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from enum import Enum

[docs]class Access(str, Enum): """Indicates whether the traffic is allowed or denied. """ allow = "Allow" deny = "Deny"
[docs]class ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth(str, Enum): """Health of backend server. """ unknown = "Unknown" up = "Up" down = "Down" partial = "Partial" draining = "Draining"
[docs]class ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity(str, Enum): """Cookie based affinity. """ enabled = "Enabled" disabled = "Disabled"
[docs]class ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode(str, Enum): """Web application firewall mode. """ detection = "Detection" prevention = "Prevention"
[docs]class ApplicationGatewayOperationalState(str, Enum): """Operational state of the application gateway resource. """ stopped = "Stopped" starting = "Starting" running = "Running" stopping = "Stopping"
[docs]class ApplicationGatewayProtocol(str, Enum): """Protocol. """ http = "Http" https = "Https"
[docs]class ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType(str, Enum): """Rule type. """ basic = "Basic" path_based_routing = "PathBasedRouting"
[docs]class ApplicationGatewaySkuName(str, Enum): """Name of an application gateway SKU. """ standard_small = "Standard_Small" standard_medium = "Standard_Medium" standard_large = "Standard_Large" waf_medium = "WAF_Medium" waf_large = "WAF_Large"
[docs]class ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol(str, Enum): tl_sv1_0 = "TLSv1_0" tl_sv1_1 = "TLSv1_1" tl_sv1_2 = "TLSv1_2"
[docs]class ApplicationGatewayTier(str, Enum): """Tier of an application gateway. """ standard = "Standard" waf = "WAF"
[docs]class AssociationType(str, Enum): """The association type of the child resource to the parent resource. """ associated = "Associated" contains = "Contains"
[docs]class AuthorizationUseStatus(str, Enum): """AuthorizationUseStatus. Possible values are: 'Available' and 'InUse'. """ available = "Available" in_use = "InUse"
[docs]class BgpPeerState(str, Enum): """The BGP peer state """ unknown = "Unknown" stopped = "Stopped" idle = "Idle" connecting = "Connecting" connected = "Connected"
[docs]class ConnectionStatus(str, Enum): """The connection status. """ unknown = "Unknown" connected = "Connected" disconnected = "Disconnected" degraded = "Degraded"
[docs]class DhGroup(str, Enum): """The DH Groups used in IKE Phase 1 for initial SA. """ none = "None" dh_group1 = "DHGroup1" dh_group2 = "DHGroup2" dh_group14 = "DHGroup14" dh_group2048 = "DHGroup2048" ecp256 = "ECP256" ecp384 = "ECP384" dh_group24 = "DHGroup24"
[docs]class Direction(str, Enum): """The direction of the packet represented as a 5-tuple. """ inbound = "Inbound" outbound = "Outbound"
[docs]class EffectiveRouteSource(str, Enum): """Who created the route. Possible values are: 'Unknown', 'User', 'VirtualNetworkGateway', and 'Default'. """ unknown = "Unknown" user = "User" virtual_network_gateway = "VirtualNetworkGateway" default = "Default"
[docs]class EffectiveRouteState(str, Enum): """The value of effective route. Possible values are: 'Active' and 'Invalid'. """ active = "Active" invalid = "Invalid"
[docs]class ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState(str, Enum): """AdvertisedPublicPrefixState of the Peering resource. Possible values are 'NotConfigured', 'Configuring', 'Configured', and 'ValidationNeeded'. """ not_configured = "NotConfigured" configuring = "Configuring" configured = "Configured" validation_needed = "ValidationNeeded"
[docs]class ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState(str, Enum): """The state of peering. Possible values are: 'Disabled' and 'Enabled' """ disabled = "Disabled" enabled = "Enabled"
[docs]class ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringType(str, Enum): """The PeeringType. Possible values are: 'AzurePublicPeering', 'AzurePrivatePeering', and 'MicrosoftPeering'. """ azure_public_peering = "AzurePublicPeering" azure_private_peering = "AzurePrivatePeering" microsoft_peering = "MicrosoftPeering"
[docs]class ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily(str, Enum): """The family of the SKU. Possible values are: 'UnlimitedData' and 'MeteredData'. """ unlimited_data = "UnlimitedData" metered_data = "MeteredData"
[docs]class ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier(str, Enum): """The tier of the SKU. Possible values are 'Standard' and 'Premium'. """ standard = "Standard" premium = "Premium"
[docs]class IkeEncryption(str, Enum): """The IKE encryption algorithm (IKE phase 2). """ des = "DES" des3 = "DES3" aes128 = "AES128" aes192 = "AES192" aes256 = "AES256"
[docs]class IkeIntegrity(str, Enum): """The IKE integrity algorithm (IKE phase 2). """ md5 = "MD5" sha1 = "SHA1" sha256 = "SHA256" sha384 = "SHA384"
[docs]class IPAllocationMethod(str, Enum): """PrivateIP allocation method. """ static = "Static" dynamic = "Dynamic"
[docs]class IpsecEncryption(str, Enum): """The IPSec encryption algorithm (IKE phase 1). """ none = "None" des = "DES" des3 = "DES3" aes128 = "AES128" aes192 = "AES192" aes256 = "AES256" gcmaes128 = "GCMAES128" gcmaes192 = "GCMAES192" gcmaes256 = "GCMAES256"
[docs]class IpsecIntegrity(str, Enum): """The IPSec integrity algorithm (IKE phase 1). """ md5 = "MD5" sha1 = "SHA1" sha256 = "SHA256" gcmaes128 = "GCMAES128" gcmaes192 = "GCMAES192" gcmaes256 = "GCMAES256"
[docs]class IPVersion(str, Enum): """Available from Api-Version 2016-03-30 onwards, it represents whether the specific ipconfiguration is IPv4 or IPv6. Default is taken as IPv4. Possible values are: 'IPv4' and 'IPv6'. """ i_pv4 = "IPv4" i_pv6 = "IPv6"
[docs]class IssueType(str, Enum): """The type of issue. """ unknown = "Unknown" agent_stopped = "AgentStopped" guest_firewall = "GuestFirewall" dns_resolution = "DnsResolution" socket_bind = "SocketBind" network_security_rule = "NetworkSecurityRule" user_defined_route = "UserDefinedRoute" port_throttled = "PortThrottled" platform = "Platform"
[docs]class LoadDistribution(str, Enum): """The load distribution policy for this rule. Possible values are 'Default', 'SourceIP', and 'SourceIPProtocol'. """ default = "Default" source_ip = "SourceIP" source_ip_protocol = "SourceIPProtocol"
[docs]class NetworkOperationStatus(str, Enum): """Status of the Azure async operation. Possible values are: 'InProgress', 'Succeeded', and 'Failed'. """ in_progress = "InProgress" succeeded = "Succeeded" failed = "Failed"
[docs]class NextHopType(str, Enum): """Next hop type. """ internet = "Internet" virtual_appliance = "VirtualAppliance" virtual_network_gateway = "VirtualNetworkGateway" vnet_local = "VnetLocal" hyper_net_gateway = "HyperNetGateway" none = "None"
[docs]class Origin(str, Enum): """The origin of the issue. """ local = "Local" inbound = "Inbound" outbound = "Outbound"
[docs]class PcError(str, Enum): internal_error = "InternalError" agent_stopped = "AgentStopped" capture_failed = "CaptureFailed" local_file_failed = "LocalFileFailed" storage_failed = "StorageFailed"
[docs]class PcProtocol(str, Enum): """Protocol to be filtered on. """ tcp = "TCP" udp = "UDP" any = "Any"
[docs]class PcStatus(str, Enum): """The status of the packet capture session. """ not_started = "NotStarted" running = "Running" stopped = "Stopped" error = "Error" unknown = "Unknown"
[docs]class PfsGroup(str, Enum): """The DH Groups used in IKE Phase 2 for new child SA. """ none = "None" pfs1 = "PFS1" pfs2 = "PFS2" pfs2048 = "PFS2048" ecp256 = "ECP256" ecp384 = "ECP384" pfs24 = "PFS24"
[docs]class ProbeProtocol(str, Enum): """The protocol of the end point. Possible values are: 'Http' or 'Tcp'. If 'Tcp' is specified, a received ACK is required for the probe to be successful. If 'Http' is specified, a 200 OK response from the specifies URI is required for the probe to be successful. """ http = "Http" tcp = "Tcp"
[docs]class ProcessorArchitecture(str, Enum): """VPN client Processor Architecture. Possible values are: 'AMD64' and 'X86'. """ amd64 = "Amd64" x86 = "X86"
[docs]class Protocol(str, Enum): """Protocol to be verified on. """ tcp = "TCP" udp = "UDP"
[docs]class ProvisioningState(str, Enum): """The provisioning state of the resource. """ succeeded = "Succeeded" updating = "Updating" deleting = "Deleting" failed = "Failed"
[docs]class RouteNextHopType(str, Enum): """The type of Azure hop the packet should be sent to. Possible values are: 'VirtualNetworkGateway', 'VnetLocal', 'Internet', 'VirtualAppliance', and 'None'. """ virtual_network_gateway = "VirtualNetworkGateway" vnet_local = "VnetLocal" internet = "Internet" virtual_appliance = "VirtualAppliance" none = "None"
[docs]class SecurityRuleAccess(str, Enum): """Whether network traffic is allowed or denied. Possible values are: 'Allow' and 'Deny'. """ allow = "Allow" deny = "Deny"
[docs]class SecurityRuleDirection(str, Enum): """The direction of the rule. Possible values are: 'Inbound and Outbound'. """ inbound = "Inbound" outbound = "Outbound"
[docs]class SecurityRuleProtocol(str, Enum): """The network protocol this rule applies to. Possible values are: 'Tcp', 'Udp', and '*'. """ tcp = "Tcp" udp = "Udp" asterisk = "*"
[docs]class ServiceProviderProvisioningState(str, Enum): """The ServiceProviderProvisioningState state of the resource. Possible values are 'NotProvisioned', 'Provisioning', 'Provisioned', and 'Deprovisioning'. """ not_provisioned = "NotProvisioned" provisioning = "Provisioning" provisioned = "Provisioned" deprovisioning = "Deprovisioning"
[docs]class Severity(str, Enum): """The severity of the issue. """ error = "Error" warning = "Warning"
[docs]class TransportProtocol(str, Enum): """The transport protocol for the external endpoint. Possible values are 'Udp' or 'Tcp' """ udp = "Udp" tcp = "Tcp"
[docs]class VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus(str, Enum): """Virtual network Gateway connection status """ unknown = "Unknown" connecting = "Connecting" connected = "Connected" not_connected = "NotConnected"
[docs]class VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType(str, Enum): """Gateway connection type. Possible values are: 'IPsec','Vnet2Vnet','ExpressRoute', and 'VPNClient. """ i_psec = "IPsec" vnet2_vnet = "Vnet2Vnet" express_route = "ExpressRoute" vpn_client = "VPNClient"
[docs]class VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName(str, Enum): """Gateway SKU name. """ basic = "Basic" high_performance = "HighPerformance" standard = "Standard" ultra_performance = "UltraPerformance" vpn_gw1 = "VpnGw1" vpn_gw2 = "VpnGw2" vpn_gw3 = "VpnGw3"
[docs]class VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier(str, Enum): """Gateway SKU tier. """ basic = "Basic" high_performance = "HighPerformance" standard = "Standard" ultra_performance = "UltraPerformance" vpn_gw1 = "VpnGw1" vpn_gw2 = "VpnGw2" vpn_gw3 = "VpnGw3"
[docs]class VirtualNetworkGatewayType(str, Enum): """The type of this virtual network gateway. Possible values are: 'Vpn' and 'ExpressRoute'. """ vpn = "Vpn" express_route = "ExpressRoute"
[docs]class VirtualNetworkPeeringState(str, Enum): """The status of the virtual network peering. Possible values are 'Initiated', 'Connected', and 'Disconnected'. """ initiated = "Initiated" connected = "Connected" disconnected = "Disconnected"
[docs]class VpnType(str, Enum): """The type of this virtual network gateway. Possible values are: 'PolicyBased' and 'RouteBased'. """ policy_based = "PolicyBased" route_based = "RouteBased"