Source code for

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
from typing import (  # pylint: disable=unused-import
    Union, Optional, Any, Iterable, Dict, List, Type, Tuple,
import logging
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element

from azure.core.pipeline.policies import ContentDecodePolicy
from azure.core.exceptions import (

from .parser import _to_utc_datetime
from .models import StorageErrorCode, UserDelegationKey, get_enum_value

    from datetime import datetime
    from azure.core.exceptions import AzureError

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PartialBatchErrorException(HttpResponseError): """There is a partial failure in batch operations. :param str message: The message of the exception. :param response: Server response to be deserialized. :param list parts: A list of the parts in multipart response. """ def __init__(self, message, response, parts): = parts super(PartialBatchErrorException, self).__init__(message=message, response=response)
def parse_length_from_content_range(content_range): ''' Parses the blob length from the content range header: bytes 1-3/65537 ''' if content_range is None: return None # First, split in space and take the second half: '1-3/65537' # Next, split on slash and take the second half: '65537' # Finally, convert to an int: 65537 return int(content_range.split(' ', 1)[1].split('/', 1)[1]) def normalize_headers(headers): normalized = {} for key, value in headers.items(): if key.startswith('x-ms-'): key = key[5:] normalized[key.lower().replace('-', '_')] = get_enum_value(value) return normalized def deserialize_metadata(response, obj, headers): # pylint: disable=unused-argument try: raw_metadata = {k: v for k, v in response.http_response.headers.items() if k.startswith("x-ms-meta-")} except AttributeError: raw_metadata = {k: v for k, v in response.headers.items() if k.startswith("x-ms-meta-")} return {k[10:]: v for k, v in raw_metadata.items()} def return_response_headers(response, deserialized, response_headers): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return normalize_headers(response_headers) def return_headers_and_deserialized(response, deserialized, response_headers): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return normalize_headers(response_headers), deserialized def return_context_and_deserialized(response, deserialized, response_headers): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return response.http_response.location_mode, deserialized def return_raw_deserialized(response, *_): return response.http_response.location_mode, response.context[ContentDecodePolicy.CONTEXT_NAME] def process_storage_error(storage_error): # pylint:disable=too-many-statements raise_error = HttpResponseError serialized = False if not storage_error.response: raise storage_error # If it is one of those three then it has been serialized prior by the generated layer. if isinstance(storage_error, (PartialBatchErrorException, ClientAuthenticationError, ResourceNotFoundError, ResourceExistsError)): serialized = True error_code = storage_error.response.headers.get('x-ms-error-code') error_message = storage_error.message additional_data = {} error_dict = {} try: error_body = ContentDecodePolicy.deserialize_from_http_generics(storage_error.response) try: error_body = error_body or storage_error.response.reason except AttributeError: error_body = '' # If it is an XML response if isinstance(error_body, Element): error_dict = { child.tag.lower(): child.text for child in error_body } # If it is a JSON response elif isinstance(error_body, dict): error_dict = error_body.get('error', {}) elif not error_code: _LOGGER.warning( 'Unexpected return type %s from ContentDecodePolicy.deserialize_from_http_generics.', type(error_body)) error_dict = {'message': str(error_body)} # If we extracted from a Json or XML response if error_dict: error_code = error_dict.get('code') error_message = error_dict.get('message') additional_data = {k: v for k, v in error_dict.items() if k not in {'code', 'message'}} except DecodeError: pass try: # This check would be unnecessary if we have already serialized the error if error_code and not serialized: error_code = StorageErrorCode(error_code) if error_code in [StorageErrorCode.condition_not_met, StorageErrorCode.blob_overwritten]: raise_error = ResourceModifiedError if error_code in [StorageErrorCode.invalid_authentication_info, StorageErrorCode.authentication_failed]: raise_error = ClientAuthenticationError if error_code in [StorageErrorCode.resource_not_found, StorageErrorCode.cannot_verify_copy_source, StorageErrorCode.blob_not_found, StorageErrorCode.queue_not_found, StorageErrorCode.container_not_found, StorageErrorCode.parent_not_found, StorageErrorCode.share_not_found]: raise_error = ResourceNotFoundError if error_code in [StorageErrorCode.account_already_exists, StorageErrorCode.account_being_created, StorageErrorCode.resource_already_exists, StorageErrorCode.resource_type_mismatch, StorageErrorCode.blob_already_exists, StorageErrorCode.queue_already_exists, StorageErrorCode.container_already_exists, StorageErrorCode.container_being_deleted, StorageErrorCode.queue_being_deleted, StorageErrorCode.share_already_exists, StorageErrorCode.share_being_deleted]: raise_error = ResourceExistsError except ValueError: # Got an unknown error code pass # Error message should include all the error properties try: error_message += f"\nErrorCode:{error_code.value}" except AttributeError: error_message += f"\nErrorCode:{error_code}" for name, info in additional_data.items(): error_message += f"\n{name}:{info}" # No need to create an instance if it has already been serialized by the generated layer if serialized: storage_error.message = error_message error = storage_error else: error = raise_error(message=error_message, response=storage_error.response) # Ensure these properties are stored in the error instance as well (not just the error message) error.error_code = error_code error.additional_info = additional_data # error.args is what's surfaced on the traceback - show error message in all cases error.args = (error.message,) try: # `from None` prevents us from double printing the exception (suppresses generated layer error context) exec("raise error from None") # pylint: disable=exec-used # nosec except SyntaxError: raise error def parse_to_internal_user_delegation_key(service_user_delegation_key): internal_user_delegation_key = UserDelegationKey() internal_user_delegation_key.signed_oid = service_user_delegation_key.signed_oid internal_user_delegation_key.signed_tid = service_user_delegation_key.signed_tid internal_user_delegation_key.signed_start = _to_utc_datetime(service_user_delegation_key.signed_start) internal_user_delegation_key.signed_expiry = _to_utc_datetime(service_user_delegation_key.signed_expiry) internal_user_delegation_key.signed_service = service_user_delegation_key.signed_service internal_user_delegation_key.signed_version = service_user_delegation_key.signed_version internal_user_delegation_key.value = service_user_delegation_key.value return internal_user_delegation_key