Source code for azure.mgmt.trafficmanager.models.endpoint_py3

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from .proxy_resource_py3 import ProxyResource

[docs]class Endpoint(ProxyResource): """Class representing a Traffic Manager endpoint. :param id: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/{resourceName} :type id: str :param name: The name of the resource :type name: str :param type: The type of the resource. Ex- Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles. :type type: str :param target_resource_id: The Azure Resource URI of the of the endpoint. Not applicable to endpoints of type 'ExternalEndpoints'. :type target_resource_id: str :param target: The fully-qualified DNS name or IP address of the endpoint. Traffic Manager returns this value in DNS responses to direct traffic to this endpoint. :type target: str :param endpoint_status: The status of the endpoint. If the endpoint is Enabled, it is probed for endpoint health and is included in the traffic routing method. Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled' :type endpoint_status: str or ~azure.mgmt.trafficmanager.models.EndpointStatus :param weight: The weight of this endpoint when using the 'Weighted' traffic routing method. Possible values are from 1 to 1000. :type weight: long :param priority: The priority of this endpoint when using the 'Priority' traffic routing method. Possible values are from 1 to 1000, lower values represent higher priority. This is an optional parameter. If specified, it must be specified on all endpoints, and no two endpoints can share the same priority value. :type priority: long :param endpoint_location: Specifies the location of the external or nested endpoints when using the 'Performance' traffic routing method. :type endpoint_location: str :param endpoint_monitor_status: The monitoring status of the endpoint. Possible values include: 'CheckingEndpoint', 'Online', 'Degraded', 'Disabled', 'Inactive', 'Stopped' :type endpoint_monitor_status: str or ~azure.mgmt.trafficmanager.models.EndpointMonitorStatus :param min_child_endpoints: The minimum number of endpoints that must be available in the child profile in order for the parent profile to be considered available. Only applicable to endpoint of type 'NestedEndpoints'. :type min_child_endpoints: long :param geo_mapping: The list of countries/regions mapped to this endpoint when using the 'Geographic' traffic routing method. Please consult Traffic Manager Geographic documentation for a full list of accepted values. :type geo_mapping: list[str] :param subnets: The list of subnets, IP addresses, and/or address ranges mapped to this endpoint when using the 'Subnet' traffic routing method. An empty list will match all ranges not covered by other endpoints. :type subnets: list[~azure.mgmt.trafficmanager.models.EndpointPropertiesSubnetsItem] :param custom_headers: List of custom headers. :type custom_headers: list[~azure.mgmt.trafficmanager.models.EndpointPropertiesCustomHeadersItem] """ _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'}, 'target_resource_id': {'key': 'properties.targetResourceId', 'type': 'str'}, 'target': {'key': '', 'type': 'str'}, 'endpoint_status': {'key': 'properties.endpointStatus', 'type': 'str'}, 'weight': {'key': 'properties.weight', 'type': 'long'}, 'priority': {'key': 'properties.priority', 'type': 'long'}, 'endpoint_location': {'key': 'properties.endpointLocation', 'type': 'str'}, 'endpoint_monitor_status': {'key': 'properties.endpointMonitorStatus', 'type': 'str'}, 'min_child_endpoints': {'key': 'properties.minChildEndpoints', 'type': 'long'}, 'geo_mapping': {'key': 'properties.geoMapping', 'type': '[str]'}, 'subnets': {'key': 'properties.subnets', 'type': '[EndpointPropertiesSubnetsItem]'}, 'custom_headers': {'key': 'properties.customHeaders', 'type': '[EndpointPropertiesCustomHeadersItem]'}, } def __init__(self, *, id: str=None, name: str=None, type: str=None, target_resource_id: str=None, target: str=None, endpoint_status=None, weight: int=None, priority: int=None, endpoint_location: str=None, endpoint_monitor_status=None, min_child_endpoints: int=None, geo_mapping=None, subnets=None, custom_headers=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Endpoint, self).__init__(id=id, name=name, type=type, **kwargs) self.target_resource_id = target_resource_id = target self.endpoint_status = endpoint_status self.weight = weight self.priority = priority self.endpoint_location = endpoint_location self.endpoint_monitor_status = endpoint_monitor_status self.min_child_endpoints = min_child_endpoints self.geo_mapping = geo_mapping self.subnets = subnets self.custom_headers = custom_headers