Source code for azure.mgmt.web.v2016_08_01.models._web_site_management_client_enums

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from enum import Enum

[docs]class LogLevel(str, Enum): off = "Off" verbose = "Verbose" information = "Information" warning = "Warning" error = "Error"
[docs]class BackupItemStatus(str, Enum): in_progress = "InProgress" failed = "Failed" succeeded = "Succeeded" timed_out = "TimedOut" created = "Created" skipped = "Skipped" partially_succeeded = "PartiallySucceeded" delete_in_progress = "DeleteInProgress" delete_failed = "DeleteFailed" deleted = "Deleted"
[docs]class DatabaseType(str, Enum): sql_azure = "SqlAzure" my_sql = "MySql" local_my_sql = "LocalMySql" postgre_sql = "PostgreSql"
[docs]class FrequencyUnit(str, Enum): day = "Day" hour = "Hour"
[docs]class BackupRestoreOperationType(str, Enum): default = "Default" clone = "Clone" relocation = "Relocation" snapshot = "Snapshot"
[docs]class ConnectionStringType(str, Enum): my_sql = "MySql" sql_server = "SQLServer" sql_azure = "SQLAzure" custom = "Custom" notification_hub = "NotificationHub" service_bus = "ServiceBus" event_hub = "EventHub" api_hub = "ApiHub" doc_db = "DocDb" redis_cache = "RedisCache" postgre_sql = "PostgreSQL"
[docs]class ContinuousWebJobStatus(str, Enum): initializing = "Initializing" starting = "Starting" running = "Running" pending_restart = "PendingRestart" stopped = "Stopped"
[docs]class WebJobType(str, Enum): continuous = "Continuous" triggered = "Triggered"
[docs]class PublishingProfileFormat(str, Enum): file_zilla3 = "FileZilla3" web_deploy = "WebDeploy" ftp = "Ftp"
[docs]class DnsVerificationTestResult(str, Enum): passed = "Passed" failed = "Failed" skipped = "Skipped"
[docs]class AzureResourceType(str, Enum): website = "Website" traffic_manager = "TrafficManager"
[docs]class CustomHostNameDnsRecordType(str, Enum): cname = "CName" a = "A"
[docs]class HostNameType(str, Enum): verified = "Verified" managed = "Managed"
[docs]class SslState(str, Enum): disabled = "Disabled" sni_enabled = "SniEnabled" ip_based_enabled = "IpBasedEnabled"
[docs]class MSDeployLogEntryType(str, Enum): message = "Message" warning = "Warning" error = "Error"
[docs]class MSDeployProvisioningState(str, Enum): accepted = "accepted" running = "running" succeeded = "succeeded" failed = "failed" canceled = "canceled"
[docs]class MySqlMigrationType(str, Enum): local_to_remote = "LocalToRemote" remote_to_local = "RemoteToLocal"
[docs]class OperationStatus(str, Enum): in_progress = "InProgress" failed = "Failed" succeeded = "Succeeded" timed_out = "TimedOut" created = "Created"
[docs]class RouteType(str, Enum): default = "DEFAULT" inherited = "INHERITED" static = "STATIC"
[docs]class PublicCertificateLocation(str, Enum): current_user_my = "CurrentUserMy" local_machine_my = "LocalMachineMy" unknown = "Unknown"
[docs]class UnauthenticatedClientAction(str, Enum): redirect_to_login_page = "RedirectToLoginPage" allow_anonymous = "AllowAnonymous"
[docs]class BuiltInAuthenticationProvider(str, Enum): azure_active_directory = "AzureActiveDirectory" facebook = "Facebook" google = "Google" microsoft_account = "MicrosoftAccount" twitter = "Twitter"
[docs]class CloneAbilityResult(str, Enum): cloneable = "Cloneable" partially_cloneable = "PartiallyCloneable" not_cloneable = "NotCloneable"
[docs]class ScmType(str, Enum): none = "None" dropbox = "Dropbox" tfs = "Tfs" local_git = "LocalGit" git_hub = "GitHub" code_plex_git = "CodePlexGit" code_plex_hg = "CodePlexHg" bitbucket_git = "BitbucketGit" bitbucket_hg = "BitbucketHg" external_git = "ExternalGit" external_hg = "ExternalHg" one_drive = "OneDrive" vso = "VSO"
[docs]class ManagedPipelineMode(str, Enum): integrated = "Integrated" classic = "Classic"
[docs]class SiteLoadBalancing(str, Enum): weighted_round_robin = "WeightedRoundRobin" least_requests = "LeastRequests" least_response_time = "LeastResponseTime" weighted_total_traffic = "WeightedTotalTraffic" request_hash = "RequestHash"
[docs]class AutoHealActionType(str, Enum): recycle = "Recycle" log_event = "LogEvent" custom_action = "CustomAction"
[docs]class SupportedTlsVersions(str, Enum): one_full_stop_zero = "1.0" one_full_stop_one = "1.1" one_full_stop_two = "1.2"
[docs]class SiteExtensionType(str, Enum): gallery = "Gallery" web_root = "WebRoot"
[docs]class UsageState(str, Enum): normal = "Normal" exceeded = "Exceeded"
[docs]class SiteAvailabilityState(str, Enum): normal = "Normal" limited = "Limited" disaster_recovery_mode = "DisasterRecoveryMode"
[docs]class HostType(str, Enum): standard = "Standard" repository = "Repository"
[docs]class TriggeredWebJobStatus(str, Enum): success = "Success" failed = "Failed" error = "Error"
[docs]class ManagedServiceIdentityType(str, Enum): system_assigned = "SystemAssigned"
[docs]class StatusOptions(str, Enum): ready = "Ready" pending = "Pending" creating = "Creating"
[docs]class ProvisioningState(str, Enum): succeeded = "Succeeded" failed = "Failed" canceled = "Canceled" in_progress = "InProgress" deleting = "Deleting"