Source code for azure.synapse.artifacts.models._artifacts_client_enums

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from enum import Enum

[docs]class AvroCompressionCodec(str, Enum): none = "none" deflate = "deflate" snappy = "snappy" xz = "xz" bzip2 = "bzip2"
[docs]class AzureFunctionActivityMethod(str, Enum): """The list of HTTP methods supported by a AzureFunctionActivity. """ get = "GET" post = "POST" put = "PUT" delete = "DELETE" options = "OPTIONS" head = "HEAD" trace = "TRACE"
[docs]class CellOutputType(str, Enum): """Execution, display, or stream outputs. """ execute_result = "execute_result" display_data = "display_data" stream = "stream" error = "error"
[docs]class DataFlowComputeType(str, Enum): """Compute type of the cluster which will execute data flow job. """ general = "General" memory_optimized = "MemoryOptimized" compute_optimized = "ComputeOptimized"
[docs]class DatasetCompressionLevel(str, Enum): """All available compression levels. """ optimal = "Optimal" fastest = "Fastest"
[docs]class DelimitedTextCompressionCodec(str, Enum): bzip2 = "bzip2" gzip = "gzip" deflate = "deflate" zip_deflate = "zipDeflate" snappy = "snappy" lz4 = "lz4"
[docs]class DependencyCondition(str, Enum): succeeded = "Succeeded" failed = "Failed" skipped = "Skipped" completed = "Completed"
[docs]class DynamicsAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication type to connect to Dynamics server. 'Office365' for online scenario, 'Ifd' for on-premises with Ifd scenario, 'AADServicePrincipal' for Server-To-Server authentication in online scenario. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). """ office365 = "Office365" ifd = "Ifd" aad_service_principal = "AADServicePrincipal"
[docs]class DynamicsDeploymentType(str, Enum): """The deployment type of the Dynamics instance. 'Online' for Dynamics Online and 'OnPremisesWithIfd' for Dynamics on-premises with Ifd. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). """ online = "Online" on_premises_with_ifd = "OnPremisesWithIfd"
[docs]class DynamicsServicePrincipalCredentialType(str, Enum): """The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. 'ServicePrincipalKey' for key/secret, 'ServicePrincipalCert' for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). """ service_principal_key = "ServicePrincipalKey" service_principal_cert = "ServicePrincipalCert"
[docs]class EventSubscriptionStatus(str, Enum): """Event Subscription Status. """ enabled = "Enabled" provisioning = "Provisioning" deprovisioning = "Deprovisioning" disabled = "Disabled" unknown = "Unknown"
[docs]class FtpAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication type to be used to connect to the FTP server. """ basic = "Basic" anonymous = "Anonymous"
[docs]class GoogleAdWordsAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism used for authentication. ServiceAuthentication can only be used on self-hosted IR. """ service_authentication = "ServiceAuthentication" user_authentication = "UserAuthentication"
[docs]class GoogleBigQueryAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism used for authentication. ServiceAuthentication can only be used on self-hosted IR. """ service_authentication = "ServiceAuthentication" user_authentication = "UserAuthentication"
[docs]class HBaseAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication mechanism to use to connect to the HBase server. """ anonymous = "Anonymous" basic = "Basic"
[docs]class HdiNodeTypes(str, Enum): """The node types on which the script action should be executed. """ headnode = "Headnode" workernode = "Workernode" zookeeper = "Zookeeper"
[docs]class HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption(str, Enum): """The HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption settings to use. """ none = "None" always = "Always" failure = "Failure"
[docs]class HiveAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication method used to access the Hive server. """ anonymous = "Anonymous" username = "Username" username_and_password = "UsernameAndPassword" windows_azure_hd_insight_service = "WindowsAzureHDInsightService"
[docs]class HiveServerType(str, Enum): """The type of Hive server. """ hive_server1 = "HiveServer1" hive_server2 = "HiveServer2" hive_thrift_server = "HiveThriftServer"
[docs]class HiveThriftTransportProtocol(str, Enum): """The transport protocol to use in the Thrift layer. """ binary = "Binary" sasl = "SASL" http = "HTTP "
[docs]class HttpAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication type to be used to connect to the HTTP server. """ basic = "Basic" anonymous = "Anonymous" digest = "Digest" windows = "Windows" client_certificate = "ClientCertificate"
[docs]class ImpalaAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication type to use. """ anonymous = "Anonymous" sasl_username = "SASLUsername" username_and_password = "UsernameAndPassword"
[docs]class MongoDbAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication type to be used to connect to the MongoDB database. """ basic = "Basic" anonymous = "Anonymous"
[docs]class ODataAadServicePrincipalCredentialType(str, Enum): """Specify the credential type (key or cert) is used for service principal. """ service_principal_key = "ServicePrincipalKey" service_principal_cert = "ServicePrincipalCert"
[docs]class ODataAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """Type of authentication used to connect to the OData service. """ basic = "Basic" anonymous = "Anonymous" windows = "Windows" aad_service_principal = "AadServicePrincipal" managed_service_identity = "ManagedServiceIdentity"
[docs]class OrcCompressionCodec(str, Enum): none = "none" zlib = "zlib" snappy = "snappy"
[docs]class ParameterType(str, Enum): """Parameter type. """ object = "Object" string = "String" int = "Int" float = "Float" bool = "Bool" array = "Array" secure_string = "SecureString"
[docs]class ParquetCompressionCodec(str, Enum): none = "none" gzip = "gzip" snappy = "snappy" lzo = "lzo"
[docs]class PhoenixAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication mechanism used to connect to the Phoenix server. """ anonymous = "Anonymous" username_and_password = "UsernameAndPassword" windows_azure_hd_insight_service = "WindowsAzureHDInsightService"
[docs]class PluginCurrentState(str, Enum): preparation = "Preparation" resource_acquisition = "ResourceAcquisition" queued = "Queued" submission = "Submission" monitoring = "Monitoring" cleanup = "Cleanup" ended = "Ended"
[docs]class PrestoAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication mechanism used to connect to the Presto server. """ anonymous = "Anonymous" ldap = "LDAP"
[docs]class RestServiceAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """Type of authentication used to connect to the REST service. """ anonymous = "Anonymous" basic = "Basic" aad_service_principal = "AadServicePrincipal" managed_service_identity = "ManagedServiceIdentity"
[docs]class RunQueryFilterOperand(str, Enum): """Parameter name to be used for filter. The allowed operands to query pipeline runs are PipelineName, RunStart, RunEnd and Status; to query activity runs are ActivityName, ActivityRunStart, ActivityRunEnd, ActivityType and Status, and to query trigger runs are TriggerName, TriggerRunTimestamp and Status. """ pipeline_name = "PipelineName" status = "Status" run_start = "RunStart" run_end = "RunEnd" activity_name = "ActivityName" activity_run_start = "ActivityRunStart" activity_run_end = "ActivityRunEnd" activity_type = "ActivityType" trigger_name = "TriggerName" trigger_run_timestamp = "TriggerRunTimestamp" run_group_id = "RunGroupId" latest_only = "LatestOnly"
[docs]class RunQueryFilterOperator(str, Enum): """Operator to be used for filter. """ equals = "Equals" not_equals = "NotEquals" in_enum = "In" not_in = "NotIn"
[docs]class RunQueryOrder(str, Enum): """Sorting order of the parameter. """ asc = "ASC" desc = "DESC"
[docs]class RunQueryOrderByField(str, Enum): """Parameter name to be used for order by. The allowed parameters to order by for pipeline runs are PipelineName, RunStart, RunEnd and Status; for activity runs are ActivityName, ActivityRunStart, ActivityRunEnd and Status; for trigger runs are TriggerName, TriggerRunTimestamp and Status. """ run_start = "RunStart" run_end = "RunEnd" pipeline_name = "PipelineName" status = "Status" activity_name = "ActivityName" activity_run_start = "ActivityRunStart" activity_run_end = "ActivityRunEnd" trigger_name = "TriggerName" trigger_run_timestamp = "TriggerRunTimestamp"
[docs]class SapHanaAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication type to be used to connect to the SAP HANA server. """ basic = "Basic" windows = "Windows"
[docs]class SchedulerCurrentState(str, Enum): queued = "Queued" scheduled = "Scheduled" ended = "Ended"
[docs]class ServiceNowAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication type to use. """ basic = "Basic" o_auth2 = "OAuth2"
[docs]class SftpAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication type to be used to connect to the FTP server. """ basic = "Basic" ssh_public_key = "SshPublicKey"
[docs]class SparkAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """The authentication method used to access the Spark server. """ anonymous = "Anonymous" username = "Username" username_and_password = "UsernameAndPassword" windows_azure_hd_insight_service = "WindowsAzureHDInsightService"
[docs]class SparkBatchJobResultType(str, Enum): """The Spark batch job result. """ uncertain = "Uncertain" succeeded = "Succeeded" failed = "Failed" cancelled = "Cancelled"
[docs]class SparkErrorSource(str, Enum): system = "System" user = "User" unknown = "Unknown" dependency = "Dependency"
[docs]class SparkJobType(str, Enum): """The job type. """ spark_batch = "SparkBatch" spark_session = "SparkSession"
[docs]class SparkServerType(str, Enum): """The type of Spark server. """ shark_server = "SharkServer" shark_server2 = "SharkServer2" spark_thrift_server = "SparkThriftServer"
[docs]class SparkThriftTransportProtocol(str, Enum): """The transport protocol to use in the Thrift layer. """ binary = "Binary" sasl = "SASL" http = "HTTP "
[docs]class SqlConnectionType(str, Enum): """The type of the connection. """ sql_on_demand = "SqlOnDemand" sql_pool = "SqlPool"
[docs]class SsisPackageLocationType(str, Enum): """The type of SSIS package location. """ ssisdb = "SSISDB" file = "File" inline_package = "InlinePackage"
[docs]class StoredProcedureParameterType(str, Enum): """Stored procedure parameter type. """ string = "String" int = "Int" int64 = "Int64" decimal = "Decimal" guid = "Guid" boolean = "Boolean" date = "Date"
[docs]class SybaseAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """AuthenticationType to be used for connection. """ basic = "Basic" windows = "Windows"
[docs]class TeradataAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """AuthenticationType to be used for connection. """ basic = "Basic" windows = "Windows"
[docs]class TriggerRunStatus(str, Enum): """Trigger run status. """ succeeded = "Succeeded" failed = "Failed" inprogress = "Inprogress"
[docs]class TriggerRuntimeState(str, Enum): """Enumerates possible state of Triggers. """ started = "Started" stopped = "Stopped" disabled = "Disabled"
[docs]class VariableType(str, Enum): """Variable type. """ string = "String" bool = "Bool" boolean = "Boolean" array = "Array"
[docs]class WebActivityMethod(str, Enum): """The list of HTTP methods supported by a WebActivity. """ get = "GET" post = "POST" put = "PUT" delete = "DELETE"
[docs]class WebAuthenticationType(str, Enum): """Type of authentication used to connect to the web table source. """ basic = "Basic" anonymous = "Anonymous" client_certificate = "ClientCertificate"