Source code for

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# pylint:disable=protected-access
# pylint:disable=specify-parameter-names-in-call
# pylint:disable=too-many-lines
# pylint:disable=client-method-missing-tracing-decorator-async,client-method-missing-tracing-decorator
import functools
import datetime
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Union, cast, Mapping, Optional, List, TYPE_CHECKING
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree

from azure.core import MatchConditions
from azure.core.async_paging import AsyncItemPaged
from azure.core.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundError
from azure.core.pipeline import AsyncPipeline
from azure.core.pipeline.policies import (
from azure.core.pipeline.transport import AioHttpTransport # pylint:disable=non-abstract-transport-import,no-name-in-module

from import (

from ..._base_handler import _parse_conn_str
from ..._common.constants import (
from ...aio._base_handler_async import (
from import (
from import (
    ServiceBusManagementClient as ServiceBusManagementClientImpl,
from import _constants as constants
from import DEFAULT_VERSION, ApiVersion
from ._shared_key_policy_async import AsyncServiceBusSharedKeyCredentialPolicy
from import (
from import ServiceBusXMLWorkaroundPolicy
from import _handle_response_error
from ._utils import extract_data_template, extract_rule_data_template, get_next_template
from import (

    from azure.core.credentials_async import AsyncTokenCredential

[docs]class ServiceBusAdministrationClient: # pylint:disable=too-many-public-methods """Use this client to create, update, list, and delete resources of a ServiceBus namespace. :param str fully_qualified_namespace: The fully qualified host name for the Service Bus namespace. :param credential: To authenticate to manage the entities of the ServiceBus namespace. :type credential: AsyncTokenCredential :keyword api_version: The Service Bus API version to use for requests. Default value is the most recent service version that is compatible with the current SDK. Setting to an older version may result in reduced feature compatibility. :paramtype api_version: str or ApiVersion """ def __init__( self, fully_qualified_namespace: str, credential: "AsyncTokenCredential", *, api_version: Union[str, ApiVersion] = DEFAULT_VERSION, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: self.fully_qualified_namespace = fully_qualified_namespace self._api_version = api_version self._credential = credential self._endpoint = "https://" + fully_qualified_namespace self._config = ServiceBusManagementClientConfiguration( self._endpoint, credential=self._credential, api_version=api_version, **kwargs ) self._pipeline = self._build_pipeline() self._impl = ServiceBusManagementClientImpl( endpoint=fully_qualified_namespace, credential=self._credential, pipeline=self._pipeline, api_version=api_version, **kwargs ) async def __aenter__(self) -> "ServiceBusAdministrationClient": await self._impl.__aenter__() return self async def __aexit__(self, *exc_details: Any) -> None: await self._impl.__aexit__(*exc_details) def _build_pipeline(self, **kwargs: Any): transport = kwargs.get("transport") policies = kwargs.get("policies") credential_policy = ( AsyncServiceBusSharedKeyCredentialPolicy( self._endpoint, self._credential, "Authorization" ) if isinstance(self._credential, ServiceBusSharedKeyCredential) else AsyncBearerTokenCredentialPolicy(self._credential, JWT_TOKEN_SCOPE) ) if policies is None: # [] is a valid policy list policies = [ RequestIdPolicy(**kwargs), self._config.headers_policy, self._config.user_agent_policy, self._config.proxy_policy, ContentDecodePolicy(**kwargs), ServiceBusXMLWorkaroundPolicy(), self._config.redirect_policy, self._config.retry_policy, credential_policy, self._config.logging_policy, DistributedTracingPolicy(**kwargs), HttpLoggingPolicy(**kwargs), ] if not transport: transport = AioHttpTransport(**kwargs) return AsyncPipeline(transport, policies) async def _get_entity_element( self, entity_name: str, enrich: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> ElementTree: _validate_entity_name_type(entity_name) with _handle_response_error(): element = cast( ElementTree, await self._impl.entity.get(entity_name, enrich=enrich, **kwargs), ) return element async def _get_subscription_element( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, enrich: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> ElementTree: _validate_topic_and_subscription_types(topic_name, subscription_name) with _handle_response_error(): element = cast( ElementTree, await self._impl.subscription.get( topic_name, subscription_name, enrich=enrich, **kwargs ), ) return element async def _get_rule_element( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, rule_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> ElementTree: _validate_topic_subscription_and_rule_types( topic_name, subscription_name, rule_name ) with _handle_response_error(): element = cast( ElementTree, await self._impl.rule.get( topic_name, subscription_name, rule_name, enrich=False, **kwargs ), ) return element async def _create_forward_to_header_tokens(self, entity, kwargs): """forward_to requires providing a bearer token in headers for the referenced entity. :param any entity: The entity to be created. :param dict kwargs: The keyword arguments to be included in the request. """ kwargs["headers"] = kwargs.get("headers", {}) async def _populate_header_within_kwargs(uri, header): token = (await self._credential.get_token(uri)).token if not isinstance( self._credential, (ServiceBusSASTokenCredential, ServiceBusSharedKeyCredential), ): token = "Bearer {}".format(token) kwargs["headers"][header] = token if entity.forward_to: await _populate_header_within_kwargs( entity.forward_to, SUPPLEMENTARY_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER ) if entity.forward_dead_lettered_messages_to: await _populate_header_within_kwargs( entity.forward_dead_lettered_messages_to, DEAD_LETTER_SUPPLEMENTARY_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_connection_string( cls, conn_str: str, *, api_version: Union[str, ApiVersion] = DEFAULT_VERSION, **kwargs: Any ) -> "ServiceBusAdministrationClient": """Create a client from connection string. :param str conn_str: The connection string of the Service Bus Namespace. :return: A ServiceBusAdministrationClient. :rtype: :keyword api_version: The Service Bus API version to use for requests. Default value is the most recent service version that is compatible with the current SDK. Setting to an older version may result in reduced feature compatibility. :paramtype api_version: str or ApiVersion """ ( endpoint, shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key, _, token, token_expiry, ) = _parse_conn_str(conn_str) if token and token_expiry: credential = ServiceBusSASTokenCredential(token, token_expiry) elif shared_access_key_name and shared_access_key: credential = ServiceBusSharedKeyCredential(shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key) # type: ignore if "//" in endpoint: endpoint = endpoint[endpoint.index("//") + 2 :] return cls(endpoint, credential, api_version=api_version, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] async def get_queue(self, queue_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> QueueProperties: """Get the properties of a queue. :param str queue_name: The name of the queue. :return: The properties of the Queue. :rtype: """ entry_ele = await self._get_entity_element(queue_name, **kwargs) entry = QueueDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) if not entry.content: raise ResourceNotFoundError("Queue '{}' does not exist".format(queue_name)) queue_description = QueueProperties._from_internal_entity( queue_name, entry.content.queue_description ) return queue_description
[docs] async def get_queue_runtime_properties( self, queue_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> QueueRuntimeProperties: """Get the runtime information of a queue. :param str queue_name: The name of the queue. :return: The runtime information of the Queue. :rtype: """ entry_ele = await self._get_entity_element(queue_name, **kwargs) entry = QueueDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) if not entry.content: raise ResourceNotFoundError("Queue {} does not exist".format(queue_name)) runtime_properties = QueueRuntimeProperties._from_internal_entity( queue_name, entry.content.queue_description ) return runtime_properties
[docs] async def create_queue( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals self, queue_name: str, *, authorization_rules: Optional[List[AuthorizationRule]] = None, auto_delete_on_idle: Optional[Union[datetime.timedelta, str]] = None, dead_lettering_on_message_expiration: Optional[bool] = None, default_message_time_to_live: Optional[Union[datetime.timedelta, str]] = None, duplicate_detection_history_time_window: Optional[ Union[datetime.timedelta, str] ] = None, enable_batched_operations: Optional[bool] = None, enable_express: Optional[bool] = None, enable_partitioning: Optional[bool] = None, lock_duration: Optional[Union[datetime.timedelta, str]] = None, max_delivery_count: Optional[int] = None, max_size_in_megabytes: Optional[int] = None, requires_duplicate_detection: Optional[bool] = None, requires_session: Optional[bool] = None, forward_to: Optional[str] = None, user_metadata: Optional[str] = None, forward_dead_lettered_messages_to: Optional[str] = None, max_message_size_in_kilobytes: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> QueueProperties: """Create a queue. :param queue_name: Name of the queue. :type queue_name: str :keyword authorization_rules: Authorization rules for resource. :paramtype authorization_rules: list[] :keyword auto_delete_on_idle: ISO 8601 timeSpan idle interval after which the queue is automatically deleted. The minimum duration is 5 minutes. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like "PT300S" is accepted. :paramtype auto_delete_on_idle: Union[~datetime.timedelta, str] :keyword dead_lettering_on_message_expiration: A value that indicates whether this queue has dead letter support when a message expires. :paramtype dead_lettering_on_message_expiration: bool :keyword default_message_time_to_live: ISO 8601 default message timespan to live value. This is the duration after which the message expires, starting from when the message is sent to Service Bus. This is the default value used when TimeToLive is not set on a message itself. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like "PT300S" is accepted. :paramtype default_message_time_to_live: Union[~datetime.timedelta, str] :keyword duplicate_detection_history_time_window: ISO 8601 timeSpan structure that defines the duration of the duplicate detection history. The default value is 10 minutes. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like "PT300S" is accepted. :paramtype duplicate_detection_history_time_window: Union[~datetime.timedelta, str] :keyword enable_batched_operations: Value that indicates whether server-side batched operations are enabled. :paramtype enable_batched_operations: bool :keyword enable_express: A value that indicates whether Express Entities are enabled. An express queue holds a message in memory temporarily before writing it to persistent storage. :paramtype enable_express: bool :keyword enable_partitioning: A value that indicates whether the queue is to be partitioned across multiple message brokers. :paramtype enable_partitioning: bool :keyword lock_duration: ISO 8601 timespan duration of a peek-lock; that is, the amount of time that the message is locked for other receivers. The maximum value for LockDuration is 5 minutes; the default value is 1 minute. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like "PT300S" is accepted. :paramtype lock_duration: Union[~datetime.timedelta, str] :keyword max_delivery_count: The maximum delivery count. A message is automatically deadlettered after this number of deliveries. Default value is 10. :paramtype max_delivery_count: int :keyword max_size_in_megabytes: The maximum size of the queue in megabytes, which is the size of memory allocated for the queue. :paramtype max_size_in_megabytes: int :keyword requires_duplicate_detection: A value indicating if this queue requires duplicate detection. :paramtype requires_duplicate_detection: bool :keyword requires_session: A value that indicates whether the queue supports the concept of sessions. :paramtype requires_session: bool :keyword forward_to: The name of the recipient entity to which all the messages sent to the queue are forwarded to. :paramtype forward_to: str :keyword user_metadata: Custom metdata that user can associate with the description. Max length is 1024 chars. :paramtype user_metadata: str :keyword forward_dead_lettered_messages_to: The name of the recipient entity to which all the dead-lettered messages of this subscription are forwarded to. :paramtype forward_dead_lettered_messages_to: str :keyword max_message_size_in_kilobytes: The maximum size in kilobytes of message payload that can be accepted by the queue. This feature is only available when using a Premium namespace and Service Bus API version "2021-05" or higher. The minimum allowed value is 1024 while the maximum allowed value is 102400. Default value is 1024. :paramtype max_message_size_in_kilobytes: int :returns: Returns the properties of the queue. :rtype: """ forward_to = _normalize_entity_path_to_full_path_if_needed( forward_to, self.fully_qualified_namespace ) forward_dead_lettered_messages_to = ( _normalize_entity_path_to_full_path_if_needed( forward_dead_lettered_messages_to, self.fully_qualified_namespace, ) ) queue = QueueProperties( queue_name, authorization_rules=authorization_rules, auto_delete_on_idle=auto_delete_on_idle, dead_lettering_on_message_expiration=dead_lettering_on_message_expiration, default_message_time_to_live=default_message_time_to_live, duplicate_detection_history_time_window=duplicate_detection_history_time_window, availability_status=None, enable_batched_operations=enable_batched_operations, enable_express=enable_express, enable_partitioning=enable_partitioning, lock_duration=lock_duration, max_delivery_count=max_delivery_count, max_size_in_megabytes=max_size_in_megabytes, requires_duplicate_detection=requires_duplicate_detection, requires_session=requires_session, status=kwargs.pop("status", None), forward_to=forward_to, forward_dead_lettered_messages_to=forward_dead_lettered_messages_to, user_metadata=user_metadata, max_message_size_in_kilobytes=max_message_size_in_kilobytes, ) to_create = queue._to_internal_entity(self.fully_qualified_namespace) create_entity_body = CreateQueueBody( content=CreateQueueBodyContent( queue_description=to_create, # type: ignore ) ) request_body = create_entity_body.serialize(is_xml=True) await self._create_forward_to_header_tokens(to_create, kwargs) with _handle_response_error(): entry_ele = cast( ElementTree, await self._impl.entity.put( queue_name, request_body, **kwargs # type: ignore ), ) entry = QueueDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) # Need to cast from Optional[QueueDescriptionEntryContent] to QueueDescriptionEntryContent # since we know for certain that `entry.content` will not be None here. entry.content = cast(QueueDescriptionEntryContent, entry.content) result = QueueProperties._from_internal_entity( queue_name, entry.content.queue_description ) return result
[docs] async def update_queue( self, queue: Union[QueueProperties, Mapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Update a queue. Before calling this method, you should use `get_queue`, `create_queue` or `list_queues` to get a `QueueProperties` instance, then update the properties. Only a portion of properties can be updated. Refer to You could also pass keyword arguments for updating properties in the form of `<property_name>=<property_value>` which will override whatever was specified in the `QueueProperties` instance. Refer to for names of properties. :param queue: The queue that is returned from `get_queue`, `create_queue` or `list_queues` and has the updated properties. :type queue: :rtype: None """ # we should not mutate the input, making a copy first for update queue = deepcopy(create_properties_from_dict_if_needed(queue, QueueProperties)) to_update = queue._to_internal_entity(self.fully_qualified_namespace, kwargs) create_entity_body = CreateQueueBody( content=CreateQueueBodyContent( queue_description=to_update, ) ) request_body = create_entity_body.serialize(is_xml=True) await self._create_forward_to_header_tokens(to_update, kwargs) with _handle_response_error(): await self._impl.entity.put(, request_body, match_condition=MatchConditions.IfPresent, **kwargs # type: ignore )
[docs] async def delete_queue(self, queue_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Delete a queue. :param str queue_name: The name of the queue or a `QueueProperties` with name. :rtype: None """ _validate_entity_name_type(queue_name) if not queue_name: raise ValueError("queue_name must not be None or empty") with _handle_response_error(): await self._impl.entity.delete(queue_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_queues(self, **kwargs: Any) -> AsyncItemPaged[QueueProperties]: """List the queues of a ServiceBus namespace. :returns: An iterable (auto-paging) response of QueueProperties. :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[] """ def entry_to_qd(entry): qd = QueueProperties._from_internal_entity( entry.title, entry.content.queue_description ) return qd extract_data = functools.partial( extract_data_template, QueueDescriptionFeed, entry_to_qd ) get_next = functools.partial( get_next_template, functools.partial(self._impl.list_entities, constants.ENTITY_TYPE_QUEUES), **kwargs ) return AsyncItemPaged(get_next, extract_data)
[docs] def list_queues_runtime_properties( self, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncItemPaged[QueueRuntimeProperties]: """List the runtime information of the queues in a ServiceBus namespace. :returns: An iterable (auto-paging) response of QueueRuntimeProperties. :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[] """ def entry_to_qr(entry): qd = QueueRuntimeProperties._from_internal_entity( entry.title, entry.content.queue_description ) return qd extract_data = functools.partial( extract_data_template, QueueDescriptionFeed, entry_to_qr ) get_next = functools.partial( get_next_template, functools.partial(self._impl.list_entities, constants.ENTITY_TYPE_QUEUES), **kwargs ) return AsyncItemPaged(get_next, extract_data)
[docs] async def get_topic(self, topic_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> TopicProperties: """Get the properties of a topic. :param str topic_name: The name of the topic. :return: The properties of the topic. :rtype: """ entry_ele = await self._get_entity_element(topic_name, **kwargs) entry = TopicDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) if not entry.content: raise ResourceNotFoundError("Topic '{}' does not exist".format(topic_name)) topic_description = TopicProperties._from_internal_entity( topic_name, entry.content.topic_description ) return topic_description
[docs] async def get_topic_runtime_properties( self, topic_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> TopicRuntimeProperties: """Get the runtime information of a topic. :param str topic_name: The name of the topic. :return: The runtime info of the topic. :rtype: """ entry_ele = await self._get_entity_element(topic_name, **kwargs) entry = TopicDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) if not entry.content: raise ResourceNotFoundError("Topic {} does not exist".format(topic_name)) topic_description = TopicRuntimeProperties._from_internal_entity( topic_name, entry.content.topic_description ) return topic_description
[docs] async def create_topic( self, topic_name: str, *, default_message_time_to_live: Optional[Union[datetime.timedelta, str]] = None, max_size_in_megabytes: Optional[int] = None, requires_duplicate_detection: Optional[bool] = None, duplicate_detection_history_time_window: Optional[ Union[datetime.timedelta, str] ] = None, enable_batched_operations: Optional[bool] = None, size_in_bytes: Optional[int] = None, filtering_messages_before_publishing: Optional[bool] = None, authorization_rules: Optional[List[AuthorizationRule]] = None, support_ordering: Optional[bool] = None, auto_delete_on_idle: Optional[Union[datetime.timedelta, str]] = None, enable_partitioning: Optional[bool] = None, enable_express: Optional[bool] = None, user_metadata: Optional[str] = None, max_message_size_in_kilobytes: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> TopicProperties: """Create a topic. :param topic_name: Name of the topic. :type topic_name: str :keyword default_message_time_to_live: ISO 8601 default message timespan to live value. This is the duration after which the message expires, starting from when the message is sent to Service Bus. This is the default value used when TimeToLive is not set on a message itself. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like "PT300S" is accepted. :paramtype default_message_time_to_live: Union[~datetime.timedelta, str] :keyword max_size_in_megabytes: The maximum size of the topic in megabytes, which is the size of memory allocated for the topic. :paramtype max_size_in_megabytes: int :keyword requires_duplicate_detection: A value indicating if this topic requires duplicate detection. :paramtype requires_duplicate_detection: bool :keyword duplicate_detection_history_time_window: ISO 8601 timeSpan structure that defines the duration of the duplicate detection history. The default value is 10 minutes. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like "PT300S" is accepted. :paramtype duplicate_detection_history_time_window: Union[~datetime.timedelta, str] :keyword enable_batched_operations: Value that indicates whether server-side batched operations are enabled. :paramtype enable_batched_operations: bool :keyword size_in_bytes: The size of the topic, in bytes. :paramtype size_in_bytes: int :keyword filtering_messages_before_publishing: Filter messages before publishing. :paramtype filtering_messages_before_publishing: bool :keyword authorization_rules: Authorization rules for resource. :paramtype authorization_rules: list[] :keyword support_ordering: A value that indicates whether the topic supports ordering. :paramtype support_ordering: bool :keyword auto_delete_on_idle: ISO 8601 timeSpan idle interval after which the topic is automatically deleted. The minimum duration is 5 minutes. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like "PT300S" is accepted. :paramtype auto_delete_on_idle: Union[~datetime.timedelta, str] :keyword enable_partitioning: A value that indicates whether the topic is to be partitioned across multiple message brokers. :paramtype enable_partitioning: bool :keyword enable_express: A value that indicates whether Express Entities are enabled. An express queue holds a message in memory temporarily before writing it to persistent storage. :paramtype enable_express: bool :keyword user_metadata: Metadata associated with the topic. :paramtype user_metadata: str :keyword max_message_size_in_kilobytes: The maximum size in kilobytes of message payload that can be accepted by the queue. This feature is only available when using a Premium namespace and Service Bus API version "2021-05" or higher. The minimum allowed value is 1024 while the maximum allowed value is 102400. Default value is 1024. :paramtype max_message_size_in_kilobytes: int :return: Returns the properties of the topic. :rtype: """ topic = TopicProperties( topic_name, default_message_time_to_live=default_message_time_to_live, max_size_in_megabytes=max_size_in_megabytes, requires_duplicate_detection=requires_duplicate_detection, # TODO: ask why default of 10 mins isn't followed below, duplicate_detection_history_time_window=duplicate_detection_history_time_window, enable_batched_operations=enable_batched_operations, size_in_bytes=size_in_bytes, authorization_rules=authorization_rules, filtering_messages_before_publishing=filtering_messages_before_publishing, status=kwargs.pop("status", None), support_ordering=support_ordering, auto_delete_on_idle=auto_delete_on_idle, enable_partitioning=enable_partitioning, availability_status=None, enable_express=enable_express, user_metadata=user_metadata, max_message_size_in_kilobytes=max_message_size_in_kilobytes, **kwargs ) to_create = topic._to_internal_entity() create_entity_body = CreateTopicBody( content=CreateTopicBodyContent( topic_description=to_create, # type: ignore ) ) request_body = create_entity_body.serialize(is_xml=True) with _handle_response_error(): entry_ele = cast( ElementTree, await self._impl.entity.put( topic_name, request_body, **kwargs # type: ignore ), ) entry = TopicDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) # Need to cast from Optional[TopicDescriptionEntryContent] to TopicDescriptionEntryContent # since we know for certain that `entry.content` will not be None here. entry.content = cast(TopicDescriptionEntryContent, entry.content) result = TopicProperties._from_internal_entity( topic_name, entry.content.topic_description ) return result
[docs] async def update_topic( self, topic: Union[TopicProperties, Mapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Update a topic. Before calling this method, you should use `get_topic`, `create_topic` or `list_topics` to get a `TopicProperties` instance, then update the properties. Only a portion of properties can be updated. Refer to You could also pass keyword arguments for updating properties in the form of `<property_name>=<property_value>` which will override whatever was specified in the `TopicProperties` instance. Refer to for names of properties. :param topic: The topic that is returned from `get_topic`, `create_topic`, or `list_topics` and has the updated properties. :type topic: :rtype: None """ topic = deepcopy(create_properties_from_dict_if_needed(topic, TopicProperties)) to_update = topic._to_internal_entity(kwargs) create_entity_body = CreateTopicBody( content=CreateTopicBodyContent( topic_description=to_update, ) ) request_body = create_entity_body.serialize(is_xml=True) with _handle_response_error(): await self._impl.entity.put(, request_body, match_condition=MatchConditions.IfPresent, **kwargs # type: ignore )
[docs] async def delete_topic(self, topic_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Delete a topic. :param str topic_name: The topic to be deleted. :rtype: None """ _validate_entity_name_type(topic_name) await self._impl.entity.delete(topic_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_topics(self, **kwargs: Any) -> AsyncItemPaged[TopicProperties]: """List the topics of a ServiceBus namespace. :returns: An iterable (auto-paging) response of TopicProperties. :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[] """ def entry_to_topic(entry): topic = TopicProperties._from_internal_entity( entry.title, entry.content.topic_description ) return topic extract_data = functools.partial( extract_data_template, TopicDescriptionFeed, entry_to_topic ) get_next = functools.partial( get_next_template, functools.partial(self._impl.list_entities, constants.ENTITY_TYPE_TOPICS), **kwargs ) return AsyncItemPaged(get_next, extract_data)
[docs] def list_topics_runtime_properties( self, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncItemPaged[TopicRuntimeProperties]: """List the topics runtime information of a ServiceBus namespace. :return: An iterable (auto-paging) response of TopicRuntimeProperties. :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[] """ def entry_to_topic(entry): topic = TopicRuntimeProperties._from_internal_entity( entry.title, entry.content.topic_description ) return topic extract_data = functools.partial( extract_data_template, TopicDescriptionFeed, entry_to_topic ) get_next = functools.partial( get_next_template, functools.partial(self._impl.list_entities, constants.ENTITY_TYPE_TOPICS), **kwargs ) return AsyncItemPaged(get_next, extract_data)
[docs] async def get_subscription( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> SubscriptionProperties: """Get the properties of a topic subscription. :param str topic_name: The topic that owns the subscription. :param str subscription_name: name of the subscription. :return: An instance of SubscriptionProperties. :rtype: """ entry_ele = await self._get_subscription_element( topic_name, subscription_name, **kwargs ) entry = SubscriptionDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) if not entry.content: raise ResourceNotFoundError( "Subscription('Topic: {}, Subscription: {}') does not exist".format( subscription_name, topic_name ) ) subscription = SubscriptionProperties._from_internal_entity( subscription_name, entry.content.subscription_description ) return subscription
[docs] async def get_subscription_runtime_properties( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> SubscriptionRuntimeProperties: """Get a topic subscription runtime info. :param str topic_name: The topic that owns the subscription. :param str subscription_name: name of the subscription. :return: An instance of SubscriptionRuntimeProperties. :rtype: """ entry_ele = await self._get_subscription_element( topic_name, subscription_name, **kwargs ) entry = SubscriptionDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) if not entry.content: raise ResourceNotFoundError( "Subscription('Topic: {}, Subscription: {}') does not exist".format( subscription_name, topic_name ) ) subscription = SubscriptionRuntimeProperties._from_internal_entity( subscription_name, entry.content.subscription_description ) return subscription
[docs] async def create_subscription( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, *, lock_duration: Optional[Union[datetime.timedelta, str]] = None, requires_session: Optional[bool] = None, default_message_time_to_live: Optional[Union[datetime.timedelta, str]] = None, dead_lettering_on_message_expiration: Optional[bool] = None, dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions: Optional[bool] = None, max_delivery_count: Optional[int] = None, enable_batched_operations: Optional[bool] = None, forward_to: Optional[str] = None, user_metadata: Optional[str] = None, forward_dead_lettered_messages_to: Optional[str] = None, auto_delete_on_idle: Optional[Union[datetime.timedelta, str]] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> SubscriptionProperties: """Create a topic subscription. :param str topic_name: The topic that will own the to-be-created subscription. :param subscription_name: Name of the subscription. :type subscription_name: str :keyword lock_duration: ISO 8601 timespan duration of a peek-lock; that is, the amount of time that the message is locked for other receivers. The maximum value for LockDuration is 5 minutes; the default value is 1 minute. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like "PT300S" is accepted. :paramtype lock_duration: Union[~datetime.timedelta, str] :keyword requires_session: A value that indicates whether the queue supports the concept of sessions. :paramtype requires_session: bool :keyword default_message_time_to_live: ISO 8601 default message timespan to live value. This is the duration after which the message expires, starting from when the message is sent to Service Bus. This is the default value used when TimeToLive is not set on a message itself. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like "PT300S" is accepted. :paramtype default_message_time_to_live: Union[~datetime.timedelta, str] :keyword dead_lettering_on_message_expiration: A value that indicates whether this subscription has dead letter support when a message expires. :paramtype dead_lettering_on_message_expiration: bool :keyword dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions: A value that indicates whether this subscription has dead letter support when a message expires. :paramtype dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions: bool :keyword max_delivery_count: The maximum delivery count. A message is automatically deadlettered after this number of deliveries. Default value is 10. :paramtype max_delivery_count: int :keyword enable_batched_operations: Value that indicates whether server-side batched operations are enabled. :paramtype enable_batched_operations: bool :keyword forward_to: The name of the recipient entity to which all the messages sent to the subscription are forwarded to. :paramtype forward_to: str :keyword user_metadata: Metadata associated with the subscription. Maximum number of characters is 1024. :paramtype user_metadata: str :keyword forward_dead_lettered_messages_to: The name of the recipient entity to which all the messages sent to the subscription are forwarded to. :paramtype forward_dead_lettered_messages_to: str :keyword auto_delete_on_idle: ISO 8601 timeSpan idle interval after which the subscription is automatically deleted. The minimum duration is 5 minutes. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like "PT300S" is accepted. :paramtype auto_delete_on_idle: Union[~datetime.timedelta, str] :return: Returns the properties of the topic subscription that was created. :rtype: """ # pylint:disable=protected-access _validate_entity_name_type(topic_name, display_name="topic_name") forward_to = _normalize_entity_path_to_full_path_if_needed( forward_to, self.fully_qualified_namespace ) forward_dead_lettered_messages_to = ( _normalize_entity_path_to_full_path_if_needed( forward_dead_lettered_messages_to, self.fully_qualified_namespace, ) ) subscription = SubscriptionProperties( subscription_name, lock_duration=lock_duration, requires_session=requires_session, default_message_time_to_live=default_message_time_to_live, dead_lettering_on_message_expiration=dead_lettering_on_message_expiration, dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions=dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions, max_delivery_count=max_delivery_count, enable_batched_operations=enable_batched_operations, status=kwargs.pop("status", None), forward_to=forward_to, user_metadata=user_metadata, forward_dead_lettered_messages_to=forward_dead_lettered_messages_to, auto_delete_on_idle=auto_delete_on_idle, availability_status=None, ) to_create = subscription._to_internal_entity(self.fully_qualified_namespace) # type: ignore create_entity_body = CreateSubscriptionBody( content=CreateSubscriptionBodyContent( subscription_description=to_create, # type: ignore ) ) request_body = create_entity_body.serialize(is_xml=True) await self._create_forward_to_header_tokens(to_create, kwargs) with _handle_response_error(): entry_ele = cast( ElementTree, await self._impl.subscription.put( topic_name, subscription_name, # type: ignore request_body, **kwargs ), ) entry = SubscriptionDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) # Need to cast from Optional[SubscriptionDescriptionEntryContent] to SubscriptionDescriptionEntryContent # since we know for certain that `entry.content` will not be None here. entry.content = cast(SubscriptionDescriptionEntryContent, entry.content) result = SubscriptionProperties._from_internal_entity( subscription_name, entry.content.subscription_description ) return result
[docs] async def update_subscription( self, topic_name: str, subscription: Union[SubscriptionProperties, Mapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Update a subscription. Before calling this method, you should use `get_subscription`, `update_subscription` or `list_subscription` to get a `SubscriptionProperties` instance, then update the properties. You could also pass keyword arguments for updating properties in the form of `<property_name>=<property_value>` which will override whatever was specified in the `SubscriptionProperties` instance. Refer to for names of properties. :param str topic_name: The topic that owns the subscription. :param subscription: The subscription that is returned from `get_subscription`, `update_subscription` or `list_subscription` and has the updated properties. :rtype: None """ _validate_entity_name_type(topic_name, display_name="topic_name") # we should not mutate the input, making a copy first for update subscription = deepcopy( create_properties_from_dict_if_needed(subscription, SubscriptionProperties) ) to_update = subscription._to_internal_entity( self.fully_qualified_namespace, kwargs ) create_entity_body = CreateSubscriptionBody( content=CreateSubscriptionBodyContent( subscription_description=to_update, ) ) request_body = create_entity_body.serialize(is_xml=True) await self._create_forward_to_header_tokens(to_update, kwargs) with _handle_response_error(): await self._impl.subscription.put( topic_name,, request_body, match_condition=MatchConditions.IfPresent, **kwargs )
[docs] async def delete_subscription( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Delete a topic subscription. :param str topic_name: The topic that owns the subscription. :param str subscription_name: The subscription to be deleted. :rtype: None """ _validate_topic_and_subscription_types(topic_name, subscription_name) await self._impl.subscription.delete(topic_name, subscription_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_subscriptions( self, topic_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncItemPaged[SubscriptionProperties]: """List the subscriptions of a ServiceBus Topic. :param str topic_name: The topic that owns the subscription. :returns: An iterable (auto-paging) response of SubscriptionProperties. :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[] """ _validate_entity_name_type(topic_name) def entry_to_subscription(entry): subscription = SubscriptionProperties._from_internal_entity( entry.title, entry.content.subscription_description ) return subscription extract_data = functools.partial( extract_data_template, SubscriptionDescriptionFeed, entry_to_subscription ) get_next = functools.partial( get_next_template, functools.partial(self._impl.list_subscriptions, topic_name), **kwargs ) return AsyncItemPaged(get_next, extract_data)
[docs] def list_subscriptions_runtime_properties( self, topic_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncItemPaged[SubscriptionRuntimeProperties]: """List the subscriptions runtime information of a ServiceBus. :param str topic_name: The topic that owns the subscription. :returns: An iterable (auto-paging) response of SubscriptionRuntimeProperties. :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[] """ _validate_entity_name_type(topic_name) def entry_to_subscription(entry): subscription = SubscriptionRuntimeProperties._from_internal_entity( entry.title, entry.content.subscription_description ) return subscription extract_data = functools.partial( extract_data_template, SubscriptionDescriptionFeed, entry_to_subscription ) get_next = functools.partial( get_next_template, functools.partial(self._impl.list_subscriptions, topic_name), **kwargs ) return AsyncItemPaged(get_next, extract_data)
[docs] async def get_rule( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, rule_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> RuleProperties: """Get the properties of a topic subscription rule. :param str topic_name: The topic that owns the subscription. :param str subscription_name: The subscription that owns the rule. :param str rule_name: Name of the rule. :return: The properties of the topic subscription rule. :rtype: """ entry_ele = await self._get_rule_element( topic_name, subscription_name, rule_name, **kwargs ) entry = RuleDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) if not entry.content: raise ResourceNotFoundError( "Rule('Topic: {}, Subscription: {}, Rule {}') does not exist".format( subscription_name, topic_name, rule_name ) ) rule_description = RuleProperties._from_internal_entity( rule_name, entry.content.rule_description ) deserialize_rule_key_values( entry_ele, rule_description ) # to remove after #3535 is released. return rule_description
[docs] async def create_rule( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, rule_name: str, *, filter: Union[ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin CorrelationRuleFilter, SqlRuleFilter ] = TrueRuleFilter(), action: Optional[SqlRuleAction] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> RuleProperties: """Create a rule for a topic subscription. :param str topic_name: The topic that will own the to-be-created subscription rule. :param str subscription_name: The subscription that will own the to-be-created rule. :param rule_name: Name of the rule. :type rule_name: str :keyword filter: The filter of the rule. The default value is :paramtype filter: Union[,] :keyword action: The action of the rule. :paramtype action: Optional[] :return: Returns the rules of the topic subscription. :rtype: """ _validate_topic_and_subscription_types(topic_name, subscription_name) rule = RuleProperties( rule_name, filter=filter, action=action, created_at_utc=None, ) to_create = rule._to_internal_entity() create_entity_body = CreateRuleBody( content=CreateRuleBodyContent( rule_description=to_create, # type: ignore ) ) request_body = create_entity_body.serialize(is_xml=True) serialize_rule_key_values(request_body, rule) with _handle_response_error(): entry_ele = await self._impl.rule.put( topic_name, subscription_name, # type: ignore rule_name, request_body, **kwargs ) entry = RuleDescriptionEntry.deserialize(entry_ele) # Need to cast from Optional[RuleDescriptionEntryContent] to RuleDescriptionEntryContent # since we know for certain that `entry.content` will not be None here. entry.content = cast(RuleDescriptionEntryContent, entry.content) result = RuleProperties._from_internal_entity( rule_name, entry.content.rule_description ) deserialize_rule_key_values( entry_ele, result ) # to remove after #3535 is released. return result
[docs] async def update_rule( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, rule: Union[RuleProperties, Mapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Update a rule. Before calling this method, you should use `get_rule`, `create_rule` or `list_rules` to get a `RuleProperties` instance, then update the properties. You could also pass keyword arguments for updating properties in the form of `<property_name>=<property_value>` which will override whatever was specified in the `RuleProperties` instance. Refer to for names of properties. :param str topic_name: The topic that owns the subscription. :param str subscription_name: The subscription that owns this rule. :param rule: The rule that is returned from `get_rule`, `create_rule`, or `list_rules` and has the updated properties. :type rule: :rtype: None """ _validate_topic_and_subscription_types(topic_name, subscription_name) # we should not mutate the input, making a copy first for update rule = deepcopy(create_properties_from_dict_if_needed(rule, RuleProperties)) to_update = rule._to_internal_entity(kwargs) create_entity_body = CreateRuleBody( content=CreateRuleBodyContent( rule_description=to_update, ) ) request_body = create_entity_body.serialize(is_xml=True) serialize_rule_key_values(request_body, rule) with _handle_response_error(): await self._impl.rule.put( topic_name, subscription_name,, request_body, match_condition=MatchConditions.IfPresent, **kwargs )
[docs] async def delete_rule( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, rule_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Delete a topic subscription rule. :param str topic_name: The topic that owns the subscription. :param str subscription_name: The subscription that owns the topic. :param str rule_name: The to-be-deleted rule. :rtype: None """ _validate_topic_subscription_and_rule_types( topic_name, subscription_name, rule_name ) await self._impl.rule.delete(topic_name, subscription_name, rule_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_rules( self, topic_name: str, subscription_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncItemPaged[RuleProperties]: """List the rules of a topic subscription. :param str topic_name: The topic that owns the subscription. :param str subscription_name: The subscription that owns the rules. :returns: An iterable (auto-paging) response of RuleProperties. :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[] """ _validate_topic_and_subscription_types(topic_name, subscription_name) def entry_to_rule(ele, entry): """ `ele` will be removed after #3535 is released. :param any ele: The xml element of the entry. :param any entry: The entry to be converted. :return: The converted entry. :rtype: """ rule = entry.content.rule_description rule_description = RuleProperties._from_internal_entity(entry.title, rule) deserialize_rule_key_values( ele, rule_description ) # to remove after #3535 is released. return rule_description extract_data = functools.partial( extract_rule_data_template, RuleDescriptionFeed, entry_to_rule ) get_next = functools.partial( get_next_template, functools.partial(self._impl.list_rules, topic_name, subscription_name), **kwargs ) return AsyncItemPaged(get_next, extract_data)
[docs] async def get_namespace_properties(self, **kwargs: Any) -> NamespaceProperties: """Get the namespace properties :return: The namespace properties. :rtype: """ entry_el = await self._impl.namespace.get(**kwargs) namespace_entry = NamespacePropertiesEntry.deserialize(entry_el) namespace_entry.content = cast( NamespacePropertiesEntryContent, namespace_entry.content ) return NamespaceProperties._from_internal_entity( namespace_entry.title, namespace_entry.content.namespace_properties )
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: await self._impl.close()