azure.purview.catalog.operations package

class azure.purview.catalog.operations.CollectionOperations(client, config, serializer, deserializer)[source]

CollectionOperations operations.

You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute.

  • client – Client for service requests.

  • config – Configuration of service client.

  • serializer – An object model serializer.

  • deserializer – An object model deserializer.

create_or_update(collection: str, entity: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Creates or updates an entity to a collection. Existing entity is matched using its unique guid if supplied or by its unique attributes eg: qualifiedName. Map and array of collections are not well supported. E.g., array<array:code:<int>>, array<map<string, int>>.

  • collection (str) – the collection unique name.

  • entity (Any) – Atlas entity with extended information.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
entity = {
    "entity": {
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "contacts": {
            "str": [
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
        "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
        "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "meanings": [
                "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
        "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
        "relationshipAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
        "sourceDetails": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
        "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
        "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
    "referredEntities": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "guidAssignments": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. A map of GUID assignments with entities.
    "mutatedEntities": {
        "str": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "classificationNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
                "classifications": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                        "sourceDetails": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                        "validityPeriods": [
                                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "meaningNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
                "meanings": [
                        "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "partialUpdatedEntities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
create_or_update_bulk(collection: str, entities: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Creates or updates entities in bulk to a collection. Existing entity is matched using its unique guid if supplied or by its unique attributes eg: qualifiedName. Map and array of collections are not well supported. E.g., array<array:code:<int>>, array<map<string, int>>.

  • collection (str) – the collection unique name.

  • entities (Any) – Atlas entities with extended information.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
entities = {
    "entities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
    "referredEntities": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "guidAssignments": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. A map of GUID assignments with entities.
    "mutatedEntities": {
        "str": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "classificationNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
                "classifications": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                        "sourceDetails": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                        "validityPeriods": [
                                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "meaningNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
                "meanings": [
                        "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "partialUpdatedEntities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
move_entities_to_collection(collection: str, move_entities_request: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Move existing entities to the target collection.

  • collection (str) – the collection unique name.

  • move_entities_request (Any) – Entity guids to be moved to target collection.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
move_entities_request = {
    "entityGuids": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of entity guids to be moved to target collection.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "guidAssignments": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. A map of GUID assignments with entities.
    "mutatedEntities": {
        "str": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "classificationNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
                "classifications": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                        "sourceDetails": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                        "validityPeriods": [
                                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "meaningNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
                "meanings": [
                        "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "partialUpdatedEntities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
class azure.purview.catalog.operations.DiscoveryOperations(client, config, serializer, deserializer)[source]

DiscoveryOperations operations.

You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute.

  • client – Client for service requests.

  • config – Configuration of service client.

  • serializer – An object model serializer.

  • deserializer – An object model deserializer.

auto_complete(auto_complete_request: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get auto complete options.


auto_complete_request (Any) – An object specifying the autocomplete criteria.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
auto_complete_request = {
    "filter": {},  # Optional. The filter for the autocomplete request.
    "keywords": "str",  # Optional. The keywords applied to all fields that support autocomplete operation. It must be at least 1 character, and no more than 100 characters.
    "limit": 0  # Optional. The number of autocomplete results we hope to return. The default value is 50. The value must be a number between 1 and 100.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "value": [
            "queryPlusText": "str",  # Optional. The completed search query text.
            "text": "str"  # Optional. The completed term or phrase.
browse(browse_request: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Browse entities by path or entity type.


browse_request (Any) – An object specifying the browse criteria.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
browse_request = {
    "entityType": "str",  # Optional. The entity type to browse as the root level entry point.
    "limit": 0,  # Optional. The number of browse items we hope to return.
    "offset": 0,  # Optional. The offset. The default value is 0.
    "path": "str"  # Optional. The path to browse the next level child entities.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "@search.count": 0,  # Optional. The total number of browse results.
    "value": [
            "entityType": "str",  # Optional. The type name of the record.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "isLeaf": bool,  # Optional. If the record is a leaf entity.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the record.
            "owner": [
                    "contactType": "str",  # Optional. The contact type of the owner. The value will be Owner.
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the owner.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the owner.
                    "mail": "str"  # Optional. The mail of the owner.
            "path": "str",  # Optional. The path of the record.
            "qualifiedName": "str"  # Optional. The qualified name of the record.
query(search_request: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Gets data using search.


search_request (Any) – An object specifying the search criteria.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
search_request = {
    "facets": [
            "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
            "facet": "str",  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
            "sort": {}  # Optional. Any object.
    "filter": {},  # Optional. The filter for the search. See examples for the usage of supported filters.
    "keywords": "str",  # Optional. The keywords applied to all searchable fields.
    "limit": 0,  # Optional. The limit of the number of the search result. default value is 50; maximum value is 1000.
    "offset": 0,  # Optional. The offset. The default value is 0.
    "taxonomySetting": {
        "assetTypes": [
            "str"  # Optional.
        "facet": {
            "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
            "facet": "str",  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
            "sort": {}  # Optional. Any object.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "@search.count": 0,  # Optional. The total number of search results (not the number of documents in a single page).
    "@search.facets": {
        "assetType": [
                "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
        "classification": [
                "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
        "classificationCategory": [
                "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
        "contactId": [
                "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
        "fileExtension": [
                "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
        "label": [
                "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
        "term": [
                "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
    "value": [
            "@search.highlights": {
                "description": [
                    "str"  # Optional. A highlight list that consists of index fields id ,qualifiedName, name, description, entityType. When the keyword appears in those fields, the value of the field, attached with emphasis mark, is returned as an element of @search.highlights.
                "entityType": [
                    "str"  # Optional. A highlight list that consists of index fields id ,qualifiedName, name, description, entityType. When the keyword appears in those fields, the value of the field, attached with emphasis mark, is returned as an element of @search.highlights.
                "id": [
                    "str"  # Optional. A highlight list that consists of index fields id ,qualifiedName, name, description, entityType. When the keyword appears in those fields, the value of the field, attached with emphasis mark, is returned as an element of @search.highlights.
                "name": [
                    "str"  # Optional. A highlight list that consists of index fields id ,qualifiedName, name, description, entityType. When the keyword appears in those fields, the value of the field, attached with emphasis mark, is returned as an element of @search.highlights.
                "qualifiedName": [
                    "str"  # Optional. A highlight list that consists of index fields id ,qualifiedName, name, description, entityType. When the keyword appears in those fields, the value of the field, attached with emphasis mark, is returned as an element of @search.highlights.
            "@search.score": 0.0,  # Optional. The search score calculated by the search engine. The results are ordered by search score by default.
            "@search.text": "str",  # Optional. The target text that contains the keyword as prefix. The keyword is wrapped with emphasis mark.
            "assetType": [
                "str"  # Optional. The asset types of the record.
            "classification": [
                "str"  # Optional. The classifications of the record.
            "contact": [
                    "contactType": "str",  # Optional. The type of the contact. It can be Expert or Owner for an entity. It can be Expert or Steward for a glossary term.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the contact.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. The description of the contact.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
            "entityType": "str",  # Optional. The type name of the record.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "label": [
                "str"  # Optional. The labels of the record.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the record.
            "owner": "str",  # Optional. The owner of the record. This is an Atlas native attribute.
            "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the record.
            "term": [
                    "glossaryName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary which contains the term.
                    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                    "name": "str"  # Optional. The name of the term.
suggest(suggest_request: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get search suggestions by query criteria.


suggest_request (Any) – An object specifying the suggest criteria.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
suggest_request = {
    "filter": {},  # Optional. The filter for the search.
    "keywords": "str",  # Optional. The keywords applied to all fields that support suggest operation. It must be at least 1 character, and no more than 100 characters. In the index schema we defined a default suggester which lists all the supported fields and specifies a search mode.
    "limit": 0  # Optional. The number of suggestions we hope to return. The default value is 5. The value must be a number between 1 and 100.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "value": [
            "@search.score": 0.0,  # Optional. The search score calculated by the search engine. The results are ordered by search score by default.
            "@search.text": "str",  # Optional. The target text that contains the keyword as prefix. The keyword is wrapped with emphasis mark.
            "assetType": [
                "str"  # Optional. The asset types of the record.
            "classification": [
                "str"  # Optional. The classifications of the record.
            "contact": [
                    "contactType": "str",  # Optional. The type of the contact. It can be Expert or Owner for an entity. It can be Expert or Steward for a glossary term.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the contact.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. The description of the contact.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
            "entityType": "str",  # Optional. The type name of the record.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "label": [
                "str"  # Optional. The labels of the record.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the record.
            "owner": "str",  # Optional. The owner of the record. This is an Atlas native attribute.
            "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the record.
            "term": [
                    "glossaryName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary which contains the term.
                    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                    "name": "str"  # Optional. The name of the term.
class azure.purview.catalog.operations.EntityOperations(client, config, serializer, deserializer)[source]

EntityOperations operations.

You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute.

  • client – Client for service requests.

  • config – Configuration of service client.

  • serializer – An object model serializer.

  • deserializer – An object model deserializer.

add_classification(request: Any, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Associate a classification to multiple entities in bulk.


request (Any) – The request to associate a classification to multiple entities.



Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
request = {
    "classification": {
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
        "sourceDetails": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "validityPeriods": [
                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "entityGuids": [
        "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
add_classifications(guid: str, classifications: List[Any], **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Add classifications to an existing entity represented by a GUID.

  • guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.

  • classifications (list[Any]) – An array of classifications to be added.



Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
classifications = [
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
        "sourceDetails": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "validityPeriods": [
                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
add_classifications_by_unique_attribute(type_name: str, atlas_classification_array: List[Any], **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Add classification to the entity identified by its type and unique attributes.

  • type_name (str) – The name of the type.

  • atlas_classification_array (list[Any]) – An array of classification to be added.

Keyword Arguments

attr_qualified_name (str) – The qualified name of the entity.



Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
atlas_classification_array = [
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
        "sourceDetails": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "validityPeriods": [
                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
create_or_update(entity: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Create or update an entity in Atlas. Existing entity is matched using its unique guid if supplied or by its unique attributes eg: qualifiedName. Map and array of collections are not well supported. E.g., array<array:code:<int>>, array<map<string, int>>.


entity (Any) – Atlas entity with extended information.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
entity = {
    "entity": {
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "contacts": {
            "str": [
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
        "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
        "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "meanings": [
                "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
        "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
        "relationshipAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
        "sourceDetails": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
        "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
        "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
    "referredEntities": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "guidAssignments": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. A map of GUID assignments with entities.
    "mutatedEntities": {
        "str": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "classificationNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
                "classifications": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                        "sourceDetails": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                        "validityPeriods": [
                                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "meaningNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
                "meanings": [
                        "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "partialUpdatedEntities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
create_or_update_entities(entities: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Create or update entities in Atlas in bulk. Existing entity is matched using its unique guid if supplied or by its unique attributes eg: qualifiedName. Map and array of collections are not well supported. E.g., array<array:code:<int>>, array<map<string, int>>.


entities (Any) – An array of entities to create or update.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
entities = {
    "entities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
    "referredEntities": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "guidAssignments": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. A map of GUID assignments with entities.
    "mutatedEntities": {
        "str": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "classificationNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
                "classifications": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                        "sourceDetails": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                        "validityPeriods": [
                                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "meaningNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
                "meanings": [
                        "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "partialUpdatedEntities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
delete_by_guid(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Delete an entity identified by its GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "guidAssignments": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. A map of GUID assignments with entities.
    "mutatedEntities": {
        "str": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "classificationNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
                "classifications": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                        "sourceDetails": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                        "validityPeriods": [
                                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "meaningNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
                "meanings": [
                        "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "partialUpdatedEntities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
delete_by_guids(**kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Delete a list of entities in bulk identified by their GUIDs or unique attributes.

Keyword Arguments

guids (list[str]) – An array of GUIDs of entities to delete.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "guidAssignments": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. A map of GUID assignments with entities.
    "mutatedEntities": {
        "str": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "classificationNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
                "classifications": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                        "sourceDetails": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                        "validityPeriods": [
                                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "meaningNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
                "meanings": [
                        "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "partialUpdatedEntities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
delete_by_unique_attribute(type_name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Delete an entity identified by its type and unique attributes. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr::code:<attrName>`=:code:`<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: DELETE /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.


type_name (str) – The name of the type.

Keyword Arguments

attr_qualified_name (str) – The qualified name of the entity.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "guidAssignments": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. A map of GUID assignments with entities.
    "mutatedEntities": {
        "str": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "classificationNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
                "classifications": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                        "sourceDetails": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                        "validityPeriods": [
                                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "meaningNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
                "meanings": [
                        "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "partialUpdatedEntities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
delete_classification(guid: str, classification_name: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Delete a given classification from an existing entity represented by a GUID.

  • guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.

  • classification_name (str) – The name of the classification.



Return type




delete_classification_by_unique_attribute(type_name: str, classification_name: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Delete a given classification from an entity identified by its type and unique attributes.

  • type_name (str) – The name of the type.

  • classification_name (str) – The name of the classification.

Keyword Arguments

attr_qualified_name (str) – The qualified name of the entity.



Return type




get_by_guid(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get complete definition of an entity given its GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.

Keyword Arguments
  • min_ext_info (bool) – Whether to return minimal information for referred entities.

  • ignore_relationships (bool) – Whether to ignore relationship attributes.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "entity": {
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "contacts": {
            "str": [
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
        "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
        "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "meanings": [
                "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
        "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
        "relationshipAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
        "sourceDetails": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
        "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
        "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
    "referredEntities": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
get_by_unique_attributes(type_name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get complete definition of an entity given its type and unique attribute. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr::code:<attrName>`=:code:`<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: GET /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.


type_name (str) – The name of the type.

Keyword Arguments
  • min_ext_info (bool) – Whether to return minimal information for referred entities.

  • ignore_relationships (bool) – Whether to ignore relationship attributes.

  • attr_qualified_name (str) – The qualified name of the entity.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "entity": {
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "contacts": {
            "str": [
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
        "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
        "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "meanings": [
                "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
        "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
        "relationshipAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
        "sourceDetails": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
        "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
        "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
    "referredEntities": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
get_classification(guid: str, classification_name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

List classifications for a given entity represented by a GUID.

  • guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.

  • classification_name (str) – The name of the classification.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributes": {
        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
    "sourceDetails": {
        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "validityPeriods": [
            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
get_classifications(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

List classifications for a given entity represented by a GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "list": [
        {}  # Optional. An array of objects.
    "pageSize": 0,  # Optional. The size of the page.
    "sortBy": "str",  # Optional. The sorted by field.
    "sortType": "str",  # Optional. to specify whether the result should be sorted? If yes, whether asc or desc. Possible values include: "NONE", "ASC", "DESC".
    "startIndex": 0.0,  # Optional. The start index of the page.
    "totalCount": 0.0  # Optional. The total count of items.
get_entities_by_unique_attributes(type_name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Bulk API to retrieve list of entities identified by its unique attributes.

In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format


NOTE: The attrName should be an unique attribute for the given entity-type

The REST request would look something like this

GET /v2/entity/bulk/uniqueAttribute/type/hive_db?attr_0:qualifiedName=db1@cl1&attr_2:qualifiedName=db2@cl1.


type_name (str) – The name of the type.

Keyword Arguments
  • min_ext_info (bool) – Whether to return minimal information for referred entities.

  • ignore_relationships (bool) – Whether to ignore relationship attributes.

  • attr_n_qualified_name (str) – Qualified name of an entity. E.g. to find 2 entities you can set attrs_0:qualifiedName=db1@cl1&attrs_2:qualifiedName=db2@cl1.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "entities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
    "referredEntities": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
get_header(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get entity header given its GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributes": {
        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
    "classificationNames": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "meaningNames": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
    "meanings": [
            "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
    "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
list_by_guids(**kwargs: Any)Any[source]

List entities in bulk identified by its GUIDs.

Keyword Arguments
  • guids (list[str]) – An array of GUIDs of entities to create.

  • min_ext_info (bool) – Whether to return minimal information for referred entities.

  • ignore_relationships (bool) – Whether to ignore relationship attributes.

  • exclude_relationship_types (list[str]) – An array of the relationship types need to be excluded from the response.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "entities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
    "referredEntities": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
partial_update_entity_attribute_by_guid(guid: str, body: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Update entity partially - create or update entity attribute identified by its GUID. Supports only primitive attribute type and entity references. It does not support updating complex types like arrays, and maps. Null updates are not possible.

  • guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.

  • body (any) – The value of the attribute.

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The name of the attribute.


JSON object

Return type




partial_update_entity_by_unique_attributes(type_name: str, atlas_entity_with_ext_info: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Update entity partially - Allow a subset of attributes to be updated on an entity which is identified by its type and unique attribute eg: Referenceable.qualifiedName. Null updates are not possible. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:<attrName>`=:code:`<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: PUT /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

  • type_name (str) – The name of the type.

  • atlas_entity_with_ext_info (Any) – Atlas entity with extended information.

Keyword Arguments

attr_qualified_name (str) – The qualified name of the entity.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
atlas_entity_with_ext_info = {
    "entity": {
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "contacts": {
            "str": [
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
        "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
        "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "meanings": [
                "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
        "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
        "relationshipAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
        "sourceDetails": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
        "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
        "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.
    "referredEntities": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the entity.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
            "proxy": bool,  # Optional. Determines if there's a proxy.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the entity.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "guidAssignments": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. A map of GUID assignments with entities.
    "mutatedEntities": {
        "str": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "classificationNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
                "classifications": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                        "sourceDetails": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                        "validityPeriods": [
                                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "meaningNames": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
                "meanings": [
                        "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "partialUpdatedEntities": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
set_classifications(entity_headers: Any, **kwargs: Any)List[str][source]

Set classifications on entities in bulk.


entity_headers (Any) – Atlas entity headers.


list of str

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
entity_headers = {
    "guidHeaderMap": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
    "str"  # Optional.
update_classifications(guid: str, classifications: List[Any], **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Update classifications to an existing entity represented by a guid.

  • guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.

  • classifications (list[Any]) – An array of classifications to be updated.



Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
classifications = [
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
        "sourceDetails": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "validityPeriods": [
                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
update_classifications_by_unique_attribute(type_name: str, atlas_classification_array: List[Any], **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Update classification on an entity identified by its type and unique attributes.

  • type_name (str) – The name of the type.

  • atlas_classification_array (list[Any]) – An array of classification to be updated.

Keyword Arguments

attr_qualified_name (str) – The qualified name of the entity.



Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
atlas_classification_array = [
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
        "sourceDetails": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "validityPeriods": [
                "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
class azure.purview.catalog.operations.GlossaryOperations(client, config, serializer, deserializer)[source]

GlossaryOperations operations.

You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute.

  • client – Client for service requests.

  • config – Configuration of service client.

  • serializer – An object model serializer.

  • deserializer – An object model deserializer.

assign_term_to_entities(term_guid: str, related_object_ids: List[Any], **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Assign the given term to the provided list of related objects.

  • term_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

  • related_object_ids (list[Any]) – An array of related object IDs to which the term has to be associated.



Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
related_object_ids = [
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "relationshipAttributes": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
begin_import_glossary_terms_via_csv(glossary_guid: str, files: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any)LROPoller[Any][source]

Import Glossary Terms from local csv file.

  • glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.

  • files (dict[str, any]) – Multipart input for files. See the template in our example to find the input shape.

Keyword Arguments
  • include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.

  • continuation_token (str) – A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state.

  • polling (bool or PollingMethod) – By default, your polling method will be LROBasePolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy.

  • polling_interval (int) – Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present.


An instance of LROPoller that returns JSON object

Return type





# multipart input template you can fill out and use as your `files` input.
files = {
    file: b'bytes'  # The csv file to import glossary terms from.

# response body for status code(s): 202
response.json() == {
    "createTime": "str",  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "error": {
        "errorCode": 0,  # Optional. Error code from async import job if fail.
        "errorMessage": "str"  # Optional. Error message from async import job if fail.
    "id": "str",  # Optional. guid string.
    "lastUpdateTime": "str",  # Optional. The last updated time of the record.
    "properties": {
        "importedTerms": "str",  # Optional. Term numbers that already imported successfully.
        "totalTermsDetected": "str"  # Optional. Total term numbers that detected in csv.
    "status": "str"  # Optional. Enum of the status of import csv operation. Possible values include: "NotStarted", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Running".
begin_import_glossary_terms_via_csv_by_glossary_name(glossary_name: str, files: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any)LROPoller[Any][source]

Import Glossary Terms from local csv file by glossaryName.

  • glossary_name (str) – The name of the glossary.

  • files (dict[str, any]) – Multipart input for files. See the template in our example to find the input shape.

Keyword Arguments
  • include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.

  • continuation_token (str) – A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state.

  • polling (bool or PollingMethod) – By default, your polling method will be LROBasePolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy.

  • polling_interval (int) – Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present.


An instance of LROPoller that returns JSON object

Return type





# multipart input template you can fill out and use as your `files` input.
files = {
    file: b'bytes'  # The csv file to import glossary terms from.

# response body for status code(s): 202
response.json() == {
    "createTime": "str",  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "error": {
        "errorCode": 0,  # Optional. Error code from async import job if fail.
        "errorMessage": "str"  # Optional. Error message from async import job if fail.
    "id": "str",  # Optional. guid string.
    "lastUpdateTime": "str",  # Optional. The last updated time of the record.
    "properties": {
        "importedTerms": "str",  # Optional. Term numbers that already imported successfully.
        "totalTermsDetected": "str"  # Optional. Total term numbers that detected in csv.
    "status": "str"  # Optional. Enum of the status of import csv operation. Possible values include: "NotStarted", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Running".
create_glossary(atlas_glossary: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Create a glossary.


atlas_glossary (Any) – Glossary definition, terms & categories can be anchored to a glossary. Using the anchor attribute when creating the Term/Category.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
atlas_glossary = {
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
create_glossary_categories(glossary_category: List[Any], **kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

Create glossary category in bulk.


glossary_category (list[Any]) – An array of glossary category definitions to be created.


list of JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_category = [
        "anchor": {
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "childrenCategories": [
                "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
                "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
        "parentCategory": {
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
        "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
        "terms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "anchor": {
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "childrenCategories": [
                "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
                "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
        "parentCategory": {
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
        "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
        "terms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
create_glossary_category(glossary_category: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Create a glossary category.


glossary_category (Any) – The glossary category definition. A category must be anchored to a Glossary when creating. Optionally, terms belonging to the category and the hierarchy can also be defined during creation.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_category = {
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "childrenCategories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "parentCategory": {
        "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "childrenCategories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "parentCategory": {
        "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
create_glossary_term(glossary_term: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Create a glossary term.


glossary_term (Any) – The glossary term definition. A term must be anchored to a Glossary at the time of creation. Optionally it can be categorized as well.

Keyword Arguments

include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_term = {
    "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "antonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "assignedEntities": [
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "uniqueAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "attributes": {
        "str": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "classifies": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "contacts": {
        "str": [
                "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "examples": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "isA": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "preferredTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "preferredToTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "replacedBy": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "replacementTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "resources": [
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
            "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
    "seeAlso": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
    "synonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "templateName": [
        {}  # Optional.
    "translatedTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "translationTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
    "validValues": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "validValuesFor": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "antonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "assignedEntities": [
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "uniqueAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "attributes": {
        "str": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "classifies": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "contacts": {
        "str": [
                "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "examples": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "isA": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "preferredTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "preferredToTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "replacedBy": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "replacementTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "resources": [
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
            "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
    "seeAlso": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
    "synonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "templateName": [
        {}  # Optional.
    "translatedTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "translationTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
    "validValues": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "validValuesFor": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
create_glossary_terms(glossary_term: List[Any], **kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

Create glossary terms in bulk.


glossary_term (list[Any]) – An array of glossary term definitions to be created in bulk.

Keyword Arguments

include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.


list of JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_term = [
        "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
        "anchor": {
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "antonyms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "assignedEntities": [
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
                "relationshipAttributes": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "uniqueAttributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
        "attributes": {
            "str": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
        "categories": [
                "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "classifies": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "contacts": {
            "str": [
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
        "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
        "examples": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "isA": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
        "preferredTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "preferredToTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
        "replacedBy": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "replacementTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "resources": [
                "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
                "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
        "seeAlso": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
        "synonyms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "templateName": [
            {}  # Optional.
        "translatedTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "translationTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
        "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
        "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
        "validValues": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "validValuesFor": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
        "anchor": {
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "antonyms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "assignedEntities": [
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
                "relationshipAttributes": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "uniqueAttributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
        "attributes": {
            "str": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
        "categories": [
                "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "classifies": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "contacts": {
            "str": [
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
        "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
        "examples": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "isA": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
        "preferredTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "preferredToTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
        "replacedBy": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "replacementTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "resources": [
                "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
                "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
        "seeAlso": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
        "synonyms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "templateName": [
            {}  # Optional.
        "translatedTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "translationTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
        "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
        "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
        "validValues": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "validValuesFor": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
delete_glossary(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Delete a glossary.


glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.



Return type




delete_glossary_category(category_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Delete a glossary category.


category_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the category.



Return type




delete_glossary_term(term_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Delete a glossary term.


term_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary term.



Return type




delete_term_assignment_from_entities(term_guid: str, related_object_ids: List[Any], **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects.

  • term_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

  • related_object_ids (list[Any]) – An array of related object IDs from which the term has to be dissociated.



Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
related_object_ids = [
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "relationshipAttributes": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
export_glossary_terms_as_csv(glossary_guid: str, term_guids: List[str], **kwargs: Any)IO[source]

Export Glossary Terms as csv file.

  • glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.

  • term_guids (list[str]) – An array of term guids.

Keyword Arguments

include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.



Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
term_guids = [
    "str"  # Optional.
get_detailed_glossary(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get a specific glossary with detailed information.


glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.

Keyword Arguments

include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "categoryInfo": {
        "str": {
            "anchor": {
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
                "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "childrenCategories": [
                    "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
                    "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
            "parentCategory": {
                "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
                "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
            "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
            "terms": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "termInfo": {
        "str": {
            "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
            "anchor": {
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
                "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "antonyms": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "assignedEntities": [
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
                    "relationshipAttributes": {
                        "attributes": {
                            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                        "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "uniqueAttributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
            "attributes": {
                "str": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
            "categories": [
                    "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "classifies": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "contacts": {
                "str": [
                        "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                        "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "examples": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
            "isA": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
            "preferredTerms": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "preferredToTerms": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
            "replacedBy": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "replacementTerms": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "resources": [
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
                    "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
            "seeAlso": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
            "synonyms": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "templateName": [
                {}  # Optional. The glossary term information.
            "translatedTerms": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "translationTerms": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
            "validValues": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "validValuesFor": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
get_entities_assigned_with_term(term_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

Get all related objects assigned with the specified term.


term_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

Keyword Arguments
  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • sort (str) – The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC.


list of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "relationshipAttributes": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
get_glossary(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get a specific Glossary by its GUID.


glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
get_glossary_category(category_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get specific glossary category by its GUID.


category_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the category.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "childrenCategories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "parentCategory": {
        "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
get_glossary_term(term_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get a specific glossary term by its GUID.


term_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

Keyword Arguments

include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "antonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "assignedEntities": [
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "uniqueAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "attributes": {
        "str": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "classifies": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "contacts": {
        "str": [
                "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "examples": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "isA": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "preferredTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "preferredToTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "replacedBy": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "replacementTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "resources": [
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
            "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
    "seeAlso": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
    "synonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "templateName": [
        {}  # Optional.
    "translatedTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "translationTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
    "validValues": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "validValuesFor": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
get_import_csv_operation_status(operation_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the status of import csv operation.


operation_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for async operation/job.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "createTime": "str",  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "error": {
        "errorCode": 0,  # Optional. Error code from async import job if fail.
        "errorMessage": "str"  # Optional. Error message from async import job if fail.
    "id": "str",  # Optional. guid string.
    "lastUpdateTime": "str",  # Optional. The last updated time of the record.
    "properties": {
        "importedTerms": "str",  # Optional. Term numbers that already imported successfully.
        "totalTermsDetected": "str"  # Optional. Total term numbers that detected in csv.
    "status": "str"  # Optional. Enum of the status of import csv operation. Possible values include: "NotStarted", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Running".
list_category_terms(category_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

Get all terms associated with the specific category.


category_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the category.

Keyword Arguments
  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • sort (str) – The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC.


list of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
list_glossaries(**kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

Get all glossaries registered with Atlas.

Keyword Arguments
  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • sort (str) – The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC.

  • ignore_terms_and_categories (bool) – Whether ignore terms and categories.


list of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "categories": [
                "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
                "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
        "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
        "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
        "terms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
list_glossary_categories(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

Get the categories belonging to a specific glossary.


glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.

Keyword Arguments
  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • sort (str) – The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC.


list of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "anchor": {
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "childrenCategories": [
                "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
                "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
        "parentCategory": {
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
        "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
        "terms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
list_glossary_categories_headers(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

Get the category headers belonging to a specific glossary.


glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.

Keyword Arguments
  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • sort (str) – The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC.


list of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
list_glossary_term_headers(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

Get term headers belonging to a specific glossary.


glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.

Keyword Arguments
  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • sort (str) – The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC.


list of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
        "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
        "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
        "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
list_glossary_terms(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

Get terms belonging to a specific glossary.


glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.

Keyword Arguments
  • include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.

  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • sort (str) – The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC.


list of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
        "anchor": {
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "antonyms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "assignedEntities": [
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
                "relationshipAttributes": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "uniqueAttributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
        "attributes": {
            "str": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
        "categories": [
                "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "classifies": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "contacts": {
            "str": [
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
        "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
        "examples": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "isA": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
        "preferredTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "preferredToTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
        "replacedBy": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "replacementTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "resources": [
                "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
                "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
        "seeAlso": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
        "synonyms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "templateName": [
            {}  # Optional.
        "translatedTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "translationTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
        "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
        "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
        "validValues": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "validValuesFor": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

Get all related categories (parent and children). Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won’t work even they are passed.


category_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the category.

Keyword Arguments
  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • sort (str) – The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC.


dict mapping str to list of JSON object

Return type

dict[str, list[Any]]




# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "str": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.

Get all related terms for a specific term by its GUID. Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won’t work even they are passed.


term_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

Keyword Arguments
  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • sort (str) – The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC.


dict mapping str to list of JSON object

Return type

dict[str, list[Any]]




# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "str": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
list_terms_by_glossary_name(glossary_name: str, **kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

Get terms by glossary name.


glossary_name (str) – The name of the glossary.

Keyword Arguments
  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.


list of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
        "anchor": {
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "antonyms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "assignedEntities": [
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
                "relationshipAttributes": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "uniqueAttributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
        "attributes": {
            "str": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
        "categories": [
                "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
        "classifications": [
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                "sourceDetails": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                "validityPeriods": [
                        "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                        "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                        "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
        "classifies": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "contacts": {
            "str": [
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                    "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
        "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
        "examples": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "isA": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
        "preferredTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "preferredToTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
        "replacedBy": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "replacementTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "resources": [
                "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
                "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
        "seeAlso": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
        "synonyms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "templateName": [
            {}  # Optional.
        "translatedTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "translationTerms": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
        "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
        "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
        "validValues": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
        "validValuesFor": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
                "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
                "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
partial_update_glossary(glossary_guid: str, partial_updates: Dict[str, str], **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Update the glossary partially. Some properties such as qualifiedName are not allowed to be updated.

  • glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.

  • partial_updates (dict[str, str]) – A map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values.

Keyword Arguments

include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
partial_updates = {
    "str": "str"  # Optional.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
partial_update_glossary_category(category_guid: str, partial_updates: Dict[str, str], **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Update the glossary category partially.

  • category_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the category.

  • partial_updates (dict[str, str]) – A map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values for partial update.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
partial_updates = {
    "str": "str"  # Optional.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "childrenCategories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "parentCategory": {
        "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
partial_update_glossary_term(term_guid: str, partial_updates: Dict[str, str], **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Update the glossary term partially.

  • term_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

  • partial_updates (dict[str, str]) – A map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values to be updated.

Keyword Arguments

include_term_hierarchy (bool) – Whether include term hierarchy.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
partial_updates = {
    "str": "str"  # Optional.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "antonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "assignedEntities": [
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "uniqueAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "attributes": {
        "str": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "classifies": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "contacts": {
        "str": [
                "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "examples": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "isA": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "preferredTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "preferredToTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "replacedBy": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "replacementTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "resources": [
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
            "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
    "seeAlso": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
    "synonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "templateName": [
        {}  # Optional.
    "translatedTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "translationTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
    "validValues": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "validValuesFor": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
remove_term_assignment_from_entities(term_guid: str, related_object_ids: List[Any], **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects.

  • term_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

  • related_object_ids (list[Any]) – An array of related object IDs from which the term has to be dissociated.



Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
related_object_ids = [
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "relationshipAttributes": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
update_glossary(glossary_guid: str, updated_glossary: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Update the given glossary.

  • glossary_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary.

  • updated_glossary (Any) – The glossary definition to be updated.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
updated_glossary = {
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
update_glossary_category(category_guid: str, glossary_category: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Update the given glossary category by its GUID.

  • category_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the category.

  • glossary_category (Any) – The glossary category to be updated.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_category = {
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "childrenCategories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "parentCategory": {
        "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "childrenCategories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
            "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "parentCategory": {
        "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category header.
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent category.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "terms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
update_glossary_term(term_guid: str, glossary_term: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Update the given glossary term by its GUID.

  • term_guid (str) – The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

  • glossary_term (Any) – The glossary term to be updated.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_term = {
    "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "antonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "assignedEntities": [
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "uniqueAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "attributes": {
        "str": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "classifies": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "contacts": {
        "str": [
                "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "examples": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "isA": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "preferredTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "preferredToTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "replacedBy": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "replacementTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "resources": [
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
            "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
    "seeAlso": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
    "synonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "templateName": [
        {}  # Optional.
    "translatedTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "translationTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
    "validValues": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "validValuesFor": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
    "anchor": {
        "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
        "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
        "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "antonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "assignedEntities": [
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
            "relationshipAttributes": {
                "attributes": {
                    "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related object IDs.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "uniqueAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "attributes": {
        "str": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map is term template name.
    "categories": [
            "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the record.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
    "classifications": [
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
            "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
            "sourceDetails": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "validityPeriods": [
                    "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                    "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                    "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
    "classifies": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "contacts": {
        "str": [
                "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory object Id.
                "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to describe this contact.
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "examples": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
    "isA": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
    "preferredTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "preferredToTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary object.
    "replacedBy": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "replacementTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "resources": [
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
            "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
    "seeAlso": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Possible values include: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
    "synonyms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "templateName": [
        {}  # Optional.
    "translatedTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "translationTerms": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
    "validValues": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
    "validValuesFor": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related term.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
            "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
            "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Possible values include: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
            "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
            "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
class azure.purview.catalog.operations.LineageOperations(client, config, serializer, deserializer)[source]

LineageOperations operations.

You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute.

  • client – Client for service requests.

  • config – Configuration of service client.

  • serializer – An object model serializer.

  • deserializer – An object model deserializer.

get_lineage_graph(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get lineage info of the entity specified by GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.

Keyword Arguments
  • direction (str) – The direction of the lineage, which could be INPUT, OUTPUT or BOTH. Possible values are: “BOTH”, “INPUT”, and “OUTPUT”.

  • depth (int) – The number of hops for lineage.

  • width (int) – The number of max expanding width in lineage.

  • include_parent (bool) – True to include the parent chain in the response.

  • get_derived_lineage (bool) – True to include derived lineage in the response.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "baseEntityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the base entity.
    "childrenCount": 0,  # Optional. The number of children node.
    "guidEntityMap": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "includeParent": bool,  # Optional. True to return the parent of the base entity.
    "lineageDepth": 0,  # Optional. The depth of lineage.
    "lineageDirection": "str",  # Optional. The enum of lineage direction. Possible values include: "INPUT", "OUTPUT", "BOTH".
    "lineageWidth": 0,  # Optional. The width of lineage.
    "parentRelations": [
            "childEntityId": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of child entity.
            "parentEntityId": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of parent entity.
            "relationshipId": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of relationship.
    "relations": [
            "fromEntityId": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of from-entity.
            "relationshipId": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of relationship.
            "toEntityId": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of to-entity.
    "widthCounts": {
        "str": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The entity count in specific direction.
next_page_lineage(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Return immediate next page lineage info about entity with pagination.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.

Keyword Arguments
  • direction (str) – The direction of the lineage, which could be INPUT, OUTPUT or BOTH. Possible values are: “BOTH”, “INPUT”, and “OUTPUT”.

  • get_derived_lineage (bool) – True to include derived lineage in the response.

  • offset (int) – The offset for pagination purpose.

  • limit (int) – The page size - by default there is no paging.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "baseEntityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the base entity.
    "childrenCount": 0,  # Optional. The number of children node.
    "guidEntityMap": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "includeParent": bool,  # Optional. True to return the parent of the base entity.
    "lineageDepth": 0,  # Optional. The depth of lineage.
    "lineageDirection": "str",  # Optional. The enum of lineage direction. Possible values include: "INPUT", "OUTPUT", "BOTH".
    "lineageWidth": 0,  # Optional. The width of lineage.
    "parentRelations": [
            "childEntityId": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of child entity.
            "parentEntityId": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of parent entity.
            "relationshipId": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of relationship.
    "relations": [
            "fromEntityId": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of from-entity.
            "relationshipId": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of relationship.
            "toEntityId": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of to-entity.
    "widthCounts": {
        "str": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The entity count in specific direction.
class azure.purview.catalog.operations.RelationshipOperations(client, config, serializer, deserializer)[source]

RelationshipOperations operations.

You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute.

  • client – Client for service requests.

  • config – Configuration of service client.

  • serializer – An object model serializer.

  • deserializer – An object model deserializer.

create(relationship: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Create a new relationship between entities.


relationship (Any) – The AtlasRelationship object containing the information for the relationship to be created.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
relationship = {
    "attributes": {
        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "end1": {
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "end2": {
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the relationship.
    "label": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the relationship.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributes": {
        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "end1": {
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "end2": {
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the relationship.
    "label": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the relationship.
delete(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Delete a relationship between entities by its GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the relationship.



Return type




get(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get relationship information between entities by its GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the relationship.

Keyword Arguments

extended_info (bool) – Limits whether includes extended information.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "referredEntities": {
        "str": {
            "attributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
            "classificationNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of classification names.
            "classifications": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
                    "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
                    "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
                    "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create the classification detail.
                    "sourceDetails": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source information.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "validityPeriods": [
                            "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                            "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                            "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
            "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "meaningNames": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of meanings.
            "meanings": [
                    "confidence": 0,  # Optional. The confidence of the term assignment.
                    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the term assignment.
                    "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                    "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term assignment.
                    "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
                    "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                    "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of terms assignment. Possible values include: "DISCOVERED", "PROPOSED", "IMPORTED", "VALIDATED", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                    "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
                    "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
            "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
            "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "relationship": {
        "attributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
        "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
        "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
        "end1": {
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "uniqueAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
        "end2": {
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "uniqueAttributes": {
                "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
        "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the relationship.
        "label": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
        "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
        "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
        "status": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
        "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
        "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the relationship.
update(relationship: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Update an existing relationship between entities.


relationship (Any) – The AtlasRelationship object containing the information for the relationship to be created.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
relationship = {
    "attributes": {
        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "end1": {
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "end2": {
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the relationship.
    "label": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the relationship.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributes": {
        "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "end1": {
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "end2": {
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
        "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
        "uniqueAttributes": {
            "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
    "homeId": "str",  # Optional. The home ID of the relationship.
    "label": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "provenanceType": 0.0,  # Optional. Used to record the provenance of an instance of an entity or relationship.
    "status": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship status. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the relationship.
class azure.purview.catalog.operations.TypesOperations(client, config, serializer, deserializer)[source]

TypesOperations operations.

You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute.

  • client – Client for service requests.

  • config – Configuration of service client.

  • serializer – An object model serializer.

  • deserializer – An object model deserializer.

create_type_definitions(types_def: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Create all atlas type definitions in bulk, only new definitions will be created. Any changes to the existing definitions will be discarded.


types_def (Any) – A composite wrapper object with corresponding lists of the type definition.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
types_def = {
    "classificationDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "entityTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can"nonly be applied to those entityTypes."n"n"n.. raw:: html"n"n   <ul>"n   <li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>"n   <li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>"n   </ul>.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "entityDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipAttributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "relationshipTypeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship type.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "enumDefs": [
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "elementDefs": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the enum element definition.
                    "ordinal": 0.0,  # Optional. The ordinal of the enum element definition.
                    "value": "str"  # Optional. The value of the enum element definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "relationshipDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "endDef1": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "endDef2": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipCategory": "str",  # Optional. The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle."nUML terminology is used for the values."n"n:code:`<p>`"nASSOCIATION is a relationship with no containment. :code:`<br>`"nCOMPOSITION and AGGREGATION are containment relationships."n"n:code:`<p>`"nThe difference being in the lifecycles of the container and its children. In the COMPOSITION case,"nthe children cannot exist without the container. For AGGREGATION, the life cycles"nof the container and children are totally independent. Possible values include: "ASSOCIATION", "AGGREGATION", "COMPOSITION".
            "relationshipLabel": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "structDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "termTemplateDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "classificationDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "entityTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can"nonly be applied to those entityTypes."n"n"n.. raw:: html"n"n   <ul>"n   <li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>"n   <li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>"n   </ul>.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "entityDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipAttributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "relationshipTypeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship type.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "enumDefs": [
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "elementDefs": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the enum element definition.
                    "ordinal": 0.0,  # Optional. The ordinal of the enum element definition.
                    "value": "str"  # Optional. The value of the enum element definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "relationshipDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "endDef1": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "endDef2": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipCategory": "str",  # Optional. The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle."nUML terminology is used for the values."n"n:code:`<p>`"nASSOCIATION is a relationship with no containment. :code:`<br>`"nCOMPOSITION and AGGREGATION are containment relationships."n"n:code:`<p>`"nThe difference being in the lifecycles of the container and its children. In the COMPOSITION case,"nthe children cannot exist without the container. For AGGREGATION, the life cycles"nof the container and children are totally independent. Possible values include: "ASSOCIATION", "AGGREGATION", "COMPOSITION".
            "relationshipLabel": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "structDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "termTemplateDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
delete_type_by_name(name: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Delete API for type identified by its name.


name (str) – The name of the type.



Return type




delete_type_definitions(types_def: Any, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Delete API for all types in bulk.


types_def (Any) – A composite object that captures all types to be deleted.



Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
types_def = {
    "classificationDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "entityTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can"nonly be applied to those entityTypes."n"n"n.. raw:: html"n"n   <ul>"n   <li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>"n   <li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>"n   </ul>.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "entityDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipAttributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "relationshipTypeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship type.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "enumDefs": [
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "elementDefs": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the enum element definition.
                    "ordinal": 0.0,  # Optional. The ordinal of the enum element definition.
                    "value": "str"  # Optional. The value of the enum element definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "relationshipDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "endDef1": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "endDef2": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipCategory": "str",  # Optional. The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle."nUML terminology is used for the values."n"n:code:`<p>`"nASSOCIATION is a relationship with no containment. :code:`<br>`"nCOMPOSITION and AGGREGATION are containment relationships."n"n:code:`<p>`"nThe difference being in the lifecycles of the container and its children. In the COMPOSITION case,"nthe children cannot exist without the container. For AGGREGATION, the life cycles"nof the container and children are totally independent. Possible values include: "ASSOCIATION", "AGGREGATION", "COMPOSITION".
            "relationshipLabel": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "structDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "termTemplateDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_all_type_definitions(**kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get all type definitions in Atlas in bulk.

Keyword Arguments
  • include_term_template (bool) – Whether include termtemplatedef when return all typedefs. This is always true when search filter type=term_template.

  • type (str) – Typedef name as search filter when get typedefs. Possible values are: “enum”, “entity”, “classification”, “relationship”, “struct”, and “term_template”.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "classificationDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "entityTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can"nonly be applied to those entityTypes."n"n"n.. raw:: html"n"n   <ul>"n   <li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>"n   <li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>"n   </ul>.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "entityDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipAttributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "relationshipTypeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship type.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "enumDefs": [
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "elementDefs": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the enum element definition.
                    "ordinal": 0.0,  # Optional. The ordinal of the enum element definition.
                    "value": "str"  # Optional. The value of the enum element definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "relationshipDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "endDef1": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "endDef2": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipCategory": "str",  # Optional. The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle."nUML terminology is used for the values."n"n:code:`<p>`"nASSOCIATION is a relationship with no containment. :code:`<br>`"nCOMPOSITION and AGGREGATION are containment relationships."n"n:code:`<p>`"nThe difference being in the lifecycles of the container and its children. In the COMPOSITION case,"nthe children cannot exist without the container. For AGGREGATION, the life cycles"nof the container and children are totally independent. Possible values include: "ASSOCIATION", "AGGREGATION", "COMPOSITION".
            "relationshipLabel": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "structDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "termTemplateDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_classification_def_by_guid(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the classification definition for the given GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the classification.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "entityTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can"nonly be applied to those entityTypes."n"n"n.. raw:: html"n"n   <ul>"n   <li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>"n   <li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>"n   </ul>.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "subTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
    "superTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_classification_def_by_name(name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the classification definition by its name (unique).


name (str) – The name of the classification.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "entityTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can"nonly be applied to those entityTypes."n"n"n.. raw:: html"n"n   <ul>"n   <li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>"n   <li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>"n   </ul>.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "subTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
    "superTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_entity_definition_by_guid(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the Entity definition for the given GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the entity.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "relationshipAttributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "relationshipTypeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship type.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "subTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
    "superTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_entity_definition_by_name(name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the entity definition by its name (unique).


name (str) – The name of the entity.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "relationshipAttributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "relationshipTypeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship type.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "subTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
    "superTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_enum_def_by_guid(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the enum definition for the given GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the enum.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "elementDefs": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the enum element definition.
            "ordinal": 0.0,  # Optional. The ordinal of the enum element definition.
            "value": "str"  # Optional. The value of the enum element definition.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_enum_def_by_name(name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the enum definition by its name (unique).


name (str) – The name of the enum.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "elementDefs": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the enum element definition.
            "ordinal": 0.0,  # Optional. The ordinal of the enum element definition.
            "value": "str"  # Optional. The value of the enum element definition.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_relationship_def_by_guid(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the relationship definition for the given GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the relationship.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "endDef1": {
        "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
        "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
        "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
        "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
    "endDef2": {
        "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
        "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
        "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
        "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "relationshipCategory": "str",  # Optional. The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle."nUML terminology is used for the values."n"n:code:`<p>`"nASSOCIATION is a relationship with no containment. :code:`<br>`"nCOMPOSITION and AGGREGATION are containment relationships."n"n:code:`<p>`"nThe difference being in the lifecycles of the container and its children. In the COMPOSITION case,"nthe children cannot exist without the container. For AGGREGATION, the life cycles"nof the container and children are totally independent. Possible values include: "ASSOCIATION", "AGGREGATION", "COMPOSITION".
    "relationshipLabel": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_relationship_def_by_name(name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the relationship definition by its name (unique).


name (str) – The name of the relationship.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "endDef1": {
        "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
        "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
        "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
        "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
    "endDef2": {
        "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
        "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
        "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
        "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "relationshipCategory": "str",  # Optional. The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle."nUML terminology is used for the values."n"n:code:`<p>`"nASSOCIATION is a relationship with no containment. :code:`<br>`"nCOMPOSITION and AGGREGATION are containment relationships."n"n:code:`<p>`"nThe difference being in the lifecycles of the container and its children. In the COMPOSITION case,"nthe children cannot exist without the container. For AGGREGATION, the life cycles"nof the container and children are totally independent. Possible values include: "ASSOCIATION", "AGGREGATION", "COMPOSITION".
    "relationshipLabel": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_struct_def_by_guid(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the struct definition for the given GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the struct.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_struct_def_by_name(name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the struct definition by its name (unique).


name (str) – The name of the struct.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_term_template_def_by_guid(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the term template definition for the given GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the term template.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_term_template_def_by_name(name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the term template definition by its name (unique).


name (str) – The name of the term template.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_type_definition_by_guid(guid: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the type definition for the given GUID.


guid (str) – The globally unique identifier of the type.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "elementDefs": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the enum element definition.
            "ordinal": 0.0,  # Optional. The ordinal of the enum element definition.
            "value": "str"  # Optional. The value of the enum element definition.
    "endDef1": {
        "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
        "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
        "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
        "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
    "endDef2": {
        "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
        "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
        "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
        "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
    "entityTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can"nonly be applied to those entityTypes."n"n"n.. raw:: html"n"n   <ul>"n   <li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>"n   <li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>"n   </ul>.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "relationshipAttributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "relationshipTypeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship type.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "relationshipCategory": "str",  # Optional. The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle."nUML terminology is used for the values."n"n:code:`<p>`"nASSOCIATION is a relationship with no containment. :code:`<br>`"nCOMPOSITION and AGGREGATION are containment relationships."n"n:code:`<p>`"nThe difference being in the lifecycles of the container and its children. In the COMPOSITION case,"nthe children cannot exist without the container. For AGGREGATION, the life cycles"nof the container and children are totally independent. Possible values include: "ASSOCIATION", "AGGREGATION", "COMPOSITION".
    "relationshipLabel": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "subTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
    "superTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
get_type_definition_by_name(name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the type definition by its name (unique).


name (str) – The name of the type.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "attributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
    "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
    "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
    "dateFormatter": {
        "availableLocales": [
            "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
        "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
        "dateInstance": ...,
        "dateTimeInstance": ...,
        "instance": ...,
        "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
        "numberFormat": {
            "availableLocales": [
                "str"  # Optional. The number format.
            "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
            "currencyInstance": ...,
            "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
            "instance": ...,
            "integerInstance": ...,
            "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
            "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
            "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
            "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
            "numberInstance": ...,
            "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
            "percentInstance": ...,
            "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
        "timeInstance": ...,
        "timeZone": {
            "availableIds": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
            "default": ...,
            "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
            "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
            "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
            "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
    "elementDefs": [
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the enum element definition.
            "ordinal": 0.0,  # Optional. The ordinal of the enum element definition.
            "value": "str"  # Optional. The value of the enum element definition.
    "endDef1": {
        "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
        "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
        "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
        "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
    "endDef2": {
        "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
        "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
        "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
        "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
        "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
        "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
    "entityTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can"nonly be applied to those entityTypes."n"n"n.. raw:: html"n"n   <ul>"n   <li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>"n   <li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>"n   </ul>.
    "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
    "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
    "options": {
        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
    "relationshipAttributeDefs": [
            "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
            "constraints": [
                    "params": {
                        "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                    "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
            "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
            "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
            "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
            "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
            "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
            "relationshipTypeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship type.
            "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
            "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
            "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
    "relationshipCategory": "str",  # Optional. The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle."nUML terminology is used for the values."n"n:code:`<p>`"nASSOCIATION is a relationship with no containment. :code:`<br>`"nCOMPOSITION and AGGREGATION are containment relationships."n"n:code:`<p>`"nThe difference being in the lifecycles of the container and its children. In the COMPOSITION case,"nthe children cannot exist without the container. For AGGREGATION, the life cycles"nof the container and children are totally independent. Possible values include: "ASSOCIATION", "AGGREGATION", "COMPOSITION".
    "relationshipLabel": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
    "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
    "subTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
    "superTypes": [
        "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
    "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
    "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
    "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
    "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
list_type_definition_headers(**kwargs: Any)List[Any][source]

List all type definitions returned as a list of minimal information header.

Keyword Arguments
  • include_term_template (bool) – Whether include termtemplatedef when return all typedefs. This is always true when search filter type=term_template.

  • type (str) – Typedef name as search filter when get typedefs. Possible values are: “enum”, “entity”, “classification”, “relationship”, “struct”, and “term_template”.


list of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
        "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
        "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
        "name": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
update_atlas_type_definitions(types_def: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Update all types in bulk, changes detected in the type definitions would be persisted.


types_def (Any) – A composite object that captures all type definition changes.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
types_def = {
    "classificationDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "entityTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can"nonly be applied to those entityTypes."n"n"n.. raw:: html"n"n   <ul>"n   <li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>"n   <li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>"n   </ul>.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "entityDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipAttributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "relationshipTypeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship type.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "enumDefs": [
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "elementDefs": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the enum element definition.
                    "ordinal": 0.0,  # Optional. The ordinal of the enum element definition.
                    "value": "str"  # Optional. The value of the enum element definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "relationshipDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "endDef1": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "endDef2": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipCategory": "str",  # Optional. The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle."nUML terminology is used for the values."n"n:code:`<p>`"nASSOCIATION is a relationship with no containment. :code:`<br>`"nCOMPOSITION and AGGREGATION are containment relationships."n"n:code:`<p>`"nThe difference being in the lifecycles of the container and its children. In the COMPOSITION case,"nthe children cannot exist without the container. For AGGREGATION, the life cycles"nof the container and children are totally independent. Possible values include: "ASSOCIATION", "AGGREGATION", "COMPOSITION".
            "relationshipLabel": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "structDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "termTemplateDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "classificationDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "entityTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can"nonly be applied to those entityTypes."n"n"n.. raw:: html"n"n   <ul>"n   <li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>"n   <li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>"n   <li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>"n   <li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>"n   </ul>.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "entityDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipAttributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "relationshipTypeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship type.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "subTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of sub types.
            "superTypes": [
                "str"  # Optional. An array of super types.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "enumDefs": [
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "elementDefs": [
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the enum element definition.
                    "ordinal": 0.0,  # Optional. The ordinal of the enum element definition.
                    "value": "str"  # Optional. The value of the enum element definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "relationshipDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "endDef1": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "endDef2": {
                "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the relationship end definition.
                "isContainer": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is container.
                "isLegacyAttribute": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is a legacy attribute.
                "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the relationship end definition.
                "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the relationship end.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "relationshipCategory": "str",  # Optional. The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle."nUML terminology is used for the values."n"n:code:`<p>`"nASSOCIATION is a relationship with no containment. :code:`<br>`"nCOMPOSITION and AGGREGATION are containment relationships."n"n:code:`<p>`"nThe difference being in the lifecycles of the container and its children. In the COMPOSITION case,"nthe children cannot exist without the container. For AGGREGATION, the life cycles"nof the container and children are totally independent. Possible values include: "ASSOCIATION", "AGGREGATION", "COMPOSITION".
            "relationshipLabel": "str",  # Optional. The label of the relationship.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "structDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.
    "termTemplateDefs": [
            "attributeDefs": [
                    "cardinality": "str",  # Optional. single-valued attribute or multi-valued attribute. Possible values include: "SINGLE", "LIST", "SET".
                    "constraints": [
                            "params": {
                                "str": {}  # Optional. The parameters of the constraint definition.
                            "type": "str"  # Optional. The type of the constraint.
                    "defaultValue": "str",  # Optional. The default value of the attribute.
                    "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the attribute.
                    "includeInNotification": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is included in notification.
                    "isIndexable": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is indexable.
                    "isOptional": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it is optional.
                    "isUnique": bool,  # Optional. Determines if it unique.
                    "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the attribute.
                    "options": {
                        "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the attribute.
                    "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                    "valuesMaxCount": 0,  # Optional. The maximum count of the values.
                    "valuesMinCount": 0  # Optional. The minimum count of the values.
            "category": "str",  # Optional. The enum of type category. Possible values include: "PRIMITIVE", "OBJECT_ID_TYPE", "ENUM", "STRUCT", "CLASSIFICATION", "ENTITY", "ARRAY", "MAP", "RELATIONSHIP", "TERM_TEMPLATE".
            "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
            "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
            "dateFormatter": {
                "availableLocales": [
                    "str"  # Optional. An array of available locales.
                "calendar": 0.0,  # Optional. The date format.
                "dateInstance": ...,
                "dateTimeInstance": ...,
                "instance": ...,
                "lenient": bool,  # Optional. Determines the leniency of the date format.
                "numberFormat": {
                    "availableLocales": [
                        "str"  # Optional. The number format.
                    "currency": "str",  # Optional. The currency.
                    "currencyInstance": ...,
                    "groupingUsed": bool,  # Optional. Determines if grouping is used.
                    "instance": ...,
                    "integerInstance": ...,
                    "maximumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of fraction digits.
                    "maximumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The maximum of integer digits.
                    "minimumFractionDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of fraction digits.
                    "minimumIntegerDigits": 0,  # Optional. The minimum of integer digits.
                    "numberInstance": ...,
                    "parseIntegerOnly": bool,  # Optional. Determines if only integer is parsed.
                    "percentInstance": ...,
                    "roundingMode": "str"  # Optional. The enum of rounding mode. Possible values include: "UP", "DOWN", "CEILING", "FLOOR", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN", "HALF_EVEN", "UNNECESSARY".
                "timeInstance": ...,
                "timeZone": {
                    "availableIds": [
                        "str"  # Optional. An array of available IDs.
                    "default": ...,
                    "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The display name of the timezone.
                    "dstSavings": 0,  # Optional. The value of the daylight saving time.
                    "id": "str",  # Optional. The ID of the timezone.
                    "rawOffset": 0  # Optional. The raw offset of the timezone.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the type definition.
            "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the type definition.
            "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
            "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type definition.
            "options": {
                "str": "str"  # Optional. The options for the type definition.
            "serviceType": "str",  # Optional. The service type.
            "typeVersion": "str",  # Optional. The version of the type.
            "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
            "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
            "version": 0.0  # Optional. The version of the record.