Source code for

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
from typing import cast, List, TYPE_CHECKING
import time
import threading

from azure.core.tracing.decorator import distributed_trace
from azure.core.exceptions import ServiceResponseTimeoutError
from ._utils import is_retryable_status_code
from ._search_index_document_batching_client_base import SearchIndexDocumentBatchingClientBase
from ._generated import SearchIndexClient
from ..indexes import SearchIndexClient as SearchServiceClient
from ._generated.models import IndexBatch, IndexingResult
from ._search_documents_error import RequestEntityTooLargeError
from ._index_documents_batch import IndexDocumentsBatch
from .._headers_mixin import HeadersMixin
from .._version import SDK_MONIKER

    # pylint:disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports
    from typing import Any, Union
    from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential

[docs]class SearchIndexDocumentBatchingClient(SearchIndexDocumentBatchingClientBase, HeadersMixin): """A client to do index document batching. :param endpoint: The URL endpoint of an Azure search service :type endpoint: str :param index_name: The name of the index to connect to :type index_name: str :param credential: A credential to authorize search client requests :type credential: ~azure.core.credentials.AzureKeyCredential :keyword bool auto_flush: if the auto flush mode is on. Default to True. :keyword int window: how many seconds if there is no changes that triggers auto flush. Default to 60 seconds :keyword hook: hook. If it is set, the client will call corresponding methods when status changes :paramtype hook: IndexingHook :keyword str api_version: The Search API version to use for requests. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, endpoint, index_name, credential, **kwargs): # type: (str, str, AzureKeyCredential, **Any) -> None super(SearchIndexDocumentBatchingClient, self).__init__( endpoint=endpoint, index_name=index_name, credential=credential, **kwargs) self._index_documents_batch = IndexDocumentsBatch() self._client = SearchIndexClient( endpoint=endpoint, index_name=index_name, sdk_moniker=SDK_MONIKER, **kwargs ) # type: SearchIndexClient self._reset_timer() def _cleanup(self, flush=True): # type: () -> None """Clean up the client. :param bool flush: flush the actions queue before shutdown the client Default to True. """ if flush: self.flush() if self._auto_flush: self._timer.cancel() def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str return "<SearchIndexDocumentBatchingClient [endpoint={}, index={}]>".format( repr(self._endpoint), repr(self._index_name) )[:1024] @property def actions(self): # type: () -> List[IndexAction] """The list of currently index actions in queue to index. :rtype: List[IndexAction] """ return self._index_documents_batch.actions
[docs] def close(self): # type: () -> None """Close the :class:`` session.""" self._cleanup(flush=True) return self._client.close()
[docs] @distributed_trace def flush(self, timeout=86400, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument # type: (int) -> bool """Flush the batch. :param int timeout: time out setting. Default is 86400s (one day) :return: True if there are errors. Else False :rtype: bool """ has_error = False begin_time = int(time.time()) while len(self.actions) > 0: now = int(time.time()) remaining = timeout - (now - begin_time) if remaining < 0: raise ServiceResponseTimeoutError("Service response time out") result = self._process(timeout=remaining, raise_error=False) if result: has_error = True return has_error
def _process(self, timeout=86400, **kwargs): # type: (int) -> bool raise_error = kwargs.pop("raise_error", True) actions = self._index_documents_batch.dequeue_actions() has_error = False if not self._index_key: try: client = SearchServiceClient(self._endpoint, self._credential) result = client.get_index(self._index_name) if result: for field in result.fields: if field.key: self._index_key = break except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass try: results = self._index_documents_actions(actions=actions, timeout=timeout) for result in results: try: action = next(x for x in actions if x.additional_properties.get(self._index_key) == result.key) if result.succeeded: self._succeed_callback(action) elif is_retryable_status_code(result.status_code): self._retry_action(action) has_error = True else: self._fail_callback(action) has_error = True except StopIteration: pass return has_error except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except for action in actions: self._retry_action(action) if raise_error: raise return True def _process_if_needed(self): # type: () -> bool """ Every time when a new action is queued, this method will be triggered. It checks the actions already queued and flushes them if: 1. Auto_flush is on 2. There are self._batch_size actions queued """ if not self._auto_flush: return # reset the timer self._reset_timer() if len(self._index_documents_batch.actions) < self._batch_size: return self._process(raise_error=False) def _reset_timer(self): # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition try: self._timer.cancel() except AttributeError: pass self._timer = threading.Timer(self._window, self._process) if self._auto_flush: self._timer.start()
[docs] def add_upload_actions(self, documents): # type: (List[dict]) -> None """Queue upload documents actions. :param documents: A list of documents to upload. :type documents: List[dict] """ actions = self._index_documents_batch.add_upload_actions(documents) self._new_callback(actions) self._process_if_needed()
[docs] def add_delete_actions(self, documents): # type: (List[dict]) -> None """Queue delete documents actions :param documents: A list of documents to delete. :type documents: List[dict] """ actions = self._index_documents_batch.add_delete_actions(documents) self._new_callback(actions) self._process_if_needed()
[docs] def add_merge_actions(self, documents): # type: (List[dict]) -> None """Queue merge documents actions :param documents: A list of documents to merge. :type documents: List[dict] """ actions = self._index_documents_batch.add_merge_actions(documents) self._new_callback(actions) self._process_if_needed()
[docs] def add_merge_or_upload_actions(self, documents): # type: (List[dict]) -> None """Queue merge documents or upload documents actions :param documents: A list of documents to merge or upload. :type documents: List[dict] """ actions = self._index_documents_batch.add_merge_or_upload_actions(documents) self._new_callback(actions) self._process_if_needed()
def _index_documents_actions(self, actions, **kwargs): # type: (List[IndexAction], **Any) -> List[IndexingResult] error_map = {413: RequestEntityTooLargeError} timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', 86400) begin_time = int(time.time()) kwargs["headers"] = self._merge_client_headers(kwargs.get("headers")) try: index_documents = IndexBatch(actions=actions) batch_response = self._client.documents.index(batch=index_documents, error_map=error_map, **kwargs) return cast(List[IndexingResult], batch_response.results) except RequestEntityTooLargeError: if len(actions) == 1: raise pos = round(len(actions) / 2) now = int(time.time()) remaining = timeout - (now - begin_time) if remaining < 0: raise ServiceResponseTimeoutError("Service response time out") batch_response_first_half = self._index_documents_actions( actions=actions[:pos], error_map=error_map, timeout=remaining, **kwargs ) if len(batch_response_first_half) > 0: result_first_half = cast(List[IndexingResult], batch_response_first_half.results) else: result_first_half = [] now = int(time.time()) remaining = timeout - (now - begin_time) if remaining < 0: raise ServiceResponseTimeoutError("Service response time out") batch_response_second_half = self._index_documents_actions( actions=actions[pos:], error_map=error_map, timeout=remaining, **kwargs ) if len(batch_response_second_half) > 0: result_second_half = cast(List[IndexingResult], batch_response_second_half.results) else: result_second_half = [] return result_first_half.extend(result_second_half) def __enter__(self): # type: () -> SearchIndexDocumentBatchingClient self._client.__enter__() # pylint:disable=no-member return self def __exit__(self, *args): # type: (*Any) -> None self.close() self._client.__exit__(*args) # pylint:disable=no-member def _retry_action(self, action): # type: (IndexAction) -> None if not self._index_key: self._fail_callback(action) return key = action.additional_properties.get(self._index_key) counter = self._retry_counter.get(key) if not counter: # first time that fails self._retry_counter[key] = 1 self._index_documents_batch.enqueue_action(action) elif counter < self._RETRY_LIMIT - 1: # not reach retry limit yet self._retry_counter[key] = counter + 1 self._index_documents_batch.enqueue_action(action) else: self._fail_callback(action)