Source code for azure.monitor.opentelemetry.exporter.export.trace._exporter

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import json
import logging
import platform
from typing import Sequence, Any
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from opentelemetry.semconv.resource import ResourceAttributes
from opentelemetry.semconv.trace import DbSystemValues, SpanAttributes
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import SpanExporter, SpanExportResult
from opentelemetry.sdk.util import ns_to_iso_str
from opentelemetry.trace import Span, SpanKind

from azure.monitor.opentelemetry.exporter import _utils
from azure.monitor.opentelemetry.exporter._generated.models import (
from azure.monitor.opentelemetry.exporter.export._base import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["AzureMonitorTraceExporter"]

[docs]class AzureMonitorTraceExporter(BaseExporter, SpanExporter): """Azure Monitor base exporter for OpenTelemetry."""
[docs] def export(self, spans: Sequence[Span], **kwargs: Any) -> SpanExportResult: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Export data :param spans: Open Telemetry Spans to export. :type spans: Sequence[~opentelemetry.trace.Span] :rtype: ~opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export.SpanExportResult """ envelopes = [self._span_to_envelope(span) for span in spans] try: result = self._transmit(envelopes) if result == ExportResult.FAILED_RETRYABLE: envelopes_to_store = [x.as_dict() for x in envelopes], 1) if result == ExportResult.SUCCESS: # Try to send any cached events self._transmit_from_storage() return get_trace_export_result(result) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.exception("Exception occurred while exporting the data.") return get_trace_export_result(ExportResult.FAILED_NOT_RETRYABLE)
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shuts down the exporter. Called when the SDK is shut down. """
def _span_to_envelope(self, span: Span) -> TelemetryItem: if not span: return None envelope = _convert_span_to_envelope(span) envelope.instrumentation_key = self._instrumentation_key return envelope
[docs] @classmethod def from_connection_string(cls, conn_str: str, **kwargs: Any) -> "AzureMonitorTraceExporter": """ Create an AzureMonitorTraceExporter from a connection string. This is the recommended way of instantation if a connection string is passed in explicitly. If a user wants to use a connection string provided by environment variable, the constructor of the exporter can be called directly. :param str conn_str: The connection string to be used for authentication. :keyword str api_version: The service API version used. Defaults to latest. :returns an instance of ~AzureMonitorTraceExporter """ return cls(connection_string=conn_str, **kwargs)
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def _convert_span_to_envelope(span: Span) -> TelemetryItem: envelope = TelemetryItem( name="", instrumentation_key="", tags=dict(_utils.azure_monitor_context), time=ns_to_iso_str(span.start_time), ) if span.resource and span.resource.attributes: service_name = span.resource.attributes.get(ResourceAttributes.SERVICE_NAME) service_namespace = span.resource.attributes.get(ResourceAttributes.SERVICE_NAMESPACE) service_instance_id = span.resource.attributes.get(ResourceAttributes.SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID) if service_name: if service_namespace: envelope.tags[""] = service_namespace + \ "." + service_name else: envelope.tags[""] = service_name if service_instance_id: envelope.tags[""] = service_instance_id else: envelope.tags[""] = platform.node() # hostname default envelope.tags["ai.internal.nodeName"] = envelope.tags[""] envelope.tags[""] = "{:032x}".format(span.context.trace_id) if SpanAttributes.ENDUSER_ID in span.attributes: envelope.tags[""] = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.ENDUSER_ID] if span.parent and span.parent.span_id: envelope.tags["ai.operation.parentId"] = "{:016x}".format( span.parent.span_id ) # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks if span.kind in (SpanKind.CONSUMER, SpanKind.SERVER): = "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Request" data = RequestData(, id="{:016x}".format(span.context.span_id), duration=_utils.ns_to_duration(span.end_time - span.start_time), response_code="0", success=span.status.is_ok, properties={}, ) = MonitorBase(base_data=data, base_type="RequestData") if SpanAttributes.HTTP_METHOD in span.attributes: # HTTP url = "" path = "" if SpanAttributes.HTTP_USER_AGENT in span.attributes: # TODO: Not exposed in Swagger, need to update def envelope.tags["ai.user.userAgent"] = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_USER_AGENT] if SpanAttributes.HTTP_CLIENT_IP in span.attributes: envelope.tags["ai.location.ip"] = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_CLIENT_IP] elif SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP in span.attributes: envelope.tags["ai.location.ip"] = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP] # url if SpanAttributes.HTTP_URL in span.attributes: url = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_URL] elif SpanAttributes.HTTP_SCHEME in span.attributes and SpanAttributes.HTTP_TARGET in span.attributes: scheme = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_SCHEME] http_target = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_TARGET] if SpanAttributes.HTTP_HOST in span.attributes: url = "{}://{}{}".format( scheme, span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_HOST], http_target, ) elif SpanAttributes.NET_HOST_PORT in span.attributes: host_port = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_HOST_PORT] if SpanAttributes.HTTP_SERVER_NAME in span.attributes: server_name = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_SERVER_NAME] url = "{}://{}:{}{}".format( scheme, server_name, host_port, http_target, ) elif SpanAttributes.NET_HOST_NAME in span.attributes: host_name = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_HOST_NAME] url = "{}://{}:{}{}".format( scheme, host_name, host_port, http_target, ) data.url = url # Http specific logic for if SpanAttributes.HTTP_ROUTE in span.attributes: envelope.tags[""] = "{} {}".format( span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_METHOD], span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_ROUTE], ) elif url: try: parse_url = urlparse(url) path = parse_url.path if not path: path = "/" envelope.tags[""] = "{} {}".format( span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_METHOD], path, ) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass else: envelope.tags[""] = if SpanAttributes.HTTP_STATUS_CODE in span.attributes: status_code = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_STATUS_CODE] data.response_code = str(status_code) elif SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_SYSTEM in span.attributes: # Messaging envelope.tags[""] = if SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP in span.attributes: envelope.tags["ai.location.ip"] = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP] if SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_DESTINATION in span.attributes: if SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_NAME in span.attributes:["source"] = "{}/{}".format( span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_NAME], span.attributes[SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_DESTINATION], ) elif SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP in span.attributes:["source"] = "{}/{}".format( span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP], span.attributes[SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_DESTINATION], ) else:["source"] = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_DESTINATION] else: # Other envelope.tags[""] = if SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP in span.attributes: envelope.tags["ai.location.ip"] = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP] # Apply truncation if data.url: data.url = data.url[:2048] # Breeze max length if data.response_code: data.response_code = data.response_code[:1024] # Breeze max length if envelope.tags[""]: = envelope.tags[""][:1024] # Breeze max length else: # INTERNAL, CLIENT, PRODUCER = "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.RemoteDependency" # TODO: for non-server spans data = RemoteDependencyData(, id="{:016x}".format(span.context.span_id), result_code="0", duration=_utils.ns_to_duration(span.end_time - span.start_time), success=span.status.is_ok, properties={}, ) = MonitorBase( base_data=data, base_type="RemoteDependencyData" ) target = None if SpanAttributes.PEER_SERVICE in span.attributes: target = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.PEER_SERVICE] else: if SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_NAME in span.attributes: target = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_NAME] elif SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP in span.attributes: target = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP] if SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_PORT in span.attributes: port = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_PORT] # TODO: check default port for rpc # This logic assumes default ports never conflict across dependency types if port != _get_default_port_http(span.attributes.get(SpanAttributes.HTTP_SCHEME)) and \ port != _get_default_port_db(span.attributes.get(SpanAttributes.DB_SYSTEM)): target = "{}:{}".format(target, port) if span.kind is SpanKind.CLIENT: if SpanAttributes.HTTP_METHOD in span.attributes: # HTTP data.type = "HTTP" if SpanAttributes.HTTP_USER_AGENT in span.attributes: # TODO: Not exposed in Swagger, need to update def envelope.tags["ai.user.userAgent"] = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_USER_AGENT] scheme = span.attributes.get(SpanAttributes.HTTP_SCHEME) # url url = "" if SpanAttributes.HTTP_URL in span.attributes: url = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_URL] elif scheme and SpanAttributes.HTTP_TARGET in span.attributes: http_target = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_TARGET] if SpanAttributes.HTTP_HOST in span.attributes: url = "{}://{}{}".format( scheme, span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_HOST], http_target, ) elif SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_PORT in span.attributes: peer_port = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_PORT] if SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_NAME in span.attributes: peer_name = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_NAME] url = "{}://{}:{}{}".format( scheme, peer_name, peer_port, http_target, ) elif SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP in span.attributes: peer_ip = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.NET_PEER_IP] url = "{}://{}:{}{}".format( scheme, peer_ip, peer_port, http_target, ) target_from_url = "" path = "" if url: try: parse_url = urlparse(url) path = parse_url.path if not path: path = "/" if parse_url.port == _get_default_port_http(scheme): target_from_url = parse_url.hostname else: target_from_url = parse_url.netloc except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass # http specific logic for name if path: = "{} {}".format( span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_METHOD], path, ) # http specific logic for target if SpanAttributes.PEER_SERVICE not in span.attributes: if SpanAttributes.HTTP_HOST in span.attributes: host = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_HOST] try: # urlparse insists on absolute URLs starting with "//" # This logic assumes host does not include a "//" host_name = urlparse("//" + host) if host_name.port == _get_default_port_http(scheme): target = host_name.hostname else: target = host except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.warning("Error while parsing hostname.") elif target_from_url: target = target_from_url # data is url = url if SpanAttributes.HTTP_STATUS_CODE in span.attributes: status_code = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.HTTP_STATUS_CODE] data.result_code = str(status_code) elif SpanAttributes.DB_SYSTEM in span.attributes: # Database db_system = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.DB_SYSTEM] if not _is_sql_db(db_system): data.type = db_system else: data.type = "SQL" # data is the full statement or operation if SpanAttributes.DB_STATEMENT in span.attributes: = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.DB_STATEMENT] elif SpanAttributes.DB_OPERATION in span.attributes: = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.DB_OPERATION] # db specific logic for target if SpanAttributes.DB_NAME in span.attributes: db_name = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.DB_NAME] if target is None: target = db_name else: target = "{}|{}".format(target, db_name) if target is None: target = db_system elif SpanAttributes.RPC_SYSTEM in span.attributes: # Rpc data.type = SpanAttributes.RPC_SYSTEM # TODO: for rpc if target is None: target = span.attributes[SpanAttributes.RPC_SYSTEM] else: # TODO: Azure specific types data.type = "N/A" elif span.kind is SpanKind.PRODUCER: # Messaging data.type = "Queue Message" # TODO: for messaging # TODO: Special logic for for messaging? else: # SpanKind.INTERNAL if span.parent: data.type = "InProc" data.success = True # Apply truncation if data.result_code: data.result_code = data.result_code[:1024] if =[:8192] if target: = target[:1024] if =[:1024] for key, val in span.attributes.items(): # Remove Opentelemetry related span attributes from custom dimensions if key.startswith("http.") or \ key.startswith("db.") or \ key.startswith("rpc.") or \ key.startswith("net.") or \ key.startswith("messaging."): continue # Apply truncation rules # Max key length is 150, value is 8192 if not key or len(key) > 150 or val is None: continue[key] = val[:8192] if span.links: # Max length for value is 8192 # Since links are a fixed length (80) in json, max number of links would be 102 links = [] for link in span.links: if len(links) > 102: break operation_id = "{:032x}".format(link.context.trace_id) span_id = "{:016x}".format(link.context.span_id) links.append({"operation_Id": operation_id, "id": span_id})["_MS.links"] = json.dumps(links) return envelope # pylint:disable=too-many-return-statements def _get_default_port_db(dbsystem): if dbsystem == DbSystemValues.POSTGRESQL.value: return 5432 if dbsystem == DbSystemValues.CASSANDRA.value: return 9042 if dbsystem in (DbSystemValues.MARIADB.value, DbSystemValues.MYSQL.value): return 3306 if dbsystem == DbSystemValues.MSSQL.value: return 1433 # TODO: Add in memcached if dbsystem == "memcached": return 11211 if dbsystem == DbSystemValues.DB2.value: return 50000 if dbsystem == DbSystemValues.ORACLE.value: return 1521 if dbsystem == DbSystemValues.H2.value: return 8082 if dbsystem == DbSystemValues.DERBY.value: return 1527 if dbsystem == DbSystemValues.REDIS.value: return 6379 return 0 def _get_default_port_http(scheme): if scheme == "http": return 80 if scheme == "https": return 443 return 0 def _is_sql_db(dbsystem): return dbsystem in ( DbSystemValues.DB2.value, DbSystemValues.DERBY.value, DbSystemValues.MARIADB.value, DbSystemValues.MSSQL.value, DbSystemValues.ORACLE.value, DbSystemValues.SQLITE.value, DbSystemValues.OTHER_SQL.value, DbSystemValues.HSQLDB.value, DbSystemValues.H2.value, )