Source code for azure.servicebus.aio.async_send_handler

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
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from uamqp import SendClientAsync
from uamqp import authentication
from uamqp import constants, types, errors

from azure.servicebus.common.errors import MessageSendFailed
from azure.servicebus.common import mgmt_handlers, mixins
from azure.servicebus.common.message import Message
from azure.servicebus.common.constants import (
from azure.servicebus.aio.async_base_handler import BaseHandler

[docs]class Sender(BaseHandler, mixins.SenderMixin): """This handler is for sending messages to a Service Bus entity. It operates a single connection that must be opened and closed on completion. The Sender can be run within a context manager to ensure that the connection is closed on exit. The Sender should not be instantiated directly, and should be accessed from a `QueueClient` or `TopicClient` using the `get_sender()` method. .. note:: This object is not thread-safe. :param handler_id: The ID used as the connection name for the Sender. :type handler_id: str :param target: The endpoint to send messages to. :type target: ~uamqp.Target :param auth_config: The SASL auth credentials. :type auth_config: dict[str, str] :param session: An optional session ID. If supplied, all outgoing messages will have this session ID added (unless they already have one specified). :type session: str :param loop: An async event loop :type loop: ~asyncio.EventLoop :param connection: A shared connection [not yet supported]. :type connection: ~uamqp.Connection :param encoding: The encoding used for string properties. Default is 'UTF-8'. :type encoding: str :param debug: Whether to enable network trace debug logs. :type debug: bool """ def __init__( self, handler_id, target, auth_config, *, session=None, loop=None, connection=None, encoding='UTF-8', debug=False, **kwargs): = "SBSender-{}".format(handler_id) self.session_id = session super(Sender, self).__init__( target, auth_config, loop=loop, connection=connection, encoding=encoding, debug=debug, **kwargs) def _build_handler(self): auth = None if self.connection else authentication.SASTokenAsync.from_shared_access_key(**self.auth_config) self._handler = SendClientAsync( self.endpoint, auth=auth, debug=self.debug,, error_policy=self.error_policy,, encoding=self.encoding, loop=self.loop, **self.handler_kwargs)
[docs] async def send(self, message): """Send a message and blocks until acknowledgement is received or the operation fails. :param message: The message to be sent. :type message: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_message.Message :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.MessageSendFailed if the message fails to send. .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START open_close_sender_context] :end-before: [END open_close_sender_context] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Open a Sender and send messages. """ if not isinstance(message, Message): raise TypeError("Value of message must be of type 'Message'.") if not self.running: await if self.session_id and not = self.session_id try: await self._handler.send_message_async(message.message) except (errors.ConnectionClose, errors.AuthenticationException, errors.MessageHandlerError, errors.LinkDetach): try: await self.reconnect() except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise MessageSendFailed(e) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise MessageSendFailed(e)
[docs] async def schedule(self, schedule_time, *messages): """Send one or more messages to be enqueued at a specific time. Returns a list of the sequence numbers of the enqueued messages. :param schedule_time: The date and time to enqueue the messages. :type schedule_time: ~datetime.datetime :param messages: The messages to schedule. :type messages: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_message.Message :rtype: list[int] .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START schedule_messages] :end-before: [END schedule_messages] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Schedule messages. """ if not self.running: await request_body = self._build_schedule_request(schedule_time, *messages) return await self._mgmt_request_response( REQUEST_RESPONSE_SCHEDULE_MESSAGE_OPERATION, request_body, mgmt_handlers.schedule_op)
[docs] async def cancel_scheduled_messages(self, *sequence_numbers): """Cancel one or more messages that have previsouly been scheduled and are still pending. :param sequence_numbers: The seqeuence numbers of the scheduled messages. :type sequence_numbers: int .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START cancel_schedule_messages] :end-before: [END cancel_schedule_messages] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Schedule messages. """ if not self.running: await numbers = [types.AMQPLong(s) for s in sequence_numbers] request_body = {'sequence-numbers': types.AMQPArray(numbers)} return await self._mgmt_request_response( REQUEST_RESPONSE_CANCEL_SCHEDULED_MESSAGE_OPERATION, request_body, mgmt_handlers.default)
[docs] async def send_pending_messages(self): """Wait until all pending messages have been sent. :returns: A list of the send results of all the pending messages. Each send result is a tuple with two values. The first is a boolean, indicating `True` if the message sent, or `False` if it failed. The second is an error if the message failed, otherwise it will be `None`. :rtype: list[tuple[bool, ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.MessageSendFailed]] .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START queue_sender_messages] :end-before: [END queue_sender_messages] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Schedule messages. """ if not self.running: await try: pending = self._handler._pending_messages[:] # pylint: disable=protected-access await self._handler.wait_async() results = [] for m in pending: if m.state == constants.MessageState.SendFailed: results.append((False, MessageSendFailed(m._response))) # pylint: disable=protected-access else: results.append((True, None)) return results except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise MessageSendFailed(e)
[docs] async def reconnect(self): """Reconnect the handler. If the handler was disconnected from the service with a retryable error - attempt to reconnect. This method will be called automatically for most retryable errors. Also attempts to re-queue any messages that were pending before the reconnect. """ unsent_events = self._handler.pending_messages await super(Sender, self).reconnect() try: self._handler.queue_message(*unsent_events) await self._handler.wait_async() except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except await self._handle_exception(e)
[docs]class SessionSender(Sender): """This handler is for sending messages to a sessionful Service Bus entity. It operates a single connection that must be opened and closed on completion. The Sender can be run within a context manager to ensure that the connection is closed on exit. The Sender should not be instantiated directly, and should be accessed from a `QueueClient` or `TopicClient` using the `get_sender()` method. An attempt to send a message without a session ID specified either on the Sender or the message will raise a `ValueError`. .. note:: This object is not thread-safe. :param handler_id: The ID used as the connection name for the Sender. :type handler_id: str :param target: The endpoint to send messages to. :type target: ~uamqp.Target :param auth_config: The SASL auth credentials. :type auth_config: dict[str, str] :param session: An optional session ID. If supplied, all outgoing messages will have this session ID added (unless they already have one specified). :type session: str :param loop: An async event loop :type loop: ~asyncio.EventLoop :param connection: A shared connection [not yet supported]. :type connection: ~uamqp.Connection :param encoding: The encoding used for string properties. Default is 'UTF-8'. :type encoding: str :param debug: Whether to enable network trace debug logs. :type debug: bool """
[docs] async def send(self, message): """Send a message and blocks until acknowledgement is received or the operation fails. If neither the Sender nor the message has a session ID, a `ValueError` will be raised. :param message: The message to be sent. :type message: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_message.Message :raises: ~azure.servicebus.common.errors.MessageSendFailed if the message fails to send. .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START open_close_session_sender_context] :end-before: [END open_close_session_sender_context] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Open a sessionful Sender and send messages. """ if not isinstance(message, Message): raise TypeError("Value of message must be of type 'Message'.") if not self.session_id and not raise ValueError("Message must have Session ID.") return await super(SessionSender, self).send(message)
[docs] def queue_message(self, message): """Queue a message to be sent later. This operation should be followed up with send_pending_messages. If neither the Sender nor the message has a session ID, a `ValueError` will be raised. :param message: The message to be sent. :type message: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_message.Message .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START queue_session_sender_messages] :end-before: [END queue_session_sender_messages] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Schedule messages. """ if not self.session_id and not raise ValueError("Message must have Session ID.") super(SessionSender, self).queue_message(message)
[docs] async def schedule_messages(self, schedule_time, *messages): """Send one or more messages to be enqueued at a specific time. Returns a list of the sequence numbers of the enqueued messages. If neither the Sender nor the message has a session ID, a `ValueError` will be raised. :param schedule_time: The date and time to enqueue the messages. :type schedule_time: ~datetime.datetime :param messages: The messages to schedule. :type messages: ~azure.servicebus.aio.async_message.Message :rtype: list[int] .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START schedule_session_messages] :end-before: [END schedule_session_messages] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Schedule messages. """ for message in messages: if not self.session_id and not raise ValueError("Message must have Session ID.") return await super(SessionSender, self).schedule(schedule_time, *messages)