Source code for azure.mgmt.edgegateway.models.data_box_edge_management_client_enums

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# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
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from enum import Enum

[docs]class AlertSeverity(str, Enum): informational = "Informational" warning = "Warning" critical = "Critical"
[docs]class EncryptionAlgorithm(str, Enum): none = "None" aes256 = "AES256" rsaes_pkcs1_v_1_5 = "RSAES_PKCS1_v_1_5"
[docs]class AzureContainerDataFormat(str, Enum): block_blob = "BlockBlob" page_blob = "PageBlob" azure_file = "AzureFile"
[docs]class DayOfWeek(str, Enum): sunday = "Sunday" monday = "Monday" tuesday = "Tuesday" wednesday = "Wednesday" thursday = "Thursday" friday = "Friday" saturday = "Saturday"
[docs]class ClientPermissionType(str, Enum): no_access = "NoAccess" read_only = "ReadOnly" read_write = "ReadWrite"
[docs]class SkuName(str, Enum): gateway = "Gateway" edge = "Edge"
[docs]class SkuTier(str, Enum): standard = "Standard"
[docs]class DataBoxEdgeDeviceStatus(str, Enum): ready_to_setup = "ReadyToSetup" online = "Online" offline = "Offline" needs_attention = "NeedsAttention" disconnected = "Disconnected" partially_disconnected = "PartiallyDisconnected"
[docs]class DeviceType(str, Enum): data_box_edge_device = "DataBoxEdgeDevice"
[docs]class RoleTypes(str, Enum): iot = "IOT" asa = "ASA" functions = "Functions" cognitive = "Cognitive"
[docs]class PlatformType(str, Enum): windows = "Windows" linux = "Linux"
[docs]class RoleStatus(str, Enum): enabled = "Enabled" disabled = "Disabled"
[docs]class JobStatus(str, Enum): invalid = "Invalid" running = "Running" succeeded = "Succeeded" failed = "Failed" canceled = "Canceled" paused = "Paused" scheduled = "Scheduled"
[docs]class JobType(str, Enum): invalid = "Invalid" scan_for_updates = "ScanForUpdates" download_updates = "DownloadUpdates" install_updates = "InstallUpdates" refresh_share = "RefreshShare"
[docs]class UpdateOperationStage(str, Enum): unknown = "Unknown" initial = "Initial" scan_started = "ScanStarted" scan_complete = "ScanComplete" scan_failed = "ScanFailed" download_started = "DownloadStarted" download_complete = "DownloadComplete" download_failed = "DownloadFailed" install_started = "InstallStarted" install_complete = "InstallComplete" install_failed = "InstallFailed" reboot_initiated = "RebootInitiated" success = "Success" failure = "Failure" rescan_started = "RescanStarted" rescan_complete = "RescanComplete" rescan_failed = "RescanFailed"
[docs]class DownloadPhase(str, Enum): unknown = "Unknown" initializing = "Initializing" downloading = "Downloading" verifying = "Verifying"
[docs]class MetricUnit(str, Enum): not_specified = "NotSpecified" percent = "Percent" count = "Count" seconds = "Seconds" milliseconds = "Milliseconds" bytes = "Bytes" bytes_per_second = "BytesPerSecond" count_per_second = "CountPerSecond"
[docs]class MetricAggregationType(str, Enum): not_specified = "NotSpecified" none = "None" average = "Average" minimum = "Minimum" maximum = "Maximum" total = "Total" count = "Count"
[docs]class MetricCategory(str, Enum): capacity = "Capacity" transaction = "Transaction"
[docs]class TimeGrain(str, Enum): pt1_m = "PT1M" pt5_m = "PT5M" pt15_m = "PT15M" pt30_m = "PT30M" pt1_h = "PT1H" pt6_h = "PT6H" pt12_h = "PT12H" pt1_d = "PT1D"
[docs]class NetworkGroup(str, Enum): none = "None" non_rdma = "NonRDMA" rdma = "RDMA"
[docs]class NetworkAdapterStatus(str, Enum): inactive = "Inactive" active = "Active"
[docs]class NetworkAdapterRDMAStatus(str, Enum): incapable = "Incapable" capable = "Capable"
[docs]class NetworkAdapterDHCPStatus(str, Enum): disabled = "Disabled" enabled = "Enabled"
[docs]class OrderState(str, Enum): untracked = "Untracked" awaiting_fulfilment = "AwaitingFulfilment" awaiting_preparation = "AwaitingPreparation" awaiting_shipment = "AwaitingShipment" shipped = "Shipped" arriving = "Arriving" delivered = "Delivered" replacement_requested = "ReplacementRequested" lost_device = "LostDevice" declined = "Declined" return_initiated = "ReturnInitiated" awaiting_return_shipment = "AwaitingReturnShipment" shipped_back = "ShippedBack" collected_at_microsoft = "CollectedAtMicrosoft"
[docs]class AuthenticationType(str, Enum): invalid = "Invalid" azure_active_directory = "AzureActiveDirectory"
[docs]class ShareStatus(str, Enum): online = "Online" offline = "Offline"
[docs]class MonitoringStatus(str, Enum): enabled = "Enabled" disabled = "Disabled"
[docs]class ShareAccessProtocol(str, Enum): smb = "SMB" nfs = "NFS"
[docs]class ShareAccessType(str, Enum): change = "Change" read = "Read" custom = "Custom"
[docs]class DataPolicy(str, Enum): cloud = "Cloud" local = "Local"
[docs]class SSLStatus(str, Enum): enabled = "Enabled" disabled = "Disabled"
[docs]class AccountType(str, Enum): general_purpose_storage = "GeneralPurposeStorage" blob_storage = "BlobStorage"
[docs]class InstallRebootBehavior(str, Enum): never_reboots = "NeverReboots" requires_reboot = "RequiresReboot" request_reboot = "RequestReboot"
[docs]class UpdateOperation(str, Enum): none = "None" scan = "Scan" download = "Download" install = "Install"