Source code for azure.servicebus.aio.async_client

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

import uuid
import datetime
import functools
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import requests
from uamqp import types

from azure.servicebus.common import mgmt_handlers, mixins
from azure.servicebus.aio.async_base_handler import BaseHandler
from azure.servicebus.aio.async_send_handler import Sender, SessionSender
from azure.servicebus.aio.async_receive_handler import Receiver, SessionReceiver
from azure.servicebus.aio.async_message import Message, DeferredMessage
from azure.servicebus.control_client import ServiceBusService, SERVICE_BUS_HOST_BASE, DEFAULT_HTTP_TIMEOUT
from azure.servicebus.control_client.models import AzureServiceBusResourceNotFound
from azure.servicebus.common.utils import parse_conn_str, build_uri, get_running_loop
from azure.servicebus.common.errors import ServiceBusConnectionError, ServiceBusResourceNotFound
from azure.servicebus.common.constants import (

[docs]class ServiceBusClient(mixins.ServiceBusMixin): """A Service Bus client for a namespace with the specified SAS authentication settings. :param str service_namespace: Service Bus namespace, required for all operations. :param str host_base: Optional. Live host base URL. Defaults to Azure URL. :param str shared_access_key_name: SAS authentication key name. :param str shared_access_key_value: SAS authentication key value. :param loop: An async event loop. :param int http_request_timeout: Optional. Timeout for the HTTP request, in seconds. :param http_request_session: Optional. Session object to use for HTTP requests. :param bool debug: Whether to output AMQP network trace to the logger. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START create_async_servicebus_client] :end-before: [END create_async_servicebus_client] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Create a ServiceBusClient. """ def __init__(self, *, service_namespace=None, host_base=SERVICE_BUS_HOST_BASE, shared_access_key_name=None, shared_access_key_value=None, loop=None, http_request_timeout=DEFAULT_HTTP_TIMEOUT, http_request_session=None, debug=False): self.loop = loop or get_running_loop() self.service_namespace = service_namespace self.host_base = host_base self.shared_access_key_name = shared_access_key_name self.shared_access_key_value = shared_access_key_value self.debug = debug self.mgmt_client = ServiceBusService( service_namespace=service_namespace, host_base=host_base, shared_access_key_name=shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value=shared_access_key_value, timeout=http_request_timeout, request_session=http_request_session)
[docs] @classmethod def from_connection_string(cls, conn_str, *, loop=None, **kwargs): """Create a Service Bus client from a connection string. :param conn_str: The connection string. :type conn_str: str Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START create_async_servicebus_client_connstr] :end-before: [END create_async_servicebus_client_connstr] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Create a ServiceBusClient via a connection string. """ address, policy, key, _ = parse_conn_str(conn_str) parsed_namespace = urlparse(address) namespace, _, base = parsed_namespace.hostname.partition('.') return cls( service_namespace=namespace, shared_access_key_name=policy, shared_access_key_value=key, host_base='.' + base, loop=loop, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_queue(self, queue_name): """Get an async client for a queue entity. :param queue_name: The name of the queue. :type queue_name: str :rtype: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_client.QueueClient :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namespace is not found. :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusResourceNotFound if the queue is not found. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START get_async_queue_client] :end-before: [END get_async_queue_client] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Get a QueueClient for the specified queue. """ try: queue = self.mgmt_client.get_queue(queue_name) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e) except AzureServiceBusResourceNotFound: raise ServiceBusResourceNotFound("Specificed queue does not exist.") return QueueClient.from_entity( self._get_host(), queue, shared_access_key_name=self.shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value=self.shared_access_key_value, mgmt_client=self.mgmt_client, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug)
[docs] def list_queues(self): """Get async clients for all queue entities in the namespace. :rtype: list[~azure.servicebus.aio.async_client.QueueClient] :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namespace is not found. """ try: queues = self.mgmt_client.list_queues() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e) queue_clients = [] for queue in queues: queue_clients.append(QueueClient.from_entity( self._get_host(), queue, shared_access_key_name=self.shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value=self.shared_access_key_value, mgmt_client=self.mgmt_client, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug)) return queue_clients
[docs] def get_topic(self, topic_name): """Get an async client for a topic entity. :param topic_name: The name of the topic. :type topic_name: str :rtype: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_client.TopicClient :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namespace is not found. :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusResourceNotFound if the topic is not found. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START get_async_topic_client] :end-before: [END get_async_topic_client] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Get a TopicClient for the specified topic. """ try: topic = self.mgmt_client.get_topic(topic_name) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e) except AzureServiceBusResourceNotFound: raise ServiceBusResourceNotFound("Specificed topic does not exist.") return TopicClient.from_entity( self._get_host(), topic, shared_access_key_name=self.shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value=self.shared_access_key_value, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug)
[docs] def list_topics(self): """Get an async client for all topic entities in the namespace. :rtype: list[~azure.servicebus.aio.async_client.TopicClient] :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namespace is not found. """ try: topics = self.mgmt_client.list_topics() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e) topic_clients = [] for topic in topics: topic_clients.append(TopicClient.from_entity( self._get_host(), topic, shared_access_key_name=self.shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value=self.shared_access_key_value, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug)) return topic_clients
[docs] def get_subscription(self, topic_name, subscription_name): """Get an async client for a subscription entity. :param topic_name: The name of the topic. :type topic_name: str :param subscription_name: The name of the subscription. :type subscription_name: str :rtype: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_client.SubscriptionClient :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namespace is not found. :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusResourceNotFound if the subscription is not found. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START get_async_subscription_client] :end-before: [END get_async_subscription_client] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Get a TopicClient for the specified topic. """ try: subscription = self.mgmt_client.get_subscription(topic_name, subscription_name) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e) except AzureServiceBusResourceNotFound: raise ServiceBusResourceNotFound("Specificed subscription does not exist.") return SubscriptionClient.from_entity( self._get_host(), topic_name, subscription, shared_access_key_name=self.shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value=self.shared_access_key_value, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug)
[docs] def list_subscriptions(self, topic_name): """Get an async client for all subscription entities in the topic. :param topic_name: The topic to list subscriptions for. :type topic_name: str :rtype: list[~azure.servicebus.aio.async_client.SubscriptionClient] :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusConnectionError if the namespace is not found. :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.ServiceBusResourceNotFound if the topic is not found. """ try: subs = self.mgmt_client.list_subscriptions(topic_name) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ServiceBusConnectionError("Namespace: {} not found".format(self.service_namespace), e) except AzureServiceBusResourceNotFound: raise ServiceBusResourceNotFound("Specificed topic does not exist.") sub_clients = [] for sub in subs: sub_clients.append(SubscriptionClient.from_entity( self._get_host(), topic_name, sub, shared_access_key_name=self.shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value=self.shared_access_key_value, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug)) return sub_clients
[docs]class SendClientMixin:
[docs] async def send(self, messages, message_timeout=0, session=None, **kwargs): """Send one or more messages to the current entity. This operation will open a single-use connection, send the supplied messages, and close connection. If the entity requires sessions, a session ID must be either provided here, or set on each outgoing message. :param messages: One or more messages to be sent. :type messages: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_message.Message or list[~azure.servicebus.aio.async_message.Message] :param message_timeout: The period in seconds during which the Message must be sent. If the send is not completed in this time it will return a failure result. :type message_timeout: int :param session: An optional session ID. If supplied this session ID will be applied to every outgoing message sent with this Sender. If an individual message already has a session ID, that will be used instead. If no session ID is supplied here, nor set on an outgoing message, a ValueError will be raised if the entity is sessionful. :type session: str or ~uuid.Guid :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.MessageSendFailed :returns: A list of the send results of all the messages. Each send result is a tuple with two values. The first is a boolean, indicating `True` if the message sent, or `False` if it failed. The second is an error if the message failed, otherwise it will be `None`. :rtype: list[tuple[bool, ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.MessageSendFailed]] Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START queue_client_send] :end-before: [END queue_client_send] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Send a single message. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START queue_client_send_multiple] :end-before: [END queue_client_send_multiple] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Send multiple messages. """ async with self.get_sender(message_timeout=message_timeout, session=session, **kwargs) as sender: if isinstance(messages, Message): sender.queue_message(messages) else: try: messages = list(messages) except TypeError: raise TypeError( "Value of messages must be a 'Message' object or a synchronous iterable of 'Message' objects.") for m in messages: if not isinstance(m, Message): raise TypeError("Item in iterator is not of type 'Message'.") sender.queue_message(m) return await sender.send_pending_messages()
[docs] def get_sender(self, message_timeout=0, session=None, **kwargs): """Get a Sender for the Service Bus endpoint. A Sender represents a single open connection within which multiple send operations can be made. :param message_timeout: The period in seconds during which messages sent with this Sender must be sent. If the send is not completed in this time it will fail. :type message_timeout: int :param session: An optional session ID. If supplied this session ID will be applied to every outgoing message sent with this Sender. If an individual message already has a session ID, that will be used instead. If no session ID is supplied here, nor set on an outgoing message, a ValueError will be raised if the entity is sessionful. :type session: str or ~uuid.Guid :returns: A Sender instance with an unopened connection. :rtype: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_send_handler.Sender Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START open_close_sender_context] :end-before: [END open_close_sender_context] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Send multiple messages with a Sender. """ handler_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if self.entity and self.requires_session: return SessionSender( handler_id, self.entity_uri, self.auth_config, session=session, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug, msg_timeout=message_timeout, **kwargs) return Sender( handler_id, self.entity_uri, self.auth_config, session=session, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug, msg_timeout=message_timeout, **kwargs)
[docs]class ReceiveClientMixin:
[docs] async def peek(self, count=1, start_from=0, session=None, **kwargs): """Browse messages currently pending in the queue. Peeked messages are not removed from queue, nor are they locked. They cannot be completed, deferred or dead-lettered. :param count: The maximum number of messages to try and peek. The default value is 1. :type count: int :param start_from: A message sequence number from which to start browsing messages. :type start_from: int :param session: If the entity requires sessions, a session ID must be supplied in order that only messages from that session will be browsed. If the entity does not require sessions this value will be ignored. :type session: str :rtype: list[~azure.servicebus.common.message.PeekMessage] Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START client_peek_messages] :end-before: [END client_peek_messages] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Peek messages in the queue. """ message = { 'from-sequence-number': types.AMQPLong(start_from), 'message-count': int(count)} if self.entity and self.requires_session: if not session: raise ValueError("Sessions are required, please set session.") message['session-id'] = session async with BaseHandler( self.entity_uri, self.auth_config, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug, **kwargs) as handler: return await handler._mgmt_request_response( # pylint: disable=protected-access REQUEST_RESPONSE_PEEK_OPERATION, message, mgmt_handlers.peek_op)
[docs] async def receive_deferred_messages(self, sequence_numbers, mode=ReceiveSettleMode.PeekLock, **kwargs): """Receive messages that have previously been deferred. When receiving deferred messages from a partitioned entity, all of the supplied sequence numbers must be messages from the same partition. :param sequence_numbers: A list of the sequence numbers of messages that have been deferred. :type sequence_numbers: list[int] :param mode: The mode with which messages will be retrieved from the entity. The two options are PeekLock and ReceiveAndDelete. Messages received with PeekLock must be settled within a given lock period before they will be removed from the queue. Messages received with ReceiveAndDelete will be immediately removed from the queue, and cannot be subsequently rejected or re-received if the client fails to process the message. The default mode is PeekLock. :type mode: ~azure.servicebus.common.constants.ReceiveSettleMode :rtype: list[~azure.servicebus.aio.async_message.DeferredMessage] Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START client_defer_messages] :end-before: [END client_defer_messages] :language: python :dedent: 8 :caption: Defer messages, then retrieve them by sequence number. """ if (self.entity and self.requires_session) or kwargs.get('session'): raise ValueError("Sessionful deferred messages can only be received within a locked receive session.") if not sequence_numbers: raise ValueError("At least one sequence number must be specified.") try: receive_mode = mode.value.value except AttributeError: receive_mode = int(mode) message = { 'sequence-numbers': types.AMQPArray([types.AMQPLong(s) for s in sequence_numbers]), 'receiver-settle-mode': types.AMQPuInt(receive_mode)} mgmt_handler = functools.partial( mgmt_handlers.deferred_message_op, mode=receive_mode, message_type=DeferredMessage) async with BaseHandler( self.entity_uri, self.auth_config, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug, **kwargs) as handler: return await handler._mgmt_request_response( # pylint: disable=protected-access REQUEST_RESPONSE_RECEIVE_BY_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, message, mgmt_handler)
[docs] async def settle_deferred_messages(self, settlement, messages, **kwargs): """Settle messages that have been previously deferred. :param settlement: How the messages are to be settled. This must be a string of one of the following values: 'completed', 'suspended', 'abandoned'. :type settlement: str :param messages: A list of deferred messages to be settled. :type messages: list[~azure.servicebus.aio.async_message.DeferredMessage] Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START client_settle_deferred_messages] :end-before: [END client_settle_deferred_messages] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Settle deferred messages. """ if (self.entity and self.requires_session) or kwargs.get('session'): raise ValueError("Sessionful deferred messages can only be settled within a locked receive session.") if settlement.lower() not in ['completed', 'suspended', 'abandoned']: raise ValueError("Settlement must be one of: 'completed', 'suspended', 'abandoned'") if not messages: raise ValueError("At least one message must be specified.") message = { 'disposition-status': settlement.lower(), 'lock-tokens': types.AMQPArray([m.lock_token for m in messages])} async with BaseHandler( self.entity_uri, self.auth_config, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug, **kwargs) as handler: return await handler._mgmt_request_response( # pylint: disable=protected-access REQUEST_RESPONSE_UPDATE_DISPOSTION_OPERATION, message, mgmt_handlers.default)
[docs] async def list_sessions(self, updated_since=None, max_results=100, skip=0, **kwargs): """List session IDs. List the IDs of sessions in the queue with pending messages and where the state of the session has been updated since the timestamp provided. If no timestamp is provided, all will be returned. If the state of a session has never been set, it will not be returned regardless of whether there are messages pending. :param updated_since: The UTC datetime from which to return updated pending session IDs. :type updated_since: ~datetime.datetime :param max_results: The maximum number of session IDs to return. Default value is 100. :type max_results: int :param skip: The page value to jump to. Default value is 0. :type skip: int :rtype: list[str] """ if self.entity and not self.requires_session: raise ValueError("This is not a sessionful entity.") message = { 'last-updated-time': updated_since or datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0), 'skip': types.AMQPInt(skip), 'top': types.AMQPInt(max_results), } async with BaseHandler( self.entity_uri, self.auth_config, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug, **kwargs) as handler: return await handler._mgmt_request_response( # pylint: disable=protected-access REQUEST_RESPONSE_GET_MESSAGE_SESSIONS_OPERATION, message, mgmt_handlers.list_sessions_op)
[docs] def get_receiver(self, session=None, prefetch=0, mode=ReceiveSettleMode.PeekLock, idle_timeout=0, **kwargs): """Get a Receiver for the Service Bus endpoint. A Receiver represents a single open connection with which multiple receive operations can be made. :param session: A specific session from which to receive. This must be specified for a sessionful entity, otherwise it must be None. In order to receive the next available session, set this to NEXT_AVAILABLE. :type session: str or ~azure.servicebus.common.constants.NEXT_AVAILABLE :param prefetch: The maximum number of messages to cache with each request to the service. The default value is 0, meaning messages will be received from the service and processed one at a time. Increasing this value will improve message throughput performance but increase the chance that messages will expire while they are cached if they're not processed fast enough. :type prefetch: int :param mode: The mode with which messages will be retrieved from the entity. The two options are PeekLock and ReceiveAndDelete. Messages received with PeekLock must be settled within a given lock period before they will be removed from the queue. Messages received with ReceiveAndDelete will be immediately removed from the queue, and cannot be subsequently rejected or re-received if the client fails to process the message. The default mode is PeekLock. :type mode: ~azure.servicebus.common.constants.ReceiveSettleMode :param idle_timeout: The timeout in seconds between received messages after which the receiver will automatically shutdown. The default value is 0, meaning no timeout. :type idle_timeout: int :returns: A Receiver instance with an unopened connection. :rtype: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_receive_handler.Receiver Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START open_close_receiver_context] :end-before: [END open_close_receiver_context] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Receive messages with a Receiver. """ if self.entity and not self.requires_session and session: raise ValueError("A session cannot be used with a non-sessionful entitiy.") if self.entity and self.requires_session and not session: raise ValueError("This entity requires a session.") if int(prefetch) < 0 or int(prefetch) > 50000: raise ValueError("Prefetch must be an integer between 0 and 50000 inclusive.") prefetch += 1 handler_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if session: return SessionReceiver( handler_id, self.entity_uri, self.auth_config, session=session, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug, timeout=int(idle_timeout * 1000), prefetch=prefetch, mode=mode, **kwargs) return Receiver( handler_id, self.entity_uri, self.auth_config, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug, timeout=int(idle_timeout * 1000), prefetch=prefetch, mode=mode, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_deadletter_receiver( self, transfer_deadletter=False, prefetch=0, mode=ReceiveSettleMode.PeekLock, idle_timeout=0, **kwargs): """Get a Receiver for the deadletter endpoint of the entity. A Receiver represents a single open connection with which multiple receive operations can be made. :param transfer_deadletter: Whether to connect to the transfer deadletter queue, or the standard deadletter queue. Default is False, using the standard deadletter endpoint. :type transfer_deadletter: bool :param prefetch: The maximum number of messages to cache with each request to the service. The default value is 0, meaning messages will be received from the service and processed one at a time. Increasing this value will improve message throughput performance but increase the change that messages will expire while they are cached if they're not processed fast enough. :type prefetch: int :param mode: The mode with which messages will be retrieved from the entity. The two options are PeekLock and ReceiveAndDelete. Messages received with PeekLock must be settled within a given lock period before they will be removed from the queue. Messages received with ReceiveAndDelete will be immediately removed from the queue, and cannot be subsequently rejected or re-received if the client fails to process the message. The default mode is PeekLock. :type mode: ~azure.servicebus.common.constants.ReceiveSettleMode :param idle_timeout: The timeout in seconds between received messages after which the receiver will automatically shutdown. The default value is 0, meaning no timeout. :type idle_timeout: int :returns: A Receiver instance with an unopened Connection. :rtype: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_receive_handler.Receiver Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START receiver_deadletter_messages] :end-before: [END receiver_deadletter_messages] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Receive dead-lettered messages. """ if int(prefetch) < 0 or int(prefetch) > 50000: raise ValueError("Prefetch must be an integer between 0 and 50000 inclusive.") prefetch += 1 handler_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if transfer_deadletter: entity_uri = self.mgmt_client.format_transfer_dead_letter_queue_name(self.entity_uri) else: entity_uri = self.mgmt_client.format_dead_letter_queue_name(self.entity_uri) return Receiver( handler_id, entity_uri, self.auth_config, loop=self.loop, debug=self.debug, timeout=int(idle_timeout * 1000), prefetch=prefetch, mode=mode, **kwargs)
[docs]class BaseClient(mixins.BaseClient): def __init__(self, address, name, *, shared_access_key_name=None, shared_access_key_value=None, loop=None, debug=False, **kwargs): self.loop = loop or get_running_loop() super(BaseClient, self).__init__( address, name, shared_access_key_name=shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value=shared_access_key_value, debug=debug, **kwargs) def _get_entity(self): raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by child class.")
[docs]class QueueClient(SendClientMixin, ReceiveClientMixin, BaseClient): """A queue client. The QueueClient class defines a high level interface for sending messages to and receiving messages from an Azure Service Bus queue. If you do not wish to perform management operations, a QueueClient can be instantiated directly to perform send and receive operations to a Queue. However if a QueueClient is created directly, a `get_properties` operation will need to be completed in order to retrieve the properties of this queue (for example, whether it is sessionful). :param address: The full URI of the Service Bus namespace. This can optionally include URL-encoded access name and key. :type address: str :param name: The name of the queue to which the Client will connect. :type name: str :param shared_access_key_name: The name of the shared access policy. This must be supplied if not encoded into the address. :type shared_access_key_name: str :param shared_access_key_value: The shared access key. This must be supplied if not encoded into the address. :type shared_access_key_value: str :param loop: An async event loop :type loop: ~asyncio.EventLoop :param debug: Whether to output network trace logs to the logger. Default is `False`. :type debug: bool Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START create_queue_client] :end-before: [END create_queue_client] :language: python :dedent: 8 :caption: Create a QueueClient. """ def _get_entity(self): return self.mgmt_client.get_queue(
[docs]class TopicClient(SendClientMixin, BaseClient): """A topic client. The TopicClient class defines a high level interface for sending messages to an Azure Service Bus Topic. If you do not wish to perform management operations, a TopicClient can be instantiated directly to perform send operations to a Topic. :param address: The full URI of the Service Bus namespace. This can optionally include URL-encoded access name and key. :type address: str :param name: The name of the topic to which the Client will connect. :type name: str :param shared_access_key_name: The name of the shared access policy. This must be supplied if not encoded into the address. :type shared_access_key_name: str :param shared_access_key_value: The shared access key. This must be supplied if not encoded into the address. :type shared_access_key_value: str :param loop: An async event loop :type loop: ~asyncio.EventLoop :param debug: Whether to output network trace logs to the logger. Default is `False`. :type debug: bool Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START create_topic_client] :end-before: [END create_topic_client] :language: python :dedent: 8 :caption: Create a TopicClient. """ def _get_entity(self): return self.mgmt_client.get_topic(
[docs]class SubscriptionClient(ReceiveClientMixin, BaseClient): """A subscription client. The SubscriptionClient class defines a high level interface for receiving messages to an Azure Service Bus Subscription. If you do not wish to perform management operations, a SubscriptionClient can be instantiated directly to perform receive operations from a Subscription. :param address: The full URI of the Service Bus namespace. This can optionally include URL-encoded access name and key. :type address: str :param name: The name of the topic to which the Client will connect. :type name: str :param shared_access_key_name: The name of the shared access policy. This must be supplied if not encoded into the address. :type shared_access_key_name: str :param shared_access_key_value: The shared access key. This must be supplied if not encoded into the address. :type shared_access_key_value: str :param loop: An async event loop :type loop: ~asyncio.EventLoop :param debug: Whether to output network trace logs to the logger. Default is `False`. :type debug: bool Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START create_sub_client] :end-before: [END create_sub_client] :language: python :dedent: 8 :caption: Create a SubscriptionClient. """ def __init__(self, address, name, *, shared_access_key_name=None, shared_access_key_value=None, loop=None, debug=False, **kwargs): super(SubscriptionClient, self).__init__( address, name, shared_access_key_name=shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value=shared_access_key_value, loop=loop, debug=debug, **kwargs) self.topic_name = self.address.path.split("/")[1]
[docs] @classmethod def from_connection_string(cls, conn_str, name, topic=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Create a SubscriptionClient from a connection string. :param conn_str: The connection string. :type conn_str: str :param name: The name of the Subscription. :type name: str :param topic: The name of the Topic, if the EntityName is not included in the connection string. :type topic: str """ address, policy, key, entity = parse_conn_str(conn_str) entity = topic or entity address = build_uri(address, entity) address += "/Subscriptions/" + name return cls(address, name, shared_access_key_name=policy, shared_access_key_value=key, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_entity(cls, address, topic, entity, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ client = cls( address + "/" + topic + "/Subscriptions/" +,, validated_entity=entity, **kwargs) return client
def _get_entity(self): return self.mgmt_client.get_subscription(self.topic_name,