Source code for azure.servicebus.common.mixins

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

import datetime
import uuid
import requests
    from urlparse import urlparse
    from urllib import unquote_plus
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    from urllib.parse import unquote_plus

from uamqp import Source

import azure.common
import azure.servicebus
from azure.servicebus.common.constants import (
from azure.servicebus.common.utils import parse_conn_str, build_uri
from azure.servicebus.common.errors import (
from azure.servicebus.control_client import ServiceBusService
from azure.servicebus.control_client.models import AzureServiceBusResourceNotFound, Queue, Subscription, Topic

[docs]class ServiceBusMixin(object): def _get_host(self): return "sb://" + self.service_namespace + self.host_base
[docs] def create_queue( self, queue_name, lock_duration=30, max_size_in_megabytes=None, requires_duplicate_detection=False, requires_session=False, default_message_time_to_live=None, dead_lettering_on_message_expiration=False, duplicate_detection_history_time_window=None, max_delivery_count=None, enable_batched_operations=None): """Create a queue entity. :param queue_name: The name of the new queue. :type queue_name: str :param lock_duration: The lock durection in seconds for each message in the queue. :type lock_duration: int :param max_size_in_megabytes: The max size to allow the queue to grow to. :type max_size_in_megabytes: int :param requires_duplicate_detection: Whether the queue will require every message with a specified time frame to have a unique ID. Non-unique messages will be discarded. Default value is False. :type requires_duplicate_detection: bool :param requires_session: Whether the queue will be sessionful, and therefore require all message to have a Session ID and be received by a sessionful receiver. Default value is False. :type requires_session: bool :param default_message_time_to_live: The length of time a message will remain in the queue before it is either discarded or moved to the dead letter queue. :type default_message_time_to_live: ~datetime.timedelta :param dead_lettering_on_message_expiration: Whether to move expired messages to the dead letter queue. Default value is False. :type dead_lettering_on_message_expiration: bool :param duplicate_detection_history_time_window: The period within which all incoming messages must have a unique message ID. :type duplicate_detection_history_time_window: ~datetime.timedelta :param max_delivery_count: The maximum number of times a message will attempt to be delivered before it is moved to the dead letter queue. :type max_delivery_count: int :param enable_batched_operations: :type: enable_batched_operations: bool :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namespace is not found. :raises: ~azure.common.AzureConflictHttpError if a queue of the same name already exists. """ queue_properties = Queue( lock_duration="PT{}S".format(int(lock_duration)), max_size_in_megabytes=max_size_in_megabytes, requires_duplicate_detection=requires_duplicate_detection, requires_session=requires_session, default_message_time_to_live=default_message_time_to_live, dead_lettering_on_message_expiration=dead_lettering_on_message_expiration, duplicate_detection_history_time_window=duplicate_detection_history_time_window, max_delivery_count=max_delivery_count, enable_batched_operations=enable_batched_operations) try: return self.mgmt_client.create_queue(queue_name, queue=queue_properties, fail_on_exist=True) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e)
[docs] def delete_queue(self, queue_name, fail_not_exist=False): """Delete a queue entity. :param queue_name: The name of the queue to delete. :type queue_name: str :param fail_not_exist: Whether to raise an exception if the named queue is not found. If set to True, a ServiceBusResourceNotFound will be raised. Default value is False. :type fail_not_exist: bool :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namesapce is not found. :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusResourceNotFound if the queue is not found and `fail_not_exist` is set to True. """ try: return self.mgmt_client.delete_queue(queue_name, fail_not_exist=fail_not_exist) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e) except azure.common.AzureMissingResourceHttpError as e: raise ServiceBusResourceNotFound("Specificed queue '{}' does not exist.".format(queue_name), e)
[docs] def create_topic( self, topic_name, default_message_time_to_live=None, max_size_in_megabytes=None, requires_duplicate_detection=None, duplicate_detection_history_time_window=None, enable_batched_operations=None): """Create a topic entity. :param topic_name: The name of the new topic. :type topic_name: str :param max_size_in_megabytes: The max size to allow the topic to grow to. :type max_size_in_megabytes: int :param requires_duplicate_detection: Whether the topic will require every message with a specified time frame to have a unique ID. Non-unique messages will be discarded. Default value is False. :type requires_duplicate_detection: bool :param default_message_time_to_live: The length of time a message will remain in the topic before it is either discarded or moved to the dead letter queue. :type default_message_time_to_live: ~datetime.timedelta :param duplicate_detection_history_time_window: The period within which all incoming messages must have a unique message ID. :type duplicate_detection_history_time_window: ~datetime.timedelta :param enable_batched_operations: :type: enable_batched_operations: bool :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namespace is not found. :raises: ~azure.common.AzureConflictHttpError if a topic of the same name already exists. """ topic_properties = Topic( max_size_in_megabytes=max_size_in_megabytes, requires_duplicate_detection=requires_duplicate_detection, default_message_time_to_live=default_message_time_to_live, duplicate_detection_history_time_window=duplicate_detection_history_time_window, enable_batched_operations=enable_batched_operations) try: return self.mgmt_client.create_topic(topic_name, topic=topic_properties, fail_on_exist=True) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e)
[docs] def delete_topic(self, topic_name, fail_not_exist=False): """Delete a topic entity. :param topic_name: The name of the topic to delete. :type topic_name: str :param fail_not_exist: Whether to raise an exception if the named topic is not found. If set to True, a ServiceBusResourceNotFound will be raised. Default value is False. :type fail_not_exist: bool :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namesapce is not found. :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusResourceNotFound if the topic is not found and `fail_not_exist` is set to True. """ try: return self.mgmt_client.delete_topic(topic_name, fail_not_exist=fail_not_exist) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e) except azure.common.AzureMissingResourceHttpError as e: raise ServiceBusResourceNotFound("Specificed queue does not exist.", e)
[docs] def create_subscription( self, topic_name, subscription_name, lock_duration=30, requires_session=None, default_message_time_to_live=None, dead_lettering_on_message_expiration=None, dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions=None, enable_batched_operations=None, max_delivery_count=None): """Create a subscription entity. :param topic_name: The name of the topic under which to create the subscription. :param subscription_name: The name of the new subscription. :type subscription_name: str :param lock_duration: The lock durection in seconds for each message in the subscription. :type lock_duration: int :param requires_session: Whether the subscription will be sessionful, and therefore require all message to have a Session ID and be received by a sessionful receiver. Default value is False. :type requires_session: bool :param default_message_time_to_live: The length of time a message will remain in the subscription before it is either discarded or moved to the dead letter queue. :type default_message_time_to_live: ~datetime.timedelta :param dead_lettering_on_message_expiration: Whether to move expired messages to the dead letter queue. Default value is False. :type dead_lettering_on_message_expiration: bool :param dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions: Whether to move messages that error on filtering into the dead letter queue. Default is False, and the messages will be discarded. :type dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions: bool :param max_delivery_count: The maximum number of times a message will attempt to be delivered before it is moved to the dead letter queue. :type max_delivery_count: int :param enable_batched_operations: :type: enable_batched_operations: bool :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namespace is not found. :raises: ~azure.common.AzureConflictHttpError if a queue of the same name already exists. """ sub_properties = Subscription( lock_duration="PT{}S".format(int(lock_duration)), requires_session=requires_session, default_message_time_to_live=default_message_time_to_live, dead_lettering_on_message_expiration=dead_lettering_on_message_expiration, dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions=dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions, max_delivery_count=max_delivery_count, enable_batched_operations=enable_batched_operations) try: return self.mgmt_client.create_subscription( topic_name, subscription_name, subscription=sub_properties, fail_on_exist=True) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e)
[docs] def delete_subscription(self, topic_name, subscription_name, fail_not_exist=False): """Delete a subscription entity. :param topic_name: The name of the topic where the subscription is. :type topic_name: str :param subscription_name: The name of the subscription to delete. :type subscription_name: str :param fail_not_exist: Whether to raise an exception if the named subscription or topic is not found. If set to True, a ServiceBusResourceNotFound will be raised. Default value is False. :type fail_not_exist: bool :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namesapce is not found. :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusResourceNotFound if the entity is not found and `fail_not_exist` is set to True. """ try: return self.mgmt_client.delete_subscription( topic_name, subscription_name, fail_not_exist=fail_not_exist) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e) except azure.common.AzureMissingResourceHttpError as e: raise ServiceBusResourceNotFound("Specificed queue does not exist.", e)
[docs]class BaseClient(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, address, name, shared_access_key_name=None, shared_access_key_value=None, debug=False, **kwargs): """Construct a new Client to interact with the named Service Bus entity. :param address: The full URI of the Service Bus namespace. This can optionally include URL-encoded access name and key. :type address: str :param name: The name of the entity to which the Client will connect. :type name: str :param shared_access_key_name: The name of the shared access policy. This must be supplied if not encoded into the address. :type shared_access_key_name: str :param shared_access_key_value: The shared access key. This must be supplied if not encoded into the address. :type shared_access_key_value: str :param debug: Whether to output network trace logs to the logger. Default is `False`. :type debug: bool """ self.container_id = "servicebus.pysdk-" + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] self.address = urlparse(address) = name self.debug = debug self.encoding = 'UTF-8' self.connection = None self.entity = kwargs.get('validated_entity') = dict(self.entity) if self.entity else {} self.requires_session ='requires_session', False) namespace, _, host_base = self.address.hostname.partition('.') url_username = unquote_plus(self.address.username) if self.address.username else None shared_access_key_name = shared_access_key_name or url_username url_password = unquote_plus(self.address.password) if self.address.password else None shared_access_key_value = shared_access_key_value or url_password if not shared_access_key_name or not shared_access_key_value: raise ValueError("Missing shared access key name and/or value.") self.entity_uri = "amqps://{}{}".format(self.address.hostname, self.address.path) self.auth_config = { 'uri': "sb://{}{}".format(self.address.hostname, self.address.path), 'key_name': shared_access_key_name, 'shared_access_key': shared_access_key_value} self.mgmt_client = kwargs.get('mgmt_client') or ServiceBusService( service_namespace=namespace, shared_access_key_name=shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value=shared_access_key_value, host_base="." + host_base)
[docs] @classmethod def from_entity(cls, address, entity, **kwargs): client = cls( address + "/" +,, validated_entity=entity, **kwargs) return client
[docs] @classmethod def from_connection_string(cls, conn_str, name=None, **kwargs): """Create a Client from a Service Bus connection string. :param conn_str: The connection string. :type conn_str: str :param name: The name of the entity, if the 'EntityName' property is not included in the connection string. """ address, policy, key, entity = parse_conn_str(conn_str) entity = name or entity address = build_uri(address, entity) name = address.split('/')[-1] return cls(address, name, shared_access_key_name=policy, shared_access_key_value=key, **kwargs)
def _get_entity(self): raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by child class.")
[docs] def get_properties(self): """Perform an operation to update the properties of the entity. :returns: The properties of the entity as a dictionary. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusResourceNotFound if the entity does not exist. :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the endpoint cannot be reached. :raises: ~azure.common.AzureHTTPError if the credentials are invalid. """ try: self.entity = self._get_entity() = dict(self.entity) if hasattr(self.entity, 'requires_session'): self.requires_session = self.entity.requires_session return except AzureServiceBusResourceNotFound: raise ServiceBusResourceNotFound("Specificed queue does not exist.") except azure.common.AzureHttpError: self.entity = None = {} self.requires_session = False except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace not found", e)
[docs]class SessionMixin(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def _get_source(self): source = Source(self.endpoint) session_filter = None if self.session_filter == NEXT_AVAILABLE else self.session_filter source.set_filter(session_filter, name=SESSION_FILTER, descriptor=None) return source def _on_attach(self, source, target, properties, error): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if str(source) == self.endpoint: self.session_start = expiry_in_seconds = properties.get(SESSION_LOCKED_UNTIL) if expiry_in_seconds: expiry_in_seconds = (expiry_in_seconds - DATETIMEOFFSET_EPOCH)/10000000 self.locked_until = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(expiry_in_seconds) session_filter = source.get_filter(name=SESSION_FILTER) self.session_id = session_filter.decode(self.encoding) @property def expired(self): """Whether the receivers lock on a particular session has expired. :rtype: bool """ if self.locked_until and self.locked_until <= return True return False
[docs]class SenderMixin(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def _build_schedule_request(self, schedule_time, *messages): request_body = {'messages': []} for message in messages: message.schedule(schedule_time) if self.session_id and not = self.session_id message_data = {} message_data['message-id'] = if message_data['session-id'] = if message.partition_key: message_data['partition-key'] = message.partition_key if message.via_partition_key: message_data['via-partition-key'] = message.via_partition_key message_data['message'] = bytearray(message.message.encode_message()) request_body['messages'].append(message_data) return request_body
[docs] def queue_message(self, message): """Queue a message to be sent later. This operation should be followed up with send_pending_messages. :param message: The message to be sent. :type message: ~azure.servicebus.common.message.Message Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ :start-after: [START queue_and_send_messages] :end-before: [END queue_and_send_messages] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Send the queued messages :name: sender_queue """ if not self.running: if self.session_id and not = self.session_id self._handler.queue_message(message.message)