Source code for azure.mgmt.managementgroups.operations.entities_operations

# coding=utf-8
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import uuid
from msrest.pipeline import ClientRawResponse

from .. import models

[docs]class EntitiesOperations(object): """EntitiesOperations operations. :param client: Client for service requests. :param config: Configuration of service client. :param serializer: An object model serializer. :param deserializer: An object model deserializer. :ivar api_version: Version of the API to be used with the client request. The current version is 2018-01-01-preview. Constant value: "2018-03-01-preview". """ models = models def __init__(self, client, config, serializer, deserializer): self._client = client self._serialize = serializer self._deserialize = deserializer self.api_version = "2018-03-01-preview" self.config = config
[docs] def list( self, skiptoken=None, skip=None, top=None, select=None, search=None, filter=None, view=None, group_name=None, cache_control="no-cache", custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """List all entities (Management Groups, Subscriptions, etc.) for the authenticated user. :param skiptoken: Page continuation token is only used if a previous operation returned a partial result. If a previous response contains a nextLink element, the value of the nextLink element will include a token parameter that specifies a starting point to use for subsequent calls. :type skiptoken: str :param skip: Number of entities to skip over when retrieving results. Passing this in will override $skipToken. :type skip: int :param top: Number of elements to return when retrieving results. Passing this in will override $skipToken. :type top: int :param select: This parameter specifies the fields to include in the response. Can include any combination of Name,DisplayName,Type,ParentDisplayNameChain,ParentChain, e.g. '$select=Name,DisplayName,Type,ParentDisplayNameChain,ParentNameChain'. When specified the $select parameter can override select in $skipToken. :type select: str :param search: The $search parameter is used in conjunction with the $filter parameter to return three different outputs depending on the parameter passed in. With $search=AllowedParents the API will return the entity info of all groups that the requested entity will be able to reparent to as determined by the user's permissions. With $search=AllowedChildren the API will return the entity info of all entities that can be added as children of the requested entity. With $search=ParentAndFirstLevelChildren the API will return the parent and first level of children that the user has either direct access to or indirect access via one of their descendants. Possible values include: 'AllowedParents', 'AllowedChildren', 'ParentAndFirstLevelChildren', 'ParentOnly', 'ChildrenOnly' :type search: str :param filter: The filter parameter allows you to filter on the name or display name fields. You can check for equality on the name field (e.g. name eq '{entityName}') and you can check for substrings on either the name or display name fields(e.g. contains(name, '{substringToSearch}'), contains(displayName, '{substringToSearch')). Note that the '{entityName}' and '{substringToSearch}' fields are checked case insensitively. :type filter: str :param view: The view parameter allows clients to filter the type of data that is returned by the getEntities call. Possible values include: 'FullHierarchy', 'GroupsOnly', 'SubscriptionsOnly', 'Audit' :type view: str :param group_name: A filter which allows the get entities call to focus on a particular group (i.e. "$filter=name eq 'groupName'") :type group_name: str :param cache_control: Indicates that the request shouldn't utilize any caches. :type cache_control: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :return: An iterator like instance of EntityInfo :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models.EntityInfoPaged[~azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models.EntityInfo] :raises: :class:`ErrorResponseException<azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models.ErrorResponseException>` """ def internal_paging(next_link=None, raw=False): if not next_link: # Construct URL url = self.list.metadata['url'] # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') if skiptoken is not None: query_parameters['$skiptoken'] = self._serialize.query("skiptoken", skiptoken, 'str') if skip is not None: query_parameters['$skip'] = self._serialize.query("skip", skip, 'int') if top is not None: query_parameters['$top'] = self._serialize.query("top", top, 'int') if select is not None: query_parameters['$select'] = self._serialize.query("select", select, 'str') if search is not None: query_parameters['$search'] = self._serialize.query("search", search, 'str') if filter is not None: query_parameters['$filter'] = self._serialize.query("filter", filter, 'str') if view is not None: query_parameters['$view'] = self._serialize.query("view", view, 'str') if group_name is not None: query_parameters['groupName'] = self._serialize.query("group_name", group_name, 'str') else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Accept'] = 'application/json' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if cache_control is not None: header_parameters['Cache-Control'] = self._serialize.header("cache_control", cache_control, 'str') if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request =, query_parameters, header_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: raise models.ErrorResponseException(self._deserialize, response) return response # Deserialize response deserialized = models.EntityInfoPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies) if raw: header_dict = {} client_raw_response = models.EntityInfoPaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies, header_dict) return client_raw_response return deserialized
list.metadata = {'url': '/providers/Microsoft.Management/getEntities'}