azure.mgmt.machinelearningcompute package

Module contents

class azure.mgmt.machinelearningcompute.MachineLearningComputeManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id, base_url=None)[source]

Bases: object

These APIs allow end users to operate on Azure Machine Learning Compute resources. They support the following operations:<ul><li>Create or update a cluster</li><li>Get a cluster</li><li>Patch a cluster</li><li>Delete a cluster</li><li>Get keys for a cluster</li><li>Check if updates are available for system services in a cluster</li><li>Update system services in a cluster</li><li>Get all clusters in a resource group</li><li>Get all clusters in a subscription</li></ul>

  • credentials (A msrestazure Credentials object) – Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure.

  • subscription_id (str) – The Azure subscription ID.

  • base_url (str) – Service URL