Source code for azure.mgmt.dns.v2016_04_01.models._dns_management_client_enums

# coding=utf-8
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
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# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
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from enum import Enum

[docs]class OperationStatus(str, Enum): in_progress = "InProgress" succeeded = "Succeeded" failed = "Failed"
[docs]class HttpStatusCode(str, Enum): continue_enum = "Continue" switching_protocols = "SwitchingProtocols" ok = "OK" created = "Created" accepted = "Accepted" non_authoritative_information = "NonAuthoritativeInformation" no_content = "NoContent" reset_content = "ResetContent" partial_content = "PartialContent" multiple_choices = "MultipleChoices" ambiguous = "Ambiguous" moved_permanently = "MovedPermanently" moved = "Moved" found = "Found" redirect = "Redirect" see_other = "SeeOther" redirect_method = "RedirectMethod" not_modified = "NotModified" use_proxy = "UseProxy" unused = "Unused" temporary_redirect = "TemporaryRedirect" redirect_keep_verb = "RedirectKeepVerb" bad_request = "BadRequest" unauthorized = "Unauthorized" payment_required = "PaymentRequired" forbidden = "Forbidden" not_found = "NotFound" method_not_allowed = "MethodNotAllowed" not_acceptable = "NotAcceptable" proxy_authentication_required = "ProxyAuthenticationRequired" request_timeout = "RequestTimeout" conflict = "Conflict" gone = "Gone" length_required = "LengthRequired" precondition_failed = "PreconditionFailed" request_entity_too_large = "RequestEntityTooLarge" request_uri_too_long = "RequestUriTooLong" unsupported_media_type = "UnsupportedMediaType" requested_range_not_satisfiable = "RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable" expectation_failed = "ExpectationFailed" upgrade_required = "UpgradeRequired" internal_server_error = "InternalServerError" not_implemented = "NotImplemented" bad_gateway = "BadGateway" service_unavailable = "ServiceUnavailable" gateway_timeout = "GatewayTimeout" http_version_not_supported = "HttpVersionNotSupported"
[docs]class RecordType(str, Enum): a = "A" aaaa = "AAAA" cname = "CNAME" mx = "MX" ns = "NS" ptr = "PTR" soa = "SOA" srv = "SRV" txt = "TXT"