Source code for azure.servicebus.control_client.servicebusservice

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines,too-few-public-methods

import os
import time
import json
    from urllib2 import quote as url_quote
    from urllib2 import unquote as url_unquote
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import quote as url_quote
    from urllib.parse import unquote as url_unquote

import requests

from azure.common import AzureHttpError
from .constants import (
from ._common_error import (
from ._common_conversion import (
from ._common_serialization import (
from ._http import (
from ._http.httpclient import _HTTPClient
from ._serialization import (

[docs]class ServiceBusService(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, service_namespace=None, account_key=None, issuer=None, x_ms_version='2011-06-01', host_base=SERVICE_BUS_HOST_BASE, shared_access_key_name=None, shared_access_key_value=None, authentication=None, timeout=DEFAULT_HTTP_TIMEOUT, request_session=None): ''' Initializes the Service Bus service for a namespace with the specified authentication settings (SAS or ACS). service_namespace: Service Bus namespace, required for all operations. If None, the value is set to the AZURE_SERVICEBUS_NAMESPACE env variable. account_key: ACS authentication account key. If None, the value is set to the AZURE_SERVICEBUS_ACCESS_KEY env variable. Note that if both SAS and ACS settings are specified, SAS is used. issuer: ACS authentication issuer. If None, the value is set to the AZURE_SERVICEBUS_ISSUER env variable. Note that if both SAS and ACS settings are specified, SAS is used. host_base: Optional. Live host base URL. Defaults to Azure URL. Override this for on-premise. shared_access_key_name: SAS authentication key name. Note that if both SAS and ACS settings are specified, SAS is used. shared_access_key_value: SAS authentication key value. Note that if both SAS and ACS settings are specified, SAS is used. authentication: Instance of authentication class. If this is specified, then ACS and SAS parameters are ignored. timeout: Optional. Timeout for the HTTP request, in seconds. request_session: Optional. Session object to use for HTTP requests. ''' self.requestid = None x_ms_version = None api_version = x_ms_version # Waiting is updated API version support self.service_namespace = service_namespace self.host_base = host_base if not self.service_namespace: self.service_namespace = os.environ.get(AZURE_SERVICEBUS_NAMESPACE) if not self.service_namespace: raise ValueError('You need to provide servicebus namespace') if authentication: self.authentication = authentication else: if not account_key: account_key = os.environ.get(AZURE_SERVICEBUS_ACCESS_KEY) if not issuer: issuer = os.environ.get(AZURE_SERVICEBUS_ISSUER) if shared_access_key_name and shared_access_key_value: self.authentication = ServiceBusSASAuthentication( shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key_value) elif account_key and issuer: self.authentication = ServiceBusWrapTokenAuthentication( account_key, issuer) else: raise ValueError( 'You need to provide servicebus access key and Issuer OR shared access key and value') self._httpclient = _HTTPClient( service_instance=self, timeout=timeout, request_session=request_session or requests.Session(), user_agent=_USER_AGENT_STRING, api_version=api_version, ) self._filter = self._httpclient.perform_request
[docs] @staticmethod def format_dead_letter_queue_name(queue_name): """Get the dead letter name of this queue""" return queue_name + '/$DeadLetterQueue'
[docs] @staticmethod def format_dead_letter_subscription_name(subscription_name): """Get the dead letter name of this subscription""" return subscription_name + '/$DeadLetterQueue'
[docs] @staticmethod def format_transfer_dead_letter_queue_name(queue_name): """Get the dead letter name of this queue""" return queue_name + '/$Transfer' + '/$DeadLetterQueue'
[docs] @staticmethod def format_transfer_dead_letter_topic_name(topic_name): """Get the dead letter name of this topic""" return topic_name + '/$Transfer' + '/$DeadLetterQueue'
# Backwards compatibility: # account_key and issuer used to be stored on the service class, they are # now stored on the authentication class. @property def account_key(self): return self.authentication.account_key @account_key.setter def account_key(self, value): self.authentication.account_key = value @property def issuer(self): return self.authentication.issuer @issuer.setter def issuer(self, value): self.authentication.issuer = value
[docs] def with_filter(self, filter_func): ''' Returns a new service which will process requests with the specified filter. Filtering operations can include logging, automatic retrying, etc... The filter is a lambda which receives the HTTPRequest and another lambda. The filter can perform any pre-processing on the request, pass it off to the next lambda, and then perform any post-processing on the response. ''' res = ServiceBusService( service_namespace=self.service_namespace, authentication=self.authentication) old_filter = self._filter def new_filter(request): return filter_func(request, old_filter) res._filter = new_filter # pylint: disable=protected-access return res
[docs] def set_proxy(self, host, port, user=None, password=None): ''' Sets the proxy server host and port for the HTTP CONNECT Tunnelling. host: Address of the proxy. Ex: '' port: Port of the proxy. Ex: 6000 user: User for proxy authorization. password: Password for proxy authorization. ''' self._httpclient.set_proxy(host, port, user, password)
@property def timeout(self): return self._httpclient.timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, value): self._httpclient.timeout = value
[docs] def create_queue(self, queue_name, queue=None, fail_on_exist=False): ''' Creates a new queue. Once created, this queue's resource manifest is immutable. queue_name: Name of the queue to create. queue: Queue object to create. fail_on_exist: Specify whether to throw an exception when the queue exists. ''' _validate_not_none('queue_name', queue_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'PUT' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(queue_name) + '' request.body = _get_request_body(_convert_queue_to_xml(queue)) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) if not fail_on_exist: try: self._perform_request(request) return True except AzureHttpError as ex: _dont_fail_on_exist(ex) return False else: self._perform_request(request) return True
[docs] def delete_queue(self, queue_name, fail_not_exist=False): ''' Deletes an existing queue. This operation will also remove all associated state including messages in the queue. queue_name: Name of the queue to delete. fail_not_exist: Specify whether to throw an exception if the queue doesn't exist. ''' _validate_not_none('queue_name', queue_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(queue_name) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) if not fail_not_exist: try: self._perform_request(request) return True except AzureHttpError as ex: _dont_fail_not_exist(ex) return False else: self._perform_request(request) return True
[docs] def get_queue(self, queue_name): ''' Retrieves an existing queue. queue_name: Name of the queue. ''' _validate_not_none('queue_name', queue_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'GET' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(queue_name) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _convert_response_to_queue(response)
[docs] def list_queues(self): ''' Enumerates the queues in the service namespace. ''' request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'GET' = self._get_host() request.path = '/$Resources/Queues' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _ETreeXmlToObject.convert_response_to_feeds( response, _convert_etree_element_to_queue)
[docs] def create_topic(self, topic_name, topic=None, fail_on_exist=False): ''' Creates a new topic. Once created, this topic resource manifest is immutable. topic_name: Name of the topic to create. topic: Topic object to create. fail_on_exist: Specify whether to throw an exception when the topic exists. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'PUT' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + '' request.body = _get_request_body(_convert_topic_to_xml(topic)) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) if not fail_on_exist: try: self._perform_request(request) return True except AzureHttpError as ex: _dont_fail_on_exist(ex) return False else: self._perform_request(request) return True
[docs] def delete_topic(self, topic_name, fail_not_exist=False): ''' Deletes an existing topic. This operation will also remove all associated state including associated subscriptions. topic_name: Name of the topic to delete. fail_not_exist: Specify whether throw exception when topic doesn't exist. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) if not fail_not_exist: try: self._perform_request(request) return True except AzureHttpError as ex: _dont_fail_not_exist(ex) return False else: self._perform_request(request) return True
[docs] def get_topic(self, topic_name): ''' Retrieves the description for the specified topic. topic_name: Name of the topic. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'GET' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _convert_response_to_topic(response)
[docs] def list_topics(self): ''' Retrieves the topics in the service namespace. ''' request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'GET' = self._get_host() request.path = '/$Resources/Topics' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _ETreeXmlToObject.convert_response_to_feeds( response, _convert_etree_element_to_topic)
[docs] def create_rule(self, topic_name, subscription_name, rule_name, rule=None, fail_on_exist=False): ''' Creates a new rule. Once created, this rule's resource manifest is immutable. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. rule_name: Name of the rule. fail_on_exist: Specify whether to throw an exception when the rule exists. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) _validate_not_none('rule_name', rule_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'PUT' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + '/subscriptions/' + \ _str(subscription_name) + \ '/rules/' + _str(rule_name) + '' request.body = _get_request_body(_convert_rule_to_xml(rule)) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) if not fail_on_exist: try: self._perform_request(request) return True except AzureHttpError as ex: _dont_fail_on_exist(ex) return False else: self._perform_request(request) return True
[docs] def delete_rule(self, topic_name, subscription_name, rule_name, fail_not_exist=False): ''' Deletes an existing rule. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. rule_name: Name of the rule to delete. DEFAULT_RULE_NAME=$Default. Use DEFAULT_RULE_NAME to delete default rule for the subscription. fail_not_exist: Specify whether throw exception when rule doesn't exist. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) _validate_not_none('rule_name', rule_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + '/subscriptions/' + \ _str(subscription_name) + \ '/rules/' + _str(rule_name) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) if not fail_not_exist: try: self._perform_request(request) return True except AzureHttpError as ex: _dont_fail_not_exist(ex) return False else: self._perform_request(request) return True
[docs] def get_rule(self, topic_name, subscription_name, rule_name): ''' Retrieves the description for the specified rule. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. rule_name: Name of the rule. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) _validate_not_none('rule_name', rule_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'GET' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + '/subscriptions/' + \ _str(subscription_name) + \ '/rules/' + _str(rule_name) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _convert_response_to_rule(response)
[docs] def list_rules(self, topic_name, subscription_name): ''' Retrieves the rules that exist under the specified subscription. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'GET' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + \ _str(topic_name) + '/subscriptions/' + \ _str(subscription_name) + '/rules/' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _ETreeXmlToObject.convert_response_to_feeds( response, _convert_etree_element_to_rule)
[docs] def create_subscription(self, topic_name, subscription_name, subscription=None, fail_on_exist=False): ''' Creates a new subscription. Once created, this subscription resource manifest is immutable. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. fail_on_exist: Specify whether throw exception when subscription exists. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'PUT' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + \ _str(topic_name) + '/subscriptions/' + _str(subscription_name) + '' request.body = _get_request_body( _convert_subscription_to_xml(subscription)) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) if not fail_on_exist: try: self._perform_request(request) return True except AzureHttpError as ex: _dont_fail_on_exist(ex) return False else: self._perform_request(request) return True
[docs] def delete_subscription(self, topic_name, subscription_name, fail_not_exist=False): ''' Deletes an existing subscription. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription to delete. fail_not_exist: Specify whether to throw an exception when the subscription doesn't exist. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + \ _str(topic_name) + '/subscriptions/' + _str(subscription_name) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) if not fail_not_exist: try: self._perform_request(request) return True except AzureHttpError as ex: _dont_fail_not_exist(ex) return False else: self._perform_request(request) return True
[docs] def get_subscription(self, topic_name, subscription_name): ''' Gets an existing subscription. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'GET' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + \ _str(topic_name) + '/subscriptions/' + _str(subscription_name) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _convert_response_to_subscription(response)
[docs] def list_subscriptions(self, topic_name): ''' Retrieves the subscriptions in the specified topic. topic_name: Name of the topic. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'GET' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + '/subscriptions/' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _ETreeXmlToObject.convert_response_to_feeds( response, _convert_etree_element_to_subscription)
[docs] def send_topic_message(self, topic_name, message=None): ''' Enqueues a message into the specified topic. The limit to the number of messages which may be present in the topic is governed by the message size in MaxTopicSizeInBytes. If this message causes the topic to exceed its quota, a quota exceeded error is returned and the message will be rejected. topic_name: Name of the topic. message: Message object containing message body and properties. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('message', message) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + '/messages' request.headers = message.add_headers(request) request.body = _get_request_body(message.body) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
[docs] def send_topic_message_batch(self, topic_name, messages=None): ''' Sends a batch of messages into the specified topic. The limit to the number of messages which may be present in the topic is governed by the message size the MaxTopicSizeInMegaBytes. If this message will cause the topic to exceed its quota, a quota exceeded error is returned and the message will be rejected. topic_name: Name of the topic. messages: List of message objects containing message body and properties. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('messages', messages) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + '/messages' request.headers.append(('Content-Type', 'application/')) request.body = _get_request_body(json.dumps([m.as_batch_body() for m in messages])) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
[docs] def peek_lock_subscription_message(self, topic_name, subscription_name, timeout='60'): ''' This operation is used to atomically retrieve and lock a message for processing. The message is guaranteed not to be delivered to other receivers during the lock duration period specified in buffer description. Once the lock expires, the message will be available to other receivers (on the same subscription only) during the lock duration period specified in the topic description. Once the lock expires, the message will be available to other receivers. In order to complete processing of the message, the receiver should issue a delete command with the lock ID received from this operation. To abandon processing of the message and unlock it for other receivers, an Unlock Message command should be issued, or the lock duration period can expire. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. timeout: Optional. The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + \ _str(topic_name) + '/subscriptions/' + \ _str(subscription_name) + '/messages/head' request.query = [('timeout', _int_or_none(timeout))] request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _create_message(response, self)
[docs] def unlock_subscription_message(self, topic_name, subscription_name, sequence_number, lock_token): ''' Unlock a message for processing by other receivers on a given subscription. This operation deletes the lock object, causing the message to be unlocked. A message must have first been locked by a receiver before this operation is called. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. sequence_number: The sequence number of the message to be unlocked as returned in BrokerProperties['SequenceNumber'] by the Peek Message operation. lock_token: The ID of the lock as returned by the Peek Message operation in BrokerProperties['LockToken'] ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) _validate_not_none('sequence_number', sequence_number) _validate_not_none('lock_token', lock_token) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'PUT' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + \ '/subscriptions/' + str(subscription_name) + \ '/messages/' + _str(sequence_number) + \ '/' + _str(lock_token) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
[docs] def renew_lock_subscription_message(self, topic_name, subscription_name, sequence_number, lock_token): ''' Renew the lock on an already locked message on a given subscription. A message must have first been locked by a receiver before this operation is called. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. sequence_number: The sequence number of the message to be unlocked as returned in BrokerProperties['SequenceNumber'] by the Peek Message operation. lock_token: The ID of the lock as returned by the Peek Message operation in BrokerProperties['LockToken'] ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) _validate_not_none('sequence_number', sequence_number) _validate_not_none('lock_token', lock_token) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + \ '/subscriptions/' + str(subscription_name) + \ '/messages/' + _str(sequence_number) + \ '/' + _str(lock_token) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
[docs] def read_delete_subscription_message(self, topic_name, subscription_name, timeout='60'): ''' Read and delete a message from a subscription as an atomic operation. This operation should be used when a best-effort guarantee is sufficient for an application; that is, using this operation it is possible for messages to be lost if processing fails. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. timeout: Optional. The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + \ '/subscriptions/' + _str(subscription_name) + \ '/messages/head' request.query = [('timeout', _int_or_none(timeout))] request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _create_message(response, self)
[docs] def delete_subscription_message(self, topic_name, subscription_name, sequence_number, lock_token): ''' Completes processing on a locked message and delete it from the subscription. This operation should only be called after processing a previously locked message is successful to maintain At-Least-Once delivery assurances. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. sequence_number: The sequence number of the message to be deleted as returned in BrokerProperties['SequenceNumber'] by the Peek Message operation. lock_token: The ID of the lock as returned by the Peek Message operation in BrokerProperties['LockToken'] ''' _validate_not_none('topic_name', topic_name) _validate_not_none('subscription_name', subscription_name) _validate_not_none('sequence_number', sequence_number) _validate_not_none('lock_token', lock_token) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(topic_name) + \ '/subscriptions/' + _str(subscription_name) + \ '/messages/' + _str(sequence_number) + \ '/' + _str(lock_token) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
[docs] def send_queue_message(self, queue_name, message=None): ''' Sends a message into the specified queue. The limit to the number of messages which may be present in the queue is governed by the message size the MaxTopicSizeInMegaBytes. If this message will cause the queue to exceed its quota, a quota exceeded error is returned and the message will be rejected. queue_name: Name of the queue. message: Message object containing message body and properties. ''' _validate_not_none('queue_name', queue_name) _validate_not_none('message', message) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(queue_name) + '/messages' request.headers = message.add_headers(request) request.body = _get_request_body(message.body) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
[docs] def send_queue_message_batch(self, queue_name, messages=None): ''' Sends a batch of messages into the specified queue. The limit to the number of messages which may be present in the topic is governed by the message size the MaxTopicSizeInMegaBytes. If this message will cause the queue to exceed its quota, a quota exceeded error is returned and the message will be rejected. queue_name: Name of the queue. messages: List of message objects containing message body and properties. ''' _validate_not_none('queue_name', queue_name) _validate_not_none('messages', messages) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(queue_name) + '/messages' request.headers.append(('Content-Type', 'application/')) request.body = _get_request_body(json.dumps([m.as_batch_body() for m in messages])) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
[docs] def peek_lock_queue_message(self, queue_name, timeout='60'): ''' Automically retrieves and locks a message from a queue for processing. The message is guaranteed not to be delivered to other receivers (on the same subscription only) during the lock duration period specified in the queue description. Once the lock expires, the message will be available to other receivers. In order to complete processing of the message, the receiver should issue a delete command with the lock ID received from this operation. To abandon processing of the message and unlock it for other receivers, an Unlock Message command should be issued, or the lock duration period can expire. queue_name: Name of the queue. timeout: Optional. The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. ''' _validate_not_none('queue_name', queue_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(queue_name) + '/messages/head' request.query = [('timeout', _int_or_none(timeout))] request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _create_message(response, self)
[docs] def unlock_queue_message(self, queue_name, sequence_number, lock_token): ''' Unlocks a message for processing by other receivers on a given queue. This operation deletes the lock object, causing the message to be unlocked. A message must have first been locked by a receiver before this operation is called. queue_name: Name of the queue. sequence_number: The sequence number of the message to be unlocked as returned in BrokerProperties['SequenceNumber'] by the Peek Message operation. lock_token: The ID of the lock as returned by the Peek Message operation in BrokerProperties['LockToken'] ''' _validate_not_none('queue_name', queue_name) _validate_not_none('sequence_number', sequence_number) _validate_not_none('lock_token', lock_token) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'PUT' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(queue_name) + \ '/messages/' + _str(sequence_number) + \ '/' + _str(lock_token) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
[docs] def renew_lock_queue_message(self, queue_name, sequence_number, lock_token): ''' Renew lock on an already locked message on a given queue. A message must have first been locked by a receiver before this operation is called. queue_name: Name of the queue. sequence_number: The sequence number of the message to be unlocked as returned in BrokerProperties['SequenceNumber'] by the Peek Message operation. lock_token: The ID of the lock as returned by the Peek Message operation in BrokerProperties['LockToken'] ''' _validate_not_none('queue_name', queue_name) _validate_not_none('sequence_number', sequence_number) _validate_not_none('lock_token', lock_token) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(queue_name) + \ '/messages/' + _str(sequence_number) + \ '/' + _str(lock_token) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
[docs] def read_delete_queue_message(self, queue_name, timeout='60'): ''' Reads and deletes a message from a queue as an atomic operation. This operation should be used when a best-effort guarantee is sufficient for an application; that is, using this operation it is possible for messages to be lost if processing fails. queue_name: Name of the queue. timeout: Optional. The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. ''' _validate_not_none('queue_name', queue_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(queue_name) + '/messages/head' request.query = [('timeout', _int_or_none(timeout))] request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _create_message(response, self)
[docs] def delete_queue_message(self, queue_name, sequence_number, lock_token): ''' Completes processing on a locked message and delete it from the queue. This operation should only be called after processing a previously locked message is successful to maintain At-Least-Once delivery assurances. queue_name: Name of the queue. sequence_number: The sequence number of the message to be deleted as returned in BrokerProperties['SequenceNumber'] by the Peek Message operation. lock_token: The ID of the lock as returned by the Peek Message operation in BrokerProperties['LockToken'] ''' _validate_not_none('queue_name', queue_name) _validate_not_none('sequence_number', sequence_number) _validate_not_none('lock_token', lock_token) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(queue_name) + \ '/messages/' + _str(sequence_number) + \ '/' + _str(lock_token) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
[docs] def receive_queue_message(self, queue_name, peek_lock=True, timeout=60): ''' Receive a message from a queue for processing. queue_name: Name of the queue. peek_lock: Optional. True to retrieve and lock the message. False to read and delete the message. Default is True (lock). timeout: Optional. The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. ''' if peek_lock: return self.peek_lock_queue_message(queue_name, timeout) return self.read_delete_queue_message(queue_name, timeout)
[docs] def receive_subscription_message(self, topic_name, subscription_name, peek_lock=True, timeout=60): ''' Receive a message from a subscription for processing. topic_name: Name of the topic. subscription_name: Name of the subscription. peek_lock: Optional. True to retrieve and lock the message. False to read and delete the message. Default is True (lock). timeout: Optional. The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. ''' if peek_lock: return self.peek_lock_subscription_message(topic_name, subscription_name, timeout) return self.read_delete_subscription_message(topic_name, subscription_name, timeout)
[docs] def create_event_hub(self, hub_name, hub=None, fail_on_exist=False): ''' Creates a new Event Hub. hub_name: Name of event hub. hub: Optional. Event hub properties. Instance of EventHub class. hub.message_retention_in_days: Number of days to retain the events for this Event Hub. hub.status: Status of the Event Hub (enabled or disabled). hub.user_metadata: User metadata. hub.partition_count: Number of shards on the Event Hub. fail_on_exist: Specify whether to throw an exception when the event hub exists. ''' _validate_not_none('hub_name', hub_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'PUT' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(hub_name) + '?api-version=2014-01' request.body = _get_request_body(_convert_event_hub_to_xml(hub)) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) if not fail_on_exist: try: self._perform_request(request) return True except AzureHttpError as ex: _dont_fail_on_exist(ex) return False else: self._perform_request(request) return True
[docs] def update_event_hub(self, hub_name, hub=None): ''' Updates an Event Hub. hub_name: Name of event hub. hub: Optional. Event hub properties. Instance of EventHub class. hub.message_retention_in_days: Number of days to retain the events for this Event Hub. ''' _validate_not_none('hub_name', hub_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'PUT' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(hub_name) + '?api-version=2014-01' request.body = _get_request_body(_convert_event_hub_to_xml(hub)) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers.append(('If-Match', '*')) request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _convert_response_to_event_hub(response)
[docs] def delete_event_hub(self, hub_name, fail_not_exist=False): ''' Deletes an Event Hub. This operation will also remove all associated state. hub_name: Name of the event hub to delete. fail_not_exist: Specify whether to throw an exception if the event hub doesn't exist. ''' _validate_not_none('hub_name', hub_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(hub_name) + '?api-version=2014-01' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) if not fail_not_exist: try: self._perform_request(request) return True except AzureHttpError as ex: _dont_fail_not_exist(ex) return False else: self._perform_request(request) return True
[docs] def get_event_hub(self, hub_name): ''' Retrieves an existing event hub. hub_name: Name of the event hub. ''' _validate_not_none('hub_name', hub_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'GET' = self._get_host() request.path = '/' + _str(hub_name) + '' request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return _convert_response_to_event_hub(response)
[docs] def send_event(self, hub_name, message, device_id=None, broker_properties=None): ''' Sends a new message event to an Event Hub. ''' _validate_not_none('hub_name', hub_name) request = HTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = self._get_host() if device_id: request.path = '/{0}/publishers/{1}/messages?api-version=2014-01'.format(hub_name, device_id) else: request.path = '/{0}/messages?api-version=2014-01'.format(hub_name) if broker_properties: request.headers.append( ('BrokerProperties', str(broker_properties))) request.body = _get_request_body(message) request.path, request.query = self._httpclient._update_request_uri_query(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access request.headers = self._update_service_bus_header(request) self._perform_request(request)
def _get_host(self): return self.service_namespace + self.host_base def _perform_request(self, request): try: resp = self._filter(request) except HTTPError as ex: return _service_bus_error_handler(ex) return resp def _update_service_bus_header(self, request): ''' Add additional headers for Service Bus. ''' if request.method in ['PUT', 'POST', 'MERGE', 'DELETE']: request.headers.append(('Content-Length', str(len(request.body)))) # if it is not GET or HEAD request, must set content-type. if not request.method in ['GET', 'HEAD']: for name, _ in request.headers: if name.lower() == 'content-type': break else: request.headers.append( ('Content-Type', 'application/atom+xml;type=entry;charset=utf-8')) # Adds authorization header for authentication. self.authentication.sign_request(request, self._httpclient) return request.headers
# Token cache for Authentication # Shared by the different instances of ServiceBusWrapTokenAuthentication _tokens = {}
[docs]class ServiceBusWrapTokenAuthentication: def __init__(self, account_key, issuer): self.account_key = account_key self.issuer = issuer
[docs] def sign_request(self, request, httpclient): request.headers.append( ('Authorization', self._get_authorization(request, httpclient)))
def _get_authorization(self, request, httpclient): ''' return the signed string with token. ''' return 'WRAP access_token="' + \ self._get_token(, request.path, httpclient) + '"' def _token_is_expired(self, token): # pylint: disable=no-self-use ''' Check if token expires or not. ''' time_pos_begin = token.find('ExpiresOn=') + len('ExpiresOn=') time_pos_end = token.find('&', time_pos_begin) token_expire_time = int(token[time_pos_begin:time_pos_end]) time_now = time.mktime(time.localtime()) # Adding 30 seconds so the token wouldn't be expired when we send the # token to server. return (token_expire_time - time_now) < 30 def _get_token(self, host, path, httpclient): ''' Returns token for the request. host: the Service Bus service request. path: the Service Bus service request. ''' wrap_scope = 'http://' + host + path + self.issuer + self.account_key # Check whether has unexpired cache, return cached token if it is still # usable. if wrap_scope in _tokens: token = _tokens[wrap_scope] if not self._token_is_expired(token): return token # get token from accessconstrol server request = HTTPRequest() request.protocol_override = 'https' = host.replace('.servicebus.', '-sb.accesscontrol.') request.method = 'POST' request.path = '/WRAPv0.9' request.body = ('wrap_name=' + url_quote(self.issuer) + '&wrap_password=' + url_quote(self.account_key) + '&wrap_scope=' + url_quote('http://' + host + path)).encode('utf-8') request.headers.append(('Content-Length', str(len(request.body)))) resp = httpclient.perform_request(request) token = resp.body.decode('utf-8-sig') token = url_unquote(token[token.find('=') + 1:token.rfind('&')]) _tokens[wrap_scope] = token return token
[docs]class ServiceBusSASAuthentication: def __init__(self, key_name, key_value): self.key_name = key_name self.key_value = key_value self.account_key = None self.issuer = None
[docs] def sign_request(self, request, httpclient): request.headers.append( ('Authorization', self._get_authorization(request, httpclient)))
def _get_authorization(self, request, httpclient): uri = httpclient.get_uri(request) uri = url_quote(uri, '').lower() expiry = str(self._get_expiry()) to_sign = uri + '\n' + expiry signature = url_quote(_sign_string(self.key_value, to_sign, False), '') auth_format = 'SharedAccessSignature sig={0}&se={1}&skn={2}&sr={3}' auth = auth_format.format(signature, expiry, self.key_name, uri) return auth def _get_expiry(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use '''Returns the UTC datetime, in seconds since Epoch, when this signed request expires (5 minutes from now).''' return int(round(time.time() + 300))