Source code for azure.mgmt.resource.deploymentscripts._deployment_scripts_client

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from azure.mgmt.core import ARMPipelineClient
from msrest import Serializer, Deserializer

from azure.profiles import KnownProfiles, ProfileDefinition
from azure.profiles.multiapiclient import MultiApiClientMixin
from ._configuration import DeploymentScriptsClientConfiguration

class _SDKClient(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """This is a fake class to support current implemetation of MultiApiClientMixin."
        Will be removed in final version of multiapi azure-core based client

[docs]class DeploymentScriptsClient(MultiApiClientMixin, _SDKClient): """The APIs listed in this specification can be used to manage Deployment Scripts resource through the Azure Resource Manager. This ready contains multiple API versions, to help you deal with all of the Azure clouds (Azure Stack, Azure Government, Azure China, etc.). By default, it uses the latest API version available on public Azure. For production, you should stick to a particular api-version and/or profile. The profile sets a mapping between an operation group and its API version. The api-version parameter sets the default API version if the operation group is not described in the profile. :param credential: Credential needed for the client to connect to Azure. :type credential: ~azure.core.credentials.TokenCredential :param subscription_id: Subscription Id which forms part of the URI for every service call. :type subscription_id: str :param str api_version: API version to use if no profile is provided, or if missing in profile. :param str base_url: Service URL :param profile: A profile definition, from KnownProfiles to dict. :type profile: azure.profiles.KnownProfiles :keyword int polling_interval: Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present. """ DEFAULT_API_VERSION = '2020-10-01' _PROFILE_TAG = "azure.mgmt.resource.DeploymentScriptsClient" LATEST_PROFILE = ProfileDefinition({ _PROFILE_TAG: { None: DEFAULT_API_VERSION, }}, _PROFILE_TAG + " latest" ) def __init__( self, credential, # type: "TokenCredential" subscription_id, # type: str api_version=None, base_url=None, profile=KnownProfiles.default, **kwargs # type: Any ): if not base_url: base_url = '' self._config = DeploymentScriptsClientConfiguration(credential, subscription_id, **kwargs) self._client = ARMPipelineClient(base_url=base_url, config=self._config, **kwargs) super(DeploymentScriptsClient, self).__init__( api_version=api_version, profile=profile ) @classmethod def _models_dict(cls, api_version): return {k: v for k, v in cls.models(api_version).__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, type)}
[docs] @classmethod def models(cls, api_version=DEFAULT_API_VERSION): """Module depends on the API version: * 2019-10-01-preview: :mod:`v2019_10_01_preview.models<azure.mgmt.resource.v2019_10_01_preview.models>` * 2020-10-01: :mod:`v2020_10_01.models<azure.mgmt.resource.v2020_10_01.models>` """ if api_version == '2019-10-01-preview': from .v2019_10_01_preview import models return models elif api_version == '2020-10-01': from .v2020_10_01 import models return models raise ValueError("API version {} is not available".format(api_version))
@property def deployment_scripts(self): """Instance depends on the API version: * 2019-10-01-preview: :class:`DeploymentScriptsOperations<azure.mgmt.resource.v2019_10_01_preview.operations.DeploymentScriptsOperations>` * 2020-10-01: :class:`DeploymentScriptsOperations<azure.mgmt.resource.v2020_10_01.operations.DeploymentScriptsOperations>` """ api_version = self._get_api_version('deployment_scripts') if api_version == '2019-10-01-preview': from .v2019_10_01_preview.operations import DeploymentScriptsOperations as OperationClass elif api_version == '2020-10-01': from .v2020_10_01.operations import DeploymentScriptsOperations as OperationClass else: raise ValueError("API version {} does not have operation group 'deployment_scripts'".format(api_version)) return OperationClass(self._client, self._config, Serializer(self._models_dict(api_version)), Deserializer(self._models_dict(api_version)))
[docs] def close(self): self._client.close()
def __enter__(self): self._client.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, *exc_details): self._client.__exit__(*exc_details)