Public Attributes | List of all members
Azure::Core::Http::Policies::TransportOptions Struct Referencefinal

HTTP transport options parameterize the HTTP transport adapter being used.

#include <policy.hpp>

Public Attributes

Azure::Nullable< std::string > HttpProxy {}
 The URL for the proxy server to use for this connection. More...
Azure::Nullable< std::string > ProxyUserName {}
 The username to use when authenticating with the proxy server. More...
Azure::Nullable< std::string > ProxyPassword {}
 The password to use when authenticating with the proxy server. More...
bool EnableCertificateRevocationListCheck {false}
 Enable TLS Certificate validation against a certificate revocation list. More...
std::string ExpectedTlsRootCertificate {}
 Base64 encoded DER representation of an X.509 certificate expected in the certificate chain used in TLS connections. More...
std::shared_ptr< HttpTransportTransport
 Azure::Core::Http::HttpTransport that the transport policy will use to send and receive requests and responses over the wire. More...

Member Data Documentation

◆ EnableCertificateRevocationListCheck

bool Azure::Core::Http::Policies::TransportOptions::EnableCertificateRevocationListCheck {false}
Note that by default, CRL validation is disabled.
This field is only used if the customer has not specified a default transport adapter. If the customer has set a Transport adapter, this option is ignored.

◆ ExpectedTlsRootCertificate

std::string Azure::Core::Http::Policies::TransportOptions::ExpectedTlsRootCertificate {}
Note that with the schannel and sectransp crypto backends, setting the expected root certificate disables access to the system certificate store. This means that the expected root certificate is the only certificate that will be trusted.
This field is only used if the customer has not specified a default transport adapter. If the customer has set a Transport adapter, this option is ignored.

◆ HttpProxy

Azure::Nullable<std::string> Azure::Core::Http::Policies::TransportOptions::HttpProxy {}
If an empty string is specified, it instructs the transport to disable all proxies, including system proxies.
This field is only used if the customer has not specified a default transport adapter. If the customer has set a Transport adapter, this option is ignored.

◆ ProxyPassword

Azure::Nullable<std::string> Azure::Core::Http::Policies::TransportOptions::ProxyPassword {}
This field is only used if the customer has not specified a default transport adapter. If the customer has set a Transport adapter, this option is ignored.

◆ ProxyUserName

Azure::Nullable<std::string> Azure::Core::Http::Policies::TransportOptions::ProxyUserName {}
This field is only used if the customer has not specified a default transport adapter. If the customer has set a Transport adapter, this option is ignored.

◆ Transport

std::shared_ptr<HttpTransport> Azure::Core::Http::Policies::TransportOptions::Transport
When no option is set, the default transport adapter on non-Windows platforms is the libcurl transport adapter and WinHTTP transport adapter on Windows.
When using a custom transport adapter, the implementation for AzureSdkGetCustomHttpTransport() must be linked in the end-user application.
If the caller specifies a value for Transport, then all the other options in TransportOptions will be ignored, since the caller will have already configured the transport.

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