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Azure Communication Common client library for JavaScript

This package contains common code for Azure Communication Service libraries.

Getting started



npm install @azure/communication-common

Browser support

JavaScript Bundle

To use this client library in the browser, first you need to use a bundler. For details on how to do this, please refer to our bundling documentation.

Key concepts

CommunicationTokenCredential and AzureCommunicationTokenCredential

A CommunicationTokenCredential authenticates a user with Communication Services, such as Chat or Calling. It optionally provides an auto-refresh mechanism to ensure a continuously stable authentication state during communications.

It is up to you the developer to first create valid user tokens with the Azure Communication Administration library. Then you use these tokens to create a AzureCommunicationTokenCredential.

CommunicationTokenCredential is only the interface, please always use the AzureCommunicationTokenCredential constructor to create a credential and take advantage of the built-in refresh logic.


Create a credential with a static token

const tokenCredential = new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential(

Create a credential with a callback

Here we assume that we have a function fetchTokenFromMyServerForUser that makes a network request to retrieve a token string for a user. We pass it into the credential to fetch a token for Bob from our own server. Our server would use the Azure Communication Administration library to issue tokens.

const tokenCredential = new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential({
  tokenRefresher: async () => fetchTokenFromMyServerForUser("bob@contoso.com")

Create a credential with proactive refreshing

Setting refreshProactively to true will call your tokenRefresher function when the token is close to expiry.

const tokenCredential = new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential({
  tokenRefresher: async () => fetchTokenFromMyServerForUser("bob@contoso.com"),
  refreshProactively: true

Create a credential with proactive refreshing and an initial token

Passing initialToken is an optional optimization to skip the first call to tokenRefresher. You can use this to separate the boot from your application from subsequent token refresh cycles.

const tokenCredential = new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential({
  tokenRefresher: async () => fetchTokenFromMyServerForUser("bob@contoso.com"),
  refreshProactively: true,


Next steps


If you'd like to contribute to this library, please read the contributing guide to learn more about how to build and test the code.

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