Source code for azure.mgmt.subscription.models._subscription_client_enums

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from enum import Enum
from azure.core import CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta

[docs]class AcceptOwnership(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The accept ownership state of the resource.""" PENDING = "Pending" COMPLETED = "Completed" EXPIRED = "Expired"
[docs]class CreatedByType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The type of identity that created the resource.""" USER = "User" APPLICATION = "Application" MANAGED_IDENTITY = "ManagedIdentity" KEY = "Key"
[docs]class Provisioning(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The provisioning state of the resource.""" PENDING = "Pending" ACCEPTED = "Accepted" SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded"
[docs]class ProvisioningState(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The provisioning state of the resource.""" ACCEPTED = "Accepted" SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" FAILED = "Failed"
[docs]class SpendingLimit(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The subscription spending limit.""" ON = "On" OFF = "Off" CURRENT_PERIOD_OFF = "CurrentPeriodOff"
[docs]class SubscriptionState(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The subscription state. Possible values are Enabled, Warned, PastDue, Disabled, and Deleted.""" ENABLED = "Enabled" WARNED = "Warned" PAST_DUE = "PastDue" DISABLED = "Disabled" DELETED = "Deleted"
[docs]class Workload(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The workload type of the subscription. It can be either Production or DevTest.""" PRODUCTION = "Production" DEV_TEST = "DevTest"