core Directory Reference



file  azure_assert.hpp [code]
 Provide assert macros to use with pre-conditions.
file  base64.hpp [code]
 Utility functions to help convert between binary data and UTF-8 encoded text that is represented in Base64.
file  case_insensitive_containers.hpp [code]
 A map<string, string> with case-insensitive key comparison.
file  context.hpp [code]
 Context for canceling long running operations.
file  datetime.hpp [code]
 Support for date and time standardized string formats.
file  dll_import_export.hpp [code]
 DLL export macro.
file  etag.hpp [code]
 Define ETag.
file  exception.hpp [code]
 Define RequestFailedException. It is used by HTTP exceptions.
file  match_conditions.hpp [code]
 Define MatchConditions.
file  modified_conditions.hpp [code]
 Define ModifiedConditions.
file  nullable.hpp [code]
 Manages an optional contained value, i.e. a value that may or may not be present.
file  operation.hpp [code]
 Provides support for long-running operations.
file  operation_status.hpp [code]
 Valid states for long-running Operations. Services can extend upon the default set of values.
file  paged_response.hpp [code]
 Responses of paginated collections from the service.
file  platform.hpp [code]
 Platform-specific macros.
file  response.hpp [code]
 Wraps the raw HTTP response from a request made to the service into a response of a specific type.
file  rtti.hpp [code]
 Run-time type info enable or disable.
file  url.hpp [code]
 Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
file  uuid.hpp [code]
 Universally unique identifier.