Source code for azure.purview.catalog.aio.operations._patch

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# ------------------------------------
"""Customize generated code here.

Follow our quickstart for examples:
import abc
import sys
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, IO, List, Optional, TypeVar, Union, cast
from msrest import Serializer
from typing import overload
from ._operations import EntityOperations as EntityOperationsGenerated
from ._operations import GlossaryOperations as GlossaryOperationsGenerated

from azure.core.exceptions import ClientAuthenticationError, HttpResponseError, ResourceExistsError, ResourceNotFoundError, map_error
from azure.core.pipeline import PipelineResponse
from azure.core.pipeline.transport import AsyncHttpResponse
from azure.core.polling import AsyncLROPoller, AsyncNoPolling, AsyncPollingMethod
from azure.core.polling.async_base_polling import AsyncLROBasePolling
from import HttpRequest
from azure.core.tracing.decorator_async import distributed_trace_async
from azure.core.utils import case_insensitive_dict

if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
    from import MutableMapping
    from typing import MutableMapping  # type: ignore
JSON = MutableMapping[str, Any] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
T = TypeVar('T')
ClsType = Optional[Callable[[PipelineResponse[HttpRequest, AsyncHttpResponse], T, Dict[str, Any]], Any]]
_SERIALIZER = Serializer()
_SERIALIZER.client_side_validation = False

def patch_sdk():

def build_entity_import_business_metadata_request(
    files: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    content: Any = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> HttpRequest:
    content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', None)  # type: Optional[str]

    accept = "application/json"
    # Construct URL
    _url = "/atlas/v2/entity/businessmetadata/import"

    # Construct headers
    _header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {})  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    if content_type is not None:
        _header_parameters['Content-Type'] = _SERIALIZER.header("content_type", content_type, 'str')
    _header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str')

    return HttpRequest(

def build_glossary_import_glossary_terms_via_csv_request_initial(
    glossary_guid: str,
    files: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    content: Any = None,
    include_term_hierarchy: Optional[bool] = False,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> HttpRequest:
    api_version = kwargs.pop('api_version', "2022-03-01-preview")  # type: str
    content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', None)  # type: Optional[str]

    accept = "application/json"
    # Construct URL
    _url = "/glossary/{glossaryGuid}/terms/import"
    path_format_arguments = {
        "glossaryGuid": _SERIALIZER.url("glossary_guid", glossary_guid, 'str', max_length=4096, min_length=1),

    _url = _format_url_section(_url, **path_format_arguments)

    # Construct parameters
    _query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {})  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    if include_term_hierarchy is not None:
        _query_parameters['includeTermHierarchy'] = _SERIALIZER.query("include_term_hierarchy", include_term_hierarchy, 'bool')
    _query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str')

    # Construct headers
    _header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {})  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    if content_type is not None:
        _header_parameters['Content-Type'] = _SERIALIZER.header("content_type", content_type, 'str')
    _header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str')

    return HttpRequest(

def build_glossary_import_glossary_terms_via_csv_by_glossary_name_request_initial(
        glossary_name: str,
    files: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    content: Any = None,
    include_term_hierarchy: Optional[bool] = False,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> HttpRequest:
    api_version = kwargs.pop('api_version', "2022-03-01-preview")  # type: str
    content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', None)  # type: Optional[str]

    accept = "application/json"
    # Construct URL
    _url = "/glossary/name/{glossaryName}/terms/import"
    path_format_arguments = {
        "glossaryName": _SERIALIZER.url("glossary_name", glossary_name, 'str', max_length=4096, min_length=1),

    _url = _format_url_section(_url, **path_format_arguments)

    # Construct parameters
    _query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {})  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    if include_term_hierarchy is not None:
        _query_parameters['includeTermHierarchy'] = _SERIALIZER.query("include_term_hierarchy", include_term_hierarchy, 'bool')
    _query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str')

    # Construct headers
    _header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {})  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    if content_type is not None:
        _header_parameters['Content-Type'] = _SERIALIZER.header("content_type", content_type, 'str')
    _header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str')

    return HttpRequest(

[docs]class EntityOperations(EntityOperationsGenerated):
[docs] async def import_business_metadata( self, *args, **kwargs ) -> JSON: _headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) or {} _params = kwargs.pop("params", {}) or {} request = build_entity_import_business_metadata_reques( headers=_headers, params=_params, ) path_format_arguments = { "Endpoint": self._serialize.url("self._config.endpoint", self._config.endpoint, 'str', skip_quote=True), } request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url, **path_format_arguments) # type: ignore pipeline_response = # type: ignore # pylint: disable=protected-access request, stream=True, **kwargs ) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response) deserialized = response return deserialized
[docs]class GlossaryOperations(GlossaryOperationsGenerated):
[docs] async def begin_import_glossary_terms_via_csv( self, glossary_guid: str, files: Dict[str, Any], *, include_term_hierarchy: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncLROPoller[JSON]: api_version = kwargs.pop('api_version', "2022-03-01-preview") #type: str content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', None) #type: Optional[str] polling = kwargs.pop('polling', True) #type: Union[bool, PollingMethod] cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None)# type: ClsType[JSONType] lro_delay = kwargs.pop( 'polling_interval', self._config.polling_interval ) cont_token = kwargs.pop('continuation_token', None) # type: Optional[str] if cont_token is None: raw_result = self._import_glossary_terms_via_csv_initial( glossary_guid=glossary_guid, files=files, include_term_hierarchy=include_term_hierarchy, api_version=api_version, content_type=content_type, cls=lambda x,y,z: x, **kwargs ) kwargs.pop('error_map', None) def get_long_running_output(pipeline_response): response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.content: deserialized = response.json() else: deserialized = None if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized path_format_arguments = { "Endpoint": self._serialize.url("self._config.endpoint", self._config.endpoint, 'str', skip_quote=True), } if polling is True: polling_method = LROBasePolling(lro_delay, lro_options={'final-state-via': 'azure-async-operation'}, path_format_arguments=path_format_arguments, **kwargs) elif polling is False: polling_method = NoPolling() else: polling_method = polling if cont_token: return LROPoller.from_continuation_token( polling_method=polling_method, continuation_token=cont_token, client=self._client, deserialization_callback=get_long_running_output ) return AsyncLROPoller(self._client, raw_result, get_long_running_output, polling_method)
[docs] async def begin_import_glossary_terms_via_csv_by_glossary_name( self, glossary_name: str, files: Dict[str, Any], *, include_term_hierarchy: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncLROPoller[JSON]: """Import Glossary Terms from local csv file by glossaryName. :param glossary_name: The name of the glossary. :type glossary_name: str :param files: Multipart input for files. See the template in our example to find the input shape. :type files: dict[str, any] :keyword include_term_hierarchy: Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. :paramtype include_term_hierarchy: bool :keyword str continuation_token: A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state. :keyword polling: By default, your polling method will be LROBasePolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy. :paramtype polling: bool or ~azure.core.polling.PollingMethod :keyword int polling_interval: Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present. :return: An instance of LROPoller that returns JSON object :rtype: ~azure.core.polling.LROPoller[JSONType] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError Example: .. code-block:: python # multipart input template you can fill out and use as your `files` input. files = { "file": b'bytes' # The csv file to import glossary terms from. } # response body for status code(s): 202 response.json() == { "createTime": "str", # Optional. The created time of the record. "error": { "errorCode": 0, # Optional. Error code from async import job if fail. "errorMessage": "str" # Optional. Error message from async import job if fail. }, "id": "str", # Optional. guid string. "lastUpdateTime": "str", # Optional. The last updated time of the record. "properties": { "importedTerms": "str", # Optional. Term numbers that already imported successfully. "totalTermsDetected": "str" # Optional. Total term numbers that detected in csv. }, "status": "str" # Optional. Enum of the status of import csv operation. Possible values include: "NotStarted", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Running". } """ api_version = kwargs.pop('api_version', "2022-03-01-preview") # type: str content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', None) # type: Optional[str] polling = kwargs.pop('polling', True) # type: Union[bool, PollingMethod] cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType[JSONType] lro_delay = kwargs.pop( 'polling_interval', self._config.polling_interval ) cont_token = kwargs.pop('continuation_token', None) # type: Optional[str] if cont_token is None: raw_result = self._import_glossary_terms_via_csv_by_glossary_name_initial( glossary_name=glossary_name, files=files, include_term_hierarchy=include_term_hierarchy, api_version=api_version, content_type=content_type, cls=lambda x,y,z: x, **kwargs ) kwargs.pop('error_map', None) def get_long_running_output(pipeline_response): response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.content: deserialized = response.json() else: deserialized = None if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized path_format_arguments = { "Endpoint": self._serialize.url("self._config.endpoint", self._config.endpoint, 'str', skip_quote=True), } if polling is True: polling_method = LROBasePolling(lro_delay, lro_options={'final-state-via': 'azure-async-operation'}, path_format_arguments=path_format_arguments, **kwargs) elif polling is False: polling_method = NoPolling() else: polling_method = polling if cont_token: return LROPoller.from_continuation_token( polling_method=polling_method, continuation_token=cont_token, client=self._client, deserialization_callback=get_long_running_output ) return AsyncLROPoller(self._client, raw_result, get_long_running_output, polling_method)
__all__= ['EntityOperations','GlossaryOperations']