Source code for

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# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator (autorest: 3.9.7, generator: @autorest/python@6.9.6)
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from enum import Enum
from azure.core import CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta

[docs]class BlobIndexerDataToExtract(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the data to extract from Azure blob storage and tells the indexer which data to extract from image content when "imageAction" is set to a value other than "none". This applies to embedded image content in a .PDF or other application, or image files such as .jpg and .png, in Azure blobs. """ STORAGE_METADATA = "storageMetadata" """Indexes just the standard blob properties and user-specified metadata.""" ALL_METADATA = "allMetadata" """Extracts metadata provided by the Azure blob storage subsystem and the content-type specific #: metadata (for example, metadata unique to just .png files are indexed).""" CONTENT_AND_METADATA = "contentAndMetadata" """Extracts all metadata and textual content from each blob."""
[docs]class BlobIndexerImageAction(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Determines how to process embedded images and image files in Azure blob storage. Setting the "imageAction" configuration to any value other than "none" requires that a skillset also be attached to that indexer. """ NONE = "none" """Ignores embedded images or image files in the data set. This is the default.""" GENERATE_NORMALIZED_IMAGES = "generateNormalizedImages" """Extracts text from images (for example, the word "STOP" from a traffic stop sign), and embeds #: it into the content field. This action requires that "dataToExtract" is set to #: "contentAndMetadata". A normalized image refers to additional processing resulting in uniform #: image output, sized and rotated to promote consistent rendering when you include images in #: visual search results. This information is generated for each image when you use this option.""" GENERATE_NORMALIZED_IMAGE_PER_PAGE = "generateNormalizedImagePerPage" """Extracts text from images (for example, the word "STOP" from a traffic stop sign), and embeds
#: it into the content field, but treats PDF files differently in that each page will be rendered #: as an image and normalized accordingly, instead of extracting embedded images. Non-PDF file #: types will be treated the same as if "generateNormalizedImages" was set."""
[docs]class BlobIndexerParsingMode(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Represents the parsing mode for indexing from an Azure blob data source.""" DEFAULT = "default" """Set to default for normal file processing.""" TEXT = "text" """Set to text to improve indexing performance on plain text files in blob storage.""" DELIMITED_TEXT = "delimitedText" """Set to delimitedText when blobs are plain CSV files.""" JSON = "json" """Set to json to extract structured content from JSON files.""" JSON_ARRAY = "jsonArray" """Set to jsonArray to extract individual elements of a JSON array as separate documents.""" JSON_LINES = "jsonLines" """Set to jsonLines to extract individual JSON entities, separated by a new line, as separate
#: documents.""" class BlobIndexerPDFTextRotationAlgorithm(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Determines algorithm for text extraction from PDF files in Azure blob storage.""" NONE = "none" """Leverages normal text extraction. This is the default.""" DETECT_ANGLES = "detectAngles" """May produce better and more readable text extraction from PDF files that have rotated text #: within them. Note that there may be a small performance speed impact when this parameter is #: used. This parameter only applies to PDF files, and only to PDFs with embedded text. If the #: rotated text appears within an embedded image in the PDF, this parameter does not apply."""
[docs]class CharFilterName(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Defines the names of all character filters supported by the search engine.""" HTML_STRIP = "html_strip" """A character filter that attempts to strip out HTML constructs. See
#:""" class CjkBigramTokenFilterScripts(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Scripts that can be ignored by CjkBigramTokenFilter.""" HAN = "han" """Ignore Han script when forming bigrams of CJK terms.""" HIRAGANA = "hiragana" """Ignore Hiragana script when forming bigrams of CJK terms.""" KATAKANA = "katakana" """Ignore Katakana script when forming bigrams of CJK terms.""" HANGUL = "hangul" """Ignore Hangul script when forming bigrams of CJK terms."""
[docs]class CustomEntityLookupSkillLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The language codes supported for input text by CustomEntityLookupSkill.""" DA = "da" """Danish""" DE = "de" """German""" EN = "en" """English""" ES = "es" """Spanish""" FI = "fi" """Finnish""" FR = "fr" """French""" IT = "it" """Italian""" KO = "ko" """Korean""" PT = "pt" """Portuguese"""
[docs]class EdgeNGramTokenFilterSide(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies which side of the input an n-gram should be generated from.""" FRONT = "front" """Specifies that the n-gram should be generated from the front of the input.""" BACK = "back" """Specifies that the n-gram should be generated from the back of the input."""
[docs]class EntityCategory(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """A string indicating what entity categories to return.""" LOCATION = "location" """Entities describing a physical location.""" ORGANIZATION = "organization" """Entities describing an organization.""" PERSON = "person" """Entities describing a person.""" QUANTITY = "quantity" """Entities describing a quantity.""" DATETIME = "datetime" """Entities describing a date and time.""" URL = "url" """Entities describing a URL.""" EMAIL = "email" """Entities describing an email address."""
[docs]class EntityRecognitionSkillLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The language codes supported for input text by EntityRecognitionSkill.""" AR = "ar" """Arabic""" CS = "cs" """Czech""" ZH_HANS = "zh-Hans" """Chinese-Simplified""" ZH_HANT = "zh-Hant" """Chinese-Traditional""" DA = "da" """Danish""" NL = "nl" """Dutch""" EN = "en" """English""" FI = "fi" """Finnish""" FR = "fr" """French""" DE = "de" """German""" EL = "el" """Greek""" HU = "hu" """Hungarian""" IT = "it" """Italian""" JA = "ja" """Japanese""" KO = "ko" """Korean""" NO = "no" """Norwegian (Bokmaal)""" PL = "pl" """Polish""" PT_PT = "pt-PT" """Portuguese (Portugal)""" PT_BR = "pt-BR" """Portuguese (Brazil)""" RU = "ru" """Russian""" ES = "es" """Spanish""" SV = "sv" """Swedish""" TR = "tr" """Turkish"""
class Enum0(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Enum0.""" RETURN_REPRESENTATION = "return=representation"
[docs]class ImageAnalysisSkillLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The language codes supported for input by ImageAnalysisSkill.""" AR = "ar" """Arabic""" AZ = "az" """Azerbaijani""" BG = "bg" """Bulgarian""" BS = "bs" """Bosnian Latin""" CA = "ca" """Catalan""" CS = "cs" """Czech""" CY = "cy" """Welsh""" DA = "da" """Danish""" DE = "de" """German""" EL = "el" """Greek""" EN = "en" """English""" ES = "es" """Spanish""" ET = "et" """Estonian""" EU = "eu" """Basque""" FI = "fi" """Finnish""" FR = "fr" """French""" GA = "ga" """Irish""" GL = "gl" """Galician""" HE = "he" """Hebrew""" HI = "hi" """Hindi""" HR = "hr" """Croatian""" HU = "hu" """Hungarian""" ID = "id" """Indonesian""" IT = "it" """Italian""" JA = "ja" """Japanese""" KK = "kk" """Kazakh""" KO = "ko" """Korean""" LT = "lt" """Lithuanian""" LV = "lv" """Latvian""" MK = "mk" """Macedonian""" MS = "ms" """Malay Malaysia""" NB = "nb" """Norwegian (Bokmal)""" NL = "nl" """Dutch""" PL = "pl" """Polish""" PRS = "prs" """Dari""" PT_BR = "pt-BR" """Portuguese-Brazil""" PT = "pt" """Portuguese-Portugal""" PT_PT = "pt-PT" """Portuguese-Portugal""" RO = "ro" """Romanian""" RU = "ru" """Russian""" SK = "sk" """Slovak""" SL = "sl" """Slovenian""" SR_CYRL = "sr-Cyrl" """Serbian - Cyrillic RS""" SR_LATN = "sr-Latn" """Serbian - Latin RS""" SV = "sv" """Swedish""" TH = "th" """Thai""" TR = "tr" """Turkish""" UK = "uk" """Ukrainian""" VI = "vi" """Vietnamese""" ZH = "zh" """Chinese Simplified""" ZH_HANS = "zh-Hans" """Chinese Simplified""" ZH_HANT = "zh-Hant" """Chinese Traditional"""
[docs]class ImageDetail(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """A string indicating which domain-specific details to return.""" CELEBRITIES = "celebrities" """Details recognized as celebrities.""" LANDMARKS = "landmarks" """Details recognized as landmarks."""
class IndexerExecutionEnvironment(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the environment in which the indexer should execute.""" STANDARD = "standard" """Indicates that the search service can determine where the indexer should execute. This is the #: default environment when nothing is specified and is the recommended value.""" PRIVATE = "private" """Indicates that the indexer should run with the environment provisioned specifically for the #: search service. This should only be specified as the execution environment if the indexer needs #: to access resources securely over shared private link resources."""
[docs]class IndexerExecutionStatus(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Represents the status of an individual indexer execution.""" TRANSIENT_FAILURE = "transientFailure" """An indexer invocation has failed, but the failure may be transient. Indexer invocations will #: continue per schedule.""" SUCCESS = "success" """Indexer execution completed successfully.""" IN_PROGRESS = "inProgress" """Indexer execution is in progress.""" RESET = "reset" """Indexer has been reset."""
[docs]class IndexerStatus(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Represents the overall indexer status.""" UNKNOWN = "unknown" """Indicates that the indexer is in an unknown state.""" ERROR = "error" """Indicates that the indexer experienced an error that cannot be corrected without human #: intervention.""" RUNNING = "running" """Indicates that the indexer is running normally."""
[docs]class KeyPhraseExtractionSkillLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The language codes supported for input text by KeyPhraseExtractionSkill.""" DA = "da" """Danish""" NL = "nl" """Dutch""" EN = "en" """English""" FI = "fi" """Finnish""" FR = "fr" """French""" DE = "de" """German""" IT = "it" """Italian""" JA = "ja" """Japanese""" KO = "ko" """Korean""" NO = "no" """Norwegian (Bokmaal)""" PL = "pl" """Polish""" PT_PT = "pt-PT" """Portuguese (Portugal)""" PT_BR = "pt-BR" """Portuguese (Brazil)""" RU = "ru" """Russian""" ES = "es" """Spanish""" SV = "sv" """Swedish"""
[docs]class LexicalAnalyzerName(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Defines the names of all text analyzers supported by the search engine.""" AR_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Arabic.""" AR_LUCENE = "ar.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Arabic.""" HY_LUCENE = "hy.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Armenian.""" BN_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Bangla.""" EU_LUCENE = "eu.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Basque.""" BG_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Bulgarian.""" BG_LUCENE = "bg.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Bulgarian.""" CA_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Catalan.""" CA_LUCENE = "ca.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Catalan.""" ZH_HANS_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Chinese (Simplified).""" ZH_HANS_LUCENE = "zh-Hans.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Chinese (Simplified).""" ZH_HANT_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Chinese (Traditional).""" ZH_HANT_LUCENE = "zh-Hant.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Chinese (Traditional).""" HR_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Croatian.""" CS_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Czech.""" CS_LUCENE = "cs.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Czech.""" DA_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Danish.""" DA_LUCENE = "da.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Danish.""" NL_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Dutch.""" NL_LUCENE = "nl.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Dutch.""" EN_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for English.""" EN_LUCENE = "en.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for English.""" ET_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Estonian.""" FI_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Finnish.""" FI_LUCENE = "fi.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Finnish.""" FR_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for French.""" FR_LUCENE = "fr.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for French.""" GL_LUCENE = "gl.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Galician.""" DE_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for German.""" DE_LUCENE = "de.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for German.""" EL_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Greek.""" EL_LUCENE = "el.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Greek.""" GU_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Gujarati.""" HE_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Hebrew.""" HI_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Hindi.""" HI_LUCENE = "hi.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Hindi.""" HU_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Hungarian.""" HU_LUCENE = "hu.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Hungarian.""" IS_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Icelandic.""" ID_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Indonesian (Bahasa).""" ID_LUCENE = "id.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Indonesian.""" GA_LUCENE = "ga.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Irish.""" IT_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Italian.""" IT_LUCENE = "it.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Italian.""" JA_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Japanese.""" JA_LUCENE = "ja.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Japanese.""" KN_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Kannada.""" KO_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Korean.""" KO_LUCENE = "ko.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Korean.""" LV_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Latvian.""" LV_LUCENE = "lv.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Latvian.""" LT_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Lithuanian.""" ML_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Malayalam.""" MS_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Malay (Latin).""" MR_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Marathi.""" NB_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Norwegian (Bokmål).""" NO_LUCENE = "no.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Norwegian.""" FA_LUCENE = "fa.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Persian.""" PL_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Polish.""" PL_LUCENE = "pl.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Polish.""" PT_BR_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Portuguese (Brazil).""" PT_BR_LUCENE = "pt-BR.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Portuguese (Brazil).""" PT_PT_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Portuguese (Portugal).""" PT_PT_LUCENE = "pt-PT.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Portuguese (Portugal).""" PA_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Punjabi.""" RO_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Romanian.""" RO_LUCENE = "ro.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Romanian.""" RU_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Russian.""" RU_LUCENE = "ru.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Russian.""" SR_CYRILLIC_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Serbian (Cyrillic).""" SR_LATIN_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Serbian (Latin).""" SK_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Slovak.""" SL_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Slovenian.""" ES_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Spanish.""" ES_LUCENE = "es.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Spanish.""" SV_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Swedish.""" SV_LUCENE = "sv.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Swedish.""" TA_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Tamil.""" TE_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Telugu.""" TH_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Thai.""" TH_LUCENE = "th.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Thai.""" TR_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Turkish.""" TR_LUCENE = "tr.lucene" """Lucene analyzer for Turkish.""" UK_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Ukrainian.""" UR_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Urdu.""" VI_MICROSOFT = "" """Microsoft analyzer for Vietnamese.""" STANDARD_LUCENE = "standard.lucene" """Standard Lucene analyzer.""" STANDARD_ASCII_FOLDING_LUCENE = "standardasciifolding.lucene" """Standard ASCII Folding Lucene analyzer. See #:""" KEYWORD = "keyword" """Treats the entire content of a field as a single token. This is useful for data like zip codes, #: ids, and some product names. See #:""" PATTERN = "pattern" """Flexibly separates text into terms via a regular expression pattern. See #:""" SIMPLE = "simple" """Divides text at non-letters and converts them to lower case. See #:""" STOP = "stop" """Divides text at non-letters; Applies the lowercase and stopword token filters. See #:""" WHITESPACE = "whitespace" """An analyzer that uses the whitespace tokenizer. See
[docs]class LexicalTokenizerName(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Defines the names of all tokenizers supported by the search engine.""" CLASSIC = "classic" """Grammar-based tokenizer that is suitable for processing most European-language documents. See #:""" EDGE_N_GRAM = "edgeNGram" """Tokenizes the input from an edge into n-grams of the given size(s). See #:""" KEYWORD = "keyword_v2" """Emits the entire input as a single token. See #:""" LETTER = "letter" """Divides text at non-letters. See #:""" LOWERCASE = "lowercase" """Divides text at non-letters and converts them to lower case. See #:""" MICROSOFT_LANGUAGE_TOKENIZER = "microsoft_language_tokenizer" """Divides text using language-specific rules.""" MICROSOFT_LANGUAGE_STEMMING_TOKENIZER = "microsoft_language_stemming_tokenizer" """Divides text using language-specific rules and reduces words to their base forms.""" N_GRAM = "nGram" """Tokenizes the input into n-grams of the given size(s). See #:""" PATH_HIERARCHY = "path_hierarchy_v2" """Tokenizer for path-like hierarchies. See #:""" PATTERN = "pattern" """Tokenizer that uses regex pattern matching to construct distinct tokens. See #:""" STANDARD = "standard_v2" """Standard Lucene analyzer; Composed of the standard tokenizer, lowercase filter and stop filter. #: See #:""" UAX_URL_EMAIL = "uax_url_email" """Tokenizes urls and emails as one token. See #:""" WHITESPACE = "whitespace" """Divides text at whitespace. See
[docs]class MicrosoftStemmingTokenizerLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Lists the languages supported by the Microsoft language stemming tokenizer.""" ARABIC = "arabic" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Arabic.""" BANGLA = "bangla" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Bangla.""" BULGARIAN = "bulgarian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Bulgarian.""" CATALAN = "catalan" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Catalan.""" CROATIAN = "croatian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Croatian.""" CZECH = "czech" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Czech.""" DANISH = "danish" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Danish.""" DUTCH = "dutch" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Dutch.""" ENGLISH = "english" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for English.""" ESTONIAN = "estonian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Estonian.""" FINNISH = "finnish" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Finnish.""" FRENCH = "french" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for French.""" GERMAN = "german" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for German.""" GREEK = "greek" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Greek.""" GUJARATI = "gujarati" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Gujarati.""" HEBREW = "hebrew" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Hebrew.""" HINDI = "hindi" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Hindi.""" HUNGARIAN = "hungarian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Hungarian.""" ICELANDIC = "icelandic" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Icelandic.""" INDONESIAN = "indonesian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Indonesian.""" ITALIAN = "italian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Italian.""" KANNADA = "kannada" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Kannada.""" LATVIAN = "latvian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Latvian.""" LITHUANIAN = "lithuanian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Lithuanian.""" MALAY = "malay" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Malay.""" MALAYALAM = "malayalam" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Malayalam.""" MARATHI = "marathi" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Marathi.""" NORWEGIAN_BOKMAAL = "norwegianBokmaal" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Norwegian (Bokmål).""" POLISH = "polish" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Polish.""" PORTUGUESE = "portuguese" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Portuguese.""" PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN = "portugueseBrazilian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Portuguese (Brazil).""" PUNJABI = "punjabi" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Punjabi.""" ROMANIAN = "romanian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Romanian.""" RUSSIAN = "russian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Russian.""" SERBIAN_CYRILLIC = "serbianCyrillic" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Serbian (Cyrillic).""" SERBIAN_LATIN = "serbianLatin" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Serbian (Latin).""" SLOVAK = "slovak" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Slovak.""" SLOVENIAN = "slovenian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Slovenian.""" SPANISH = "spanish" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Spanish.""" SWEDISH = "swedish" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Swedish.""" TAMIL = "tamil" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Tamil.""" TELUGU = "telugu" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Telugu.""" TURKISH = "turkish" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Turkish.""" UKRAINIAN = "ukrainian" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Ukrainian.""" URDU = "urdu" """Selects the Microsoft stemming tokenizer for Urdu."""
[docs]class MicrosoftTokenizerLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Lists the languages supported by the Microsoft language tokenizer.""" BANGLA = "bangla" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Bangla.""" BULGARIAN = "bulgarian" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Bulgarian.""" CATALAN = "catalan" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Catalan.""" CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED = "chineseSimplified" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Chinese (Simplified).""" CHINESE_TRADITIONAL = "chineseTraditional" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Chinese (Traditional).""" CROATIAN = "croatian" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Croatian.""" CZECH = "czech" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Czech.""" DANISH = "danish" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Danish.""" DUTCH = "dutch" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Dutch.""" ENGLISH = "english" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for English.""" FRENCH = "french" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for French.""" GERMAN = "german" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for German.""" GREEK = "greek" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Greek.""" GUJARATI = "gujarati" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Gujarati.""" HINDI = "hindi" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Hindi.""" ICELANDIC = "icelandic" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Icelandic.""" INDONESIAN = "indonesian" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Indonesian.""" ITALIAN = "italian" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Italian.""" JAPANESE = "japanese" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Japanese.""" KANNADA = "kannada" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Kannada.""" KOREAN = "korean" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Korean.""" MALAY = "malay" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Malay.""" MALAYALAM = "malayalam" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Malayalam.""" MARATHI = "marathi" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Marathi.""" NORWEGIAN_BOKMAAL = "norwegianBokmaal" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Norwegian (Bokmål).""" POLISH = "polish" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Polish.""" PORTUGUESE = "portuguese" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Portuguese.""" PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN = "portugueseBrazilian" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Portuguese (Brazil).""" PUNJABI = "punjabi" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Punjabi.""" ROMANIAN = "romanian" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Romanian.""" RUSSIAN = "russian" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Russian.""" SERBIAN_CYRILLIC = "serbianCyrillic" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Serbian (Cyrillic).""" SERBIAN_LATIN = "serbianLatin" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Serbian (Latin).""" SLOVENIAN = "slovenian" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Slovenian.""" SPANISH = "spanish" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Spanish.""" SWEDISH = "swedish" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Swedish.""" TAMIL = "tamil" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Tamil.""" TELUGU = "telugu" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Telugu.""" THAI = "thai" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Thai.""" UKRAINIAN = "ukrainian" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Ukrainian.""" URDU = "urdu" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Urdu.""" VIETNAMESE = "vietnamese" """Selects the Microsoft tokenizer for Vietnamese."""
[docs]class OcrSkillLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The language codes supported for input by OcrSkill.""" AF = "af" """Afrikaans""" SQ = "sq" """Albanian""" ANP = "anp" """Angika (Devanagiri)""" AR = "ar" """Arabic""" AST = "ast" """Asturian""" AWA = "awa" """Awadhi-Hindi (Devanagiri)""" AZ = "az" """Azerbaijani (Latin)""" BFY = "bfy" """Bagheli""" EU = "eu" """Basque""" BE = "be" """Belarusian (Cyrillic and Latin)""" BE_CYRL = "be-cyrl" """Belarusian (Cyrillic)""" BE_LATN = "be-latn" """Belarusian (Latin)""" BHO = "bho" """Bhojpuri-Hindi (Devanagiri)""" BI = "bi" """Bislama""" BRX = "brx" """Bodo (Devanagiri)""" BS = "bs" """Bosnian Latin""" BRA = "bra" """Brajbha""" BR = "br" """Breton""" BG = "bg" """Bulgarian""" BNS = "bns" """Bundeli""" BUA = "bua" """Buryat (Cyrillic)""" CA = "ca" """Catalan""" CEB = "ceb" """Cebuano""" RAB = "rab" """Chamling""" CH = "ch" """Chamorro""" HNE = "hne" """Chhattisgarhi (Devanagiri)""" ZH_HANS = "zh-Hans" """Chinese Simplified""" ZH_HANT = "zh-Hant" """Chinese Traditional""" KW = "kw" """Cornish""" CO = "co" """Corsican""" CRH = "crh" """Crimean Tatar (Latin)""" HR = "hr" """Croatian""" CS = "cs" """Czech""" DA = "da" """Danish""" PRS = "prs" """Dari""" DHI = "dhi" """Dhimal (Devanagiri)""" DOI = "doi" """Dogri (Devanagiri)""" NL = "nl" """Dutch""" EN = "en" """English""" MYV = "myv" """Erzya (Cyrillic)""" ET = "et" """Estonian""" FO = "fo" """Faroese""" FJ = "fj" """Fijian""" FIL = "fil" """Filipino""" FI = "fi" """Finnish""" FR = "fr" """French""" FUR = "fur" """Frulian""" GAG = "gag" """Gagauz (Latin)""" GL = "gl" """Galician""" DE = "de" """German""" GIL = "gil" """Gilbertese""" GON = "gon" """Gondi (Devanagiri)""" EL = "el" """Greek""" KL = "kl" """Greenlandic""" GVR = "gvr" """Gurung (Devanagiri)""" HT = "ht" """Haitian Creole""" HLB = "hlb" """Halbi (Devanagiri)""" HNI = "hni" """Hani""" BGC = "bgc" """Haryanvi""" HAW = "haw" """Hawaiian""" HI = "hi" """Hindi""" MWW = "mww" """Hmong Daw (Latin)""" HOC = "hoc" """Ho (Devanagiri)""" HU = "hu" """Hungarian""" IS = "is" """Icelandic""" SMN = "smn" """Inari Sami""" ID = "id" """Indonesian""" IA = "ia" """Interlingua""" IU = "iu" """Inuktitut (Latin)""" GA = "ga" """Irish""" IT = "it" """Italian""" JA = "ja" """Japanese""" JNS = "Jns" """Jaunsari (Devanagiri)""" JV = "jv" """Javanese""" KEA = "kea" """Kabuverdianu""" KAC = "kac" """Kachin (Latin)""" XNR = "xnr" """Kangri (Devanagiri)""" KRC = "krc" """Karachay-Balkar""" KAA_CYRL = "kaa-cyrl" """Kara-Kalpak (Cyrillic)""" KAA = "kaa" """Kara-Kalpak (Latin)""" CSB = "csb" """Kashubian""" KK_CYRL = "kk-cyrl" """Kazakh (Cyrillic)""" KK_LATN = "kk-latn" """Kazakh (Latin)""" KLR = "klr" """Khaling""" KHA = "kha" """Khasi""" QUC = "quc" """K'iche'""" KO = "ko" """Korean""" KFQ = "kfq" """Korku""" KPY = "kpy" """Koryak""" KOS = "kos" """Kosraean""" KUM = "kum" """Kumyk (Cyrillic)""" KU_ARAB = "ku-arab" """Kurdish (Arabic)""" KU_LATN = "ku-latn" """Kurdish (Latin)""" KRU = "kru" """Kurukh (Devanagiri)""" KY = "ky" """Kyrgyz (Cyrillic)""" LKT = "lkt" """Lakota""" LA = "la" """Latin""" LT = "lt" """Lithuanian""" DSB = "dsb" """Lower Sorbian""" SMJ = "smj" """Lule Sami""" LB = "lb" """Luxembourgish""" BFZ = "bfz" """Mahasu Pahari (Devanagiri)""" MS = "ms" """Malay (Latin)""" MT = "mt" """Maltese""" KMJ = "kmj" """Malto (Devanagiri)""" GV = "gv" """Manx""" MI = "mi" """Maori""" MR = "mr" """Marathi""" MN = "mn" """Mongolian (Cyrillic)""" CNR_CYRL = "cnr-cyrl" """Montenegrin (Cyrillic)""" CNR_LATN = "cnr-latn" """Montenegrin (Latin)""" NAP = "nap" """Neapolitan""" NE = "ne" """Nepali""" NIU = "niu" """Niuean""" NOG = "nog" """Nogay""" SME = "sme" """Northern Sami (Latin)""" NB = "nb" """Norwegian""" NO = "no" """Norwegian""" OC = "oc" """Occitan""" OS = "os" """Ossetic""" PS = "ps" """Pashto""" FA = "fa" """Persian""" PL = "pl" """Polish""" PT = "pt" """Portuguese""" PA = "pa" """Punjabi (Arabic)""" KSH = "ksh" """Ripuarian""" RO = "ro" """Romanian""" RM = "rm" """Romansh""" RU = "ru" """Russian""" SCK = "sck" """Sadri (Devanagiri)""" SM = "sm" """Samoan (Latin)""" SA = "sa" """Sanskrit (Devanagiri)""" SAT = "sat" """Santali (Devanagiri)""" SCO = "sco" """Scots""" GD = "gd" """Scottish Gaelic""" SR = "sr" """Serbian (Latin)""" SR_CYRL = "sr-Cyrl" """Serbian (Cyrillic)""" SR_LATN = "sr-Latn" """Serbian (Latin)""" XSR = "xsr" """Sherpa (Devanagiri)""" SRX = "srx" """Sirmauri (Devanagiri)""" SMS = "sms" """Skolt Sami""" SK = "sk" """Slovak""" SL = "sl" """Slovenian""" SO = "so" """Somali (Arabic)""" SMA = "sma" """Southern Sami""" ES = "es" """Spanish""" SW = "sw" """Swahili (Latin)""" SV = "sv" """Swedish""" TG = "tg" """Tajik (Cyrillic)""" TT = "tt" """Tatar (Latin)""" TET = "tet" """Tetum""" THF = "thf" """Thangmi""" TO = "to" """Tongan""" TR = "tr" """Turkish""" TK = "tk" """Turkmen (Latin)""" TYV = "tyv" """Tuvan""" HSB = "hsb" """Upper Sorbian""" UR = "ur" """Urdu""" UG = "ug" """Uyghur (Arabic)""" UZ_ARAB = "uz-arab" """Uzbek (Arabic)""" UZ_CYRL = "uz-cyrl" """Uzbek (Cyrillic)""" UZ = "uz" """Uzbek (Latin)""" VO = "vo" """Volapük""" WAE = "wae" """Walser""" CY = "cy" """Welsh""" FY = "fy" """Western Frisian""" YUA = "yua" """Yucatec Maya""" ZA = "za" """Zhuang""" ZU = "zu" """Zulu""" UNK = "unk" """Unknown (All)""" IS_ENUM = "is" """Icelandic"""
[docs]class PhoneticEncoder(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Identifies the type of phonetic encoder to use with a PhoneticTokenFilter.""" METAPHONE = "metaphone" """Encodes a token into a Metaphone value.""" DOUBLE_METAPHONE = "doubleMetaphone" """Encodes a token into a double metaphone value.""" SOUNDEX = "soundex" """Encodes a token into a Soundex value.""" REFINED_SOUNDEX = "refinedSoundex" """Encodes a token into a Refined Soundex value.""" CAVERPHONE1 = "caverphone1" """Encodes a token into a Caverphone 1.0 value.""" CAVERPHONE2 = "caverphone2" """Encodes a token into a Caverphone 2.0 value.""" COLOGNE = "cologne" """Encodes a token into a Cologne Phonetic value.""" NYSIIS = "nysiis" """Encodes a token into a NYSIIS value.""" KOELNER_PHONETIK = "koelnerPhonetik" """Encodes a token using the Kölner Phonetik algorithm.""" HAASE_PHONETIK = "haasePhonetik" """Encodes a token using the Haase refinement of the Kölner Phonetik algorithm.""" BEIDER_MORSE = "beiderMorse" """Encodes a token into a Beider-Morse value."""
[docs]class PIIDetectionSkillMaskingMode(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """A string indicating what maskingMode to use to mask the personal information detected in the input text. """ NONE = "none" """No masking occurs and the maskedText output will not be returned.""" REPLACE = "replace" """Replaces the detected entities with the character given in the maskingCharacter parameter. The
#: character will be repeated to the length of the detected entity so that the offsets will #: correctly correspond to both the input text as well as the output maskedText."""
[docs]class RegexFlags(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Defines flags that can be combined to control how regular expressions are used in the pattern analyzer and pattern tokenizer. """ CANON_EQ = "CANON_EQ" """Enables canonical equivalence.""" CASE_INSENSITIVE = "CASE_INSENSITIVE" """Enables case-insensitive matching.""" COMMENTS = "COMMENTS" """Permits whitespace and comments in the pattern.""" DOT_ALL = "DOTALL" """Enables dotall mode.""" LITERAL = "LITERAL" """Enables literal parsing of the pattern.""" MULTILINE = "MULTILINE" """Enables multiline mode.""" UNICODE_CASE = "UNICODE_CASE" """Enables Unicode-aware case folding.""" UNIX_LINES = "UNIX_LINES" """Enables Unix lines mode."""
[docs]class ScoringFunctionAggregation(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Defines the aggregation function used to combine the results of all the scoring functions in a scoring profile. """ SUM = "sum" """Boost scores by the sum of all scoring function results.""" AVERAGE = "average" """Boost scores by the average of all scoring function results.""" MINIMUM = "minimum" """Boost scores by the minimum of all scoring function results.""" MAXIMUM = "maximum" """Boost scores by the maximum of all scoring function results.""" FIRST_MATCHING = "firstMatching" """Boost scores using the first applicable scoring function in the scoring profile."""
[docs]class ScoringFunctionInterpolation(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Defines the function used to interpolate score boosting across a range of documents.""" LINEAR = "linear" """Boosts scores by a linearly decreasing amount. This is the default interpolation for scoring #: functions.""" CONSTANT = "constant" """Boosts scores by a constant factor.""" QUADRATIC = "quadratic" """Boosts scores by an amount that decreases quadratically. Boosts decrease slowly for higher #: scores, and more quickly as the scores decrease. This interpolation option is not allowed in #: tag scoring functions.""" LOGARITHMIC = "logarithmic" """Boosts scores by an amount that decreases logarithmically. Boosts decrease quickly for higher
#: scores, and more slowly as the scores decrease. This interpolation option is not allowed in tag #: scoring functions.""" class SearchFieldDataType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Defines the data type of a field in a search index.""" STRING = "Edm.String" """Indicates that a field contains a string.""" INT32 = "Edm.Int32" """Indicates that a field contains a 32-bit signed integer.""" INT64 = "Edm.Int64" """Indicates that a field contains a 64-bit signed integer.""" DOUBLE = "Edm.Double" """Indicates that a field contains an IEEE double-precision floating point number.""" BOOLEAN = "Edm.Boolean" """Indicates that a field contains a Boolean value (true or false).""" DATE_TIME_OFFSET = "Edm.DateTimeOffset" """Indicates that a field contains a date/time value, including timezone information.""" GEOGRAPHY_POINT = "Edm.GeographyPoint" """Indicates that a field contains a geo-location in terms of longitude and latitude.""" COMPLEX = "Edm.ComplexType" """Indicates that a field contains one or more complex objects that in turn have sub-fields of #: other types.""" SINGLE = "Edm.Single" """Indicates that a field contains a single-precision floating point number. This is only valid #: when used with Collection(Edm.Single)."""
[docs]class SearchIndexerDataSourceType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Defines the type of a datasource.""" AZURE_SQL = "azuresql" """Indicates an Azure SQL datasource.""" COSMOS_DB = "cosmosdb" """Indicates a CosmosDB datasource.""" AZURE_BLOB = "azureblob" """Indicates an Azure Blob datasource.""" AZURE_TABLE = "azuretable" """Indicates an Azure Table datasource.""" MY_SQL = "mysql" """Indicates a MySql datasource.""" ADLS_GEN2 = "adlsgen2" """Indicates an ADLS Gen2 datasource."""
[docs]class SentimentSkillLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The language codes supported for input text by SentimentSkill.""" DA = "da" """Danish""" NL = "nl" """Dutch""" EN = "en" """English""" FI = "fi" """Finnish""" FR = "fr" """French""" DE = "de" """German""" EL = "el" """Greek""" IT = "it" """Italian""" NO = "no" """Norwegian (Bokmaal)""" PL = "pl" """Polish""" PT_PT = "pt-PT" """Portuguese (Portugal)""" RU = "ru" """Russian""" ES = "es" """Spanish""" SV = "sv" """Swedish""" TR = "tr" """Turkish"""
[docs]class SnowballTokenFilterLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The language to use for a Snowball token filter.""" ARMENIAN = "armenian" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Armenian.""" BASQUE = "basque" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Basque.""" CATALAN = "catalan" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Catalan.""" DANISH = "danish" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Danish.""" DUTCH = "dutch" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Dutch.""" ENGLISH = "english" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for English.""" FINNISH = "finnish" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Finnish.""" FRENCH = "french" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for French.""" GERMAN = "german" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for German.""" GERMAN2 = "german2" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer that uses the German variant algorithm.""" HUNGARIAN = "hungarian" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Hungarian.""" ITALIAN = "italian" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Italian.""" KP = "kp" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Dutch that uses the Kraaij-Pohlmann stemming #: algorithm.""" LOVINS = "lovins" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for English that uses the Lovins stemming #: algorithm.""" NORWEGIAN = "norwegian" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Norwegian.""" PORTER = "porter" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for English that uses the Porter stemming #: algorithm.""" PORTUGUESE = "portuguese" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Portuguese.""" ROMANIAN = "romanian" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Romanian.""" RUSSIAN = "russian" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Russian.""" SPANISH = "spanish" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Spanish.""" SWEDISH = "swedish" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Swedish.""" TURKISH = "turkish" """Selects the Lucene Snowball stemming tokenizer for Turkish."""
[docs]class SplitSkillLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The language codes supported for input text by SplitSkill.""" AM = "am" """Amharic""" BS = "bs" """Bosnian""" CS = "cs" """Czech""" DA = "da" """Danish""" DE = "de" """German""" EN = "en" """English""" ES = "es" """Spanish""" ET = "et" """Estonian""" FI = "fi" """Finnish""" FR = "fr" """French""" HE = "he" """Hebrew""" HI = "hi" """Hindi""" HR = "hr" """Croatian""" HU = "hu" """Hungarian""" ID = "id" """Indonesian""" IS = "is" """Icelandic""" IT = "it" """Italian""" JA = "ja" """Japanese""" KO = "ko" """Korean""" LV = "lv" """Latvian""" NB = "nb" """Norwegian""" NL = "nl" """Dutch""" PL = "pl" """Polish""" PT = "pt" """Portuguese (Portugal)""" PT_BR = "pt-br" """Portuguese (Brazil)""" RU = "ru" """Russian""" SK = "sk" """Slovak""" SL = "sl" """Slovenian""" SR = "sr" """Serbian""" SV = "sv" """Swedish""" TR = "tr" """Turkish""" UR = "ur" """Urdu""" ZH = "zh" """Chinese (Simplified)""" IS_ENUM = "is" """Icelandic"""
[docs]class StemmerTokenFilterLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The language to use for a stemmer token filter.""" ARABIC = "arabic" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Arabic.""" ARMENIAN = "armenian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Armenian.""" BASQUE = "basque" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Basque.""" BRAZILIAN = "brazilian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Portuguese (Brazil).""" BULGARIAN = "bulgarian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Bulgarian.""" CATALAN = "catalan" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Catalan.""" CZECH = "czech" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Czech.""" DANISH = "danish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Danish.""" DUTCH = "dutch" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Dutch.""" DUTCH_KP = "dutchKp" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Dutch that uses the Kraaij-Pohlmann stemming #: algorithm.""" ENGLISH = "english" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for English.""" LIGHT_ENGLISH = "lightEnglish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for English that does light stemming.""" MINIMAL_ENGLISH = "minimalEnglish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for English that does minimal stemming.""" POSSESSIVE_ENGLISH = "possessiveEnglish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for English that removes trailing possessives from words.""" PORTER2 = "porter2" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for English that uses the Porter2 stemming algorithm.""" LOVINS = "lovins" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for English that uses the Lovins stemming algorithm.""" FINNISH = "finnish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Finnish.""" LIGHT_FINNISH = "lightFinnish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Finnish that does light stemming.""" FRENCH = "french" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for French.""" LIGHT_FRENCH = "lightFrench" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for French that does light stemming.""" MINIMAL_FRENCH = "minimalFrench" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for French that does minimal stemming.""" GALICIAN = "galician" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Galician.""" MINIMAL_GALICIAN = "minimalGalician" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Galician that does minimal stemming.""" GERMAN = "german" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for German.""" GERMAN2 = "german2" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer that uses the German variant algorithm.""" LIGHT_GERMAN = "lightGerman" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for German that does light stemming.""" MINIMAL_GERMAN = "minimalGerman" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for German that does minimal stemming.""" GREEK = "greek" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Greek.""" HINDI = "hindi" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Hindi.""" HUNGARIAN = "hungarian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Hungarian.""" LIGHT_HUNGARIAN = "lightHungarian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Hungarian that does light stemming.""" INDONESIAN = "indonesian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Indonesian.""" IRISH = "irish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Irish.""" ITALIAN = "italian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Italian.""" LIGHT_ITALIAN = "lightItalian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Italian that does light stemming.""" SORANI = "sorani" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Sorani.""" LATVIAN = "latvian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Latvian.""" NORWEGIAN = "norwegian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Norwegian (Bokmål).""" LIGHT_NORWEGIAN = "lightNorwegian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Norwegian (Bokmål) that does light stemming.""" MINIMAL_NORWEGIAN = "minimalNorwegian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Norwegian (Bokmål) that does minimal stemming.""" LIGHT_NYNORSK = "lightNynorsk" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Norwegian (Nynorsk) that does light stemming.""" MINIMAL_NYNORSK = "minimalNynorsk" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Norwegian (Nynorsk) that does minimal stemming.""" PORTUGUESE = "portuguese" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Portuguese.""" LIGHT_PORTUGUESE = "lightPortuguese" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Portuguese that does light stemming.""" MINIMAL_PORTUGUESE = "minimalPortuguese" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Portuguese that does minimal stemming.""" PORTUGUESE_RSLP = "portugueseRslp" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Portuguese that uses the RSLP stemming algorithm.""" ROMANIAN = "romanian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Romanian.""" RUSSIAN = "russian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Russian.""" LIGHT_RUSSIAN = "lightRussian" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Russian that does light stemming.""" SPANISH = "spanish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Spanish.""" LIGHT_SPANISH = "lightSpanish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Spanish that does light stemming.""" SWEDISH = "swedish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Swedish.""" LIGHT_SWEDISH = "lightSwedish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Swedish that does light stemming.""" TURKISH = "turkish" """Selects the Lucene stemming tokenizer for Turkish."""
[docs]class StopwordsList(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Identifies a predefined list of language-specific stopwords.""" ARABIC = "arabic" """Selects the stopword list for Arabic.""" ARMENIAN = "armenian" """Selects the stopword list for Armenian.""" BASQUE = "basque" """Selects the stopword list for Basque.""" BRAZILIAN = "brazilian" """Selects the stopword list for Portuguese (Brazil).""" BULGARIAN = "bulgarian" """Selects the stopword list for Bulgarian.""" CATALAN = "catalan" """Selects the stopword list for Catalan.""" CZECH = "czech" """Selects the stopword list for Czech.""" DANISH = "danish" """Selects the stopword list for Danish.""" DUTCH = "dutch" """Selects the stopword list for Dutch.""" ENGLISH = "english" """Selects the stopword list for English.""" FINNISH = "finnish" """Selects the stopword list for Finnish.""" FRENCH = "french" """Selects the stopword list for French.""" GALICIAN = "galician" """Selects the stopword list for Galician.""" GERMAN = "german" """Selects the stopword list for German.""" GREEK = "greek" """Selects the stopword list for Greek.""" HINDI = "hindi" """Selects the stopword list for Hindi.""" HUNGARIAN = "hungarian" """Selects the stopword list for Hungarian.""" INDONESIAN = "indonesian" """Selects the stopword list for Indonesian.""" IRISH = "irish" """Selects the stopword list for Irish.""" ITALIAN = "italian" """Selects the stopword list for Italian.""" LATVIAN = "latvian" """Selects the stopword list for Latvian.""" NORWEGIAN = "norwegian" """Selects the stopword list for Norwegian.""" PERSIAN = "persian" """Selects the stopword list for Persian.""" PORTUGUESE = "portuguese" """Selects the stopword list for Portuguese.""" ROMANIAN = "romanian" """Selects the stopword list for Romanian.""" RUSSIAN = "russian" """Selects the stopword list for Russian.""" SORANI = "sorani" """Selects the stopword list for Sorani.""" SPANISH = "spanish" """Selects the stopword list for Spanish.""" SWEDISH = "swedish" """Selects the stopword list for Swedish.""" THAI = "thai" """Selects the stopword list for Thai.""" TURKISH = "turkish" """Selects the stopword list for Turkish."""
[docs]class TextSplitMode(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """A value indicating which split mode to perform.""" PAGES = "pages" """Split the text into individual pages.""" SENTENCES = "sentences" """Split the text into individual sentences."""
[docs]class TextTranslationSkillLanguage(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The language codes supported for input text by TextTranslationSkill.""" AF = "af" """Afrikaans""" AR = "ar" """Arabic""" BN = "bn" """Bangla""" BS = "bs" """Bosnian (Latin)""" BG = "bg" """Bulgarian""" YUE = "yue" """Cantonese (Traditional)""" CA = "ca" """Catalan""" ZH_HANS = "zh-Hans" """Chinese Simplified""" ZH_HANT = "zh-Hant" """Chinese Traditional""" HR = "hr" """Croatian""" CS = "cs" """Czech""" DA = "da" """Danish""" NL = "nl" """Dutch""" EN = "en" """English""" ET = "et" """Estonian""" FJ = "fj" """Fijian""" FIL = "fil" """Filipino""" FI = "fi" """Finnish""" FR = "fr" """French""" DE = "de" """German""" EL = "el" """Greek""" HT = "ht" """Haitian Creole""" HE = "he" """Hebrew""" HI = "hi" """Hindi""" MWW = "mww" """Hmong Daw""" HU = "hu" """Hungarian""" IS = "is" """Icelandic""" ID = "id" """Indonesian""" IT = "it" """Italian""" JA = "ja" """Japanese""" SW = "sw" """Kiswahili""" TLH = "tlh" """Klingon""" KO = "ko" """Korean""" LV = "lv" """Latvian""" LT = "lt" """Lithuanian""" MG = "mg" """Malagasy""" MS = "ms" """Malay""" MT = "mt" """Maltese""" NB = "nb" """Norwegian""" FA = "fa" """Persian""" PL = "pl" """Polish""" PT = "pt" """Portuguese""" OTQ = "otq" """Queretaro Otomi""" RO = "ro" """Romanian""" RU = "ru" """Russian""" SM = "sm" """Samoan""" SR_CYRL = "sr-Cyrl" """Serbian (Cyrillic)""" SR_LATN = "sr-Latn" """Serbian (Latin)""" SK = "sk" """Slovak""" SL = "sl" """Slovenian""" ES = "es" """Spanish""" SV = "sv" """Swedish""" TY = "ty" """Tahitian""" TA = "ta" """Tamil""" TE = "te" """Telugu""" TH = "th" """Thai""" TO = "to" """Tongan""" TR = "tr" """Turkish""" UK = "uk" """Ukrainian""" UR = "ur" """Urdu""" VI = "vi" """Vietnamese""" CY = "cy" """Welsh""" YUA = "yua" """Yucatec Maya""" IS_ENUM = "is" """Icelandic"""
[docs]class TokenCharacterKind(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Represents classes of characters on which a token filter can operate.""" LETTER = "letter" """Keeps letters in tokens.""" DIGIT = "digit" """Keeps digits in tokens.""" WHITESPACE = "whitespace" """Keeps whitespace in tokens.""" PUNCTUATION = "punctuation" """Keeps punctuation in tokens.""" SYMBOL = "symbol" """Keeps symbols in tokens."""
[docs]class TokenFilterName(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Defines the names of all token filters supported by the search engine.""" ARABIC_NORMALIZATION = "arabic_normalization" """A token filter that applies the Arabic normalizer to normalize the orthography. See #:""" APOSTROPHE = "apostrophe" """Strips all characters after an apostrophe (including the apostrophe itself). See #:""" ASCII_FOLDING = "asciifolding" """Converts alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic Unicode characters which are not in the first 127 #: ASCII characters (the "Basic Latin" Unicode block) into their ASCII equivalents, if such #: equivalents exist. See #:""" CJK_BIGRAM = "cjk_bigram" """Forms bigrams of CJK terms that are generated from the standard tokenizer. See #:""" CJK_WIDTH = "cjk_width" """Normalizes CJK width differences. Folds fullwidth ASCII variants into the equivalent basic #: Latin, and half-width Katakana variants into the equivalent Kana. See #:""" CLASSIC = "classic" """Removes English possessives, and dots from acronyms. See #:""" COMMON_GRAM = "common_grams" """Construct bigrams for frequently occurring terms while indexing. Single terms are still indexed #: too, with bigrams overlaid. See #:""" EDGE_N_GRAM = "edgeNGram_v2" """Generates n-grams of the given size(s) starting from the front or the back of an input token. #: See #:""" ELISION = "elision" """Removes elisions. For example, "l'avion" (the plane) will be converted to "avion" (plane). See #:""" GERMAN_NORMALIZATION = "german_normalization" """Normalizes German characters according to the heuristics of the German2 snowball algorithm. See #:""" HINDI_NORMALIZATION = "hindi_normalization" """Normalizes text in Hindi to remove some differences in spelling variations. See #:""" INDIC_NORMALIZATION = "indic_normalization" """Normalizes the Unicode representation of text in Indian languages. See #:""" KEYWORD_REPEAT = "keyword_repeat" """Emits each incoming token twice, once as keyword and once as non-keyword. See #:""" K_STEM = "kstem" """A high-performance kstem filter for English. See #:""" LENGTH = "length" """Removes words that are too long or too short. See #:""" LIMIT = "limit" """Limits the number of tokens while indexing. See #:""" LOWERCASE = "lowercase" """Normalizes token text to lower case. See #:""" N_GRAM = "nGram_v2" """Generates n-grams of the given size(s). See #:""" PERSIAN_NORMALIZATION = "persian_normalization" """Applies normalization for Persian. See #:""" PHONETIC = "phonetic" """Create tokens for phonetic matches. See #:""" PORTER_STEM = "porter_stem" """Uses the Porter stemming algorithm to transform the token stream. See #:""" REVERSE = "reverse" """Reverses the token string. See #:""" SCANDINAVIAN_NORMALIZATION = "scandinavian_normalization" """Normalizes use of the interchangeable Scandinavian characters. See #:""" SCANDINAVIAN_FOLDING_NORMALIZATION = "scandinavian_folding" """Folds Scandinavian characters åÅäæÄÆ->a and öÖøØ->o. It also discriminates against use of #: double vowels aa, ae, ao, oe and oo, leaving just the first one. See #:""" SHINGLE = "shingle" """Creates combinations of tokens as a single token. See #:""" SNOWBALL = "snowball" """A filter that stems words using a Snowball-generated stemmer. See #:""" SORANI_NORMALIZATION = "sorani_normalization" """Normalizes the Unicode representation of Sorani text. See #:""" STEMMER = "stemmer" """Language specific stemming filter. See #:""" STOPWORDS = "stopwords" """Removes stop words from a token stream. See #:""" TRIM = "trim" """Trims leading and trailing whitespace from tokens. See #:""" TRUNCATE = "truncate" """Truncates the terms to a specific length. See #:""" UNIQUE = "unique" """Filters out tokens with same text as the previous token. See #:""" UPPERCASE = "uppercase" """Normalizes token text to upper case. See #:""" WORD_DELIMITER = "word_delimiter" """Splits words into subwords and performs optional transformations on subword groups."""
[docs]class VectorSearchAlgorithmKind(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The algorithm used for indexing and querying.""" HNSW = "hnsw" """HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World), a type of approximate nearest neighbors algorithm.""" EXHAUSTIVE_KNN = "exhaustiveKnn" """Exhaustive KNN algorithm which will perform brute-force search."""
[docs]class VectorSearchAlgorithmMetric(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The similarity metric to use for vector comparisons.""" COSINE = "cosine" EUCLIDEAN = "euclidean" DOT_PRODUCT = "dotProduct"
[docs]class VisualFeature(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The strings indicating what visual feature types to return.""" ADULT = "adult" """Visual features recognized as adult persons.""" BRANDS = "brands" """Visual features recognized as commercial brands.""" CATEGORIES = "categories" """Categories.""" DESCRIPTION = "description" """Description.""" FACES = "faces" """Visual features recognized as people faces.""" OBJECTS = "objects" """Visual features recognized as objects.""" TAGS = "tags" """Tags."""