Source code for azure.mgmt.trafficmanager.models._traffic_manager_management_client_enums

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from enum import Enum
from azure.core import CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta

[docs]class AllowedEndpointRecordType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The allowed type DNS record types for this profile.""" DOMAIN_NAME = "DomainName" I_PV4_ADDRESS = "IPv4Address" I_PV6_ADDRESS = "IPv6Address" ANY = "Any"
[docs]class AlwaysServe(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """If Always Serve is enabled, probing for endpoint health will be disabled and endpoints will be included in the traffic routing method. """ ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled"
[docs]class EndpointMonitorStatus(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The monitoring status of the endpoint.""" CHECKING_ENDPOINT = "CheckingEndpoint" ONLINE = "Online" DEGRADED = "Degraded" DISABLED = "Disabled" INACTIVE = "Inactive" STOPPED = "Stopped"
[docs]class EndpointStatus(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The status of the endpoint. If the endpoint is Enabled, it is probed for endpoint health and is included in the traffic routing method. """ ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled"
[docs]class EndpointType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """EndpointType.""" AZURE_ENDPOINTS = "AzureEndpoints" EXTERNAL_ENDPOINTS = "ExternalEndpoints" NESTED_ENDPOINTS = "NestedEndpoints"
[docs]class MonitorProtocol(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The protocol (HTTP, HTTPS or TCP) used to probe for endpoint health.""" HTTP = "HTTP" HTTPS = "HTTPS" TCP = "TCP"
[docs]class ProfileMonitorStatus(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The profile-level monitoring status of the Traffic Manager profile.""" CHECKING_ENDPOINTS = "CheckingEndpoints" ONLINE = "Online" DEGRADED = "Degraded" DISABLED = "Disabled" INACTIVE = "Inactive"
[docs]class ProfileStatus(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The status of the Traffic Manager profile.""" ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled"
[docs]class TrafficRoutingMethod(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The traffic routing method of the Traffic Manager profile.""" PERFORMANCE = "Performance" PRIORITY = "Priority" WEIGHTED = "Weighted" GEOGRAPHIC = "Geographic" MULTI_VALUE = "MultiValue" SUBNET = "Subnet"
[docs]class TrafficViewEnrollmentStatus(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Indicates whether Traffic View is 'Enabled' or 'Disabled' for the Traffic Manager profile. Null, indicates 'Disabled'. Enabling this feature will increase the cost of the Traffic Manage profile. """ ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled"