Source code for azure.servicebus.aio.async_base_handler

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

import asyncio
import logging
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from uamqp import AMQPClientAsync
from uamqp.message import Message, MessageProperties
from uamqp import authentication
from uamqp import constants, errors

from azure.servicebus.common.utils import create_properties, get_running_loop
from azure.servicebus.common.errors import (

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseHandler: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, endpoint, auth_config, *, loop=None, connection=None, encoding='UTF-8', debug=False, **kwargs): self.loop = loop or get_running_loop() self.running = False self.error = None self.endpoint = endpoint self.entity = urlparse(endpoint).path.strip('/') self.mgmt_target = self.entity + "/$management" self.debug = debug self.encoding = encoding self.auth_config = auth_config self.connection = connection self.auto_reconnect = kwargs.pop('auto_reconnect', True) = create_properties() self.error_policy = kwargs.pop('error_policy', None) self.handler_kwargs = kwargs if not self.error_policy: max_retries = kwargs.pop('max_message_retries', 3) is_session = hasattr(self, 'session_id') self.error_policy = _ServiceBusErrorPolicy(max_retries=max_retries, is_session=is_session) self._handler = None self._build_handler() async def __aenter__(self): """Open the handler in a context manager.""" await return self async def __aexit__(self, *args): """Close the handler when exiting a context manager.""" await self.close() def _build_handler(self): auth = None if self.connection else authentication.SASTokenAsync.from_shared_access_key(**self.auth_config) self._handler = AMQPClientAsync( self.endpoint, loop=self.loop, auth=auth, debug=self.debug,, error_policy=self.error_policy, encoding=self.encoding, **self.handler_kwargs) async def _mgmt_request_response(self, operation, message, callback, **kwargs): if not self.running: raise InvalidHandlerState("Client connection is closed.") mgmt_msg = Message( body=message, properties=MessageProperties( reply_to=self.mgmt_target, encoding=self.encoding, **kwargs)) try: return await self._handler.mgmt_request_async( mgmt_msg, operation, op_type=b"entity-mgmt", node=self.mgmt_target.encode(self.encoding), timeout=5000, callback=callback) except Exception as exp: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise ServiceBusError("Management request failed: {}".format(exp), exp) async def _handle_exception(self, exception): if isinstance(exception, (errors.LinkDetach, errors.ConnectionClose)): if exception.action and exception.action.retry and self.auto_reconnect:"Async handler detached. Attempting reconnect.") await self.reconnect() elif exception.condition == constants.ErrorCodes.UnauthorizedAccess:"Async handler detached. Shutting down.") error = ServiceBusAuthorizationError(str(exception), exception) await self.close(exception=error) raise error else:"Async handler detached. Shutting down.") error = ServiceBusConnectionError(str(exception), exception) await self.close(exception=error) raise error elif isinstance(exception, errors.MessageHandlerError): if self.auto_reconnect:"Async handler error. Attempting reconnect.") await self.reconnect() else:"Async handler error. Shutting down.") error = ServiceBusConnectionError(str(exception), exception) await self.close(exception=error) raise error elif isinstance(exception, errors.AMQPConnectionError): message = "Failed to open handler: {}".format(exception) raise ServiceBusConnectionError(message, exception) else:"Unexpected error occurred (%r). Shutting down.", exception) error = ServiceBusError("Handler failed: {}".format(exception), exception) await self.close(exception=error) raise error
[docs] async def reconnect(self): """Reconnect the handler. If the handler was disconnected from the service with a retryable error - attempt to reconnect. This method will be called automatically for most retryable errors. """ await self._handler.close() self._build_handler() await
[docs] async def open(self): """Open handler connection and authenticate session. If the handler is already open, this operation will do nothing. A handler opened with this method must be explicitly closed. It is recommended to open a handler within a context manager as opposed to calling the method directly. .. note:: This operation is not thread-safe. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START open_close_sender_directly] :end-before: [END open_close_sender_directly] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Explicitly open and close a Sender. """ if self.running: return self.running = True try: await self._handler.open_async(connection=self.connection) while not await self._handler.client_ready_async(): await asyncio.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except try: await self._handle_exception(e) except: self.running = False raise
[docs] async def close(self, exception=None): """Close down the handler connection. If the handler has already closed, this operation will do nothing. An optional exception can be passed in to indicate that the handler was shutdown due to error. It is recommended to open a handler within a context manager as opposed to calling the method directly. .. note:: This operation is not thread-safe. :param exception: An optional exception if the handler is closing due to an error. :type exception: Exception Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/async_examples/ :start-after: [START open_close_sender_directly] :end-before: [END open_close_sender_directly] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Explicitly open and close a Sender. """ self.running = False if self.error: return if isinstance(exception, ServiceBusError): self.error = exception elif exception: self.error = ServiceBusError(str(exception)) else: self.error = ServiceBusError("This message handler is now closed.") await self._handler.close_async()