the platforms backed by Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) alongside the ability to attest to the state of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) such as Intel(tm) Software Guard Extensions (SGX) enclaves and Virtualization-based Security (VBS) enclaves.

Attestation is a process for demonstrating that software binaries were properly instantiated on a trusted platform. Remote relying parties can then gain confidence that only such intended software is running on trusted hardware.

Azure Attestation enables cutting-edge security paradigms such as Azure Confidential computing and Intelligent Edge protection. Customers have been requesting the ability to independently verify the location of a machine, the posture of a virtual machine (VM) on that machine, and the environment within which enclaves are running on that VM. Azure Attestation will empower these and many additional customer requests.

Azure Attestation receives evidence from compute entities, turns them into a set of claims, validates them against configurable policies, and produces cryptographic proofs for claims-based applications (for example, relying parties and auditing authorities).

Getting started

For the best development experience, we recommend that developers use the CMake projects in Visual Studio to view and build the source code together with its dependencies.


az attestation create --resource-group <your-resource-group-name> --name <your-service instance name>

Download & Install

Install Dependencies


On Windows, dependencies are managed by vcpkg. You can reference the Quick Start to quickly set yourself up. After Vcpkg is initialized and bootstrapped, you can install the dependencies:

vcpkg.exe install curl:x64-windows-static
vcpkg.exe install openssl:x64-windows-static

POSIX Platforms

You can use the package manager on different POSIX platforms to install the dependencies. The dependencies to be installed are:

  • CMake 3.13.0 or higher.
  • OpenSSL.
  • libcurl.

Build from Source

First, download the repository to your local folder:

git clone


Use CMake to generate the solution file

In a new folder you created under the root directory:

cmake .. -A x64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<YOUR_VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
cmake --build .

The built library will be in .\sdk\<ProjectDir>\<Configuration>\ respectively for Azure Core and Azure Attestation. e.g. azure_core.lib will be in .\sdk\core\azure-core\Debug for debug configuration.

Use Visual Studio's Open by folder feature

Open the root folder of the library with Visual Studio's Open folder feature.

If Vcpkg is not globally integrated, then you need to open CMakeSettings.json and change the Make toolchain file to be <YOUR_VCPKG_INSTALL_DIR>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake and save. Then you can build Azure Storage libraries by selecting the target in Visual Studio, or simply build all. The libraries will be in <ProjectRoot>\out\build\<Configuration>\sdk\<LibraryName> respectively.

POSIX Platforms

You can run the following command in a new folder created under the downloaded code's root folder to build the code.

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build .

Then you can consume the built library with the header files. make/ninja install is work in progress.

Via vcpkg

The easiest way to acquire the C++ SDK is leveraging vcpkg package manager. See the corresponding [Azure SDK for C++ readme section][azsdk_vcpkg_install].

To install Azure Storage packages via vcpkg:

> vcpkg install azure-security-attestation-cpp

Then, use in your CMake file:

find_package(azure-security-attestation-cpp CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(<your project name> PRIVATE Azure::azure-security-attestation)


Authenticate the client

Many of the APIs supported by the Azure Attestation service require authentication (some do not, if an API does not require authentication, the documentation for that API will reflect that the attestation service instance does not require authentication).

To interact with the authenticated APIs supported by the Azure Attestation service, your client must present an Azure Active Directory bearer token to the service.

The simplest way of providing a bearer token is to use the ClientSecretCredential authentication method by providing client secret credentials is being used in this getting started section, but you can find more ways to authenticate with azure-identity.

Key concepts

The Microsoft Azure Attestation service runs in two separate modes: "Isolated" and "AAD". When the service is running in "Isolated" mode, the customer needs to provide additional information beyond their authentication credentials to verify that they are authorized to modify the state of an attestation instance.

There are four major client types provided in this SDK:

Each attestation instance operates in one of three separate modes of operation:

  • Isolated mode.
  • AAD mode.
  • Shared mode.

Isolated Mode Attestation Instances

In "Isolated" mode, the customer indicates that they want to ensure that Microsoft administrators cannot influence the inputs or outputs of an attestation service instance. When the attestation service instance is running in Isolated mode, the customer is expected to provide additional proof that they are authorized to make changes to the attestation service instance.

AAD Mode Attestation Instances

In "AAD" mode, access to the service is controlled solely by Azure Role Based Access Control. When the

Shared Mode Attestation Instances

Each region in which the Microsoft Azure Attestation service is available supports a "shared" instance, which can be used to attest SGX enclaves which only need verification against the azure baseline (there are no policies applied to the shared instance).

The following APIs are available in the shared instance:

  • AttestSgxEnclave
  • AttestOpenEnclave
  • GetAttestationPolicy
  • GetIsolatedModeCertificates (always returns an empty set)

The following APIs are not available in the shared instance:

  • AttestTPMEnclave
  • SetAttestationPolicy
  • ResetAttestationPolicy
  • AddIsolatedModeCertificate
  • RemoveIsolatedModeCertificate

The APIs available in the shared instance do not require AAD authentication.


SGX or TPM attestation is the process of validating evidence collected from a trusted execution environment to ensure that it meets both the Azure baseline for that environment and customer defined policies applied to that environment.

Attestation token signing certificate discovery and validation

Most responses from the MAA service are expressed in the form of a JSON Web Token. This token will be signed by a signing certificate issued by the MAA service for the specified instance. If the MAA service instance is running in a region where the service runs in an SGX enclave, then the certificate issued by the server can be verified using the oe_verify_attestation_certificate() API.

Isolated Mode Management

Each attestation service instance has a policy applied to it which defines additional criteria which the customer has defined.

For more information on attestation policies, see Attestation Policy

Isolated Mode certificate management

When an attestation instance is running in "Isolated" mode, the customer who created the instance will have provided a certificate at the time the instance is created. All administrative operations (for instance, policy modification operations) require that the customer sign the policy data with one of the existing policy management certificates. The Isolated Mode Certificate Management APIs enable clients to add, remove or enumerate these certificates.


Create an attestation client

The AttestationClient::Create method is used to create instances of the attestation client:

std::string endpoint = std::getenv("ATTESTATION_AAD_URL");
Definition: attestation_client.hpp:117
static AttestationClient Create(std::string const &endpoint, std::shared_ptr< Core::Credentials::TokenCredential const > credential, AttestationClientOptions const &options=AttestationClientOptions{}, Azure::Core::Context const &constext=Azure::Core::Context{})
Construct a new Attestation Client object.
Definition: attestation_client.cpp:290

If the attestation APIs require authentication, use the following:

std::string endpoint = std::getenv("ATTESTATION_AAD_URL");
std::shared_ptr<Azure::Core::Credentials::TokenCredential> credential
= std::make_shared<Azure::Identity::ClientSecretCredential>(
std::getenv("AZURE_TENANT_ID"), std::getenv("AZURE_CLIENT_ID"), std::getenv("AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET"));
auto client = Azure::Security::Attestation::AttestationClient::Create(m_endpoint, credential);

The same pattern is used to create an Azure::Security::Attestation::AttestationAdministrationClient.

Retrieve Token Certificates

Use GetTokenValidationCertificates to retrieve the set of certificates, which can be used to validate the token returned from the attestation service.

Normally, this information is not required as the attestation SDK will perform the validation as a part of the interaction with the attestation service, however the APIs are provided for completeness and to facilitate customer's independently validating attestation results.

auto validationCertificates = attestationClient.GetTokenValidationCertificates();
// Enumerate the signers.
for (const auto& signer : validationCertificates.Value.Signers)

Attest an SGX Enclave

Use the AttestSgxEnclave method to attest an SGX enclave.

Azure::Response<AttestationToken<AttestationResult>> const sgxResult
= attestationClient.AttestSgxEnclave(sgxEnclaveQuote);
std::cout << "SGX Quote MRSIGNER is: "
<< Convert::Base64Encode(*sgxResult.Value.Body.SgxMrSigner) << std::endl;
std::cout << "SGX Quote MRENCLAVE is: "
<< Convert::Base64Encode(*sgxResult.Value.Body.SgxMrEnclave) << std::endl;

Create an administrative client

All administrative clients are authenticated.

std::string endpoint = std::getenv("ATTESTATION_AAD_URL");
std::shared_ptr<Azure::Core::Credentials::TokenCredential> credential
= std::make_shared<Azure::Identity::ClientSecretCredential>(
std::getenv("AZURE_TENANT_ID"), std::getenv("AZURE_CLIENT_ID"), std::getenv("AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET"));
AttestationAdministrationClient adminClient(AttestationAdministrationClient::Create(m_endpoint, credential));

Retrieve current attestation policy for OpenEnclave

Use the GetAttestationPolicy API to retrieve the current attestation policy for a given TEE.

// Retrieve the SGX Attestation Policy from this attestation service instance.
Azure::Response<AttestationToken<std::string>> const sgxPolicy
= adminClient.GetAttestationPolicy(AttestationType::SgxEnclave);
std::cout << "SGX Attestation Policy is: " << sgxPolicy.Value.Body << std::endl;

Set unsigned attestation policy (AAD clients only)

When an attestation instance is in AAD mode, the caller can use a convenience method to set an unsigned attestation policy on the instance.

// Set the attestation policy on this attestation instance.
// Note that because this is an AAD mode instance, the caller does not need to sign the policy
// being set.
std::string const policyToSet(R"(version= 1.0;
[ type=="x-ms-sgx-is-debuggable", value==true ]&&
[ type=="x-ms-sgx-mrsigner", value=="mrsigner1"] => permit();
[ type=="x-ms-sgx-is-debuggable", value==true ]&&
[ type=="x-ms-sgx-mrsigner", value=="mrsigner2"] => permit();
Azure::Response<AttestationToken<PolicyResult>> const setResult
= adminClient.SetAttestationPolicy(AttestationType::SgxEnclave, policyToSet);
if (setResult.Value.Body.PolicyResolution == PolicyModification::Updated)
std::cout << "Attestation policy was updated." << std::endl;

Set signed attestation policy

For isolated mode attestation instances, the set or reset policy request must be signed using the key that is associated with the attestation signing certificates configured on the attestation instance.

Note that this snippet requires two additional environment variables, ISOLATED_SIGNING_KEY and ISOLATED_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE.

These are the signing key and certificate which were used when creating the attestation service instance.

std::string const signingKey(std::getenv("ISOLATED_SIGNING_KEY"));
std::string const signingCert(std::getenv("ISOLATED_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE"));
// The attestation APIs expect a PEM encoded key and certificate, so convert the Base64 key and
// certificate to PEM encoded equivalents.
std::string const pemSigningKey(::Cryptography::PemFromBase64(signingKey, "PRIVATE KEY"));
std::string const pemSigningCert(::Cryptography::PemFromBase64(signingCert, "CERTIFICATE"));
std::string const policyToSet(R"(version= 1.0;
[ type=="x-ms-sgx-is-debuggable", value==true ]&&
[ type=="x-ms-sgx-mrsigner", value=="mrsigner1"] => permit();
[ type=="x-ms-sgx-is-debuggable", value==true ]&&
[ type=="x-ms-sgx-mrsigner", value=="mrsigner2"] => permit();
// When setting attestation policy, use the signing key associated with the isolated instance.
SetPolicyOptions setOptions;
setOptions.SigningKey = AttestationSigningKey{pemSigningKey, pemSigningCert};
Azure::Response<AttestationToken<PolicyResult>> const setResult
= adminClient.SetAttestationPolicy(AttestationType::SgxEnclave, policyToSet, setOptions);
if (setResult.Value.Body.PolicyResolution == PolicyModification::Updated)
std::cout << "Attestation policy was updated." << std::endl;

List Isolated Mode signing certificates

When an attestation instance is in Isolated mode, the policy APIs need additional proof of authorization. This proof is provided via the AttestationSigningKey parameter passed into the set and reset policy APIs.

Each Isolated mode instance has a set of certificates, which determine whether a caller has the authority to set an attestation policy. When an attestation policy is set, the client presents a signed "token" to the service, which is signed by the key in the AttestationSigningKey. The signed token, including the certificate in the AttestationSigningKey is sent to the attestation service, which verifies that the token was signed with the private key corresponding to the public key in the token. The set or reset policy operation will only succeed if the certificate in the token is one of the policy management tokens. This interaction ensures that the client is in possession of the private key associated with one of the policy management certificates and is thus authorized to perform the operation.

// Retrieve the SGX Attestation Policy from this attestation service instance.
Azure::Response<AttestationToken<IsolatedModeCertificateListResult>> const policyCertificates
= adminClient.GetIsolatedModeCertificates();
std::cout << "There are " << policyCertificates.Value.Body.Certificates.size()
<< " certificates configured on this instance." << std::endl;

Add a new Isolated Mode signing certificate

Adds a new certificate to the set of policy management certificates. The request to add the policy management certificate must be signed with the private key associated with one of the existing policy management certificates (this ensures that the caller is authorized to update the set of policy certificates).

Note: Adding the same certificate twice is not considered an error - if the certificate is already present, the addition is ignored (this possibly surprising behavior is there because retries could cause the addition to be executed multiple times)

// The attestation APIs expect a PEM encoded key and certificate, so convert the Base64 key and
// certificate to PEM encoded equivalents.
std::string const pemSigningKey(::Cryptography::PemFromBase64(signingKey, "PRIVATE KEY"));
std::string const pemSigningCert(::Cryptography::PemFromBase64(signingCert, "CERTIFICATE"));
AttestationSigningKey const requestSigner{pemSigningKey, pemSigningCert};
// We start this sample by adding a new certificate to the set of policy management
// certificates.
// Create a PEM encoded X.509 certificate to add based on the POLICY_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE_0
// certificate.
std::string const certToAdd(GetEnvHelper::GetEnv("POLICY_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE_0"));
std::string const pemCertificateToAdd(
::Cryptography::PemFromBase64(certToAdd, "CERTIFICATE"));
// Add the new certificate to the set of policy management certificates for this attestation
// service instance.
Azure::Response<AttestationToken<IsolatedModeCertificateModificationResult>> const addResult
= adminClient.AddIsolatedModeCertificate(pemCertificateToAdd, requestSigner);
std::cout << "The result of the certificate add operation is: "
<< addResult.Value.Body.CertificateModification.ToString() << std::endl;

Remove Isolated Mode signing certificate

Removes a certificate from the set of policy management certificates. The request to remove the policy management certificate must be signed with the private key associated with one of the existing policy management certificates (this ensures that the caller is authorized to update the set of policy certificates).

Note: Removing a non-existent certificate is not considered an error - if the certificate is not present, the removal is ignored (this possibly surprising behavior is there because retries could cause the removal to be executed multiple times)

// Create a PEM encoded X.509 certificate to add based on the POLICY_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE_0
// certificate.
std::string const certToRemove(GetEnvHelper::GetEnv("POLICY_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE_0"));
std::string const pemCertificateToRemove(
::Cryptography::PemFromBase64(certToRemove, "CERTIFICATE"));
// Add the new certificate to the set of policy management certificates for this attestation
// service instance.
Azure::Response<AttestationToken<IsolatedModeCertificateModificationResult>> const addResult
= adminClient.RemoveIsolatedModeCertificate(pemCertificateToRemove, requestSigner);
std::cout << "The result of the certificate remove operation is: "
<< addResult.Value.Body.CertificateModification.ToString() << std::endl;


Troubleshooting information for the MAA service can be found here

Next steps

For more information about the Microsoft Azure Attestation service, please see our documentation page.


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Reporting security issues and security bugs

Security issues and bugs should be reported privately, via email, to the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) You should receive a response within 24 hours. If for some reason you do not, please follow up via email to ensure we received your original message. Further information, including the MSRC PGP key, can be found in the Security TechCenter.


Azure SDK for C++ is licensed under the MIT license.
