# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import logging
import asyncio
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, List
import uamqp
from uamqp import SendClientAsync, types
from .._common.message import Message, BatchMessage
from .._base_handler import _convert_connection_string_to_kwargs
from .._servicebus_sender import SenderMixin
from ._base_handler_async import BaseHandler, ServiceBusSharedKeyCredential
from .._common.constants import (
from .._common import mgmt_handlers
from ._async_utils import create_authentication
import datetime
from azure.core.credentials import TokenCredential
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class ServiceBusSender(BaseHandler, SenderMixin):
"""The ServiceBusSender class defines a high level interface for
sending messages to the Azure Service Bus Queue or Topic.
:ivar fully_qualified_namespace: The fully qualified host name for the Service Bus namespace.
The namespace format is: `<yournamespace>.servicebus.windows.net`.
:vartype fully_qualified_namespace: str
:ivar entity_name: The name of the entity that the client connects to.
:vartype entity_name: str
:param str fully_qualified_namespace: The fully qualified host name for the Service Bus namespace.
The namespace format is: `<yournamespace>.servicebus.windows.net`.
:param ~azure.core.credentials.TokenCredential credential: The credential object used for authentication which
implements a particular interface for getting tokens. It accepts
:class:`ServiceBusSharedKeyCredential<azure.servicebus.ServiceBusSharedKeyCredential>`, or credential objects
generated by the azure-identity library and objects that implement the `get_token(self, *scopes)` method.
:keyword str queue_name: The path of specific Service Bus Queue the client connects to.
Only one of queue_name or topic_name can be provided.
:keyword str topic_name: The path of specific Service Bus Topic the client connects to.
Only one of queue_name or topic_name can be provided.
:keyword bool logging_enable: Whether to output network trace logs to the logger. Default is `False`.
:keyword int retry_total: The total number of attempts to redo a failed operation when an error occurs.
Default value is 3.
:keyword transport_type: The type of transport protocol that will be used for communicating with
the Service Bus service. Default is `TransportType.Amqp`.
:paramtype transport_type: ~azure.servicebus.TransportType
:keyword dict http_proxy: HTTP proxy settings. This must be a dictionary with the following
keys: `'proxy_hostname'` (str value) and `'proxy_port'` (int value).
Additionally the following keys may also be present: `'username', 'password'`.
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/sample_code_servicebus_async.py
:start-after: [START create_servicebus_sender_async]
:end-before: [END create_servicebus_sender_async]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Create a new instance of the ServiceBusSender.
def __init__(
fully_qualified_namespace: str,
credential: "TokenCredential",
**kwargs: Any
if kwargs.get("entity_name"):
super(ServiceBusSender, self).__init__(
queue_name = kwargs.get("queue_name")
topic_name = kwargs.get("topic_name")
if queue_name and topic_name:
raise ValueError("Queue/Topic name can not be specified simultaneously.")
if not (queue_name or topic_name):
raise ValueError("Queue/Topic name is missing. Please specify queue_name/topic_name.")
entity_name = queue_name or topic_name
super(ServiceBusSender, self).__init__(
self._max_message_size_on_link = 0
self._connection = kwargs.get("connection")
def _create_handler(self, auth):
self._handler = SendClientAsync(
async def _open(self):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if self._running:
if self._handler:
await self._handler.close_async()
auth = None if self._connection else (await create_authentication(self))
await self._handler.open_async(connection=self._connection)
while not await self._handler.client_ready_async():
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
self._running = True
self._max_message_size_on_link = self._handler.message_handler._link.peer_max_message_size \
or uamqp.constants.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH_BYTES
await self.close()
async def _send(self, message, timeout=None, last_exception=None):
await self._open()
self._set_msg_timeout(timeout, last_exception)
await self._handler.send_message_async(message.message)
[docs] async def schedule(self, messages, schedule_time_utc):
# type: (Union[Message, List[Message]], datetime.datetime) -> List[int]
"""Send Message or multiple Messages to be enqueued at a specific time.
Returns a list of the sequence numbers of the enqueued messages.
:param messages: The message or list of messages to schedule.
:type messages: ~azure.servicebus.Message or list[~azure.servicebus.Message]
:param schedule_time_utc: The utc date and time to enqueue the messages.
:type schedule_time_utc: ~datetime.datetime
:rtype: list[int]
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/sample_code_servicebus_async.py
:start-after: [START scheduling_messages_async]
:end-before: [END scheduling_messages_async]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Schedule a message to be sent in future
# pylint: disable=protected-access
await self._open()
if isinstance(messages, Message):
request_body = self._build_schedule_request(schedule_time_utc, messages)
request_body = self._build_schedule_request(schedule_time_utc, *messages)
return await self._mgmt_request_response_with_retry(
[docs] async def cancel_scheduled_messages(self, sequence_numbers):
# type: (Union[int, List[int]]) -> None
Cancel one or more messages that have previously been scheduled and are still pending.
:param sequence_numbers: The sequence numbers of the scheduled messages.
:type sequence_numbers: int or list[int]
:rtype: None
:raises: ~azure.servicebus.exceptions.ServiceBusError if messages cancellation failed due to message already
cancelled or enqueued.
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/sample_code_servicebus_async.py
:start-after: [START cancel_scheduled_messages_async]
:end-before: [END cancel_scheduled_messages_async]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Cancelling messages scheduled to be sent in future
await self._open()
if isinstance(sequence_numbers, int):
numbers = [types.AMQPLong(sequence_numbers)]
numbers = [types.AMQPLong(s) for s in sequence_numbers]
request_body = {MGMT_REQUEST_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS: types.AMQPArray(numbers)}
return await self._mgmt_request_response_with_retry(
[docs] @classmethod
def from_connection_string(
conn_str: str,
**kwargs: Any
) -> "ServiceBusSender":
"""Create a ServiceBusSender from a connection string.
:param conn_str: The connection string of a Service Bus.
:keyword str queue_name: The path of specific Service Bus Queue the client connects to.
:keyword str topic_name: The path of specific Service Bus Topic the client connects to.
:keyword bool logging_enable: Whether to output network trace logs to the logger. Default is `False`.
:keyword int retry_total: The total number of attempts to redo a failed operation when an error occurs.
Default value is 3.
:keyword transport_type: The type of transport protocol that will be used for communicating with
the Service Bus service. Default is `TransportType.Amqp`.
:paramtype transport_type: ~azure.servicebus.TransportType
:keyword dict http_proxy: HTTP proxy settings. This must be a dictionary with the following
keys: `'proxy_hostname'` (str value) and `'proxy_port'` (int value).
Additionally the following keys may also be present: `'username', 'password'`.
:rtype: ~azure.servicebus.aio.ServiceBusSender
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/sample_code_servicebus_async.py
:start-after: [START create_servicebus_sender_from_conn_str_async]
:end-before: [END create_servicebus_sender_from_conn_str_async]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Create a new instance of the ServiceBusSender from connection string.
constructor_args = _convert_connection_string_to_kwargs(
return cls(**constructor_args)
[docs] async def send(self, message):
# type: (Union[Message, BatchMessage, List[Message]]) -> None
"""Sends message and blocks until acknowledgement is received or operation times out.
If a list of messages was provided, attempts to send them as a single batch, throwing a
`ValueError` if they cannot fit in a single batch.
:param message: The ServiceBus message to be sent.
:type message: ~azure.servicebus.Message or ~azure.servicebus.BatchMessage or list[~azure.servicebus.Message]
:rtype: None
:class: ~azure.servicebus.exceptions.OperationTimeoutError if sending times out.
:class: ~azure.servicebus.exceptions.MessageContentTooLarge if the size of the message is over
service bus frame size limit.
:class: ~azure.servicebus.exceptions.MessageSendFailed if the message fails to send
:class: ~azure.servicebus.exceptions.ServiceBusError when other errors happen such as connection
error, authentication error, and any unexpected errors.
It's also the top-level root class of above errors.
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/sample_code_servicebus_async.py
:start-after: [START send_async]
:end-before: [END send_async]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Send message.
batch = await self.create_batch()
batch._from_list(message) # pylint: disable=protected-access
message = batch
except TypeError: # Message was not a list or generator.
if isinstance(message, BatchMessage) and len(message) == 0: # pylint: disable=len-as-condition
raise ValueError("A BatchMessage or list of Message must have at least one Message")
await self._do_retryable_operation(
[docs] async def create_batch(self, max_size_in_bytes=None):
# type: (int) -> BatchMessage
"""Create a BatchMessage object with the max size of all content being constrained by max_size_in_bytes.
The max_size should be no greater than the max allowed message size defined by the service.
:param int max_size_in_bytes: The maximum size of bytes data that a BatchMessage object can hold. By
default, the value is determined by your Service Bus tier.
:rtype: ~azure.servicebus.BatchMessage
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/sample_code_servicebus_async.py
:start-after: [START create_batch_async]
:end-before: [END create_batch_async]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Create BatchMessage object within limited size
if not self._max_message_size_on_link:
await self._open_with_retry()
if max_size_in_bytes and max_size_in_bytes > self._max_message_size_on_link:
raise ValueError(
"Max message size: {} is too large, acceptable max batch size is: {} bytes.".format(
max_size_in_bytes, self._max_message_size_on_link
return BatchMessage(
max_size_in_bytes=(max_size_in_bytes or self._max_message_size_on_link)