Source code for

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

import sys
import threading
import time

import warnings
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Iterator

import requests
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError, ServiceResponseError

from azure.core.tracing.common import with_current_context
from ._shared.encryption import decrypt_blob
from ._shared.request_handlers import validate_and_format_range_headers
from ._shared.response_handlers import process_storage_error, parse_length_from_content_range
from ._deserialize import get_page_ranges_result

def process_range_and_offset(start_range, end_range, length, encryption):
    start_offset, end_offset = 0, 0
    if encryption.get("key") is not None or encryption.get("resolver") is not None:
        if start_range is not None:
            # Align the start of the range along a 16 byte block
            start_offset = start_range % 16
            start_range -= start_offset

            # Include an extra 16 bytes for the IV if necessary
            # Because of the previous offsetting, start_range will always
            # be a multiple of 16.
            if start_range > 0:
                start_offset += 16
                start_range -= 16

        if length is not None:
            # Align the end of the range along a 16 byte block
            end_offset = 15 - (end_range % 16)
            end_range += end_offset

    return (start_range, end_range), (start_offset, end_offset)

def process_content(data, start_offset, end_offset, encryption):
    if data is None:
        raise ValueError("Response cannot be None.")

    content = b"".join(list(data))

    if content and encryption.get("key") is not None or encryption.get("resolver") is not None:
            return decrypt_blob(
        except Exception as error:
            raise HttpResponseError(message="Decryption failed.", response=data.response, error=error)
    return content

class _ChunkDownloader(object):  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    def __init__(
        self.client = client
        self.non_empty_ranges = non_empty_ranges

        # Information on the download range/chunk size
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self.total_size = total_size
        self.start_index = start_range
        self.end_index = end_range

        # The destination that we will write to = stream
        self.stream_lock = threading.Lock() if parallel else None
        self.progress_lock = threading.Lock() if parallel else None

        # For a parallel download, the stream is always seekable, so we note down the current position
        # in order to seek to the right place when out-of-order chunks come in
        self.stream_start = stream.tell() if parallel else None

        # Download progress so far
        self.progress_total = current_progress

        # Encryption
        self.encryption_options = encryption_options

        # Parameters for each get operation
        self.validate_content = validate_content
        self.request_options = kwargs

    def _calculate_range(self, chunk_start):
        if chunk_start + self.chunk_size > self.end_index:
            chunk_end = self.end_index
            chunk_end = chunk_start + self.chunk_size
        return chunk_start, chunk_end

    def get_chunk_offsets(self):
        index = self.start_index
        while index < self.end_index:
            yield index
            index += self.chunk_size

    def process_chunk(self, chunk_start):
        chunk_start, chunk_end = self._calculate_range(chunk_start)
        chunk_data = self._download_chunk(chunk_start, chunk_end - 1)
        length = chunk_end - chunk_start
        if length > 0:
            self._write_to_stream(chunk_data, chunk_start)

    def yield_chunk(self, chunk_start):
        chunk_start, chunk_end = self._calculate_range(chunk_start)
        return self._download_chunk(chunk_start, chunk_end - 1)

    def _update_progress(self, length):
        if self.progress_lock:
            with self.progress_lock:  # pylint: disable=not-context-manager
                self.progress_total += length
            self.progress_total += length

    def _write_to_stream(self, chunk_data, chunk_start):
        if self.stream_lock:
            with self.stream_lock:  # pylint: disable=not-context-manager
       + (chunk_start - self.start_index))

    def _do_optimize(self, given_range_start, given_range_end):
        # If we have no page range list stored, then assume there's data everywhere for that page blob
        # or it's a block blob or append blob
        if self.non_empty_ranges is None:
            return False

        for source_range in self.non_empty_ranges:
            # Case 1: As the range list is sorted, if we've reached such a source_range
            # we've checked all the appropriate source_range already and haven't found any overlapping.
            # so the given range doesn't have any data and download optimization could be applied.
            # given range:		|   |
            # source range:			       |   |
            if given_range_end < source_range['start']:  # pylint:disable=no-else-return
                return True
            # Case 2: the given range comes after source_range, continue checking.
            # given range:				|   |
            # source range:	|   |
            elif source_range['end'] < given_range_start:
            # Case 3: source_range and given range overlap somehow, no need to optimize.
                return False
        # Went through all src_ranges, but nothing overlapped. Optimization will be applied.
        return True

    def _download_chunk(self, chunk_start, chunk_end):
        download_range, offset = process_range_and_offset(
            chunk_start, chunk_end, chunk_end, self.encryption_options

        # No need to download the empty chunk from server if there's no data in the chunk to be downloaded.
        # Do optimize and create empty chunk locally if condition is met.
        if self._do_optimize(download_range[0], download_range[1]):
            chunk_data = b"\x00" * self.chunk_size
            range_header, range_validation = validate_and_format_range_headers(

            retry_active = True
            retry_total = 3
            while retry_active:
                    _, response =
                except HttpResponseError as error:

                    chunk_data = process_content(response, offset[0], offset[1], self.encryption_options)
                    retry_active = False
                except (requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as error:
                    retry_total -= 1
                    if retry_total <= 0:
                        raise ServiceResponseError(error, error=error)

            # This makes sure that if_match is set so that we can validate
            # that subsequent downloads are to an unmodified blob
            if self.request_options.get("modified_access_conditions"):
                self.request_options["modified_access_conditions"].if_match =

        return chunk_data

class _ChunkIterator(object):
    """Async iterator for chunks in blob download stream."""

    def __init__(self, size, content, downloader, chunk_size):
        self.size = size
        self._chunk_size = chunk_size
        self._current_content = content
        self._iter_downloader = downloader
        self._iter_chunks = None
        self._complete = (size == 0)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.size

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        """Iterate through responses."""
        if self._complete:
            raise StopIteration("Download complete")
        if not self._iter_downloader:
            # cut the data obtained from initial GET into chunks
            if len(self._current_content) > self._chunk_size:
                return self._get_chunk_data()
            self._complete = True
            return self._current_content

        if not self._iter_chunks:
            self._iter_chunks = self._iter_downloader.get_chunk_offsets()

        # initial GET result still has more than _chunk_size bytes of data
        if len(self._current_content) >= self._chunk_size:
            return self._get_chunk_data()

            chunk = next(self._iter_chunks)
            self._current_content += self._iter_downloader.yield_chunk(chunk)
        except StopIteration as e:
            self._complete = True
            if self._current_content:
                return self._current_content
            raise e

        # the current content from the first get is still there but smaller than chunk size
        # therefore we want to make sure its also included
        return self._get_chunk_data()

    next = __next__  # Python 2 compatibility.

    def _get_chunk_data(self):
        chunk_data = self._current_content[: self._chunk_size]
        self._current_content = self._current_content[self._chunk_size:]
        return chunk_data

[docs]class StorageStreamDownloader(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """A streaming object to download from Azure Storage. :ivar str name: The name of the blob being downloaded. :ivar str container: The name of the container where the blob is. :ivar properties: The properties of the blob being downloaded. If only a range of the data is being downloaded, this will be reflected in the properties. :ivar int size: The size of the total data in the stream. This will be the byte range if specified, otherwise the total size of the blob. """ def __init__( self, clients=None, config=None, start_range=None, end_range=None, validate_content=None, encryption_options=None, max_concurrency=1, name=None, container=None, encoding=None, **kwargs ): = name self.container = container = None self.size = None self._clients = clients self._config = config self._start_range = start_range self._end_range = end_range self._max_concurrency = max_concurrency self._encoding = encoding self._validate_content = validate_content self._encryption_options = encryption_options or {} self._request_options = kwargs self._location_mode = None self._download_complete = False self._current_content = None self._file_size = None self._non_empty_ranges = None self._response = None # The service only provides transactional MD5s for chunks under 4MB. # If validate_content is on, get only self.MAX_CHUNK_GET_SIZE for the first # chunk so a transactional MD5 can be retrieved. self._first_get_size = ( self._config.max_single_get_size if not self._validate_content else self._config.max_chunk_get_size ) initial_request_start = self._start_range if self._start_range is not None else 0 if self._end_range is not None and self._end_range - self._start_range < self._first_get_size: initial_request_end = self._end_range else: initial_request_end = initial_request_start + self._first_get_size - 1 self._initial_range, self._initial_offset = process_range_and_offset( initial_request_start, initial_request_end, self._end_range, self._encryption_options ) self._response = self._initial_request() = = = self.container # Set the content length to the download size instead of the size of # the last range = self.size # Overwrite the content range to the user requested range = "bytes {0}-{1}/{2}".format( self._start_range, self._end_range, self._file_size ) # Overwrite the content MD5 as it is the MD5 for the last range instead # of the stored MD5 # TODO: Set to the stored MD5 when the service returns this = None def __len__(self): return self.size def _initial_request(self): range_header, range_validation = validate_and_format_range_headers( self._initial_range[0], self._initial_range[1], start_range_required=False, end_range_required=False, check_content_md5=self._validate_content ) retry_active = True retry_total = 3 while retry_active: try: location_mode, response = range=range_header, range_get_content_md5=range_validation, validate_content=self._validate_content, data_stream_total=None, download_stream_current=0, **self._request_options ) # Check the location we read from to ensure we use the same one # for subsequent requests. self._location_mode = location_mode # Parse the total file size and adjust the download size if ranges # were specified self._file_size = parse_length_from_content_range( if self._end_range is not None: # Use the end range index unless it is over the end of the file self.size = min(self._file_size, self._end_range - self._start_range + 1) elif self._start_range is not None: self.size = self._file_size - self._start_range else: self.size = self._file_size except HttpResponseError as error: if self._start_range is None and error.response.status_code == 416: # Get range will fail on an empty file. If the user did not # request a range, do a regular get request in order to get # any properties. try: _, response = validate_content=self._validate_content, data_stream_total=0, download_stream_current=0, **self._request_options ) except HttpResponseError as error: process_storage_error(error) # Set the download size to empty self.size = 0 self._file_size = 0 else: process_storage_error(error) try: if self.size == 0: self._current_content = b"" else: self._current_content = process_content( response, self._initial_offset[0], self._initial_offset[1], self._encryption_options ) retry_active = False except (requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as error: retry_total -= 1 if retry_total <= 0: raise ServiceResponseError(error, error=error) time.sleep(1) # get page ranges to optimize downloading sparse page blob if == 'PageBlob': try: page_ranges = self._clients.page_blob.get_page_ranges() self._non_empty_ranges = get_page_ranges_result(page_ranges)[0] # according to the REST API documentation: # in a highly fragmented page blob with a large number of writes, # a Get Page Ranges request can fail due to an internal server timeout. # thus, if the page blob is not sparse, it's ok for it to fail except HttpResponseError: pass # If the file is small, the download is complete at this point. # If file size is large, download the rest of the file in chunks. if != self.size: if self._request_options.get("modified_access_conditions"): self._request_options["modified_access_conditions"].if_match = else: self._download_complete = True return response
[docs] def chunks(self): # type: () -> Iterator[bytes] """Iterate over chunks in the download stream. :rtype: Iterator[bytes] .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/ :start-after: [START download_a_blob_in_chunk] :end-before: [END download_a_blob_in_chunk] :language: python :dedent: 12 :caption: Download a blob using chunks(). """ if self.size == 0 or self._download_complete: iter_downloader = None else: data_end = self._file_size if self._end_range is not None: # Use the end range index unless it is over the end of the file data_end = min(self._file_size, self._end_range + 1) iter_downloader = _ChunkDownloader( client=self._clients.blob, non_empty_ranges=self._non_empty_ranges, total_size=self.size, chunk_size=self._config.max_chunk_get_size, current_progress=self._first_get_size, start_range=self._initial_range[1] + 1, # start where the first download ended end_range=data_end, stream=None, parallel=False, validate_content=self._validate_content, encryption_options=self._encryption_options, use_location=self._location_mode, **self._request_options ) return _ChunkIterator( size=self.size, content=self._current_content, downloader=iter_downloader, chunk_size=self._config.max_chunk_get_size)
[docs] def readall(self): """Download the contents of this blob. This operation is blocking until all data is downloaded. :rtype: bytes or str """ stream = BytesIO() self.readinto(stream) data = stream.getvalue() if self._encoding: return data.decode(self._encoding) return data
[docs] def content_as_bytes(self, max_concurrency=1): """Download the contents of this file. This operation is blocking until all data is downloaded. :keyword int max_concurrency: The number of parallel connections with which to download. :rtype: bytes """ warnings.warn( "content_as_bytes is deprecated, use readall instead", DeprecationWarning ) self._max_concurrency = max_concurrency return self.readall()
[docs] def content_as_text(self, max_concurrency=1, encoding="UTF-8"): """Download the contents of this blob, and decode as text. This operation is blocking until all data is downloaded. :keyword int max_concurrency: The number of parallel connections with which to download. :param str encoding: Test encoding to decode the downloaded bytes. Default is UTF-8. :rtype: str """ warnings.warn( "content_as_text is deprecated, use readall instead", DeprecationWarning ) self._max_concurrency = max_concurrency self._encoding = encoding return self.readall()
[docs] def readinto(self, stream): """Download the contents of this file to a stream. :param stream: The stream to download to. This can be an open file-handle, or any writable stream. The stream must be seekable if the download uses more than one parallel connection. :returns: The number of bytes read. :rtype: int """ # The stream must be seekable if parallel download is required parallel = self._max_concurrency > 1 if parallel: error_message = "Target stream handle must be seekable." if sys.version_info >= (3,) and not stream.seekable(): raise ValueError(error_message) try: except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError): raise ValueError(error_message) # Write the content to the user stream stream.write(self._current_content) if self._download_complete: return self.size data_end = self._file_size if self._end_range is not None: # Use the length unless it is over the end of the file data_end = min(self._file_size, self._end_range + 1) downloader = _ChunkDownloader( client=self._clients.blob, non_empty_ranges=self._non_empty_ranges, total_size=self.size, chunk_size=self._config.max_chunk_get_size, current_progress=self._first_get_size, start_range=self._initial_range[1] + 1, # Start where the first download ended end_range=data_end, stream=stream, parallel=parallel, validate_content=self._validate_content, encryption_options=self._encryption_options, use_location=self._location_mode, **self._request_options ) if parallel: import concurrent.futures with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(self._max_concurrency) as executor: list( with_current_context(downloader.process_chunk), downloader.get_chunk_offsets() )) else: for chunk in downloader.get_chunk_offsets(): downloader.process_chunk(chunk) return self.size
[docs] def download_to_stream(self, stream, max_concurrency=1): """Download the contents of this blob to a stream. :param stream: The stream to download to. This can be an open file-handle, or any writable stream. The stream must be seekable if the download uses more than one parallel connection. :returns: The properties of the downloaded blob. :rtype: Any """ warnings.warn( "download_to_stream is deprecated, use readinto instead", DeprecationWarning ) self._max_concurrency = max_concurrency self.readinto(stream) return