Azure Monitor Query client library for Python

The Azure Monitor Query client library is used to execute read-only queries against Azure Monitor‘s two data platforms:

  • Logs - Collects and organizes log and performance data from monitored resources. Data from different sources such as platform logs from Azure services, log and performance data from virtual machines agents, and usage and performance data from apps can be consolidated into a single Azure Log Analytics workspace. The various data types can be analyzed together using the Kusto Query Language.

  • Metrics - Collects numeric data from monitored resources into a time series database. Metrics are numerical values that are collected at regular intervals and describe some aspect of a system at a particular time. Metrics are lightweight and capable of supporting near real-time scenarios, making them particularly useful for alerting and fast detection of issues.



Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 is ending 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to

Getting started


Install the package

Install the Azure Monitor Query client library for Python with pip:

pip install azure-monitor-query

Create the client

An authenticated client is required to query Logs or Metrics. The library includes both synchronous and asynchronous forms of the clients. To authenticate, create an instance of a token credential. Use that instance when creating a LogsQueryClient or MetricsQueryClient. The following examples use DefaultAzureCredential from the azure-identity package.

Synchronous clients

Consider the following example, which creates synchronous clients for both Logs and Metrics querying:

from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.monitor.query import LogsQueryClient, MetricsQueryClient

credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
logs_client = LogsQueryClient(credential)
metrics_client = MetricsQueryClient(credential)

Asynchronous clients

The asynchronous forms of the query client APIs are found in the .aio-suffixed namespace. For example:

from azure.identity.aio import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.monitor.query.aio import LogsQueryClient, MetricsQueryClient

credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
async_logs_client = LogsQueryClient(credential)
async_metrics_client = MetricsQueryClient(credential)

Execute the query

For examples of Logs and Metrics queries, see the Examples section.

Key concepts

Logs query rate limits and throttling

The Log Analytics service applies throttling when the request rate is too high. Limits, such as the maximum number of rows returned, are also applied on the Kusto queries. For more information, see Rate and query limits.

If you’re executing a batch logs query, a throttled request will return a LogsQueryError object. That object’s code value will be ThrottledError.

Metrics data structure

Each set of metric values is a time series with the following characteristics:

  • The time the value was collected

  • The resource associated with the value

  • A namespace that acts like a category for the metric

  • A metric name

  • The value itself

  • Some metrics may have multiple dimensions as described in multi-dimensional metrics. Custom metrics can have up to 10 dimensions.


Logs query

This example shows getting a logs query. To handle the response and view it in a tabular form, the pandas library is used. See the samples if you choose not to use pandas.

Specify timespan

The timespan parameter specifies the time duration for which to query the data. This value can be one of the following:

  • a timedelta

  • a timedelta and a start datetime

  • a start datetime/end datetime

For example:

import os
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from azure.monitor.query import LogsQueryClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
client = LogsQueryClient(credential)

query = """AppRequests | take 5"""

start_time=datetime(2021, 7, 2, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
end_time=datetime(2021, 7, 4, tzinfo=timezone.utc)

    response = client.query_workspace(
        timespan=(start_time, end_time)
    if response.status == LogsQueryStatus.PARTIAL:
        error = response.partial_error
        data = response.partial_data
    elif response.status == LogsQueryStatus.SUCCESS:
        data = response.tables
    for table in data:
        df = pd.DataFrame(data=table.rows, columns=table.columns)
except HttpResponseError as err:
    print("something fatal happened")
    print (err)

Handle logs query response

The query_workspace API returns either a LogsQueryResult or a LogsQueryPartialResult object. The batch_query API returns a list that may contain LogsQueryResult, LogsQueryPartialResult, and LogsQueryError objects. Here’s a hierarchy of the response:

|---tables (list of `LogsTable` objects)

|---partial_error (a `LogsQueryError` object)
|---partial_data (list of `LogsTable` objects)

The LogsQueryResult directly iterates over the table as a convenience. For example, to handle a logs query response with tables and display it using pandas:

response = client.query(...)
for table in response:
    df = pd.DataFrame(table.rows, columns=[ for col in table.columns])

A full sample can be found here.

In a similar fashion, to handle a batch logs query response:

for result in response:
    if result.status == LogsQueryStatus.SUCCESS:
        for table in result:
            df = pd.DataFrame(table.rows, columns=table.columns)

A full sample can be found here.

Batch logs query

The following example demonstrates sending multiple queries at the same time using the batch query API. The queries can either be represented as a list of LogsBatchQuery objects or a dictionary. This example uses the former approach.

import os
from datetime import timedelta, datetime, timezone
import pandas as pd
from azure.monitor.query import LogsQueryClient, LogsBatchQuery, LogsQueryStatus
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
client = LogsQueryClient(credential)
requests = [
        query="AzureActivity | summarize count()",
        workspace_id= os.environ['LOG_WORKSPACE_ID']
        query= """bad query""",
        workspace_id= os.environ['LOG_WORKSPACE_ID']
        query= """let Weight = 92233720368547758;
        range x from 1 to 3 step 1
        | summarize percentilesw(x, Weight * 100, 50)""",
        workspace_id= os.environ['LOG_WORKSPACE_ID'],
        timespan=(datetime(2021, 6, 2, tzinfo=timezone.utc), datetime(2021, 6, 5, tzinfo=timezone.utc)), # (start, end)
results = client.query_batch(requests)

for res in results:
    if res.status == LogsQueryStatus.FAILURE:
        # this will be a LogsQueryError
    elif res.status == LogsQueryStatus.PARTIAL:
        ## this will be a LogsQueryPartialResult
        for table in res.partial_data:
            df = pd.DataFrame(table.rows, columns=table.columns)
    elif res.status == LogsQueryStatus.SUCCESS:
        ## this will be a LogsQueryResult
        table = res.tables[0]
        df = pd.DataFrame(table.rows, columns=table.columns)

Advanced logs query scenarios

Set logs query timeout

The following example shows setting a server timeout in seconds. A gateway timeout is raised if the query takes more time than the mentioned timeout. The default is 180 seconds and can be set up to 10 minutes (600 seconds).

import os
from azure.monitor.query import LogsQueryClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
client = LogsQueryClient(credential)

response = client.query_workspace(
    "range x from 1 to 10000000000 step 1 | count",

Query multiple workspaces

The same logs query can be executed across multiple Log Analytics workspaces. In addition to the Kusto query, the following parameters are required:

  • workspace_id - The first (primary) workspace ID.

  • additional_workspaces - A list of workspaces, excluding the workspace provided in the workspace_id parameter. The parameter’s list items may consist of the following identifier formats:

    • Qualified workspace names

    • Workspace IDs

    • Azure resource IDs

For example, the following query executes in three workspaces:

    additional_workspaces=['<workspace 2>', '<workspace 3>']

A full sample can be found here.

Metrics query

The following example gets metrics for an Event Grid subscription. The resource URI is that of an Event Grid topic.

The resource URI must be that of the resource for which metrics are being queried. It’s normally of the format /subscriptions/<id>/resourceGroups/<rg-name>/providers/<source>/topics/<resource-name>.

To find the resource URI:

  1. Navigate to your resource’s page in the Azure portal.

  2. From the Overview blade, select the JSON View link.

  3. In the resulting JSON, copy the value of the id property.

NOTE: The metrics are returned in the order of the metric_names sent.

import os
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from azure.monitor.query import MetricsQueryClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
client = MetricsQueryClient(credential)
start_time = datetime(2021, 5, 25)
duration = timedelta(days=1)
metrics_uri = os.environ['METRICS_RESOURCE_URI']
response = client.query_resource(
    timespan=(start_time, duration)

for metric in response.metrics:
    for time_series_element in metric.timeseries:
        for metric_value in

Handle metrics query response

The metrics query API returns a MetricsQueryResult object. The MetricsQueryResult object contains properties such as a list of Metric-typed objects, granularity, namespace, and timespan. The Metric objects list can be accessed using the metrics param. Each Metric object in this list contains a list of TimeSeriesElement objects. Each TimeSeriesElement object contains data and metadata_values properties. In visual form, the object hierarchy of the response resembles the following structure:

|---metrics (list of `Metric` objects)
    |---timeseries (list of `TimeSeriesElement` objects)
        |---data (list of data points represented by `MetricValue` objects)

Example of handling response

import os
from azure.monitor.query import MetricsQueryClient, MetricAggregationType
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
client = MetricsQueryClient(credential)

metrics_uri = os.environ['METRICS_RESOURCE_URI']
response = client.query_resource(

for metric in response.metrics:
    for time_series_element in metric.timeseries:
        for metric_value in
            if metric_value.count != 0:
                    "There are {} matched events at {}".format(


Enable the azure.monitor.query logger to collect traces from the library.


Monitor Query client library will raise exceptions defined in Azure Core.


This library uses the standard logging library for logging. Basic information about HTTP sessions, such as URLs and headers, is logged at the INFO level.

Optional configuration

Optional keyword arguments can be passed in at the client and per-operation level. The azure-core reference documentation describes available configurations for retries, logging, transport protocols, and more.


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