Source code for

# coding=utf-8
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
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from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

from azure.core import PipelineClient

    # pylint: disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports
    from typing import Any

    from azure.core.credentials_async import AsyncTokenCredential
    from azure.core._pipeline_client_async import AsyncPipelineClient

from .._generated.aio import AzureAttestationRestClient
from .._generated.models import (
    AttestationResult as GeneratedAttestationResult,
from .._configuration import AttestationClientConfiguration
from .._models import (
import base64
from threading import Lock

from azure.core.tracing.decorator_async import distributed_trace_async

[docs]class AttestationClient(object): """An AttestationClient object enables access to the Attestation family of APIs provided by the attestation service. :param str instance_url: base url of the service :param credential: Credentials for the caller used to interact with the service. :type credential: :class:`~azure.core.credentials_async.AsyncTokenCredential` :keyword ~azure.core.pipeline.AsyncPipelineClient pipeline: If omitted, the standard pipeline is used. :keyword ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.AsyncHttpTransport transport: If omitted, the standard pipeline is used. :keyword list[~azure.core.pipeline.policies.AsyncHTTPPolicy] policies: If omitted, the standard pipeline is used. For additional client creation configuration options, please see """ def __init__( self, credential, # type: 'AsyncTokenCredential' instance_url, #type: str **kwargs #type: Any ): #type: (...) -> None if not credential: raise ValueError("Missing credential.") self._config = AttestationClientConfiguration(credential, instance_url, **kwargs) self._client = AzureAttestationRestClient(credential, instance_url, **kwargs) self._statelock = Lock() self._signing_certificates = None
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def get_openidmetadata( self, **kwargs #type: Any ): #type: (...) -> Any """ Retrieves the OpenID metadata configuration document for this attestation instance. :return: OpenId Metadata document for the attestation service instance. :rtype: Any """ return await self._client.metadata_configuration.get(**kwargs)
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def get_signing_certificates( self, **kwargs #type: Any ): #type: (...) -> List[AttestationSigner] """ Returns the set of signing certificates used to sign attestation tokens. :return: A list of :class:`` objects. :rtype: list[] For additional request configuration options, please see `Python Request Options <>`_. """ signing_certificates = await self._client.signing_certificates.get(**kwargs) signers = [] for key in signing_certificates.keys: signers.append(AttestationSigner._from_generated(key)) return signers
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def attest_sgx_enclave( self, quote : bytes, inittime_data=None, #type: AttestationData runtime_data=None, #type: AttestationData **kwargs #type:Any ): #type: (...) -> AttestationResponse[AttestationResult] """ Attests the validity of an SGX quote. :param bytes quote: An SGX quote generated from an Intel(tm) SGX enclave :param inittime_data: Data presented at the time that the SGX enclave was initialized. :type inittime_data: :param runtime_data: Data presented at the time that the SGX quote was created. :type runtime_data: :keyword draft_policy: "draft" or "experimental" policy to be used with this attestation request. If this parameter is provided, then this policy document will be used for the attestation request. This allows a caller to test various policy documents against actual data before applying the policy document via the set_policy API :paramtype draft_policy: str :return: Attestation service response encapsulating an :class:`AttestationResult`. :rtype:[] .. note:: Note that if the `draft_policy` parameter is provided, the resulting attestation token will be an unsecured attestation token. For additional request configuration options, please see `Python Request Options <>`_. """ runtime = None if runtime_data: runtime = RuntimeData(data=runtime_data._data, data_type=DataType.JSON if runtime_data._is_json else DataType.BINARY) inittime = None if inittime_data: inittime = InitTimeData(data=inittime_data._data, data_type=DataType.JSON if inittime_data._is_json else DataType.BINARY) request = AttestSgxEnclaveRequest( quote=quote, init_time_data = inittime, runtime_data = runtime, draft_policy_for_attestation=kwargs.pop('draft_policy', None)) result = await self._client.attestation.attest_sgx_enclave(request, **kwargs) token = AttestationToken[GeneratedAttestationResult](token=result.token, body_type=GeneratedAttestationResult) if not token.validate_token(self._config.token_validation_options, await self._get_signers(**kwargs)): raise AttestationTokenValidationException("Attestation Token Validation Failed") return AttestationResponse[AttestationResult](token, AttestationResult._from_generated(token.get_body()))
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def attest_open_enclave( self, report : bytes, inittime_data=None, #type: AttestationData runtime_data=None, #type: AttestationData **kwargs #type: Any ): #type: (...) -> AttestationResponse[AttestationResult] """ Attests the validity of an Open Enclave report. :param bytes report: An open_enclave report generated from an Intel(tm) SGX enclave :param inittime_data: Data presented at the time that the SGX enclave was initialized. :type inittime_data: :param runtime_data: Data presented at the time that the open_enclave report was created. :type runtime_data: :keyword draft_policy: "draft" or "experimental" policy to be used with this attestation request. If this parameter is provided, then this policy document will be used for the attestation request. This allows a caller to test various policy documents against actual data before applying the policy document via the set_policy API. :paramtype draft_policy: str :return: Attestation service response encapsulating an :class:`AttestationResult`. :rtype:[] .. note:: Note that if the `draft_policy` parameter is provided, the resulting attestation token will be an unsecured attestation token. For additional request configuration options, please see `Python Request Options <>`_. """ runtime = None if runtime_data: runtime = RuntimeData(data=runtime_data._data, data_type=DataType.JSON if runtime_data._is_json else DataType.BINARY) inittime = None if inittime_data: inittime = InitTimeData(data=inittime_data._data, data_type=DataType.JSON if inittime_data._is_json else DataType.BINARY) request = AttestOpenEnclaveRequest( report=report, init_time_data = inittime, runtime_data = runtime, draft_policy_for_attestation = kwargs.pop('draft_policy', None)) result = await self._client.attestation.attest_open_enclave(request, **kwargs) token = AttestationToken[GeneratedAttestationResult](token=result.token, body_type=GeneratedAttestationResult) if not token.validate_token(self._config.token_validation_options, await self._get_signers(**kwargs)): raise AttestationTokenValidationException("Attestation Token Validation Failed") return AttestationResponse[AttestationResult](token, AttestationResult._from_generated(token.get_body()))
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def attest_tpm( self, request, #type: TpmAttestationRequest **kwargs #type: Any ): #type: (...) -> TpmAttestationResponse """ Attest a TPM based enclave. See the `TPM Attestation Protocol Reference <>`_ for more information. :param request: Incoming request to send to the TPM attestation service. :type request: :returns: A structure containing the response from the TPM attestation. :rtype: """ response = await self._client.attestation.attest_tpm(, **kwargs) return TpmAttestationResponse(
async def _get_signers(self, **kwargs: Any): #type: (Any) -> list[AttestationSigner] """ Returns the set of signing certificates used to sign attestation tokens. """ with self._statelock: if self._signing_certificates is None: signing_certificates = await self._client.signing_certificates.get(**kwargs) self._signing_certificates = [] for key in signing_certificates.keys: self._signing_certificates.append(AttestationSigner._from_generated(key)) signers = self._signing_certificates return signers
[docs] async def close(self): # type: () -> None await self._client.close()
async def __aenter__(self): # type: () -> AttestationClient await self._client.__aenter__() return self async def __aexit__(self, *exc_details): # type: (Any) -> None await self._client.__aexit__(*exc_details)