Source code for

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
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from io import BytesIO
from typing import Union, Iterable, IO  # pylint: disable=unused-import

from ._shared.avro.datafile import DataFileReader
from ._shared.avro.avro_io import DatumReader

[docs]class BlobQueryReader(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """A streaming object to read query results. :ivar str name: The name of the blob being quered. :ivar str container: The name of the container where the blob is. :ivar dict response_headers: The response_headers of the quick query request. :ivar bytes record_delimiter: The delimiter used to separate lines, or records with the data. The `records` method will return these lines via a generator. """ def __init__( self, name=None, container=None, errors=None, record_delimiter='\n', encoding=None, headers=None, response=None, error_cls=None, ): = name self.container = container self.response_headers = headers self.record_delimiter = record_delimiter self._size = 0 self._bytes_processed = 0 self._errors = errors self._encoding = encoding self._parsed_results = DataFileReader(QuickQueryStreamer(response), DatumReader()) self._first_result = self._process_record(next(self._parsed_results)) self._error_cls = error_cls def __len__(self): return self._size def _process_record(self, result): self._size = result.get('totalBytes', self._size) self._bytes_processed = result.get('bytesScanned', self._bytes_processed) if 'data' in result: return result.get('data') if 'fatal' in result: error = self._error_cls( error=result['name'], is_fatal=result['fatal'], description=result['description'], position=result['position'] ) if self._errors: self._errors(error) return None def _iter_stream(self): if self._first_result is not None: yield self._first_result for next_result in self._parsed_results: processed_result = self._process_record(next_result) if processed_result is not None: yield processed_result
[docs] def readall(self): # type: () -> Union[bytes, str] """Return all query results. This operation is blocking until all data is downloaded. If encoding has been configured - this will be used to decode individual records are they are received. :rtype: Union[bytes, str] """ stream = BytesIO() self.readinto(stream) data = stream.getvalue() if self._encoding: return data.decode(self._encoding) return data
[docs] def readinto(self, stream): # type: (IO) -> None """Download the query result to a stream. :param stream: The stream to download to. This can be an open file-handle, or any writable stream. :returns: None """ for record in self._iter_stream(): stream.write(record)
[docs] def records(self): # type: () -> Iterable[Union[bytes, str]] """Returns a record generator for the query result. Records will be returned line by line. If encoding has been configured - this will be used to decode individual records are they are received. :rtype: Iterable[Union[bytes, str]] """ delimiter = self.record_delimiter.encode('utf-8') for record_chunk in self._iter_stream(): for record in record_chunk.split(delimiter): if self._encoding: yield record.decode(self._encoding) else: yield record
class QuickQueryStreamer(object): """ File-like streaming iterator. """ def __init__(self, generator): self.generator = generator self.iterator = iter(generator) self._buf = b"" self._point = 0 self._download_offset = 0 self._buf_start = 0 self.file_length = None def __len__(self): return self.file_length def __iter__(self): return self.iterator @staticmethod def seekable(): return True def __next__(self): next_part = next(self.iterator) self._download_offset += len(next_part) return next_part next = __next__ # Python 2 compatibility. def tell(self): return self._point def seek(self, offset, whence=0): if whence == 0: self._point = offset elif whence == 1: self._point += offset else: raise ValueError("whence must be 0, or 1") if self._point < 0: self._point = 0 # XXX is this right? def read(self, size): try: # keep reading from the generator until the buffer of this stream has enough data to read while self._point + size > self._download_offset: self._buf += self.__next__() except StopIteration: self.file_length = self._download_offset start_point = self._point # EOF self._point = min(self._point + size, self._download_offset) relative_start = start_point - self._buf_start if relative_start < 0: raise ValueError("Buffer has dumped too much data") relative_end = relative_start + size data = self._buf[relative_start: relative_end] # dump the extra data in buffer # buffer start--------------------16bytes----current read position dumped_size = max(relative_end - 16 - relative_start, 0) self._buf_start += dumped_size self._buf = self._buf[dumped_size:] return data