Source code for azure.mgmt.costmanagement.models._cost_management_client_enums

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from enum import Enum

[docs]class ExportType(str, Enum): usage = "Usage" actual_cost = "ActualCost" amortized_cost = "AmortizedCost"
[docs]class TimeframeType(str, Enum): month_to_date = "MonthToDate" billing_month_to_date = "BillingMonthToDate" the_last_month = "TheLastMonth" the_last_billing_month = "TheLastBillingMonth" week_to_date = "WeekToDate" custom = "Custom"
[docs]class GranularityType(str, Enum): daily = "Daily"
[docs]class QueryColumnType(str, Enum): tag = "Tag" dimension = "Dimension"
[docs]class StatusType(str, Enum): active = "Active" inactive = "Inactive"
[docs]class RecurrenceType(str, Enum): daily = "Daily" weekly = "Weekly" monthly = "Monthly" annually = "Annually"
[docs]class FormatType(str, Enum): csv = "Csv"
[docs]class ExecutionType(str, Enum): on_demand = "OnDemand" scheduled = "Scheduled"
[docs]class ExecutionStatus(str, Enum): queued = "Queued" in_progress = "InProgress" completed = "Completed" failed = "Failed" timeout = "Timeout" new_data_not_available = "NewDataNotAvailable" data_not_available = "DataNotAvailable"