Source code for azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models._models_py3

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
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# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

from msrest.serialization import Model
from msrest.exceptions import HttpOperationError

[docs]class Resource(Model): """The core properties of ARM resources. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar id: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource. :vartype id: str :ivar name: The name of the resource :vartype name: str :ivar type: The type of the resource. :vartype type: str """ _validation = { 'id': {'readonly': True}, 'name': {'readonly': True}, 'type': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super(Resource, self).__init__(**kwargs) = None = None self.type = None
[docs]class ProxyResource(Resource): """The resource model definition for a ARM proxy resource. It will have everything other than required location and tags. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar id: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource. :vartype id: str :ivar name: The name of the resource :vartype name: str :ivar type: The type of the resource. :vartype type: str """ _validation = { 'id': {'readonly': True}, 'name': {'readonly': True}, 'type': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super(ProxyResource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class Application(ProxyResource): """The HDInsight cluster application. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar id: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource. :vartype id: str :ivar name: The name of the resource :vartype name: str :ivar type: The type of the resource. :vartype type: str :param etag: The ETag for the application :type etag: str :param tags: The tags for the application. :type tags: dict[str, str] :param properties: The properties of the application. :type properties: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ApplicationProperties """ _validation = { 'id': {'readonly': True}, 'name': {'readonly': True}, 'type': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'}, 'etag': {'key': 'etag', 'type': 'str'}, 'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'}, 'properties': {'key': 'properties', 'type': 'ApplicationProperties'}, } def __init__(self, *, etag: str=None, tags=None, properties=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Application, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.etag = etag self.tags = tags = properties
[docs]class ApplicationGetEndpoint(Model): """Gets the application SSH endpoint. :param location: The location of the endpoint. :type location: str :param destination_port: The destination port to connect to. :type destination_port: int :param public_port: The public port to connect to. :type public_port: int """ _attribute_map = { 'location': {'key': 'location', 'type': 'str'}, 'destination_port': {'key': 'destinationPort', 'type': 'int'}, 'public_port': {'key': 'publicPort', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__(self, *, location: str=None, destination_port: int=None, public_port: int=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ApplicationGetEndpoint, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.location = location self.destination_port = destination_port self.public_port = public_port
[docs]class ApplicationGetHttpsEndpoint(Model): """Gets the application HTTP endpoints. :param access_modes: The list of access modes for the application. :type access_modes: list[str] :param location: The location of the endpoint. :type location: str :param destination_port: The destination port to connect to. :type destination_port: int :param public_port: The public port to connect to. :type public_port: int :param sub_domain_suffix: The subdomain suffix of the application. :type sub_domain_suffix: str :param disable_gateway_auth: The value indicates whether to disable GatewayAuth. :type disable_gateway_auth: bool """ _attribute_map = { 'access_modes': {'key': 'accessModes', 'type': '[str]'}, 'location': {'key': 'location', 'type': 'str'}, 'destination_port': {'key': 'destinationPort', 'type': 'int'}, 'public_port': {'key': 'publicPort', 'type': 'int'}, 'sub_domain_suffix': {'key': 'subDomainSuffix', 'type': 'str'}, 'disable_gateway_auth': {'key': 'disableGatewayAuth', 'type': 'bool'}, } def __init__(self, *, access_modes=None, location: str=None, destination_port: int=None, public_port: int=None, sub_domain_suffix: str=None, disable_gateway_auth: bool=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ApplicationGetHttpsEndpoint, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.access_modes = access_modes self.location = location self.destination_port = destination_port self.public_port = public_port self.sub_domain_suffix = sub_domain_suffix self.disable_gateway_auth = disable_gateway_auth
[docs]class ApplicationProperties(Model): """The HDInsight cluster application GET response. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :param compute_profile: The list of roles in the cluster. :type compute_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ComputeProfile :param install_script_actions: The list of install script actions. :type install_script_actions: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.RuntimeScriptAction] :param uninstall_script_actions: The list of uninstall script actions. :type uninstall_script_actions: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.RuntimeScriptAction] :param https_endpoints: The list of application HTTPS endpoints. :type https_endpoints: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ApplicationGetHttpsEndpoint] :param ssh_endpoints: The list of application SSH endpoints. :type ssh_endpoints: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ApplicationGetEndpoint] :ivar provisioning_state: The provisioning state of the application. :vartype provisioning_state: str :param application_type: The application type. :type application_type: str :ivar application_state: The application state. :vartype application_state: str :param errors: The list of errors. :type errors: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.Errors] :ivar created_date: The application create date time. :vartype created_date: str :ivar marketplace_identifier: The marketplace identifier. :vartype marketplace_identifier: str """ _validation = { 'provisioning_state': {'readonly': True}, 'application_state': {'readonly': True}, 'created_date': {'readonly': True}, 'marketplace_identifier': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'compute_profile': {'key': 'computeProfile', 'type': 'ComputeProfile'}, 'install_script_actions': {'key': 'installScriptActions', 'type': '[RuntimeScriptAction]'}, 'uninstall_script_actions': {'key': 'uninstallScriptActions', 'type': '[RuntimeScriptAction]'}, 'https_endpoints': {'key': 'httpsEndpoints', 'type': '[ApplicationGetHttpsEndpoint]'}, 'ssh_endpoints': {'key': 'sshEndpoints', 'type': '[ApplicationGetEndpoint]'}, 'provisioning_state': {'key': 'provisioningState', 'type': 'str'}, 'application_type': {'key': 'applicationType', 'type': 'str'}, 'application_state': {'key': 'applicationState', 'type': 'str'}, 'errors': {'key': 'errors', 'type': '[Errors]'}, 'created_date': {'key': 'createdDate', 'type': 'str'}, 'marketplace_identifier': {'key': 'marketplaceIdentifier', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, compute_profile=None, install_script_actions=None, uninstall_script_actions=None, https_endpoints=None, ssh_endpoints=None, application_type: str=None, errors=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ApplicationProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.compute_profile = compute_profile self.install_script_actions = install_script_actions self.uninstall_script_actions = uninstall_script_actions self.https_endpoints = https_endpoints self.ssh_endpoints = ssh_endpoints self.provisioning_state = None self.application_type = application_type self.application_state = None self.errors = errors self.created_date = None self.marketplace_identifier = None
[docs]class Autoscale(Model): """The autoscale request parameters. :param capacity: Parameters for load-based autoscale :type capacity: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.AutoscaleCapacity :param recurrence: Parameters for schedule-based autoscale :type recurrence: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.AutoscaleRecurrence """ _attribute_map = { 'capacity': {'key': 'capacity', 'type': 'AutoscaleCapacity'}, 'recurrence': {'key': 'recurrence', 'type': 'AutoscaleRecurrence'}, } def __init__(self, *, capacity=None, recurrence=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Autoscale, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.capacity = capacity self.recurrence = recurrence
[docs]class AutoscaleCapacity(Model): """The load-based autoscale request parameters. :param min_instance_count: The minimum instance count of the cluster :type min_instance_count: int :param max_instance_count: The maximum instance count of the cluster :type max_instance_count: int """ _attribute_map = { 'min_instance_count': {'key': 'minInstanceCount', 'type': 'int'}, 'max_instance_count': {'key': 'maxInstanceCount', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__(self, *, min_instance_count: int=None, max_instance_count: int=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(AutoscaleCapacity, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.min_instance_count = min_instance_count self.max_instance_count = max_instance_count
[docs]class AutoscaleConfigurationUpdateParameter(Model): """The autoscale configuration update parameter. :param autoscale: The autoscale configuration. :type autoscale: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.Autoscale """ _attribute_map = { 'autoscale': {'key': 'autoscale', 'type': 'Autoscale'}, } def __init__(self, *, autoscale=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(AutoscaleConfigurationUpdateParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.autoscale = autoscale
[docs]class AutoscaleRecurrence(Model): """Schedule-based autoscale request parameters. :param time_zone: The time zone for the autoscale schedule times :type time_zone: str :param schedule: Array of schedule-based autoscale rules :type schedule: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.AutoscaleSchedule] """ _attribute_map = { 'time_zone': {'key': 'timeZone', 'type': 'str'}, 'schedule': {'key': 'schedule', 'type': '[AutoscaleSchedule]'}, } def __init__(self, *, time_zone: str=None, schedule=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(AutoscaleRecurrence, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.time_zone = time_zone self.schedule = schedule
[docs]class AutoscaleSchedule(Model): """Parameters for a schedule-based autoscale rule, consisting of an array of days + a time and capacity. :param days: Days of the week for a schedule-based autoscale rule :type days: list[str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.DaysOfWeek] :param time_and_capacity: Time and capacity for a schedule-based autoscale rule :type time_and_capacity: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.AutoscaleTimeAndCapacity """ _attribute_map = { 'days': {'key': 'days', 'type': '[DaysOfWeek]'}, 'time_and_capacity': {'key': 'timeAndCapacity', 'type': 'AutoscaleTimeAndCapacity'}, } def __init__(self, *, days=None, time_and_capacity=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(AutoscaleSchedule, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.days = days self.time_and_capacity = time_and_capacity
[docs]class AutoscaleTimeAndCapacity(Model): """Time and capacity request parameters. :param time: 24-hour time in the form xx:xx :type time: str :param min_instance_count: The minimum instance count of the cluster :type min_instance_count: int :param max_instance_count: The maximum instance count of the cluster :type max_instance_count: int """ _attribute_map = { 'time': {'key': 'time', 'type': 'str'}, 'min_instance_count': {'key': 'minInstanceCount', 'type': 'int'}, 'max_instance_count': {'key': 'maxInstanceCount', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__(self, *, time: str=None, min_instance_count: int=None, max_instance_count: int=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(AutoscaleTimeAndCapacity, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.time = time self.min_instance_count = min_instance_count self.max_instance_count = max_instance_count
[docs]class BillingMeters(Model): """The billing meters. :param meter_parameter: The virtual machine sizes. :type meter_parameter: str :param meter: The HDInsight meter guid. :type meter: str :param unit: The unit of meter, VMHours or CoreHours. :type unit: str """ _attribute_map = { 'meter_parameter': {'key': 'meterParameter', 'type': 'str'}, 'meter': {'key': 'meter', 'type': 'str'}, 'unit': {'key': 'unit', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, meter_parameter: str=None, meter: str=None, unit: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(BillingMeters, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.meter_parameter = meter_parameter self.meter = meter self.unit = unit
[docs]class BillingResources(Model): """The billing resources. :param region: The region or location. :type region: str :param billing_meters: The billing meter information. :type billing_meters: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.BillingMeters] :param disk_billing_meters: The managed disk billing information. :type disk_billing_meters: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.DiskBillingMeters] """ _attribute_map = { 'region': {'key': 'region', 'type': 'str'}, 'billing_meters': {'key': 'billingMeters', 'type': '[BillingMeters]'}, 'disk_billing_meters': {'key': 'diskBillingMeters', 'type': '[DiskBillingMeters]'}, } def __init__(self, *, region: str=None, billing_meters=None, disk_billing_meters=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(BillingResources, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.region = region self.billing_meters = billing_meters self.disk_billing_meters = disk_billing_meters
[docs]class BillingResponseListResult(Model): """The response for the operation to get regional billingSpecs for a subscription. :param vm_sizes: The virtual machine sizes to include or exclude. :type vm_sizes: list[str] :param vm_size_filters: The virtual machine filtering mode. Effectively this can enabling or disabling the virtual machine sizes in a particular set. :type vm_size_filters: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.VmSizeCompatibilityFilterV2] :param billing_resources: The billing and managed disk billing resources for a region. :type billing_resources: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.BillingResources] """ _attribute_map = { 'vm_sizes': {'key': 'vmSizes', 'type': '[str]'}, 'vm_size_filters': {'key': 'vmSizeFilters', 'type': '[VmSizeCompatibilityFilterV2]'}, 'billing_resources': {'key': 'billingResources', 'type': '[BillingResources]'}, } def __init__(self, *, vm_sizes=None, vm_size_filters=None, billing_resources=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(BillingResponseListResult, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.vm_sizes = vm_sizes self.vm_size_filters = vm_size_filters self.billing_resources = billing_resources
[docs]class CapabilitiesResult(Model): """The Get Capabilities operation response. :param versions: The version capability. :type versions: dict[str, ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.VersionsCapability] :param regions: The virtual machine size compatibility features. :type regions: dict[str, ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.RegionsCapability] :param vm_sizes: The virtual machine sizes. :type vm_sizes: dict[str, ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.VmSizesCapability] :param vm_size_filters: The virtual machine size compatibility filters. :type vm_size_filters: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.VmSizeCompatibilityFilter] :param features: The capability features. :type features: list[str] :param quota: The quota capability. :type quota: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.QuotaCapability """ _attribute_map = { 'versions': {'key': 'versions', 'type': '{VersionsCapability}'}, 'regions': {'key': 'regions', 'type': '{RegionsCapability}'}, 'vm_sizes': {'key': 'vmSizes', 'type': '{VmSizesCapability}'}, 'vm_size_filters': {'key': 'vmSize_filters', 'type': '[VmSizeCompatibilityFilter]'}, 'features': {'key': 'features', 'type': '[str]'}, 'quota': {'key': 'quota', 'type': 'QuotaCapability'}, } def __init__(self, *, versions=None, regions=None, vm_sizes=None, vm_size_filters=None, features=None, quota=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(CapabilitiesResult, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.versions = versions self.regions = regions self.vm_sizes = vm_sizes self.vm_size_filters = vm_size_filters self.features = features self.quota = quota
[docs]class ClientGroupInfo(Model): """The information of AAD security group. :param group_name: The AAD security group name. :type group_name: str :param group_id: The AAD security group id. :type group_id: str """ _attribute_map = { 'group_name': {'key': 'groupName', 'type': 'str'}, 'group_id': {'key': 'groupId', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, group_name: str=None, group_id: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClientGroupInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.group_name = group_name self.group_id = group_id
class CloudError(Model): """CloudError. """ _attribute_map = { }
[docs]class TrackedResource(Resource): """The resource model definition for a ARM tracked top level resource. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar id: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource. :vartype id: str :ivar name: The name of the resource :vartype name: str :ivar type: The type of the resource. :vartype type: str :param location: The Azure Region where the resource lives :type location: str :param tags: Resource tags. :type tags: dict[str, str] """ _validation = { 'id': {'readonly': True}, 'name': {'readonly': True}, 'type': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'}, 'location': {'key': 'location', 'type': 'str'}, 'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'}, } def __init__(self, *, location: str=None, tags=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(TrackedResource, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.location = location self.tags = tags
[docs]class Cluster(TrackedResource): """The HDInsight cluster. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar id: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource. :vartype id: str :ivar name: The name of the resource :vartype name: str :ivar type: The type of the resource. :vartype type: str :param location: The Azure Region where the resource lives :type location: str :param tags: Resource tags. :type tags: dict[str, str] :param etag: The ETag for the resource :type etag: str :param properties: The properties of the cluster. :type properties: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ClusterGetProperties :param identity: The identity of the cluster, if configured. :type identity: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ClusterIdentity """ _validation = { 'id': {'readonly': True}, 'name': {'readonly': True}, 'type': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'}, 'location': {'key': 'location', 'type': 'str'}, 'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'}, 'etag': {'key': 'etag', 'type': 'str'}, 'properties': {'key': 'properties', 'type': 'ClusterGetProperties'}, 'identity': {'key': 'identity', 'type': 'ClusterIdentity'}, } def __init__(self, *, location: str=None, tags=None, etag: str=None, properties=None, identity=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Cluster, self).__init__(location=location, tags=tags, **kwargs) self.etag = etag = properties self.identity = identity
[docs]class ClusterConfigurations(Model): """The configuration object for the specified cluster. :param configurations: The configuration object for the specified configuration for the specified cluster. :type configurations: dict[str, dict[str, str]] """ _attribute_map = { 'configurations': {'key': 'configurations', 'type': '{{str}}'}, } def __init__(self, *, configurations=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterConfigurations, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.configurations = configurations
[docs]class ClusterCreateParametersExtended(Model): """The CreateCluster request parameters. :param location: The location of the cluster. :type location: str :param tags: The resource tags. :type tags: dict[str, str] :param properties: The cluster create parameters. :type properties: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ClusterCreateProperties :param identity: The identity of the cluster, if configured. :type identity: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ClusterIdentity """ _attribute_map = { 'location': {'key': 'location', 'type': 'str'}, 'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'}, 'properties': {'key': 'properties', 'type': 'ClusterCreateProperties'}, 'identity': {'key': 'identity', 'type': 'ClusterIdentity'}, } def __init__(self, *, location: str=None, tags=None, properties=None, identity=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterCreateParametersExtended, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.location = location self.tags = tags = properties self.identity = identity
[docs]class ClusterCreateProperties(Model): """The cluster create parameters. :param cluster_version: The version of the cluster. :type cluster_version: str :param os_type: The type of operating system. Possible values include: 'Windows', 'Linux' :type os_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.OSType :param tier: The cluster tier. Possible values include: 'Standard', 'Premium' :type tier: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.Tier :param cluster_definition: The cluster definition. :type cluster_definition: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ClusterDefinition :param kafka_rest_properties: The cluster kafka rest proxy configuration. :type kafka_rest_properties: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.KafkaRestProperties :param security_profile: The security profile. :type security_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.SecurityProfile :param compute_profile: The compute profile. :type compute_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ComputeProfile :param storage_profile: The storage profile. :type storage_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.StorageProfile :param disk_encryption_properties: The disk encryption properties. :type disk_encryption_properties: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.DiskEncryptionProperties :param encryption_in_transit_properties: The encryption-in-transit properties. :type encryption_in_transit_properties: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.EncryptionInTransitProperties :param min_supported_tls_version: The minimal supported tls version. :type min_supported_tls_version: str :param network_settings: The network settings. :type network_settings: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.NetworkSettings """ _attribute_map = { 'cluster_version': {'key': 'clusterVersion', 'type': 'str'}, 'os_type': {'key': 'osType', 'type': 'OSType'}, 'tier': {'key': 'tier', 'type': 'Tier'}, 'cluster_definition': {'key': 'clusterDefinition', 'type': 'ClusterDefinition'}, 'kafka_rest_properties': {'key': 'kafkaRestProperties', 'type': 'KafkaRestProperties'}, 'security_profile': {'key': 'securityProfile', 'type': 'SecurityProfile'}, 'compute_profile': {'key': 'computeProfile', 'type': 'ComputeProfile'}, 'storage_profile': {'key': 'storageProfile', 'type': 'StorageProfile'}, 'disk_encryption_properties': {'key': 'diskEncryptionProperties', 'type': 'DiskEncryptionProperties'}, 'encryption_in_transit_properties': {'key': 'encryptionInTransitProperties', 'type': 'EncryptionInTransitProperties'}, 'min_supported_tls_version': {'key': 'minSupportedTlsVersion', 'type': 'str'}, 'network_settings': {'key': 'networkSettings', 'type': 'NetworkSettings'}, } def __init__(self, *, cluster_version: str=None, os_type=None, tier=None, cluster_definition=None, kafka_rest_properties=None, security_profile=None, compute_profile=None, storage_profile=None, disk_encryption_properties=None, encryption_in_transit_properties=None, min_supported_tls_version: str=None, network_settings=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterCreateProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cluster_version = cluster_version self.os_type = os_type self.tier = tier self.cluster_definition = cluster_definition self.kafka_rest_properties = kafka_rest_properties self.security_profile = security_profile self.compute_profile = compute_profile self.storage_profile = storage_profile self.disk_encryption_properties = disk_encryption_properties self.encryption_in_transit_properties = encryption_in_transit_properties self.min_supported_tls_version = min_supported_tls_version self.network_settings = network_settings
[docs]class ClusterDefinition(Model): """The cluster definition. :param blueprint: The link to the blueprint. :type blueprint: str :param kind: The type of cluster. :type kind: str :param component_version: The versions of different services in the cluster. :type component_version: dict[str, str] :param configurations: The cluster configurations. :type configurations: object """ _attribute_map = { 'blueprint': {'key': 'blueprint', 'type': 'str'}, 'kind': {'key': 'kind', 'type': 'str'}, 'component_version': {'key': 'componentVersion', 'type': '{str}'}, 'configurations': {'key': 'configurations', 'type': 'object'}, } def __init__(self, *, blueprint: str=None, kind: str=None, component_version=None, configurations=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterDefinition, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.blueprint = blueprint self.kind = kind self.component_version = component_version self.configurations = configurations
[docs]class ClusterDiskEncryptionParameters(Model): """The Disk Encryption Cluster request parameters. :param vault_uri: Base key vault URI where the customers key is located eg. :type vault_uri: str :param key_name: Key name that is used for enabling disk encryption. :type key_name: str :param key_version: Specific key version that is used for enabling disk encryption. :type key_version: str """ _attribute_map = { 'vault_uri': {'key': 'vaultUri', 'type': 'str'}, 'key_name': {'key': 'keyName', 'type': 'str'}, 'key_version': {'key': 'keyVersion', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, vault_uri: str=None, key_name: str=None, key_version: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterDiskEncryptionParameters, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.vault_uri = vault_uri self.key_name = key_name self.key_version = key_version
[docs]class ClusterGetProperties(Model): """The properties of cluster. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param cluster_version: The version of the cluster. :type cluster_version: str :param os_type: The type of operating system. Possible values include: 'Windows', 'Linux' :type os_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.OSType :param tier: The cluster tier. Possible values include: 'Standard', 'Premium' :type tier: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.Tier :param cluster_definition: Required. The cluster definition. :type cluster_definition: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ClusterDefinition :param kafka_rest_properties: The cluster kafka rest proxy configuration. :type kafka_rest_properties: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.KafkaRestProperties :param security_profile: The security profile. :type security_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.SecurityProfile :param compute_profile: The compute profile. :type compute_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ComputeProfile :param provisioning_state: The provisioning state, which only appears in the response. Possible values include: 'InProgress', 'Failed', 'Succeeded', 'Canceled', 'Deleting' :type provisioning_state: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.HDInsightClusterProvisioningState :param created_date: The date on which the cluster was created. :type created_date: str :param cluster_state: The state of the cluster. :type cluster_state: str :param quota_info: The quota information. :type quota_info: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.QuotaInfo :param errors: The list of errors. :type errors: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.Errors] :param connectivity_endpoints: The list of connectivity endpoints. :type connectivity_endpoints: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ConnectivityEndpoint] :param disk_encryption_properties: The disk encryption properties. :type disk_encryption_properties: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.DiskEncryptionProperties :param encryption_in_transit_properties: The encryption-in-transit properties. :type encryption_in_transit_properties: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.EncryptionInTransitProperties :param min_supported_tls_version: The minimal supported tls version. :type min_supported_tls_version: str :param network_settings: The network settings. :type network_settings: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.NetworkSettings """ _validation = { 'cluster_definition': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'cluster_version': {'key': 'clusterVersion', 'type': 'str'}, 'os_type': {'key': 'osType', 'type': 'OSType'}, 'tier': {'key': 'tier', 'type': 'Tier'}, 'cluster_definition': {'key': 'clusterDefinition', 'type': 'ClusterDefinition'}, 'kafka_rest_properties': {'key': 'kafkaRestProperties', 'type': 'KafkaRestProperties'}, 'security_profile': {'key': 'securityProfile', 'type': 'SecurityProfile'}, 'compute_profile': {'key': 'computeProfile', 'type': 'ComputeProfile'}, 'provisioning_state': {'key': 'provisioningState', 'type': 'HDInsightClusterProvisioningState'}, 'created_date': {'key': 'createdDate', 'type': 'str'}, 'cluster_state': {'key': 'clusterState', 'type': 'str'}, 'quota_info': {'key': 'quotaInfo', 'type': 'QuotaInfo'}, 'errors': {'key': 'errors', 'type': '[Errors]'}, 'connectivity_endpoints': {'key': 'connectivityEndpoints', 'type': '[ConnectivityEndpoint]'}, 'disk_encryption_properties': {'key': 'diskEncryptionProperties', 'type': 'DiskEncryptionProperties'}, 'encryption_in_transit_properties': {'key': 'encryptionInTransitProperties', 'type': 'EncryptionInTransitProperties'}, 'min_supported_tls_version': {'key': 'minSupportedTlsVersion', 'type': 'str'}, 'network_settings': {'key': 'networkSettings', 'type': 'NetworkSettings'}, } def __init__(self, *, cluster_definition, cluster_version: str=None, os_type=None, tier=None, kafka_rest_properties=None, security_profile=None, compute_profile=None, provisioning_state=None, created_date: str=None, cluster_state: str=None, quota_info=None, errors=None, connectivity_endpoints=None, disk_encryption_properties=None, encryption_in_transit_properties=None, min_supported_tls_version: str=None, network_settings=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterGetProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cluster_version = cluster_version self.os_type = os_type self.tier = tier self.cluster_definition = cluster_definition self.kafka_rest_properties = kafka_rest_properties self.security_profile = security_profile self.compute_profile = compute_profile self.provisioning_state = provisioning_state self.created_date = created_date self.cluster_state = cluster_state self.quota_info = quota_info self.errors = errors self.connectivity_endpoints = connectivity_endpoints self.disk_encryption_properties = disk_encryption_properties self.encryption_in_transit_properties = encryption_in_transit_properties self.min_supported_tls_version = min_supported_tls_version self.network_settings = network_settings
[docs]class ClusterIdentity(Model): """Identity for the cluster. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar principal_id: The principal id of cluster identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. :vartype principal_id: str :ivar tenant_id: The tenant id associated with the cluster. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. :vartype tenant_id: str :param type: The type of identity used for the cluster. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. Possible values include: 'SystemAssigned', 'UserAssigned', 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned', 'None' :type type: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ResourceIdentityType :param user_assigned_identities: The list of user identities associated with the cluster. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}'. :type user_assigned_identities: dict[str, ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ClusterIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue] """ _validation = { 'principal_id': {'readonly': True}, 'tenant_id': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'principal_id': {'key': 'principalId', 'type': 'str'}, 'tenant_id': {'key': 'tenantId', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'ResourceIdentityType'}, 'user_assigned_identities': {'key': 'userAssignedIdentities', 'type': '{ClusterIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue}'}, } def __init__(self, *, type=None, user_assigned_identities=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterIdentity, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.principal_id = None self.tenant_id = None self.type = type self.user_assigned_identities = user_assigned_identities
[docs]class ClusterIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue(Model): """ClusterIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar principal_id: The principal id of user assigned identity. :vartype principal_id: str :ivar client_id: The client id of user assigned identity. :vartype client_id: str """ _validation = { 'principal_id': {'readonly': True}, 'client_id': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'principal_id': {'key': 'principalId', 'type': 'str'}, 'client_id': {'key': 'clientId', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.principal_id = None self.client_id = None
[docs]class ClusterListPersistedScriptActionsResult(Model): """The ListPersistedScriptActions operation response. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :param value: The list of Persisted Script Actions. :type value: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.RuntimeScriptAction] :ivar next_link: The link (url) to the next page of results. :vartype next_link: str """ _validation = { 'next_link': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[RuntimeScriptAction]'}, 'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, value=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterListPersistedScriptActionsResult, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value self.next_link = None
[docs]class ClusterListRuntimeScriptActionDetailResult(Model): """The list runtime script action detail response. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar value: The list of persisted script action details for the cluster. :vartype value: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.RuntimeScriptActionDetail] :ivar next_link: The link (url) to the next page of results. :vartype next_link: str """ _validation = { 'value': {'readonly': True}, 'next_link': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[RuntimeScriptActionDetail]'}, 'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterListRuntimeScriptActionDetailResult, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.value = None self.next_link = None
[docs]class ClusterMonitoringRequest(Model): """The Operations Management Suite (OMS) parameters. :param workspace_id: The Operations Management Suite (OMS) workspace ID. :type workspace_id: str :param primary_key: The Operations Management Suite (OMS) workspace key. :type primary_key: str """ _attribute_map = { 'workspace_id': {'key': 'workspaceId', 'type': 'str'}, 'primary_key': {'key': 'primaryKey', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, workspace_id: str=None, primary_key: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterMonitoringRequest, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.workspace_id = workspace_id self.primary_key = primary_key
[docs]class ClusterMonitoringResponse(Model): """The Operations Management Suite (OMS) status response. :param cluster_monitoring_enabled: The status of the Operations Management Suite (OMS) on the HDInsight cluster. :type cluster_monitoring_enabled: bool :param workspace_id: The workspace ID of the Operations Management Suite (OMS) on the HDInsight cluster. :type workspace_id: str """ _attribute_map = { 'cluster_monitoring_enabled': {'key': 'clusterMonitoringEnabled', 'type': 'bool'}, 'workspace_id': {'key': 'workspaceId', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, cluster_monitoring_enabled: bool=None, workspace_id: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterMonitoringResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cluster_monitoring_enabled = cluster_monitoring_enabled self.workspace_id = workspace_id
[docs]class ClusterPatchParameters(Model): """The PatchCluster request parameters. :param tags: The resource tags. :type tags: dict[str, str] """ _attribute_map = { 'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'}, } def __init__(self, *, tags=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterPatchParameters, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.tags = tags
[docs]class ClusterResizeParameters(Model): """The Resize Cluster request parameters. :param target_instance_count: The target instance count for the operation. :type target_instance_count: int """ _attribute_map = { 'target_instance_count': {'key': 'targetInstanceCount', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__(self, *, target_instance_count: int=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ClusterResizeParameters, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.target_instance_count = target_instance_count
[docs]class ComputeProfile(Model): """Describes the compute profile. :param roles: The list of roles in the cluster. :type roles: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.Role] """ _attribute_map = { 'roles': {'key': 'roles', 'type': '[Role]'}, } def __init__(self, *, roles=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ComputeProfile, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.roles = roles
[docs]class ConnectivityEndpoint(Model): """The connectivity properties. :param name: The name of the endpoint. :type name: str :param protocol: The protocol of the endpoint. :type protocol: str :param location: The location of the endpoint. :type location: str :param port: The port to connect to. :type port: int """ _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'protocol': {'key': 'protocol', 'type': 'str'}, 'location': {'key': 'location', 'type': 'str'}, 'port': {'key': 'port', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str=None, protocol: str=None, location: str=None, port: int=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ConnectivityEndpoint, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name self.protocol = protocol self.location = location self.port = port
[docs]class DataDisksGroups(Model): """The data disks groups for the role. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :param disks_per_node: The number of disks per node. :type disks_per_node: int :ivar storage_account_type: ReadOnly. The storage account type. Do not set this value. :vartype storage_account_type: str :ivar disk_size_gb: ReadOnly. The DiskSize in GB. Do not set this value. :vartype disk_size_gb: int """ _validation = { 'storage_account_type': {'readonly': True}, 'disk_size_gb': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'disks_per_node': {'key': 'disksPerNode', 'type': 'int'}, 'storage_account_type': {'key': 'storageAccountType', 'type': 'str'}, 'disk_size_gb': {'key': 'diskSizeGB', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__(self, *, disks_per_node: int=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(DataDisksGroups, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.disks_per_node = disks_per_node self.storage_account_type = None self.disk_size_gb = None
[docs]class DiskBillingMeters(Model): """The disk billing meters. :param disk_rp_meter: The managed disk meter guid. :type disk_rp_meter: str :param sku: The managed disk billing sku, P30 or S30. :type sku: str :param tier: The managed disk billing tier, Standard or Premium. Possible values include: 'Standard', 'Premium' :type tier: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.Tier """ _attribute_map = { 'disk_rp_meter': {'key': 'diskRpMeter', 'type': 'str'}, 'sku': {'key': 'sku', 'type': 'str'}, 'tier': {'key': 'tier', 'type': 'Tier'}, } def __init__(self, *, disk_rp_meter: str=None, sku: str=None, tier=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(DiskBillingMeters, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.disk_rp_meter = disk_rp_meter self.sku = sku self.tier = tier
[docs]class DiskEncryptionProperties(Model): """The disk encryption properties. :param vault_uri: Base key vault URI where the customers key is located eg. :type vault_uri: str :param key_name: Key name that is used for enabling disk encryption. :type key_name: str :param key_version: Specific key version that is used for enabling disk encryption. :type key_version: str :param encryption_algorithm: Algorithm identifier for encryption, default RSA-OAEP. Possible values include: 'RSA-OAEP', 'RSA-OAEP-256', 'RSA1_5' :type encryption_algorithm: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.JsonWebKeyEncryptionAlgorithm :param msi_resource_id: Resource ID of Managed Identity that is used to access the key vault. :type msi_resource_id: str :param encryption_at_host: Indicates whether or not resource disk encryption is enabled. Default value: False . :type encryption_at_host: bool """ _attribute_map = { 'vault_uri': {'key': 'vaultUri', 'type': 'str'}, 'key_name': {'key': 'keyName', 'type': 'str'}, 'key_version': {'key': 'keyVersion', 'type': 'str'}, 'encryption_algorithm': {'key': 'encryptionAlgorithm', 'type': 'str'}, 'msi_resource_id': {'key': 'msiResourceId', 'type': 'str'}, 'encryption_at_host': {'key': 'encryptionAtHost', 'type': 'bool'}, } def __init__(self, *, vault_uri: str=None, key_name: str=None, key_version: str=None, encryption_algorithm=None, msi_resource_id: str=None, encryption_at_host: bool=False, **kwargs) -> None: super(DiskEncryptionProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.vault_uri = vault_uri self.key_name = key_name self.key_version = key_version self.encryption_algorithm = encryption_algorithm self.msi_resource_id = msi_resource_id self.encryption_at_host = encryption_at_host
[docs]class EncryptionInTransitProperties(Model): """The encryption-in-transit properties. :param is_encryption_in_transit_enabled: Indicates whether or not inter cluster node communication is encrypted in transit. Default value: False . :type is_encryption_in_transit_enabled: bool """ _attribute_map = { 'is_encryption_in_transit_enabled': {'key': 'isEncryptionInTransitEnabled', 'type': 'bool'}, } def __init__(self, *, is_encryption_in_transit_enabled: bool=False, **kwargs) -> None: super(EncryptionInTransitProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.is_encryption_in_transit_enabled = is_encryption_in_transit_enabled
[docs]class ErrorResponse(Model): """Describes the format of Error response. :param code: Error code :type code: str :param message: Error message indicating why the operation failed. :type message: str """ _attribute_map = { 'code': {'key': 'code', 'type': 'str'}, 'message': {'key': 'message', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, code: str=None, message: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ErrorResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.code = code self.message = message
[docs]class ErrorResponseException(HttpOperationError): """Server responsed with exception of type: 'ErrorResponse'. :param deserialize: A deserializer :param response: Server response to be deserialized. """ def __init__(self, deserialize, response, *args): super(ErrorResponseException, self).__init__(deserialize, response, 'ErrorResponse', *args)
[docs]class Errors(Model): """The error message associated with the cluster creation. :param code: The error code. :type code: str :param message: The error message. :type message: str """ _attribute_map = { 'code': {'key': 'code', 'type': 'str'}, 'message': {'key': 'message', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, code: str=None, message: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Errors, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.code = code self.message = message
[docs]class ExecuteScriptActionParameters(Model): """The parameters for the script actions to execute on a running cluster. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param script_actions: The list of run time script actions. :type script_actions: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.RuntimeScriptAction] :param persist_on_success: Required. Gets or sets if the scripts needs to be persisted. :type persist_on_success: bool """ _validation = { 'persist_on_success': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'script_actions': {'key': 'scriptActions', 'type': '[RuntimeScriptAction]'}, 'persist_on_success': {'key': 'persistOnSuccess', 'type': 'bool'}, } def __init__(self, *, persist_on_success: bool, script_actions=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ExecuteScriptActionParameters, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.script_actions = script_actions self.persist_on_success = persist_on_success
[docs]class Extension(Model): """Cluster monitoring extensions. :param workspace_id: The workspace ID for the cluster monitoring extension. :type workspace_id: str :param primary_key: The certificate for the cluster monitoring extensions. :type primary_key: str """ _attribute_map = { 'workspace_id': {'key': 'workspaceId', 'type': 'str'}, 'primary_key': {'key': 'primaryKey', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, workspace_id: str=None, primary_key: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Extension, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.workspace_id = workspace_id self.primary_key = primary_key
[docs]class GatewaySettings(Model): """Gateway settings. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar is_credential_enabled: Indicates whether or not the gateway settings based authorization is enabled. :vartype is_credential_enabled: str :ivar user_name: The gateway settings user name. :vartype user_name: str :ivar password: The gateway settings user password. :vartype password: str """ _validation = { 'is_credential_enabled': {'readonly': True}, 'user_name': {'readonly': True}, 'password': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'is_credential_enabled': {'key': 'restAuthCredential\\.isEnabled', 'type': 'str'}, 'user_name': {'key': 'restAuthCredential\\.username', 'type': 'str'}, 'password': {'key': 'restAuthCredential\\.password', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super(GatewaySettings, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.is_credential_enabled = None self.user_name = None self.password = None
[docs]class HardwareProfile(Model): """The hardware profile. :param vm_size: The size of the VM :type vm_size: str """ _attribute_map = { 'vm_size': {'key': 'vmSize', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, vm_size: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(HardwareProfile, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.vm_size = vm_size
[docs]class HostInfo(Model): """The cluster host information. :param name: The host name :type name: str """ _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(HostInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name
[docs]class KafkaRestProperties(Model): """The kafka rest proxy configuration which contains AAD security group information. :param client_group_info: The information of AAD security group. :type client_group_info: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ClientGroupInfo """ _attribute_map = { 'client_group_info': {'key': 'clientGroupInfo', 'type': 'ClientGroupInfo'}, } def __init__(self, *, client_group_info=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(KafkaRestProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.client_group_info = client_group_info
[docs]class LinuxOperatingSystemProfile(Model): """The ssh username, password, and ssh public key. :param username: The username. :type username: str :param password: The password. :type password: str :param ssh_profile: The SSH profile. :type ssh_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.SshProfile """ _attribute_map = { 'username': {'key': 'username', 'type': 'str'}, 'password': {'key': 'password', 'type': 'str'}, 'ssh_profile': {'key': 'sshProfile', 'type': 'SshProfile'}, } def __init__(self, *, username: str=None, password: str=None, ssh_profile=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(LinuxOperatingSystemProfile, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.username = username self.password = password self.ssh_profile = ssh_profile
[docs]class LocalizedName(Model): """The details about the localizable name of a type of usage. :param value: The name of the used resource. :type value: str :param localized_value: The localized name of the used resource. :type localized_value: str """ _attribute_map = { 'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': 'str'}, 'localized_value': {'key': 'localizedValue', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, value: str=None, localized_value: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(LocalizedName, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value self.localized_value = localized_value
[docs]class NetworkSettings(Model): """The network settings. :param public_network_access: Specifies whether public network access is enabled for inbound and outbound, or outbound only. Possible values include: 'InboundAndOutbound', 'OutboundOnly' :type public_network_access: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.PublicNetworkAccess :param outbound_only_public_network_access_type: The mechanism through which the cluster will have outbound access to the public network. Possible values include: 'PublicLoadBalancer', 'UDR' :type outbound_only_public_network_access_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.OutboundOnlyPublicNetworkAccessType """ _attribute_map = { 'public_network_access': {'key': 'publicNetworkAccess', 'type': 'str'}, 'outbound_only_public_network_access_type': {'key': 'outboundOnlyPublicNetworkAccessType', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, public_network_access=None, outbound_only_public_network_access_type=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(NetworkSettings, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.public_network_access = public_network_access self.outbound_only_public_network_access_type = outbound_only_public_network_access_type
[docs]class Operation(Model): """The HDInsight REST API operation. :param name: The operation name: {provider}/{resource}/{operation} :type name: str :param display: The object that represents the operation. :type display: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.OperationDisplay """ _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'display': {'key': 'display', 'type': 'OperationDisplay'}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str=None, display=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Operation, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name self.display = display
[docs]class OperationDisplay(Model): """The object that represents the operation. :param provider: The service provider: Microsoft.HDInsight :type provider: str :param resource: The resource on which the operation is performed: Cluster, Applications, etc. :type resource: str :param operation: The operation type: read, write, delete, etc. :type operation: str """ _attribute_map = { 'provider': {'key': 'provider', 'type': 'str'}, 'resource': {'key': 'resource', 'type': 'str'}, 'operation': {'key': 'operation', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, provider: str=None, resource: str=None, operation: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(OperationDisplay, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.provider = provider self.resource = resource self.operation = operation
[docs]class OperationResource(Model): """The azure async operation response. :param status: The async operation state. Possible values include: 'InProgress', 'Succeeded', 'Failed' :type status: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.AsyncOperationState :param error: The operation error information. :type error: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.Errors """ _attribute_map = { 'status': {'key': 'status', 'type': 'AsyncOperationState'}, 'error': {'key': 'error', 'type': 'Errors'}, } def __init__(self, *, status=None, error=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(OperationResource, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.status = status self.error = error
[docs]class OsProfile(Model): """The Linux operation systems profile. :param linux_operating_system_profile: The Linux OS profile. :type linux_operating_system_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.LinuxOperatingSystemProfile """ _attribute_map = { 'linux_operating_system_profile': {'key': 'linuxOperatingSystemProfile', 'type': 'LinuxOperatingSystemProfile'}, } def __init__(self, *, linux_operating_system_profile=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(OsProfile, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.linux_operating_system_profile = linux_operating_system_profile
[docs]class QuotaCapability(Model): """The regional quota capability. :param cores_used: The number of cores used in the subscription. :type cores_used: long :param max_cores_allowed: The number of cores that the subscription allowed. :type max_cores_allowed: long :param regional_quotas: The list of region quota capabilities. :type regional_quotas: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.RegionalQuotaCapability] """ _attribute_map = { 'cores_used': {'key': 'cores_used', 'type': 'long'}, 'max_cores_allowed': {'key': 'max_cores_allowed', 'type': 'long'}, 'regional_quotas': {'key': 'regionalQuotas', 'type': '[RegionalQuotaCapability]'}, } def __init__(self, *, cores_used: int=None, max_cores_allowed: int=None, regional_quotas=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(QuotaCapability, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cores_used = cores_used self.max_cores_allowed = max_cores_allowed self.regional_quotas = regional_quotas
[docs]class QuotaInfo(Model): """The quota properties for the cluster. :param cores_used: The cores used by the cluster. :type cores_used: int """ _attribute_map = { 'cores_used': {'key': 'coresUsed', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__(self, *, cores_used: int=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(QuotaInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cores_used = cores_used
[docs]class RegionalQuotaCapability(Model): """The regional quota capacity. :param region_name: The region name. :type region_name: str :param cores_used: The number of cores used in the region. :type cores_used: long :param cores_available: The number of cores available in the region. :type cores_available: long """ _attribute_map = { 'region_name': {'key': 'region_name', 'type': 'str'}, 'cores_used': {'key': 'cores_used', 'type': 'long'}, 'cores_available': {'key': 'cores_available', 'type': 'long'}, } def __init__(self, *, region_name: str=None, cores_used: int=None, cores_available: int=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(RegionalQuotaCapability, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.region_name = region_name self.cores_used = cores_used self.cores_available = cores_available
[docs]class RegionsCapability(Model): """The regions capability. :param available: The list of region capabilities. :type available: list[str] """ _attribute_map = { 'available': {'key': 'available', 'type': '[str]'}, } def __init__(self, *, available=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(RegionsCapability, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.available = available
[docs]class Role(Model): """Describes a role on the cluster. :param name: The name of the role. :type name: str :param min_instance_count: The minimum instance count of the cluster. :type min_instance_count: int :param target_instance_count: The instance count of the cluster. :type target_instance_count: int :param autoscale_configuration: The autoscale configurations. :type autoscale_configuration: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.Autoscale :param hardware_profile: The hardware profile. :type hardware_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.HardwareProfile :param os_profile: The operating system profile. :type os_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.OsProfile :param virtual_network_profile: The virtual network profile. :type virtual_network_profile: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.VirtualNetworkProfile :param data_disks_groups: The data disks groups for the role. :type data_disks_groups: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.DataDisksGroups] :param script_actions: The list of script actions on the role. :type script_actions: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ScriptAction] """ _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'min_instance_count': {'key': 'minInstanceCount', 'type': 'int'}, 'target_instance_count': {'key': 'targetInstanceCount', 'type': 'int'}, 'autoscale_configuration': {'key': 'autoscale', 'type': 'Autoscale'}, 'hardware_profile': {'key': 'hardwareProfile', 'type': 'HardwareProfile'}, 'os_profile': {'key': 'osProfile', 'type': 'OsProfile'}, 'virtual_network_profile': {'key': 'virtualNetworkProfile', 'type': 'VirtualNetworkProfile'}, 'data_disks_groups': {'key': 'dataDisksGroups', 'type': '[DataDisksGroups]'}, 'script_actions': {'key': 'scriptActions', 'type': '[ScriptAction]'}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str=None, min_instance_count: int=None, target_instance_count: int=None, autoscale_configuration=None, hardware_profile=None, os_profile=None, virtual_network_profile=None, data_disks_groups=None, script_actions=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Role, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name self.min_instance_count = min_instance_count self.target_instance_count = target_instance_count self.autoscale_configuration = autoscale_configuration self.hardware_profile = hardware_profile self.os_profile = os_profile self.virtual_network_profile = virtual_network_profile self.data_disks_groups = data_disks_groups self.script_actions = script_actions
[docs]class RuntimeScriptAction(Model): """Describes a script action on a running cluster. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param name: Required. The name of the script action. :type name: str :param uri: Required. The URI to the script. :type uri: str :param parameters: The parameters for the script :type parameters: str :param roles: Required. The list of roles where script will be executed. :type roles: list[str] :ivar application_name: The application name of the script action, if any. :vartype application_name: str """ _validation = { 'name': {'required': True}, 'uri': {'required': True}, 'roles': {'required': True}, 'application_name': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'uri': {'key': 'uri', 'type': 'str'}, 'parameters': {'key': 'parameters', 'type': 'str'}, 'roles': {'key': 'roles', 'type': '[str]'}, 'application_name': {'key': 'applicationName', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str, uri: str, roles, parameters: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(RuntimeScriptAction, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name self.uri = uri self.parameters = parameters self.roles = roles self.application_name = None
[docs]class RuntimeScriptActionDetail(RuntimeScriptAction): """The execution details of a script action. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param name: Required. The name of the script action. :type name: str :param uri: Required. The URI to the script. :type uri: str :param parameters: The parameters for the script :type parameters: str :param roles: Required. The list of roles where script will be executed. :type roles: list[str] :ivar application_name: The application name of the script action, if any. :vartype application_name: str :ivar script_execution_id: The execution id of the script action. :vartype script_execution_id: long :ivar start_time: The start time of script action execution. :vartype start_time: str :ivar end_time: The end time of script action execution. :vartype end_time: str :ivar status: The current execution status of the script action. :vartype status: str :ivar operation: The reason why the script action was executed. :vartype operation: str :ivar execution_summary: The summary of script action execution result. :vartype execution_summary: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.ScriptActionExecutionSummary] :ivar debug_information: The script action execution debug information. :vartype debug_information: str """ _validation = { 'name': {'required': True}, 'uri': {'required': True}, 'roles': {'required': True}, 'application_name': {'readonly': True}, 'script_execution_id': {'readonly': True}, 'start_time': {'readonly': True}, 'end_time': {'readonly': True}, 'status': {'readonly': True}, 'operation': {'readonly': True}, 'execution_summary': {'readonly': True}, 'debug_information': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'uri': {'key': 'uri', 'type': 'str'}, 'parameters': {'key': 'parameters', 'type': 'str'}, 'roles': {'key': 'roles', 'type': '[str]'}, 'application_name': {'key': 'applicationName', 'type': 'str'}, 'script_execution_id': {'key': 'scriptExecutionId', 'type': 'long'}, 'start_time': {'key': 'startTime', 'type': 'str'}, 'end_time': {'key': 'endTime', 'type': 'str'}, 'status': {'key': 'status', 'type': 'str'}, 'operation': {'key': 'operation', 'type': 'str'}, 'execution_summary': {'key': 'executionSummary', 'type': '[ScriptActionExecutionSummary]'}, 'debug_information': {'key': 'debugInformation', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str, uri: str, roles, parameters: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(RuntimeScriptActionDetail, self).__init__(name=name, uri=uri, parameters=parameters, roles=roles, **kwargs) self.script_execution_id = None self.start_time = None self.end_time = None self.status = None self.operation = None self.execution_summary = None self.debug_information = None
[docs]class ScriptAction(Model): """Describes a script action on role on the cluster. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param name: Required. The name of the script action. :type name: str :param uri: Required. The URI to the script. :type uri: str :param parameters: Required. The parameters for the script provided. :type parameters: str """ _validation = { 'name': {'required': True}, 'uri': {'required': True}, 'parameters': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'uri': {'key': 'uri', 'type': 'str'}, 'parameters': {'key': 'parameters', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str, uri: str, parameters: str, **kwargs) -> None: super(ScriptAction, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name self.uri = uri self.parameters = parameters
[docs]class ScriptActionExecutionSummary(Model): """The execution summary of a script action. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar status: The status of script action execution. :vartype status: str :ivar instance_count: The instance count for a given script action execution status. :vartype instance_count: int """ _validation = { 'status': {'readonly': True}, 'instance_count': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'status': {'key': 'status', 'type': 'str'}, 'instance_count': {'key': 'instanceCount', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super(ScriptActionExecutionSummary, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.status = None self.instance_count = None
[docs]class ScriptActionPersistedGetResponseSpec(Model): """The persisted script action for cluster. :param name: The name of script action. :type name: str :param uri: The URI to the script. :type uri: str :param parameters: The parameters for the script provided. :type parameters: str :param roles: The list of roles where script will be executed. :type roles: list[str] :param application_name: The application name for the script action. :type application_name: str """ _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'uri': {'key': 'uri', 'type': 'str'}, 'parameters': {'key': 'parameters', 'type': 'str'}, 'roles': {'key': 'roles', 'type': '[str]'}, 'application_name': {'key': 'applicationName', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str=None, uri: str=None, parameters: str=None, roles=None, application_name: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ScriptActionPersistedGetResponseSpec, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name self.uri = uri self.parameters = parameters self.roles = roles self.application_name = application_name
[docs]class SecurityProfile(Model): """The security profile which contains Ssh public key for the HDInsight cluster. :param directory_type: The directory type. Possible values include: 'ActiveDirectory' :type directory_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.DirectoryType :param domain: The organization's active directory domain. :type domain: str :param organizational_unit_dn: The organizational unit within the Active Directory to place the cluster and service accounts. :type organizational_unit_dn: str :param ldaps_urls: The LDAPS protocol URLs to communicate with the Active Directory. :type ldaps_urls: list[str] :param domain_username: The domain user account that will have admin privileges on the cluster. :type domain_username: str :param domain_user_password: The domain admin password. :type domain_user_password: str :param cluster_users_group_dns: Optional. The Distinguished Names for cluster user groups :type cluster_users_group_dns: list[str] :param aadds_resource_id: The resource ID of the user's Azure Active Directory Domain Service. :type aadds_resource_id: str :param msi_resource_id: User assigned identity that has permissions to read and create cluster-related artifacts in the user's AADDS. :type msi_resource_id: str """ _attribute_map = { 'directory_type': {'key': 'directoryType', 'type': 'DirectoryType'}, 'domain': {'key': 'domain', 'type': 'str'}, 'organizational_unit_dn': {'key': 'organizationalUnitDN', 'type': 'str'}, 'ldaps_urls': {'key': 'ldapsUrls', 'type': '[str]'}, 'domain_username': {'key': 'domainUsername', 'type': 'str'}, 'domain_user_password': {'key': 'domainUserPassword', 'type': 'str'}, 'cluster_users_group_dns': {'key': 'clusterUsersGroupDNs', 'type': '[str]'}, 'aadds_resource_id': {'key': 'aaddsResourceId', 'type': 'str'}, 'msi_resource_id': {'key': 'msiResourceId', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, directory_type=None, domain: str=None, organizational_unit_dn: str=None, ldaps_urls=None, domain_username: str=None, domain_user_password: str=None, cluster_users_group_dns=None, aadds_resource_id: str=None, msi_resource_id: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(SecurityProfile, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.directory_type = directory_type self.domain = domain self.organizational_unit_dn = organizational_unit_dn self.ldaps_urls = ldaps_urls self.domain_username = domain_username self.domain_user_password = domain_user_password self.cluster_users_group_dns = cluster_users_group_dns self.aadds_resource_id = aadds_resource_id self.msi_resource_id = msi_resource_id
[docs]class SshProfile(Model): """The list of SSH public keys. :param public_keys: The list of SSH public keys. :type public_keys: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.SshPublicKey] """ _attribute_map = { 'public_keys': {'key': 'publicKeys', 'type': '[SshPublicKey]'}, } def __init__(self, *, public_keys=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(SshProfile, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.public_keys = public_keys
[docs]class SshPublicKey(Model): """The SSH public key for the cluster nodes. :param certificate_data: The certificate for SSH. :type certificate_data: str """ _attribute_map = { 'certificate_data': {'key': 'certificateData', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, certificate_data: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(SshPublicKey, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.certificate_data = certificate_data
[docs]class StorageAccount(Model): """The storage Account. :param name: The name of the storage account. :type name: str :param is_default: Whether or not the storage account is the default storage account. :type is_default: bool :param container: The container in the storage account, only to be specified for WASB storage accounts. :type container: str :param file_system: The filesystem, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. :type file_system: str :param key: The storage account access key. :type key: str :param resource_id: The resource ID of storage account, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. :type resource_id: str :param msi_resource_id: The managed identity (MSI) that is allowed to access the storage account, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. :type msi_resource_id: str """ _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'is_default': {'key': 'isDefault', 'type': 'bool'}, 'container': {'key': 'container', 'type': 'str'}, 'file_system': {'key': 'fileSystem', 'type': 'str'}, 'key': {'key': 'key', 'type': 'str'}, 'resource_id': {'key': 'resourceId', 'type': 'str'}, 'msi_resource_id': {'key': 'msiResourceId', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str=None, is_default: bool=None, container: str=None, file_system: str=None, key: str=None, resource_id: str=None, msi_resource_id: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(StorageAccount, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name self.is_default = is_default self.container = container self.file_system = file_system self.key = key self.resource_id = resource_id self.msi_resource_id = msi_resource_id
[docs]class StorageProfile(Model): """The storage profile. :param storageaccounts: The list of storage accounts in the cluster. :type storageaccounts: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.StorageAccount] """ _attribute_map = { 'storageaccounts': {'key': 'storageaccounts', 'type': '[StorageAccount]'}, } def __init__(self, *, storageaccounts=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(StorageProfile, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.storageaccounts = storageaccounts
[docs]class UpdateGatewaySettingsParameters(Model): """The update gateway settings request parameters. :param is_credential_enabled: Indicates whether or not the gateway settings based authorization is enabled. Default value: True . :type is_credential_enabled: bool :param user_name: The gateway settings user name. :type user_name: str :param password: The gateway settings user password. :type password: str """ _attribute_map = { 'is_credential_enabled': {'key': 'restAuthCredential\\.isEnabled', 'type': 'bool'}, 'user_name': {'key': 'restAuthCredential\\.username', 'type': 'str'}, 'password': {'key': 'restAuthCredential\\.password', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, is_credential_enabled: bool=True, user_name: str=None, password: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(UpdateGatewaySettingsParameters, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.is_credential_enabled = is_credential_enabled self.user_name = user_name self.password = password
[docs]class Usage(Model): """The details about the usage of a particular limited resource. :param unit: The type of measurement for usage. :type unit: str :param current_value: The current usage. :type current_value: int :param limit: The maximum allowed usage. :type limit: int :param name: The details about the localizable name of the used resource. :type name: ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.LocalizedName """ _attribute_map = { 'unit': {'key': 'unit', 'type': 'str'}, 'current_value': {'key': 'currentValue', 'type': 'int'}, 'limit': {'key': 'limit', 'type': 'int'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'LocalizedName'}, } def __init__(self, *, unit: str=None, current_value: int=None, limit: int=None, name=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Usage, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.unit = unit self.current_value = current_value self.limit = limit = name
[docs]class UsagesListResult(Model): """The response for the operation to get regional usages for a subscription. :param value: The list of usages. :type value: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.Usage] """ _attribute_map = { 'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[Usage]'}, } def __init__(self, *, value=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(UsagesListResult, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value
[docs]class VersionsCapability(Model): """The version capability. :param available: The list of version capabilities. :type available: list[~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.VersionSpec] """ _attribute_map = { 'available': {'key': 'available', 'type': '[VersionSpec]'}, } def __init__(self, *, available=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(VersionsCapability, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.available = available
[docs]class VersionSpec(Model): """The version properties. :param friendly_name: The friendly name :type friendly_name: str :param display_name: The display name :type display_name: str :param is_default: Whether or not the version is the default version. :type is_default: str :param component_versions: The component version property. :type component_versions: dict[str, str] """ _attribute_map = { 'friendly_name': {'key': 'friendlyName', 'type': 'str'}, 'display_name': {'key': 'displayName', 'type': 'str'}, 'is_default': {'key': 'isDefault', 'type': 'str'}, 'component_versions': {'key': 'componentVersions', 'type': '{str}'}, } def __init__(self, *, friendly_name: str=None, display_name: str=None, is_default: str=None, component_versions=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(VersionSpec, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.friendly_name = friendly_name self.display_name = display_name self.is_default = is_default self.component_versions = component_versions
[docs]class VirtualNetworkProfile(Model): """The virtual network properties. :param id: The ID of the virtual network. :type id: str :param subnet: The name of the subnet. :type subnet: str """ _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'subnet': {'key': 'subnet', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, id: str=None, subnet: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(VirtualNetworkProfile, self).__init__(**kwargs) = id self.subnet = subnet
[docs]class VmSizeCompatibilityFilter(Model): """The virtual machine type compatibility filter. :param filter_mode: The mode for the filter. :type filter_mode: str :param regions: The list of regions. :type regions: list[str] :param cluster_flavors: The list of cluster types available. :type cluster_flavors: list[str] :param node_types: The list of node types. :type node_types: list[str] :param cluster_versions: The list of cluster versions. :type cluster_versions: list[str] :param vmsizes: The list of virtual machine sizes. :type vmsizes: list[str] """ _attribute_map = { 'filter_mode': {'key': 'FilterMode', 'type': 'str'}, 'regions': {'key': 'Regions', 'type': '[str]'}, 'cluster_flavors': {'key': 'ClusterFlavors', 'type': '[str]'}, 'node_types': {'key': 'NodeTypes', 'type': '[str]'}, 'cluster_versions': {'key': 'ClusterVersions', 'type': '[str]'}, 'vmsizes': {'key': 'vmsizes', 'type': '[str]'}, } def __init__(self, *, filter_mode: str=None, regions=None, cluster_flavors=None, node_types=None, cluster_versions=None, vmsizes=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(VmSizeCompatibilityFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.filter_mode = filter_mode self.regions = regions self.cluster_flavors = cluster_flavors self.node_types = node_types self.cluster_versions = cluster_versions self.vmsizes = vmsizes
[docs]class VmSizeCompatibilityFilterV2(Model): """This class represent a single filter object that defines a multidimensional set. The dimensions of this set are Regions, ClusterFlavors, NodeTypes and ClusterVersions. The constraint should be defined based on the following: FilterMode (Exclude vs Include), VMSizes (the vm sizes in affect of exclusion/inclusion) and the ordering of the Filters. Later filters override previous settings if conflicted. :param filter_mode: The filtering mode. Effectively this can enabling or disabling the VM sizes in a particular set. Possible values include: 'Exclude', 'Include' :type filter_mode: str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.FilterMode :param regions: The list of regions under the effect of the filter. :type regions: list[str] :param cluster_flavors: The list of cluster flavors under the effect of the filter. :type cluster_flavors: list[str] :param node_types: The list of node types affected by the filter. :type node_types: list[str] :param cluster_versions: The list of cluster versions affected in Major.Minor format. :type cluster_versions: list[str] :param os_type: The OSType affected, Windows or Linux. :type os_type: list[str or ~azure.mgmt.hdinsight.models.OSType] :param vm_sizes: The list of virtual machine sizes to include or exclude. :type vm_sizes: list[str] """ _attribute_map = { 'filter_mode': {'key': 'filterMode', 'type': 'str'}, 'regions': {'key': 'regions', 'type': '[str]'}, 'cluster_flavors': {'key': 'clusterFlavors', 'type': '[str]'}, 'node_types': {'key': 'nodeTypes', 'type': '[str]'}, 'cluster_versions': {'key': 'clusterVersions', 'type': '[str]'}, 'os_type': {'key': 'osType', 'type': '[OSType]'}, 'vm_sizes': {'key': 'vmSizes', 'type': '[str]'}, } def __init__(self, *, filter_mode=None, regions=None, cluster_flavors=None, node_types=None, cluster_versions=None, os_type=None, vm_sizes=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(VmSizeCompatibilityFilterV2, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.filter_mode = filter_mode self.regions = regions self.cluster_flavors = cluster_flavors self.node_types = node_types self.cluster_versions = cluster_versions self.os_type = os_type self.vm_sizes = vm_sizes
[docs]class VmSizesCapability(Model): """The virtual machine sizes capability. :param available: The list of virtual machine size capabilities. :type available: list[str] """ _attribute_map = { 'available': {'key': 'available', 'type': '[str]'}, } def __init__(self, *, available=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(VmSizesCapability, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.available = available