Source code for

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
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from typing import Union

from azure.core.async_paging import AsyncItemPaged, AsyncPageIterator, ReturnType
from .._generated.models import SearchRequest
from .._paging import (

[docs]class AsyncSearchItemPaged(AsyncItemPaged[ReturnType]): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AsyncSearchItemPaged, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._first_page_iterator_instance = None async def __anext__(self) -> ReturnType: if self._page_iterator is None: self._page_iterator = self.by_page() self._first_page_iterator_instance = self._page_iterator return await self.__anext__() if self._page is None: # Let it raise StopAsyncIteration self._page = await self._page_iterator.__anext__() return await self.__anext__() try: return await self._page.__anext__() except StopAsyncIteration: self._page = None return await self.__anext__() def _first_iterator_instance(self): if self._first_page_iterator_instance is None: self._page_iterator = self.by_page() self._first_page_iterator_instance = self._page_iterator return self._first_page_iterator_instance
[docs] async def get_facets(self) -> Union[dict, None]: """Return any facet results if faceting was requested. """ return await self._first_iterator_instance().get_facets()
[docs] async def get_coverage(self): # type: () -> float """Return the covereage percentage, if `minimum_coverage` was specificied for the query. """ return await self._first_iterator_instance().get_coverage()
[docs] async def get_count(self): # type: () -> float """Return the count of results if `include_total_result_count` was set for the query. """ return await self._first_iterator_instance().get_count()
# The pylint error silenced below seems spurious, as the inner wrapper does, in # fact, become a method of the class when it is applied. def _ensure_response(f): # pylint:disable=protected-access async def wrapper(self, *args, **kw): if self._current_page is None: self._response = await self._get_next(self.continuation_token) self.continuation_token, self._current_page = await self._extract_data( self._response ) return await f(self, *args, **kw) return wrapper class AsyncSearchPageIterator(AsyncPageIterator[ReturnType]): def __init__(self, client, initial_query, kwargs, continuation_token=None): super(AsyncSearchPageIterator, self).__init__( get_next=self._get_next_cb, extract_data=self._extract_data_cb, continuation_token=continuation_token, ) self._client = client self._initial_query = initial_query self._kwargs = kwargs self._facets = None async def _get_next_cb(self, continuation_token): if continuation_token is None: return await self._client.documents.search_post( search_request=self._initial_query.request, **self._kwargs ) _next_link, next_page_request = unpack_continuation_token(continuation_token) return await self._client.documents.search_post( search_request=next_page_request ) async def _extract_data_cb(self, response): # pylint:disable=no-self-use continuation_token = pack_continuation_token(response) results = [convert_search_result(r) for r in response.results] return continuation_token, results @_ensure_response async def get_facets(self): facets = self._response.facets if facets is not None and self._facets is None: self._facets = {k: [x.as_dict() for x in v] for k, v in facets.items()} return self._facets @_ensure_response async def get_coverage(self): return self._response.coverage @_ensure_response async def get_count(self): return self._response.count