No Matches
Azure Tables client library for C++

Azure Data Tables is a NoSQL data storage service that can be accessed from anywhere in the world via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS. Tables scales as needed to support the amount of data inserted, and allows for the storing of data with non-complex accessing. The Azure Tables client can be used to access Azure Storage or Cosmos accounts.

Source code | API reference documentation

Getting started

The Azure Tables SDK can access an Azure Storage or CosmosDB account.


Create account

Create the client

The Azure Tables library allows you to interact with two types of resources:

  • the tables in your account
  • the entities within those tables. Interaction with these resources starts with an instance of a client. To create a client object, you will need the account's table service endpoint URL and a credential that allows you to access the account. The endpoint can be found on the page for your storage account in the [Azure Portal][azure_portal_account_url] under the "Access Keys" section or by running the following Azure CLI command:
# Log in to Azure CLI first, this opens a browser window
az login
# Get the table service URL for the account
az storage account show -n mystorageaccount -g MyResourceGroup --query "primaryEndpoints.table"

Key concepts

Common uses of the table service include:

  • Storing TBs of structured data capable of serving web scale applications
  • Storing datasets that do not require complex joins, foreign keys, or stored procedures and can be de-normalized for fast access
  • Quickly querying data using a clustered index
  • Accessing data using the OData protocol filter expressions

The following components make up the Azure Tables Service:

  • The account
  • A table within the account, which contains a set of entities
  • An entity within a table, as a dictionary

The Azure Tables client library for C++ allows you to interact with each of these components through the use of a dedicated client object.


Two different clients are provided to interact with the various components of the Table Service:

  1. **TableClient** -
    • Interacts with a specific table (which need not exist yet).
    • Create, delete, query, and upsert entities within the specified table.
    • Submit transactional batch operations.
  2. **TableServiceClient** -
    • Get and set account settings
    • Query tables within the account.
    • Create or delete the specified table.


Entities are similar to rows. An entity has a set of properties, including a **PartitionKey** and **RowKey** which form the primary key of the entity. A property is a name value pair, similar to a column. Every entity in a table does not need to have the same properties.


The following sections provide several code snippets covering some of the most common Table tasks, including:

Creating and deleting a table

In order to Create/Delete a table we need to create a TablesClient first.

#include <azure/data/tables.hpp>
using namespace Azure::Data::Tables;
const std::string TableName = "sample1";
auto tableServiceClient = TableServiceClient::CreateFromConnectionString(GetConnectionString());
// create new table
static TableServiceClient CreateFromConnectionString(const std::string &connectionString, const TableClientOptions &options={})
Initializes a new instance of tableClient.
Definition tables_clients.cpp:154

In order to Delete a table we need to call the delete method on the previously created client.

// delete existing table

Manipulating entities

In order to Create/Update/Merge/Delete entities we need to create a TablesClient first.

#include <azure/data/tables.hpp>
using namespace Azure::Data::Tables;
const std::string TableName = "sample1";
auto tableClient = TableClient::CreateFromConnectionString(..., TableName);
static TableClient CreateFromConnectionString(const std::string &connectionString, const std::string &tableName, const TableClientOptions &options={})
Initializes a new instance of tableClient.
Definition tables_clients.cpp:430

Then we initialize and populate an entity.

// init new entity
Models::TableEntity entity;
entity.Properties["Name"] = TableEntityProperty("Azure");
entity.Properties["Product"] = TableEntityProperty("Tables");

To create the entity on the server we call the CreateEntity method on the table client.


To update the entity, assume we made some changes to the entity, we call the UpdateEntity method on the table client.


To merge the entity, assume we made some changes to the entity, we call the MergeEntity method on the table client.


To delete the entity, we call the DeleteEntity method on the table client.


Table Service Operations

In order to get the service properties we need to create a TableServiceClient first.

#include <azure/data/tables.hpp>
using namespace Azure::Data::Tables;
auto tableServiceClient = TableServiceClient::CreateFromConnectionString(...);

To get the service properties we call the GetProperties method on the table service client.

auto properties = tableServiceClient.GetProperties();

To list the tables in the account we call the ListTables method on the table service client.

auto tables = tableServiceClient.ListTables();

To get the statistics of the account we call the GetStatistics method on the table service client.

auto statistics = tableServiceClient.GetStatistics();

Table Transactions Success

In order to get the service properties we need to create a TableServiceClient first.

#include <azure/data/tables.hpp>
using namespace Azure::Data::Tables;
auto tableServiceClient = TableServiceClient::CreateFromConnectionString(...);

We create a table on which we run the transaction and get a table client.

// create table
// get table client from table service client
auto tableClient = tableServiceClient.GetTableClient(TableName);

N.B. Here we are obtaining the table client from the table service client using the credentials that were passed to the table service client.

We initialize and populate the entities.

Models::TableEntity entity1;
entity1.PartitionKey = "P1";
entity1.RowKey = "R1";
entity1.Properties["Name"] = "Azure";
entity1.Properties["Product"] = "Tables";
Models::TableEntity entity2;
entity2.PartitionKey = "P2";
entity2.RowKey = "R2";
entity2.Properties["Name"] = "Azure";
entity2.Properties["Product"] = "Tables";

We create a transaction batch and add the operations to the transaction.

// Create a transaction with two steps
std::vector<TransactionStep> steps;
steps.emplace_back(TransactionStep{TransactionActionType::Add, entity});
steps.emplace_back(TransactionStep{TransactionActionType::Add, entity2});

We then submit the transaction and check the response.

// Check the response
if (!response.Value.Error.HasValue())
std::cout << "Transaction completed successfully." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Transaction failed with error: " << response.Value.Error.Value().Message
<< std::endl;

The output of this sample is:

Transaction completed successfully.

Table Transactions Error

The difference from the previous example is that we are trying to add two entities with the same PartitionKey and RowKey.

// Create two table entities
TableEntity entity;
TableEntity entity2;

The rest of the steps are the same as in the previous example.

The output of the sample contains the error message:

Transaction failed with error: 1:The batch request contains multiple changes with same row key. An entity can appear only once in a batch request.


See the C++ Contributing Guide for details on building, testing, and contributing to these libraries.

See the Storage Testing Guide for how to set up storage resources running unit tests.

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