Source code for azure.monitor.query._metrics_query_client

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
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# pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from ._generated._monitor_query_client import (

from ._models import MetricsResult, MetricDefinition, MetricNamespace
from ._helpers import get_metrics_authentication_policy, construct_iso8601

    from azure.core.credentials import TokenCredential
    from azure.core.paging import ItemPaged

[docs]class MetricsQueryClient(object): """MetricsQueryClient :param credential: The credential to authenticate the client :type credential: ~azure.core.credentials.TokenCredential :keyword endpoint: The endpoint to connect to. Defaults to ''. :paramtype endpoint: str .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/ :start-after: [START metrics_client_auth_with_token_cred] :end-before: [END metrics_client_auth_with_token_cred] :language: python :dedent: 0 :caption: Creating the MetricsQueryClient with a TokenCredential. """ def __init__(self, credential, **kwargs): # type: (TokenCredential, Any) -> None endpoint = kwargs.pop('endpoint', '') self._client = MonitorQueryClient( credential=credential, base_url=endpoint, authentication_policy=get_metrics_authentication_policy(credential), **kwargs ) self._metrics_op = self._client.metrics self._namespace_op = self._client.metric_namespaces self._definitions_op = self._client.metric_definitions
[docs] def query(self, resource_uri, metric_names, duration=None, **kwargs): # type: (str, list, str, Any) -> MetricsResult """Lists the metric values for a resource. **Note**: Although the start_time, end_time, duration are optional parameters, it is highly recommended to specify the timespan. If not, the entire dataset is queried. :param resource_uri: The identifier of the resource. :type resource_uri: str :param metric_names: The names of the metrics to retrieve. :type metric_names: list :param str duration: The duration for which to query the data. This can also be accompanied with either start_time or end_time. If start_time or end_time is not provided, the current time is taken as the end time. This should be provided in a ISO8601 string format like 'PT1H', 'P1Y2M10DT2H30M'. :keyword datetime start_time: The start time from which to query the data. This should be accompanied with either end_time or duration. :keyword datetime end_time: The end time till which to query the data. This should be accompanied with either start_time or duration. :keyword interval: The interval (i.e. timegrain) of the query. :paramtype interval: ~datetime.timedelta :keyword aggregation: The list of aggregation types (comma separated) to retrieve. :paramtype aggregation: str :keyword top: The maximum number of records to retrieve. Valid only if $filter is specified. Defaults to 10. :paramtype top: int :keyword orderby: The aggregation to use for sorting results and the direction of the sort. Only one order can be specified. Examples: sum asc. :paramtype orderby: str :keyword filter: The **$filter** is used to reduce the set of metric data returned.:code:`<br>`Example::code:`<br>`Metric contains metadata A, B and C.:code:`<br>`- Return all time series of C where A = a1 and B = b1 or b2:code:`<br>`\ **$filter=A eq ‘a1’ and B eq ‘b1’ or B eq ‘b2’ and C eq ‘*’**\ :code:`<br>`- Invalid variant::code:`<br>`\ **$filter=A eq ‘a1’ and B eq ‘b1’ and C eq ‘*’ or B = ‘b2’**\ :code:`<br>`This is invalid because the logical or operator cannot separate two different metadata names.:code:`<br>`- Return all time series where A = a1, B = b1 and C = c1::code:`<br>`\ **$filter=A eq ‘a1’ and B eq ‘b1’ and C eq ‘c1’**\ :code:`<br>`- Return all time series where A = a1:code:`<br>`\ **$filter=A eq ‘a1’ and B eq ‘\ *’ and C eq ‘*\ ’**. :paramtype filter: str :keyword result_type: Reduces the set of data collected. The syntax allowed depends on the operation. See the operation's description for details. :paramtype result_type: str or ~monitor_query_client.models.ResultType :keyword metric_namespace: Metric namespace to query metric definitions for. :paramtype metric_namespace: str :return: Response, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.monitor.query.MetricsResult :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/ :start-after: [START send_metrics_query] :end-before: [END send_metrics_query] :language: python :dedent: 0 :caption: Get a response for a single Metrics Query """ start = kwargs.pop('start_time', None) end = kwargs.pop('end_time', None) timespan = construct_iso8601(start, end, duration) kwargs.setdefault("metricnames", ",".join(metric_names)) kwargs.setdefault("timespan", timespan) generated = self._metrics_op.list(resource_uri, connection_verify=False, **kwargs) return MetricsResult._from_generated(generated) # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def list_metric_namespaces(self, resource_uri, **kwargs): # type: (str, Any) -> ItemPaged[MetricNamespace] """Lists the metric namespaces for the resource. :param resource_uri: The identifier of the resource. :type resource_uri: str :keyword start_time: The ISO 8601 conform Date start time from which to query for metric namespaces. :paramtype start_time: str :return: An iterator like instance of either MetricNamespaceCollection or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.monitor.query.MetricNamespace] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ return self._namespace_op.list( resource_uri, cls=kwargs.pop( "cls", lambda objs: [ MetricNamespace._from_generated(x) for x in objs # pylint: disable=protected-access ] ), **kwargs)
[docs] def list_metric_definitions(self, resource_uri, metric_namespace=None, **kwargs): # type: (str, str, Any) -> ItemPaged[MetricDefinition] """Lists the metric definitions for the resource. :param resource_uri: The identifier of the resource. :type resource_uri: str :param metric_namespace: Metric namespace to query metric definitions for. :type metric_namespace: str :return: An iterator like instance of either MetricDefinitionCollection or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.monitor.query.MetricDefinition] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ return self._definitions_op.list( resource_uri, metric_namespace, cls=kwargs.pop( "cls", lambda objs: [ MetricDefinition._from_generated(x) for x in objs # pylint: disable=protected-access ] ), **kwargs)
[docs] def close(self): # type: () -> None """Close the :class:`~azure.monitor.query.MetricsQueryClient` session.""" return self._client.close()
def __enter__(self): # type: () -> MetricsQueryClient self._client.__enter__() # pylint:disable=no-member return self def __exit__(self, *args): # type: (*Any) -> None self._client.__exit__(*args) # pylint:disable=no-member