Source code for azure.mgmt.imagebuilder.models._image_builder_client_enums

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# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
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from enum import Enum

[docs]class ProvisioningState(str, Enum): creating = "Creating" updating = "Updating" succeeded = "Succeeded" failed = "Failed" deleting = "Deleting"
[docs]class ProvisioningErrorCode(str, Enum): bad_source_type = "BadSourceType" bad_pir_source = "BadPIRSource" bad_managed_image_source = "BadManagedImageSource" bad_shared_image_version_source = "BadSharedImageVersionSource" bad_customizer_type = "BadCustomizerType" unsupported_customizer_type = "UnsupportedCustomizerType" no_customizer_script = "NoCustomizerScript" bad_distribute_type = "BadDistributeType" bad_shared_image_distribute = "BadSharedImageDistribute" server_error = "ServerError" other = "Other"
[docs]class RunState(str, Enum): running = "Running" canceling = "Canceling" succeeded = "Succeeded" partially_succeeded = "PartiallySucceeded" failed = "Failed" canceled = "Canceled"
[docs]class RunSubState(str, Enum): queued = "Queued" building = "Building" customizing = "Customizing" distributing = "Distributing"
[docs]class ResourceIdentityType(str, Enum): user_assigned = "UserAssigned" none = "None"
[docs]class SharedImageStorageAccountType(str, Enum): standard_lrs = "Standard_LRS" standard_zrs = "Standard_ZRS"