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from enum import Enum

[docs]class ResourceStatus(str, Enum): healthy = "Healthy" #: This assessment on the resource is healthy not_applicable = "NotApplicable" #: This assessment is not applicable to this resource off_by_policy = "OffByPolicy" #: This assessment is turned off by policy on this subscription not_healthy = "NotHealthy" #: This assessment on the resource is not healthy
[docs]class PricingTier(str, Enum): free = "Free" #: Get free Azure security center experience with basic security features standard = "Standard" #: Get the standard Azure security center experience with advanced security features
[docs]class ReportedSeverity(str, Enum): informational = "Informational" low = "Low" medium = "Medium" high = "High"
[docs]class ValueType(str, Enum): ip_cidr = "IpCidr" #: An IP range in CIDR format (e.g. ''). string = "String" #: Any string value.
[docs]class SecuritySolutionStatus(str, Enum): enabled = "Enabled" disabled = "Disabled"
[docs]class ExportData(str, Enum): raw_events = "RawEvents" #: Agent raw events
[docs]class DataSource(str, Enum): twin_data = "TwinData" #: Devices twin data
[docs]class RecommendationType(str, Enum): io_t_acrauthentication = "IoT_ACRAuthentication" #: Authentication schema used for pull an edge module from an ACR repository does not use Service Principal Authentication. io_t_agent_sends_unutilized_messages = "IoT_AgentSendsUnutilizedMessages" #: IoT agent message size capacity is currently underutilized, causing an increase in the number of sent messages. Adjust message intervals for better utilization. io_t_baseline = "IoT_Baseline" #: Identified security related system configuration issues. io_t_edge_hub_mem_optimize = "IoT_EdgeHubMemOptimize" #: You can optimize Edge Hub memory usage by turning off protocol heads for any protocols not used by Edge modules in your solution. io_t_edge_logging_options = "IoT_EdgeLoggingOptions" #: Logging is disabled for this edge module. io_t_inconsistent_module_settings = "IoT_InconsistentModuleSettings" #: A minority within a device security group has inconsistent Edge Module settings with the rest of their group. io_t_install_agent = "IoT_InstallAgent" #: Install the Azure Security of Things Agent. io_t_ipfilter_deny_all = "IoT_IPFilter_DenyAll" #: IP Filter Configuration should have rules defined for allowed traffic and should deny all other traffic by default. io_t_ipfilter_permissive_rule = "IoT_IPFilter_PermissiveRule" #: An Allow IP Filter rules source IP range is too large. Overly permissive rules might expose your IoT hub to malicious intenders. io_t_open_ports = "IoT_OpenPorts" #: A listening endpoint was found on the device. io_t_permissive_firewall_policy = "IoT_PermissiveFirewallPolicy" #: An Allowed firewall policy was found (INPUT/OUTPUT). The policy should Deny all traffic by default and define rules to allow necessary communication to/from the device. io_t_permissive_input_firewall_rules = "IoT_PermissiveInputFirewallRules" #: A rule in the firewall has been found that contains a permissive pattern for a wide range of IP addresses or Ports. io_t_permissive_output_firewall_rules = "IoT_PermissiveOutputFirewallRules" #: A rule in the firewall has been found that contains a permissive pattern for a wide range of IP addresses or Ports. io_t_privileged_docker_options = "IoT_PrivilegedDockerOptions" #: Edge module is configured to run in privileged mode, with extensive Linux capabilities or with host-level network access (send/receive data to host machine). io_t_shared_credentials = "IoT_SharedCredentials" #: Same authentication credentials to the IoT Hub used by multiple devices. This could indicate an illegitimate device impersonating a legitimate device. It also exposes the risk of device impersonation by an attacker. io_t_vulnerable_tls_cipher_suite = "IoT_VulnerableTLSCipherSuite" #: Insecure TLS configurations detected. Immediate upgrade recommended.
[docs]class RecommendationConfigStatus(str, Enum): disabled = "Disabled" enabled = "Enabled"
[docs]class UnmaskedIpLoggingStatus(str, Enum): disabled = "Disabled" #: Unmasked IP logging is disabled enabled = "Enabled" #: Unmasked IP logging is enabled
[docs]class AutoProvision(str, Enum): on = "On" #: Install missing security agent on VMs automatically off = "Off" #: Do not install security agent on the VMs automatically
[docs]class Rank(str, Enum): none = "None" low = "Low" medium = "Medium" high = "High" critical = "Critical"
[docs]class AlertNotifications(str, Enum): on = "On" #: Get notifications on new alerts off = "Off" #: Don't get notifications on new alerts
[docs]class AlertsToAdmins(str, Enum): on = "On" #: Send notification on new alerts to the subscription's admins off = "Off" #: Don't send notification on new alerts to the subscription's admins
[docs]class State(str, Enum): passed = "Passed" #: All supported regulatory compliance controls in the given standard have a passed state failed = "Failed" #: At least one supported regulatory compliance control in the given standard has a state of failed skipped = "Skipped" #: All supported regulatory compliance controls in the given standard have a state of skipped unsupported = "Unsupported" #: No supported regulatory compliance data for the given standard
[docs]class SubAssessmentStatusCode(str, Enum): healthy = "Healthy" #: The resource is healthy unhealthy = "Unhealthy" #: The resource has a security issue that needs to be addressed not_applicable = "NotApplicable" #: Assessment for this resource did not happen
[docs]class Severity(str, Enum): low = "Low" medium = "Medium" high = "High"
[docs]class EventSource(str, Enum): assessments = "Assessments" alerts = "Alerts"
[docs]class PropertyType(str, Enum): string = "String" integer = "Integer" number = "Number" boolean = "Boolean"
[docs]class Operator(str, Enum): equals = "Equals" greater_than = "GreaterThan" greater_than_or_equal_to = "GreaterThanOrEqualTo" lesser_than = "LesserThan" lesser_than_or_equal_to = "LesserThanOrEqualTo" not_equals = "NotEquals" contains = "Contains" starts_with = "StartsWith" ends_with = "EndsWith"
[docs]class RuleState(str, Enum): enabled = "Enabled" disabled = "Disabled" expired = "Expired"
[docs]class Category(str, Enum): compute = "Compute" networking = "Networking" data = "Data" identity_and_access = "IdentityAndAccess" io_t = "IoT"
[docs]class UserImpact(str, Enum): low = "Low" moderate = "Moderate" high = "High"
[docs]class ImplementationEffort(str, Enum): low = "Low" moderate = "Moderate" high = "High"
[docs]class Threats(str, Enum): account_breach = "accountBreach" data_exfiltration = "dataExfiltration" data_spillage = "dataSpillage" malicious_insider = "maliciousInsider" elevation_of_privilege = "elevationOfPrivilege" threat_resistance = "threatResistance" missing_coverage = "missingCoverage" denial_of_service = "denialOfService"
[docs]class AssessmentType(str, Enum): built_in = "BuiltIn" #: Azure Security Center managed assessments custom_policy = "CustomPolicy" #: User defined policies that are automatically ingested from Azure Policy to Azure Security Center customer_managed = "CustomerManaged" #: User assessments pushed directly by the user or other third party to Azure Security Center verified_partner = "VerifiedPartner" #: An assessment that was created by a verified 3rd party if the user connected it to ASC
[docs]class AssessmentStatusCode(str, Enum): healthy = "Healthy" #: The resource is healthy unhealthy = "Unhealthy" #: The resource has a security issue that needs to be addressed not_applicable = "NotApplicable" #: Assessment for this resource did not happen
[docs]class Direction(str, Enum): inbound = "Inbound" outbound = "Outbound"
[docs]class TransportProtocol(str, Enum): tcp = "TCP" udp = "UDP"
[docs]class Protocol(str, Enum): tcp = "TCP" udp = "UDP" all = "*"
[docs]class Status(str, Enum): revoked = "Revoked" initiated = "Initiated"
[docs]class StatusReason(str, Enum): expired = "Expired" user_requested = "UserRequested" newer_request_initiated = "NewerRequestInitiated"
[docs]class SecurityFamily(str, Enum): waf = "Waf" ngfw = "Ngfw" saas_waf = "SaasWaf" va = "Va"
[docs]class AadConnectivityState(str, Enum): discovered = "Discovered" not_licensed = "NotLicensed" connected = "Connected"
[docs]class ExternalSecuritySolutionKind(str, Enum): cef = "CEF" ata = "ATA" aad = "AAD"
[docs]class ControlType(str, Enum): built_in = "BuiltIn" #: Azure Security Center managed assessments custom = "Custom" #: Non Azure Security Center managed assessments
[docs]class ExpandEnum(str, Enum): links = "links" #: All links associated with an assessment metadata = "metadata" #: Assessment metadata
[docs]class ConnectionType(str, Enum): internal = "Internal" external = "External"
[docs]class ExpandControlsEnum(str, Enum): definition = "definition" #: Add definition object for each control