Source code for azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models._models_py3

# coding=utf-8
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
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import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

from .. import _serialization

if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
    from import MutableMapping
    from typing import MutableMapping  # type: ignore  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports

    # pylint: disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports
    from .. import models as _models
JSON = MutableMapping[str, Any]  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object

[docs]class AzureFileVolume(_serialization.Model): """The properties of the Azure File volume. Azure File shares are mounted as volumes. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar share_name: The name of the Azure File share to be mounted as a volume. Required. :vartype share_name: str :ivar read_only: The flag indicating whether the Azure File shared mounted as a volume is read-only. :vartype read_only: bool :ivar storage_account_name: The name of the storage account that contains the Azure File share. Required. :vartype storage_account_name: str :ivar storage_account_key: The storage account access key used to access the Azure File share. :vartype storage_account_key: str """ _validation = { "share_name": {"required": True}, "storage_account_name": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "share_name": {"key": "shareName", "type": "str"}, "read_only": {"key": "readOnly", "type": "bool"}, "storage_account_name": {"key": "storageAccountName", "type": "str"}, "storage_account_key": {"key": "storageAccountKey", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, share_name: str, storage_account_name: str, read_only: Optional[bool] = None, storage_account_key: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword share_name: The name of the Azure File share to be mounted as a volume. Required. :paramtype share_name: str :keyword read_only: The flag indicating whether the Azure File shared mounted as a volume is read-only. :paramtype read_only: bool :keyword storage_account_name: The name of the storage account that contains the Azure File share. Required. :paramtype storage_account_name: str :keyword storage_account_key: The storage account access key used to access the Azure File share. :paramtype storage_account_key: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.share_name = share_name self.read_only = read_only self.storage_account_name = storage_account_name self.storage_account_key = storage_account_key
[docs]class CachedImages(_serialization.Model): """The cached image and OS type. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar os_type: The OS type of the cached image. Required. :vartype os_type: str :ivar image: The cached image name. Required. :vartype image: str """ _validation = { "os_type": {"required": True}, "image": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "os_type": {"key": "osType", "type": "str"}, "image": {"key": "image", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, os_type: str, image: str, **kwargs): """ :keyword os_type: The OS type of the cached image. Required. :paramtype os_type: str :keyword image: The cached image name. Required. :paramtype image: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.os_type = os_type self.image = image
[docs]class CachedImagesListResult(_serialization.Model): """The response containing cached images. :ivar value: The list of cached images. :vartype value: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.CachedImages] :ivar next_link: The URI to fetch the next page of cached images. :vartype next_link: str """ _attribute_map = { "value": {"key": "value", "type": "[CachedImages]"}, "next_link": {"key": "nextLink", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, value: Optional[List["_models.CachedImages"]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword value: The list of cached images. :paramtype value: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.CachedImages] :keyword next_link: The URI to fetch the next page of cached images. :paramtype next_link: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value self.next_link = next_link
[docs]class Capabilities(_serialization.Model): """The regional capabilities. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar resource_type: The resource type that this capability describes. :vartype resource_type: str :ivar os_type: The OS type that this capability describes. :vartype os_type: str :ivar location: The resource location. :vartype location: str :ivar ip_address_type: The ip address type that this capability describes. :vartype ip_address_type: str :ivar gpu: The GPU sku that this capability describes. :vartype gpu: str :ivar capabilities: The supported capabilities. :vartype capabilities: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.CapabilitiesCapabilities """ _validation = { "resource_type": {"readonly": True}, "os_type": {"readonly": True}, "location": {"readonly": True}, "ip_address_type": {"readonly": True}, "gpu": {"readonly": True}, "capabilities": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "resource_type": {"key": "resourceType", "type": "str"}, "os_type": {"key": "osType", "type": "str"}, "location": {"key": "location", "type": "str"}, "ip_address_type": {"key": "ipAddressType", "type": "str"}, "gpu": {"key": "gpu", "type": "str"}, "capabilities": {"key": "capabilities", "type": "CapabilitiesCapabilities"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.resource_type = None self.os_type = None self.location = None self.ip_address_type = None self.gpu = None self.capabilities = None
[docs]class CapabilitiesCapabilities(_serialization.Model): """The supported capabilities. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar max_memory_in_gb: The maximum allowed memory request in GB. :vartype max_memory_in_gb: float :ivar max_cpu: The maximum allowed CPU request in cores. :vartype max_cpu: float :ivar max_gpu_count: The maximum allowed GPU count. :vartype max_gpu_count: float """ _validation = { "max_memory_in_gb": {"readonly": True}, "max_cpu": {"readonly": True}, "max_gpu_count": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "max_memory_in_gb": {"key": "maxMemoryInGB", "type": "float"}, "max_cpu": {"key": "maxCpu", "type": "float"}, "max_gpu_count": {"key": "maxGpuCount", "type": "float"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.max_memory_in_gb = None self.max_cpu = None self.max_gpu_count = None
[docs]class CapabilitiesListResult(_serialization.Model): """The response containing list of capabilities. :ivar value: The list of capabilities. :vartype value: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Capabilities] :ivar next_link: The URI to fetch the next page of capabilities. :vartype next_link: str """ _attribute_map = { "value": {"key": "value", "type": "[Capabilities]"}, "next_link": {"key": "nextLink", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, value: Optional[List["_models.Capabilities"]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword value: The list of capabilities. :paramtype value: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Capabilities] :keyword next_link: The URI to fetch the next page of capabilities. :paramtype next_link: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value self.next_link = next_link
[docs]class CloudErrorBody(_serialization.Model): """An error response from the Container Instance service. :ivar code: An identifier for the error. Codes are invariant and are intended to be consumed programmatically. :vartype code: str :ivar message: A message describing the error, intended to be suitable for display in a user interface. :vartype message: str :ivar target: The target of the particular error. For example, the name of the property in error. :vartype target: str :ivar details: A list of additional details about the error. :vartype details: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.CloudErrorBody] """ _attribute_map = { "code": {"key": "code", "type": "str"}, "message": {"key": "message", "type": "str"}, "target": {"key": "target", "type": "str"}, "details": {"key": "details", "type": "[CloudErrorBody]"}, } def __init__( self, *, code: Optional[str] = None, message: Optional[str] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, details: Optional[List["_models.CloudErrorBody"]] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword code: An identifier for the error. Codes are invariant and are intended to be consumed programmatically. :paramtype code: str :keyword message: A message describing the error, intended to be suitable for display in a user interface. :paramtype message: str :keyword target: The target of the particular error. For example, the name of the property in error. :paramtype target: str :keyword details: A list of additional details about the error. :paramtype details: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.CloudErrorBody] """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.code = code self.message = message = target self.details = details
[docs]class ConfidentialComputeProperties(_serialization.Model): """The properties for confidential container group. :ivar cce_policy: The base64 encoded confidential compute enforcement policy. :vartype cce_policy: str """ _attribute_map = { "cce_policy": {"key": "ccePolicy", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, cce_policy: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword cce_policy: The base64 encoded confidential compute enforcement policy. :paramtype cce_policy: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.cce_policy = cce_policy
[docs]class Container(_serialization.Model): """A container instance. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar name: The user-provided name of the container instance. Required. :vartype name: str :ivar image: The name of the image used to create the container instance. Required. :vartype image: str :ivar command: The commands to execute within the container instance in exec form. :vartype command: list[str] :ivar ports: The exposed ports on the container instance. :vartype ports: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerPort] :ivar environment_variables: The environment variables to set in the container instance. :vartype environment_variables: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.EnvironmentVariable] :ivar instance_view: The instance view of the container instance. Only valid in response. :vartype instance_view: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerPropertiesInstanceView :ivar resources: The resource requirements of the container instance. Required. :vartype resources: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ResourceRequirements :ivar volume_mounts: The volume mounts available to the container instance. :vartype volume_mounts: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.VolumeMount] :ivar liveness_probe: The liveness probe. :vartype liveness_probe: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerProbe :ivar readiness_probe: The readiness probe. :vartype readiness_probe: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerProbe """ _validation = { "name": {"required": True}, "image": {"required": True}, "instance_view": {"readonly": True}, "resources": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "image": {"key": "properties.image", "type": "str"}, "command": {"key": "properties.command", "type": "[str]"}, "ports": {"key": "properties.ports", "type": "[ContainerPort]"}, "environment_variables": {"key": "properties.environmentVariables", "type": "[EnvironmentVariable]"}, "instance_view": {"key": "properties.instanceView", "type": "ContainerPropertiesInstanceView"}, "resources": {"key": "properties.resources", "type": "ResourceRequirements"}, "volume_mounts": {"key": "properties.volumeMounts", "type": "[VolumeMount]"}, "liveness_probe": {"key": "properties.livenessProbe", "type": "ContainerProbe"}, "readiness_probe": {"key": "properties.readinessProbe", "type": "ContainerProbe"}, } def __init__( self, *, name: str, image: str, resources: "_models.ResourceRequirements", command: Optional[List[str]] = None, ports: Optional[List["_models.ContainerPort"]] = None, environment_variables: Optional[List["_models.EnvironmentVariable"]] = None, volume_mounts: Optional[List["_models.VolumeMount"]] = None, liveness_probe: Optional["_models.ContainerProbe"] = None, readiness_probe: Optional["_models.ContainerProbe"] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword name: The user-provided name of the container instance. Required. :paramtype name: str :keyword image: The name of the image used to create the container instance. Required. :paramtype image: str :keyword command: The commands to execute within the container instance in exec form. :paramtype command: list[str] :keyword ports: The exposed ports on the container instance. :paramtype ports: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerPort] :keyword environment_variables: The environment variables to set in the container instance. :paramtype environment_variables: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.EnvironmentVariable] :keyword resources: The resource requirements of the container instance. Required. :paramtype resources: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ResourceRequirements :keyword volume_mounts: The volume mounts available to the container instance. :paramtype volume_mounts: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.VolumeMount] :keyword liveness_probe: The liveness probe. :paramtype liveness_probe: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerProbe :keyword readiness_probe: The readiness probe. :paramtype readiness_probe: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerProbe """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.image = image self.command = command self.ports = ports self.environment_variables = environment_variables self.instance_view = None self.resources = resources self.volume_mounts = volume_mounts self.liveness_probe = liveness_probe self.readiness_probe = readiness_probe
[docs]class ContainerAttachResponse(_serialization.Model): """The information for the output stream from container attach. :ivar web_socket_uri: The uri for the output stream from the attach. :vartype web_socket_uri: str :ivar password: The password to the output stream from the attach. Send as an Authorization header value when connecting to the websocketUri. :vartype password: str """ _attribute_map = { "web_socket_uri": {"key": "webSocketUri", "type": "str"}, "password": {"key": "password", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, web_socket_uri: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword web_socket_uri: The uri for the output stream from the attach. :paramtype web_socket_uri: str :keyword password: The password to the output stream from the attach. Send as an Authorization header value when connecting to the websocketUri. :paramtype password: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.web_socket_uri = web_socket_uri self.password = password
[docs]class ContainerExec(_serialization.Model): """The container execution command, for liveness or readiness probe. :ivar command: The commands to execute within the container. :vartype command: list[str] """ _attribute_map = { "command": {"key": "command", "type": "[str]"}, } def __init__(self, *, command: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword command: The commands to execute within the container. :paramtype command: list[str] """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.command = command
[docs]class ContainerExecRequest(_serialization.Model): """The container exec request. :ivar command: The command to be executed. :vartype command: str :ivar terminal_size: The size of the terminal. :vartype terminal_size: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerExecRequestTerminalSize """ _attribute_map = { "command": {"key": "command", "type": "str"}, "terminal_size": {"key": "terminalSize", "type": "ContainerExecRequestTerminalSize"}, } def __init__( self, *, command: Optional[str] = None, terminal_size: Optional["_models.ContainerExecRequestTerminalSize"] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword command: The command to be executed. :paramtype command: str :keyword terminal_size: The size of the terminal. :paramtype terminal_size: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerExecRequestTerminalSize """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.command = command self.terminal_size = terminal_size
[docs]class ContainerExecRequestTerminalSize(_serialization.Model): """The size of the terminal. :ivar rows: The row size of the terminal. :vartype rows: int :ivar cols: The column size of the terminal. :vartype cols: int """ _attribute_map = { "rows": {"key": "rows", "type": "int"}, "cols": {"key": "cols", "type": "int"}, } def __init__(self, *, rows: Optional[int] = None, cols: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword rows: The row size of the terminal. :paramtype rows: int :keyword cols: The column size of the terminal. :paramtype cols: int """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.rows = rows self.cols = cols
[docs]class ContainerExecResponse(_serialization.Model): """The information for the container exec command. :ivar web_socket_uri: The uri for the exec websocket. :vartype web_socket_uri: str :ivar password: The password to start the exec command. :vartype password: str """ _attribute_map = { "web_socket_uri": {"key": "webSocketUri", "type": "str"}, "password": {"key": "password", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, web_socket_uri: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword web_socket_uri: The uri for the exec websocket. :paramtype web_socket_uri: str :keyword password: The password to start the exec command. :paramtype password: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.web_socket_uri = web_socket_uri self.password = password
[docs]class ContainerGroupProperties(_serialization.Model): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """The container group properties. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar identity: The identity of the container group, if configured. :vartype identity: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupIdentity :ivar provisioning_state: The provisioning state of the container group. This only appears in the response. :vartype provisioning_state: str :ivar containers: The containers within the container group. Required. :vartype containers: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Container] :ivar image_registry_credentials: The image registry credentials by which the container group is created from. :vartype image_registry_credentials: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ImageRegistryCredential] :ivar restart_policy: Restart policy for all containers within the container group. * ``Always`` Always restart * ``OnFailure`` Restart on failure * ``Never`` Never restart. Known values are: "Always", "OnFailure", and "Never". :vartype restart_policy: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupRestartPolicy :ivar ip_address: The IP address type of the container group. :vartype ip_address: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.IpAddress :ivar os_type: The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. Required. Known values are: "Windows" and "Linux". :vartype os_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.OperatingSystemTypes :ivar volumes: The list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in this container group. :vartype volumes: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Volume] :ivar instance_view: The instance view of the container group. Only valid in response. :vartype instance_view: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupPropertiesInstanceView :ivar diagnostics: The diagnostic information for a container group. :vartype diagnostics: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupDiagnostics :ivar subnet_ids: The subnet resource IDs for a container group. :vartype subnet_ids: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupSubnetId] :ivar dns_config: The DNS config information for a container group. :vartype dns_config: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.DnsConfiguration :ivar sku: The SKU for a container group. Known values are: "Standard", "Dedicated", and "Confidential". :vartype sku: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupSku :ivar encryption_properties: The encryption properties for a container group. :vartype encryption_properties: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.EncryptionProperties :ivar init_containers: The init containers for a container group. :vartype init_containers: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.InitContainerDefinition] :ivar extensions: extensions used by virtual kubelet. :vartype extensions: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.DeploymentExtensionSpec] :ivar confidential_compute_properties: The properties for confidential container group. :vartype confidential_compute_properties: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ConfidentialComputeProperties :ivar priority: The priority of the container group. Known values are: "Regular" and "Spot". :vartype priority: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupPriority """ _validation = { "provisioning_state": {"readonly": True}, "containers": {"required": True}, "os_type": {"required": True}, "instance_view": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "identity": {"key": "identity", "type": "ContainerGroupIdentity"}, "provisioning_state": {"key": "properties.provisioningState", "type": "str"}, "containers": {"key": "properties.containers", "type": "[Container]"}, "image_registry_credentials": { "key": "properties.imageRegistryCredentials", "type": "[ImageRegistryCredential]", }, "restart_policy": {"key": "properties.restartPolicy", "type": "str"}, "ip_address": {"key": "properties.ipAddress", "type": "IpAddress"}, "os_type": {"key": "properties.osType", "type": "str"}, "volumes": {"key": "properties.volumes", "type": "[Volume]"}, "instance_view": {"key": "properties.instanceView", "type": "ContainerGroupPropertiesInstanceView"}, "diagnostics": {"key": "properties.diagnostics", "type": "ContainerGroupDiagnostics"}, "subnet_ids": {"key": "properties.subnetIds", "type": "[ContainerGroupSubnetId]"}, "dns_config": {"key": "properties.dnsConfig", "type": "DnsConfiguration"}, "sku": {"key": "properties.sku", "type": "str"}, "encryption_properties": {"key": "properties.encryptionProperties", "type": "EncryptionProperties"}, "init_containers": {"key": "properties.initContainers", "type": "[InitContainerDefinition]"}, "extensions": {"key": "properties.extensions", "type": "[DeploymentExtensionSpec]"}, "confidential_compute_properties": { "key": "properties.confidentialComputeProperties", "type": "ConfidentialComputeProperties", }, "priority": {"key": "properties.priority", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, containers: List["_models.Container"], os_type: Union[str, "_models.OperatingSystemTypes"], identity: Optional["_models.ContainerGroupIdentity"] = None, image_registry_credentials: Optional[List["_models.ImageRegistryCredential"]] = None, restart_policy: Optional[Union[str, "_models.ContainerGroupRestartPolicy"]] = None, ip_address: Optional["_models.IpAddress"] = None, volumes: Optional[List["_models.Volume"]] = None, diagnostics: Optional["_models.ContainerGroupDiagnostics"] = None, subnet_ids: Optional[List["_models.ContainerGroupSubnetId"]] = None, dns_config: Optional["_models.DnsConfiguration"] = None, sku: Optional[Union[str, "_models.ContainerGroupSku"]] = None, encryption_properties: Optional["_models.EncryptionProperties"] = None, init_containers: Optional[List["_models.InitContainerDefinition"]] = None, extensions: Optional[List["_models.DeploymentExtensionSpec"]] = None, confidential_compute_properties: Optional["_models.ConfidentialComputeProperties"] = None, priority: Optional[Union[str, "_models.ContainerGroupPriority"]] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword identity: The identity of the container group, if configured. :paramtype identity: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupIdentity :keyword containers: The containers within the container group. Required. :paramtype containers: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Container] :keyword image_registry_credentials: The image registry credentials by which the container group is created from. :paramtype image_registry_credentials: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ImageRegistryCredential] :keyword restart_policy: Restart policy for all containers within the container group. * ``Always`` Always restart * ``OnFailure`` Restart on failure * ``Never`` Never restart. Known values are: "Always", "OnFailure", and "Never". :paramtype restart_policy: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupRestartPolicy :keyword ip_address: The IP address type of the container group. :paramtype ip_address: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.IpAddress :keyword os_type: The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. Required. Known values are: "Windows" and "Linux". :paramtype os_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.OperatingSystemTypes :keyword volumes: The list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in this container group. :paramtype volumes: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Volume] :keyword diagnostics: The diagnostic information for a container group. :paramtype diagnostics: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupDiagnostics :keyword subnet_ids: The subnet resource IDs for a container group. :paramtype subnet_ids: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupSubnetId] :keyword dns_config: The DNS config information for a container group. :paramtype dns_config: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.DnsConfiguration :keyword sku: The SKU for a container group. Known values are: "Standard", "Dedicated", and "Confidential". :paramtype sku: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupSku :keyword encryption_properties: The encryption properties for a container group. :paramtype encryption_properties: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.EncryptionProperties :keyword init_containers: The init containers for a container group. :paramtype init_containers: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.InitContainerDefinition] :keyword extensions: extensions used by virtual kubelet. :paramtype extensions: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.DeploymentExtensionSpec] :keyword confidential_compute_properties: The properties for confidential container group. :paramtype confidential_compute_properties: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ConfidentialComputeProperties :keyword priority: The priority of the container group. Known values are: "Regular" and "Spot". :paramtype priority: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupPriority """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.identity = identity self.provisioning_state = None self.containers = containers self.image_registry_credentials = image_registry_credentials self.restart_policy = restart_policy self.ip_address = ip_address self.os_type = os_type self.volumes = volumes self.instance_view = None self.diagnostics = diagnostics self.subnet_ids = subnet_ids self.dns_config = dns_config self.sku = sku self.encryption_properties = encryption_properties self.init_containers = init_containers self.extensions = extensions self.confidential_compute_properties = confidential_compute_properties self.priority = priority
[docs]class Resource(_serialization.Model): """The Resource model definition. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar id: The resource id. :vartype id: str :ivar name: The resource name. :vartype name: str :ivar type: The resource type. :vartype type: str :ivar location: The resource location. :vartype location: str :ivar tags: The resource tags. :vartype tags: dict[str, str] :ivar zones: The zones for the container group. :vartype zones: list[str] """ _validation = { "id": {"readonly": True}, "name": {"readonly": True}, "type": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "id": {"key": "id", "type": "str"}, "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "type": {"key": "type", "type": "str"}, "location": {"key": "location", "type": "str"}, "tags": {"key": "tags", "type": "{str}"}, "zones": {"key": "zones", "type": "[str]"}, } def __init__( self, *, location: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, zones: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword location: The resource location. :paramtype location: str :keyword tags: The resource tags. :paramtype tags: dict[str, str] :keyword zones: The zones for the container group. :paramtype zones: list[str] """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = None = None self.type = None self.location = location self.tags = tags self.zones = zones
[docs]class ContainerGroup(Resource, ContainerGroupProperties): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """A container group. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar identity: The identity of the container group, if configured. :vartype identity: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupIdentity :ivar provisioning_state: The provisioning state of the container group. This only appears in the response. :vartype provisioning_state: str :ivar containers: The containers within the container group. Required. :vartype containers: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Container] :ivar image_registry_credentials: The image registry credentials by which the container group is created from. :vartype image_registry_credentials: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ImageRegistryCredential] :ivar restart_policy: Restart policy for all containers within the container group. * ``Always`` Always restart * ``OnFailure`` Restart on failure * ``Never`` Never restart. Known values are: "Always", "OnFailure", and "Never". :vartype restart_policy: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupRestartPolicy :ivar ip_address: The IP address type of the container group. :vartype ip_address: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.IpAddress :ivar os_type: The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. Required. Known values are: "Windows" and "Linux". :vartype os_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.OperatingSystemTypes :ivar volumes: The list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in this container group. :vartype volumes: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Volume] :ivar instance_view: The instance view of the container group. Only valid in response. :vartype instance_view: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupPropertiesInstanceView :ivar diagnostics: The diagnostic information for a container group. :vartype diagnostics: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupDiagnostics :ivar subnet_ids: The subnet resource IDs for a container group. :vartype subnet_ids: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupSubnetId] :ivar dns_config: The DNS config information for a container group. :vartype dns_config: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.DnsConfiguration :ivar sku: The SKU for a container group. Known values are: "Standard", "Dedicated", and "Confidential". :vartype sku: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupSku :ivar encryption_properties: The encryption properties for a container group. :vartype encryption_properties: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.EncryptionProperties :ivar init_containers: The init containers for a container group. :vartype init_containers: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.InitContainerDefinition] :ivar extensions: extensions used by virtual kubelet. :vartype extensions: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.DeploymentExtensionSpec] :ivar confidential_compute_properties: The properties for confidential container group. :vartype confidential_compute_properties: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ConfidentialComputeProperties :ivar priority: The priority of the container group. Known values are: "Regular" and "Spot". :vartype priority: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupPriority :ivar id: The resource id. :vartype id: str :ivar name: The resource name. :vartype name: str :ivar type: The resource type. :vartype type: str :ivar location: The resource location. :vartype location: str :ivar tags: The resource tags. :vartype tags: dict[str, str] :ivar zones: The zones for the container group. :vartype zones: list[str] """ _validation = { "provisioning_state": {"readonly": True}, "containers": {"required": True}, "os_type": {"required": True}, "instance_view": {"readonly": True}, "id": {"readonly": True}, "name": {"readonly": True}, "type": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "identity": {"key": "identity", "type": "ContainerGroupIdentity"}, "provisioning_state": {"key": "properties.provisioningState", "type": "str"}, "containers": {"key": "properties.containers", "type": "[Container]"}, "image_registry_credentials": { "key": "properties.imageRegistryCredentials", "type": "[ImageRegistryCredential]", }, "restart_policy": {"key": "properties.restartPolicy", "type": "str"}, "ip_address": {"key": "properties.ipAddress", "type": "IpAddress"}, "os_type": {"key": "properties.osType", "type": "str"}, "volumes": {"key": "properties.volumes", "type": "[Volume]"}, "instance_view": {"key": "properties.instanceView", "type": "ContainerGroupPropertiesInstanceView"}, "diagnostics": {"key": "properties.diagnostics", "type": "ContainerGroupDiagnostics"}, "subnet_ids": {"key": "properties.subnetIds", "type": "[ContainerGroupSubnetId]"}, "dns_config": {"key": "properties.dnsConfig", "type": "DnsConfiguration"}, "sku": {"key": "properties.sku", "type": "str"}, "encryption_properties": {"key": "properties.encryptionProperties", "type": "EncryptionProperties"}, "init_containers": {"key": "properties.initContainers", "type": "[InitContainerDefinition]"}, "extensions": {"key": "properties.extensions", "type": "[DeploymentExtensionSpec]"}, "confidential_compute_properties": { "key": "properties.confidentialComputeProperties", "type": "ConfidentialComputeProperties", }, "priority": {"key": "properties.priority", "type": "str"}, "id": {"key": "id", "type": "str"}, "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "type": {"key": "type", "type": "str"}, "location": {"key": "location", "type": "str"}, "tags": {"key": "tags", "type": "{str}"}, "zones": {"key": "zones", "type": "[str]"}, } def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals self, *, containers: List["_models.Container"], os_type: Union[str, "_models.OperatingSystemTypes"], identity: Optional["_models.ContainerGroupIdentity"] = None, image_registry_credentials: Optional[List["_models.ImageRegistryCredential"]] = None, restart_policy: Optional[Union[str, "_models.ContainerGroupRestartPolicy"]] = None, ip_address: Optional["_models.IpAddress"] = None, volumes: Optional[List["_models.Volume"]] = None, diagnostics: Optional["_models.ContainerGroupDiagnostics"] = None, subnet_ids: Optional[List["_models.ContainerGroupSubnetId"]] = None, dns_config: Optional["_models.DnsConfiguration"] = None, sku: Optional[Union[str, "_models.ContainerGroupSku"]] = None, encryption_properties: Optional["_models.EncryptionProperties"] = None, init_containers: Optional[List["_models.InitContainerDefinition"]] = None, extensions: Optional[List["_models.DeploymentExtensionSpec"]] = None, confidential_compute_properties: Optional["_models.ConfidentialComputeProperties"] = None, priority: Optional[Union[str, "_models.ContainerGroupPriority"]] = None, location: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, zones: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword identity: The identity of the container group, if configured. :paramtype identity: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupIdentity :keyword containers: The containers within the container group. Required. :paramtype containers: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Container] :keyword image_registry_credentials: The image registry credentials by which the container group is created from. :paramtype image_registry_credentials: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ImageRegistryCredential] :keyword restart_policy: Restart policy for all containers within the container group. * ``Always`` Always restart * ``OnFailure`` Restart on failure * ``Never`` Never restart. Known values are: "Always", "OnFailure", and "Never". :paramtype restart_policy: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupRestartPolicy :keyword ip_address: The IP address type of the container group. :paramtype ip_address: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.IpAddress :keyword os_type: The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. Required. Known values are: "Windows" and "Linux". :paramtype os_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.OperatingSystemTypes :keyword volumes: The list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in this container group. :paramtype volumes: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Volume] :keyword diagnostics: The diagnostic information for a container group. :paramtype diagnostics: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupDiagnostics :keyword subnet_ids: The subnet resource IDs for a container group. :paramtype subnet_ids: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupSubnetId] :keyword dns_config: The DNS config information for a container group. :paramtype dns_config: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.DnsConfiguration :keyword sku: The SKU for a container group. Known values are: "Standard", "Dedicated", and "Confidential". :paramtype sku: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupSku :keyword encryption_properties: The encryption properties for a container group. :paramtype encryption_properties: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.EncryptionProperties :keyword init_containers: The init containers for a container group. :paramtype init_containers: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.InitContainerDefinition] :keyword extensions: extensions used by virtual kubelet. :paramtype extensions: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.DeploymentExtensionSpec] :keyword confidential_compute_properties: The properties for confidential container group. :paramtype confidential_compute_properties: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ConfidentialComputeProperties :keyword priority: The priority of the container group. Known values are: "Regular" and "Spot". :paramtype priority: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupPriority :keyword location: The resource location. :paramtype location: str :keyword tags: The resource tags. :paramtype tags: dict[str, str] :keyword zones: The zones for the container group. :paramtype zones: list[str] """ super().__init__( location=location, tags=tags, zones=zones, identity=identity, containers=containers, image_registry_credentials=image_registry_credentials, restart_policy=restart_policy, ip_address=ip_address, os_type=os_type, volumes=volumes, diagnostics=diagnostics, subnet_ids=subnet_ids, dns_config=dns_config, sku=sku, encryption_properties=encryption_properties, init_containers=init_containers, extensions=extensions, confidential_compute_properties=confidential_compute_properties, priority=priority, **kwargs ) self.identity = identity self.provisioning_state = None self.containers = containers self.image_registry_credentials = image_registry_credentials self.restart_policy = restart_policy self.ip_address = ip_address self.os_type = os_type self.volumes = volumes self.instance_view = None self.diagnostics = diagnostics self.subnet_ids = subnet_ids self.dns_config = dns_config self.sku = sku self.encryption_properties = encryption_properties self.init_containers = init_containers self.extensions = extensions self.confidential_compute_properties = confidential_compute_properties self.priority = priority = None = None self.type = None self.location = location self.tags = tags self.zones = zones
[docs]class ContainerGroupDiagnostics(_serialization.Model): """Container group diagnostic information. :ivar log_analytics: Container group log analytics information. :vartype log_analytics: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.LogAnalytics """ _attribute_map = { "log_analytics": {"key": "logAnalytics", "type": "LogAnalytics"}, } def __init__(self, *, log_analytics: Optional["_models.LogAnalytics"] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword log_analytics: Container group log analytics information. :paramtype log_analytics: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.LogAnalytics """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.log_analytics = log_analytics
[docs]class ContainerGroupIdentity(_serialization.Model): """Identity for the container group. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar principal_id: The principal id of the container group identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. :vartype principal_id: str :ivar tenant_id: The tenant id associated with the container group. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. :vartype tenant_id: str :ivar type: The type of identity used for the container group. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. The type 'None' will remove any identities from the container group. Known values are: "SystemAssigned", "UserAssigned", "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned", and "None". :vartype type: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ResourceIdentityType :ivar user_assigned_identities: The list of user identities associated with the container group. :vartype user_assigned_identities: dict[str, ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.UserAssignedIdentities] """ _validation = { "principal_id": {"readonly": True}, "tenant_id": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "principal_id": {"key": "principalId", "type": "str"}, "tenant_id": {"key": "tenantId", "type": "str"}, "type": {"key": "type", "type": "str"}, "user_assigned_identities": {"key": "userAssignedIdentities", "type": "{UserAssignedIdentities}"}, } def __init__( self, *, type: Optional[Union[str, "_models.ResourceIdentityType"]] = None, user_assigned_identities: Optional[Dict[str, "_models.UserAssignedIdentities"]] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword type: The type of identity used for the container group. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. The type 'None' will remove any identities from the container group. Known values are: "SystemAssigned", "UserAssigned", "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned", and "None". :paramtype type: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ResourceIdentityType :keyword user_assigned_identities: The list of user identities associated with the container group. :paramtype user_assigned_identities: dict[str, ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.UserAssignedIdentities] """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.principal_id = None self.tenant_id = None self.type = type self.user_assigned_identities = user_assigned_identities
[docs]class ContainerGroupListResult(_serialization.Model): """The container group list response that contains the container group properties. :ivar value: The list of container groups. :vartype value: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroup] :ivar next_link: The URI to fetch the next page of container groups. :vartype next_link: str """ _attribute_map = { "value": {"key": "value", "type": "[ContainerGroup]"}, "next_link": {"key": "nextLink", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, value: Optional[List["_models.ContainerGroup"]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword value: The list of container groups. :paramtype value: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroup] :keyword next_link: The URI to fetch the next page of container groups. :paramtype next_link: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value self.next_link = next_link
[docs]class ContainerGroupPropertiesInstanceView(_serialization.Model): """The instance view of the container group. Only valid in response. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar events: The events of this container group. :vartype events: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Event] :ivar state: The state of the container group. Only valid in response. :vartype state: str """ _validation = { "events": {"readonly": True}, "state": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "events": {"key": "events", "type": "[Event]"}, "state": {"key": "state", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = None self.state = None
[docs]class ContainerGroupSubnetId(_serialization.Model): """Container group subnet information. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar id: Resource ID of virtual network and subnet. Required. :vartype id: str :ivar name: Friendly name for the subnet. :vartype name: str """ _validation = { "id": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "id": {"key": "id", "type": "str"}, "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, id: str, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ :keyword id: Resource ID of virtual network and subnet. Required. :paramtype id: str :keyword name: Friendly name for the subnet. :paramtype name: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = id = name
[docs]class ContainerHttpGet(_serialization.Model): """The container Http Get settings, for liveness or readiness probe. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar path: The path to probe. :vartype path: str :ivar port: The port number to probe. Required. :vartype port: int :ivar scheme: The scheme. Known values are: "http" and "https". :vartype scheme: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Scheme :ivar http_headers: The HTTP headers. :vartype http_headers: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.HttpHeader] """ _validation = { "port": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "path": {"key": "path", "type": "str"}, "port": {"key": "port", "type": "int"}, "scheme": {"key": "scheme", "type": "str"}, "http_headers": {"key": "httpHeaders", "type": "[HttpHeader]"}, } def __init__( self, *, port: int, path: Optional[str] = None, scheme: Optional[Union[str, "_models.Scheme"]] = None, http_headers: Optional[List["_models.HttpHeader"]] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword path: The path to probe. :paramtype path: str :keyword port: The port number to probe. Required. :paramtype port: int :keyword scheme: The scheme. Known values are: "http" and "https". :paramtype scheme: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Scheme :keyword http_headers: The HTTP headers. :paramtype http_headers: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.HttpHeader] """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.path = path self.port = port self.scheme = scheme self.http_headers = http_headers
[docs]class ContainerPort(_serialization.Model): """The port exposed on the container instance. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar protocol: The protocol associated with the port. Known values are: "TCP" and "UDP". :vartype protocol: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerNetworkProtocol :ivar port: The port number exposed within the container group. Required. :vartype port: int """ _validation = { "port": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "protocol": {"key": "protocol", "type": "str"}, "port": {"key": "port", "type": "int"}, } def __init__( self, *, port: int, protocol: Optional[Union[str, "_models.ContainerNetworkProtocol"]] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword protocol: The protocol associated with the port. Known values are: "TCP" and "UDP". :paramtype protocol: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerNetworkProtocol :keyword port: The port number exposed within the container group. Required. :paramtype port: int """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.protocol = protocol self.port = port
[docs]class ContainerProbe(_serialization.Model): """The container probe, for liveness or readiness. :ivar exec_property: The execution command to probe. :vartype exec_property: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerExec :ivar http_get: The Http Get settings to probe. :vartype http_get: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerHttpGet :ivar initial_delay_seconds: The initial delay seconds. :vartype initial_delay_seconds: int :ivar period_seconds: The period seconds. :vartype period_seconds: int :ivar failure_threshold: The failure threshold. :vartype failure_threshold: int :ivar success_threshold: The success threshold. :vartype success_threshold: int :ivar timeout_seconds: The timeout seconds. :vartype timeout_seconds: int """ _attribute_map = { "exec_property": {"key": "exec", "type": "ContainerExec"}, "http_get": {"key": "httpGet", "type": "ContainerHttpGet"}, "initial_delay_seconds": {"key": "initialDelaySeconds", "type": "int"}, "period_seconds": {"key": "periodSeconds", "type": "int"}, "failure_threshold": {"key": "failureThreshold", "type": "int"}, "success_threshold": {"key": "successThreshold", "type": "int"}, "timeout_seconds": {"key": "timeoutSeconds", "type": "int"}, } def __init__( self, *, exec_property: Optional["_models.ContainerExec"] = None, http_get: Optional["_models.ContainerHttpGet"] = None, initial_delay_seconds: Optional[int] = None, period_seconds: Optional[int] = None, failure_threshold: Optional[int] = None, success_threshold: Optional[int] = None, timeout_seconds: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword exec_property: The execution command to probe. :paramtype exec_property: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerExec :keyword http_get: The Http Get settings to probe. :paramtype http_get: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerHttpGet :keyword initial_delay_seconds: The initial delay seconds. :paramtype initial_delay_seconds: int :keyword period_seconds: The period seconds. :paramtype period_seconds: int :keyword failure_threshold: The failure threshold. :paramtype failure_threshold: int :keyword success_threshold: The success threshold. :paramtype success_threshold: int :keyword timeout_seconds: The timeout seconds. :paramtype timeout_seconds: int """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.exec_property = exec_property self.http_get = http_get self.initial_delay_seconds = initial_delay_seconds self.period_seconds = period_seconds self.failure_threshold = failure_threshold self.success_threshold = success_threshold self.timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds
[docs]class ContainerPropertiesInstanceView(_serialization.Model): """The instance view of the container instance. Only valid in response. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar restart_count: The number of times that the container instance has been restarted. :vartype restart_count: int :ivar current_state: Current container instance state. :vartype current_state: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerState :ivar previous_state: Previous container instance state. :vartype previous_state: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerState :ivar events: The events of the container instance. :vartype events: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Event] """ _validation = { "restart_count": {"readonly": True}, "current_state": {"readonly": True}, "previous_state": {"readonly": True}, "events": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "restart_count": {"key": "restartCount", "type": "int"}, "current_state": {"key": "currentState", "type": "ContainerState"}, "previous_state": {"key": "previousState", "type": "ContainerState"}, "events": {"key": "events", "type": "[Event]"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.restart_count = None self.current_state = None self.previous_state = None = None
[docs]class ContainerState(_serialization.Model): """The container instance state. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar state: The state of the container instance. :vartype state: str :ivar start_time: The date-time when the container instance state started. :vartype start_time: ~datetime.datetime :ivar exit_code: The container instance exit codes correspond to those from the ``docker run`` command. :vartype exit_code: int :ivar finish_time: The date-time when the container instance state finished. :vartype finish_time: ~datetime.datetime :ivar detail_status: The human-readable status of the container instance state. :vartype detail_status: str """ _validation = { "state": {"readonly": True}, "start_time": {"readonly": True}, "exit_code": {"readonly": True}, "finish_time": {"readonly": True}, "detail_status": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "state": {"key": "state", "type": "str"}, "start_time": {"key": "startTime", "type": "iso-8601"}, "exit_code": {"key": "exitCode", "type": "int"}, "finish_time": {"key": "finishTime", "type": "iso-8601"}, "detail_status": {"key": "detailStatus", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.state = None self.start_time = None self.exit_code = None self.finish_time = None self.detail_status = None
[docs]class DeploymentExtensionSpec(_serialization.Model): """Extension sidecars to be added to the deployment. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar name: Name of the extension. Required. :vartype name: str :ivar extension_type: Type of extension to be added. :vartype extension_type: str :ivar version: Version of the extension being used. :vartype version: str :ivar settings: Settings for the extension. :vartype settings: JSON :ivar protected_settings: Protected settings for the extension. :vartype protected_settings: JSON """ _validation = { "name": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "extension_type": {"key": "properties.extensionType", "type": "str"}, "version": {"key": "properties.version", "type": "str"}, "settings": {"key": "properties.settings", "type": "object"}, "protected_settings": {"key": "properties.protectedSettings", "type": "object"}, } def __init__( self, *, name: str, extension_type: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, settings: Optional[JSON] = None, protected_settings: Optional[JSON] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword name: Name of the extension. Required. :paramtype name: str :keyword extension_type: Type of extension to be added. :paramtype extension_type: str :keyword version: Version of the extension being used. :paramtype version: str :keyword settings: Settings for the extension. :paramtype settings: JSON :keyword protected_settings: Protected settings for the extension. :paramtype protected_settings: JSON """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.extension_type = extension_type self.version = version self.settings = settings self.protected_settings = protected_settings
[docs]class DnsConfiguration(_serialization.Model): """DNS configuration for the container group. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar name_servers: The DNS servers for the container group. Required. :vartype name_servers: list[str] :ivar search_domains: The DNS search domains for hostname lookup in the container group. :vartype search_domains: str :ivar options: The DNS options for the container group. :vartype options: str """ _validation = { "name_servers": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "name_servers": {"key": "nameServers", "type": "[str]"}, "search_domains": {"key": "searchDomains", "type": "str"}, "options": {"key": "options", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, name_servers: List[str], search_domains: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword name_servers: The DNS servers for the container group. Required. :paramtype name_servers: list[str] :keyword search_domains: The DNS search domains for hostname lookup in the container group. :paramtype search_domains: str :keyword options: The DNS options for the container group. :paramtype options: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.name_servers = name_servers self.search_domains = search_domains self.options = options
[docs]class EncryptionProperties(_serialization.Model): """The container group encryption properties. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar vault_base_url: The keyvault base url. Required. :vartype vault_base_url: str :ivar key_name: The encryption key name. Required. :vartype key_name: str :ivar key_version: The encryption key version. Required. :vartype key_version: str :ivar identity: The keyvault managed identity. :vartype identity: str """ _validation = { "vault_base_url": {"required": True}, "key_name": {"required": True}, "key_version": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "vault_base_url": {"key": "vaultBaseUrl", "type": "str"}, "key_name": {"key": "keyName", "type": "str"}, "key_version": {"key": "keyVersion", "type": "str"}, "identity": {"key": "identity", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, vault_base_url: str, key_name: str, key_version: str, identity: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword vault_base_url: The keyvault base url. Required. :paramtype vault_base_url: str :keyword key_name: The encryption key name. Required. :paramtype key_name: str :keyword key_version: The encryption key version. Required. :paramtype key_version: str :keyword identity: The keyvault managed identity. :paramtype identity: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.vault_base_url = vault_base_url self.key_name = key_name self.key_version = key_version self.identity = identity
[docs]class EnvironmentVariable(_serialization.Model): """The environment variable to set within the container instance. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar name: The name of the environment variable. Required. :vartype name: str :ivar value: The value of the environment variable. :vartype value: str :ivar secure_value: The value of the secure environment variable. :vartype secure_value: str """ _validation = { "name": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "value": {"key": "value", "type": "str"}, "secure_value": {"key": "secureValue", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str, value: Optional[str] = None, secure_value: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword name: The name of the environment variable. Required. :paramtype name: str :keyword value: The value of the environment variable. :paramtype value: str :keyword secure_value: The value of the secure environment variable. :paramtype secure_value: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.value = value self.secure_value = secure_value
[docs]class Event(_serialization.Model): """A container group or container instance event. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar count: The count of the event. :vartype count: int :ivar first_timestamp: The date-time of the earliest logged event. :vartype first_timestamp: ~datetime.datetime :ivar last_timestamp: The date-time of the latest logged event. :vartype last_timestamp: ~datetime.datetime :ivar name: The event name. :vartype name: str :ivar message: The event message. :vartype message: str :ivar type: The event type. :vartype type: str """ _validation = { "count": {"readonly": True}, "first_timestamp": {"readonly": True}, "last_timestamp": {"readonly": True}, "name": {"readonly": True}, "message": {"readonly": True}, "type": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "count": {"key": "count", "type": "int"}, "first_timestamp": {"key": "firstTimestamp", "type": "iso-8601"}, "last_timestamp": {"key": "lastTimestamp", "type": "iso-8601"}, "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "message": {"key": "message", "type": "str"}, "type": {"key": "type", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.count = None self.first_timestamp = None self.last_timestamp = None = None self.message = None self.type = None
[docs]class GitRepoVolume(_serialization.Model): """Represents a volume that is populated with the contents of a git repository. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar directory: Target directory name. Must not contain or start with '..'. If '.' is supplied, the volume directory will be the git repository. Otherwise, if specified, the volume will contain the git repository in the subdirectory with the given name. :vartype directory: str :ivar repository: Repository URL. Required. :vartype repository: str :ivar revision: Commit hash for the specified revision. :vartype revision: str """ _validation = { "repository": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "directory": {"key": "directory", "type": "str"}, "repository": {"key": "repository", "type": "str"}, "revision": {"key": "revision", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, repository: str, directory: Optional[str] = None, revision: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword directory: Target directory name. Must not contain or start with '..'. If '.' is supplied, the volume directory will be the git repository. Otherwise, if specified, the volume will contain the git repository in the subdirectory with the given name. :paramtype directory: str :keyword repository: Repository URL. Required. :paramtype repository: str :keyword revision: Commit hash for the specified revision. :paramtype revision: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = directory self.repository = repository self.revision = revision
[docs]class GpuResource(_serialization.Model): """The GPU resource. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar count: The count of the GPU resource. Required. :vartype count: int :ivar sku: The SKU of the GPU resource. Required. Known values are: "K80", "P100", and "V100". :vartype sku: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.GpuSku """ _validation = { "count": {"required": True}, "sku": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "count": {"key": "count", "type": "int"}, "sku": {"key": "sku", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, count: int, sku: Union[str, "_models.GpuSku"], **kwargs): """ :keyword count: The count of the GPU resource. Required. :paramtype count: int :keyword sku: The SKU of the GPU resource. Required. Known values are: "K80", "P100", and "V100". :paramtype sku: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.GpuSku """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.count = count self.sku = sku
[docs]class HttpHeader(_serialization.Model): """The HTTP header. :ivar name: The header name. :vartype name: str :ivar value: The header value. :vartype value: str """ _attribute_map = { "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "value": {"key": "value", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword name: The header name. :paramtype name: str :keyword value: The header value. :paramtype value: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.value = value
[docs]class ImageRegistryCredential(_serialization.Model): """Image registry credential. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar server: The Docker image registry server without a protocol such as "http" and "https". Required. :vartype server: str :ivar username: The username for the private registry. :vartype username: str :ivar password: The password for the private registry. :vartype password: str :ivar identity: The identity for the private registry. :vartype identity: str :ivar identity_url: The identity URL for the private registry. :vartype identity_url: str """ _validation = { "server": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "server": {"key": "server", "type": "str"}, "username": {"key": "username", "type": "str"}, "password": {"key": "password", "type": "str"}, "identity": {"key": "identity", "type": "str"}, "identity_url": {"key": "identityUrl", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, server: str, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, identity: Optional[str] = None, identity_url: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword server: The Docker image registry server without a protocol such as "http" and "https". Required. :paramtype server: str :keyword username: The username for the private registry. :paramtype username: str :keyword password: The password for the private registry. :paramtype password: str :keyword identity: The identity for the private registry. :paramtype identity: str :keyword identity_url: The identity URL for the private registry. :paramtype identity_url: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.server = server self.username = username self.password = password self.identity = identity self.identity_url = identity_url
[docs]class InitContainerDefinition(_serialization.Model): """The init container definition. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar name: The name for the init container. Required. :vartype name: str :ivar image: The image of the init container. :vartype image: str :ivar command: The command to execute within the init container in exec form. :vartype command: list[str] :ivar environment_variables: The environment variables to set in the init container. :vartype environment_variables: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.EnvironmentVariable] :ivar instance_view: The instance view of the init container. Only valid in response. :vartype instance_view: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView :ivar volume_mounts: The volume mounts available to the init container. :vartype volume_mounts: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.VolumeMount] """ _validation = { "name": {"required": True}, "instance_view": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "image": {"key": "properties.image", "type": "str"}, "command": {"key": "properties.command", "type": "[str]"}, "environment_variables": {"key": "properties.environmentVariables", "type": "[EnvironmentVariable]"}, "instance_view": {"key": "properties.instanceView", "type": "InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView"}, "volume_mounts": {"key": "properties.volumeMounts", "type": "[VolumeMount]"}, } def __init__( self, *, name: str, image: Optional[str] = None, command: Optional[List[str]] = None, environment_variables: Optional[List["_models.EnvironmentVariable"]] = None, volume_mounts: Optional[List["_models.VolumeMount"]] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword name: The name for the init container. Required. :paramtype name: str :keyword image: The image of the init container. :paramtype image: str :keyword command: The command to execute within the init container in exec form. :paramtype command: list[str] :keyword environment_variables: The environment variables to set in the init container. :paramtype environment_variables: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.EnvironmentVariable] :keyword volume_mounts: The volume mounts available to the init container. :paramtype volume_mounts: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.VolumeMount] """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.image = image self.command = command self.environment_variables = environment_variables self.instance_view = None self.volume_mounts = volume_mounts
[docs]class InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView(_serialization.Model): """The instance view of the init container. Only valid in response. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar restart_count: The number of times that the init container has been restarted. :vartype restart_count: int :ivar current_state: The current state of the init container. :vartype current_state: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerState :ivar previous_state: The previous state of the init container. :vartype previous_state: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerState :ivar events: The events of the init container. :vartype events: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Event] """ _validation = { "restart_count": {"readonly": True}, "current_state": {"readonly": True}, "previous_state": {"readonly": True}, "events": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "restart_count": {"key": "restartCount", "type": "int"}, "current_state": {"key": "currentState", "type": "ContainerState"}, "previous_state": {"key": "previousState", "type": "ContainerState"}, "events": {"key": "events", "type": "[Event]"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.restart_count = None self.current_state = None self.previous_state = None = None
[docs]class IpAddress(_serialization.Model): """IP address for the container group. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar ports: The list of ports exposed on the container group. Required. :vartype ports: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Port] :ivar type: Specifies if the IP is exposed to the public internet or private VNET. Required. Known values are: "Public" and "Private". :vartype type: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupIpAddressType :ivar ip: The IP exposed to the public internet. :vartype ip: str :ivar dns_name_label: The Dns name label for the IP. :vartype dns_name_label: str :ivar auto_generated_domain_name_label_scope: The value representing the security enum. The 'Unsecure' value is the default value if not selected and means the object's domain name label is not secured against subdomain takeover. The 'TenantReuse' value is the default value if selected and means the object's domain name label can be reused within the same tenant. The 'SubscriptionReuse' value means the object's domain name label can be reused within the same subscription. The 'ResourceGroupReuse' value means the object's domain name label can be reused within the same resource group. The 'NoReuse' value means the object's domain name label cannot be reused within the same resource group, subscription, or tenant. Known values are: "Unsecure", "TenantReuse", "SubscriptionReuse", "ResourceGroupReuse", and "Noreuse". :vartype auto_generated_domain_name_label_scope: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.DnsNameLabelReusePolicy :ivar fqdn: The FQDN for the IP. :vartype fqdn: str """ _validation = { "ports": {"required": True}, "type": {"required": True}, "fqdn": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "ports": {"key": "ports", "type": "[Port]"}, "type": {"key": "type", "type": "str"}, "ip": {"key": "ip", "type": "str"}, "dns_name_label": {"key": "dnsNameLabel", "type": "str"}, "auto_generated_domain_name_label_scope": {"key": "autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope", "type": "str"}, "fqdn": {"key": "fqdn", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, ports: List["_models.Port"], type: Union[str, "_models.ContainerGroupIpAddressType"], ip: Optional[str] = None, dns_name_label: Optional[str] = None, auto_generated_domain_name_label_scope: Union[str, "_models.DnsNameLabelReusePolicy"] = "Unsecure", **kwargs ): """ :keyword ports: The list of ports exposed on the container group. Required. :paramtype ports: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Port] :keyword type: Specifies if the IP is exposed to the public internet or private VNET. Required. Known values are: "Public" and "Private". :paramtype type: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupIpAddressType :keyword ip: The IP exposed to the public internet. :paramtype ip: str :keyword dns_name_label: The Dns name label for the IP. :paramtype dns_name_label: str :keyword auto_generated_domain_name_label_scope: The value representing the security enum. The 'Unsecure' value is the default value if not selected and means the object's domain name label is not secured against subdomain takeover. The 'TenantReuse' value is the default value if selected and means the object's domain name label can be reused within the same tenant. The 'SubscriptionReuse' value means the object's domain name label can be reused within the same subscription. The 'ResourceGroupReuse' value means the object's domain name label can be reused within the same resource group. The 'NoReuse' value means the object's domain name label cannot be reused within the same resource group, subscription, or tenant. Known values are: "Unsecure", "TenantReuse", "SubscriptionReuse", "ResourceGroupReuse", and "Noreuse". :paramtype auto_generated_domain_name_label_scope: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.DnsNameLabelReusePolicy """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ports = ports self.type = type self.ip = ip self.dns_name_label = dns_name_label self.auto_generated_domain_name_label_scope = auto_generated_domain_name_label_scope self.fqdn = None
[docs]class LogAnalytics(_serialization.Model): """Container group log analytics information. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar workspace_id: The workspace id for log analytics. Required. :vartype workspace_id: str :ivar workspace_key: The workspace key for log analytics. Required. :vartype workspace_key: str :ivar log_type: The log type to be used. Known values are: "ContainerInsights" and "ContainerInstanceLogs". :vartype log_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.LogAnalyticsLogType :ivar metadata: Metadata for log analytics. :vartype metadata: dict[str, str] :ivar workspace_resource_id: The workspace resource id for log analytics. :vartype workspace_resource_id: str """ _validation = { "workspace_id": {"required": True}, "workspace_key": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "workspace_id": {"key": "workspaceId", "type": "str"}, "workspace_key": {"key": "workspaceKey", "type": "str"}, "log_type": {"key": "logType", "type": "str"}, "metadata": {"key": "metadata", "type": "{str}"}, "workspace_resource_id": {"key": "workspaceResourceId", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, workspace_id: str, workspace_key: str, log_type: Optional[Union[str, "_models.LogAnalyticsLogType"]] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, workspace_resource_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword workspace_id: The workspace id for log analytics. Required. :paramtype workspace_id: str :keyword workspace_key: The workspace key for log analytics. Required. :paramtype workspace_key: str :keyword log_type: The log type to be used. Known values are: "ContainerInsights" and "ContainerInstanceLogs". :paramtype log_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.LogAnalyticsLogType :keyword metadata: Metadata for log analytics. :paramtype metadata: dict[str, str] :keyword workspace_resource_id: The workspace resource id for log analytics. :paramtype workspace_resource_id: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.workspace_id = workspace_id self.workspace_key = workspace_key self.log_type = log_type self.metadata = metadata self.workspace_resource_id = workspace_resource_id
[docs]class Logs(_serialization.Model): """The logs. :ivar content: The content of the log. :vartype content: str """ _attribute_map = { "content": {"key": "content", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword content: The content of the log. :paramtype content: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.content = content
[docs]class Operation(_serialization.Model): """An operation for Azure Container Instance service. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar name: The name of the operation. Required. :vartype name: str :ivar display: The display information of the operation. Required. :vartype display: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.OperationDisplay :ivar properties: The additional properties. :vartype properties: JSON :ivar origin: The intended executor of the operation. Known values are: "User" and "System". :vartype origin: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerInstanceOperationsOrigin """ _validation = { "name": {"required": True}, "display": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "display": {"key": "display", "type": "OperationDisplay"}, "properties": {"key": "properties", "type": "object"}, "origin": {"key": "origin", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, name: str, display: "_models.OperationDisplay", properties: Optional[JSON] = None, origin: Optional[Union[str, "_models.ContainerInstanceOperationsOrigin"]] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword name: The name of the operation. Required. :paramtype name: str :keyword display: The display information of the operation. Required. :paramtype display: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.OperationDisplay :keyword properties: The additional properties. :paramtype properties: JSON :keyword origin: The intended executor of the operation. Known values are: "User" and "System". :paramtype origin: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerInstanceOperationsOrigin """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.display = display = properties self.origin = origin
[docs]class OperationDisplay(_serialization.Model): """The display information of the operation. :ivar provider: The name of the provider of the operation. :vartype provider: str :ivar resource: The name of the resource type of the operation. :vartype resource: str :ivar operation: The friendly name of the operation. :vartype operation: str :ivar description: The description of the operation. :vartype description: str """ _attribute_map = { "provider": {"key": "provider", "type": "str"}, "resource": {"key": "resource", "type": "str"}, "operation": {"key": "operation", "type": "str"}, "description": {"key": "description", "type": "str"}, } def __init__( self, *, provider: Optional[str] = None, resource: Optional[str] = None, operation: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword provider: The name of the provider of the operation. :paramtype provider: str :keyword resource: The name of the resource type of the operation. :paramtype resource: str :keyword operation: The friendly name of the operation. :paramtype operation: str :keyword description: The description of the operation. :paramtype description: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.provider = provider self.resource = resource self.operation = operation self.description = description
[docs]class OperationListResult(_serialization.Model): """The operation list response that contains all operations for Azure Container Instance service. :ivar value: The list of operations. :vartype value: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Operation] :ivar next_link: The URI to fetch the next page of operations. :vartype next_link: str """ _attribute_map = { "value": {"key": "value", "type": "[Operation]"}, "next_link": {"key": "nextLink", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, *, value: Optional[List["_models.Operation"]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword value: The list of operations. :paramtype value: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Operation] :keyword next_link: The URI to fetch the next page of operations. :paramtype next_link: str """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value self.next_link = next_link
[docs]class Port(_serialization.Model): """The port exposed on the container group. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar protocol: The protocol associated with the port. Known values are: "TCP" and "UDP". :vartype protocol: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupNetworkProtocol :ivar port: The port number. Required. :vartype port: int """ _validation = { "port": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "protocol": {"key": "protocol", "type": "str"}, "port": {"key": "port", "type": "int"}, } def __init__( self, *, port: int, protocol: Optional[Union[str, "_models.ContainerGroupNetworkProtocol"]] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword protocol: The protocol associated with the port. Known values are: "TCP" and "UDP". :paramtype protocol: str or ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ContainerGroupNetworkProtocol :keyword port: The port number. Required. :paramtype port: int """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.protocol = protocol self.port = port
[docs]class ResourceLimits(_serialization.Model): """The resource limits. :ivar memory_in_gb: The memory limit in GB of this container instance. :vartype memory_in_gb: float :ivar cpu: The CPU limit of this container instance. :vartype cpu: float :ivar gpu: The GPU limit of this container instance. :vartype gpu: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.GpuResource """ _attribute_map = { "memory_in_gb": {"key": "memoryInGB", "type": "float"}, "cpu": {"key": "cpu", "type": "float"}, "gpu": {"key": "gpu", "type": "GpuResource"}, } def __init__( self, *, memory_in_gb: Optional[float] = None, cpu: Optional[float] = None, gpu: Optional["_models.GpuResource"] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword memory_in_gb: The memory limit in GB of this container instance. :paramtype memory_in_gb: float :keyword cpu: The CPU limit of this container instance. :paramtype cpu: float :keyword gpu: The GPU limit of this container instance. :paramtype gpu: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.GpuResource """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.memory_in_gb = memory_in_gb self.cpu = cpu self.gpu = gpu
[docs]class ResourceRequests(_serialization.Model): """The resource requests. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar memory_in_gb: The memory request in GB of this container instance. Required. :vartype memory_in_gb: float :ivar cpu: The CPU request of this container instance. Required. :vartype cpu: float :ivar gpu: The GPU request of this container instance. :vartype gpu: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.GpuResource """ _validation = { "memory_in_gb": {"required": True}, "cpu": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "memory_in_gb": {"key": "memoryInGB", "type": "float"}, "cpu": {"key": "cpu", "type": "float"}, "gpu": {"key": "gpu", "type": "GpuResource"}, } def __init__(self, *, memory_in_gb: float, cpu: float, gpu: Optional["_models.GpuResource"] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword memory_in_gb: The memory request in GB of this container instance. Required. :paramtype memory_in_gb: float :keyword cpu: The CPU request of this container instance. Required. :paramtype cpu: float :keyword gpu: The GPU request of this container instance. :paramtype gpu: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.GpuResource """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.memory_in_gb = memory_in_gb self.cpu = cpu self.gpu = gpu
[docs]class ResourceRequirements(_serialization.Model): """The resource requirements. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar requests: The resource requests of this container instance. Required. :vartype requests: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ResourceRequests :ivar limits: The resource limits of this container instance. :vartype limits: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ResourceLimits """ _validation = { "requests": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "requests": {"key": "requests", "type": "ResourceRequests"}, "limits": {"key": "limits", "type": "ResourceLimits"}, } def __init__( self, *, requests: "_models.ResourceRequests", limits: Optional["_models.ResourceLimits"] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword requests: The resource requests of this container instance. Required. :paramtype requests: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ResourceRequests :keyword limits: The resource limits of this container instance. :paramtype limits: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.ResourceLimits """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.requests = requests self.limits = limits
[docs]class Usage(_serialization.Model): """A single usage result. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar id: Id of the usage result. :vartype id: str :ivar unit: Unit of the usage result. :vartype unit: str :ivar current_value: The current usage of the resource. :vartype current_value: int :ivar limit: The maximum permitted usage of the resource. :vartype limit: int :ivar name: The name object of the resource. :vartype name: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.UsageName """ _validation = { "id": {"readonly": True}, "unit": {"readonly": True}, "current_value": {"readonly": True}, "limit": {"readonly": True}, "name": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "id": {"key": "id", "type": "str"}, "unit": {"key": "unit", "type": "str"}, "current_value": {"key": "currentValue", "type": "int"}, "limit": {"key": "limit", "type": "int"}, "name": {"key": "name", "type": "UsageName"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = None self.unit = None self.current_value = None self.limit = None = None
[docs]class UsageListResult(_serialization.Model): """The response containing the usage data. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar value: The usage data. :vartype value: list[~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.Usage] """ _validation = { "value": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "value": {"key": "value", "type": "[Usage]"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.value = None
[docs]class UsageName(_serialization.Model): """The name object of the resource. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar value: The name of the resource. :vartype value: str :ivar localized_value: The localized name of the resource. :vartype localized_value: str """ _validation = { "value": {"readonly": True}, "localized_value": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "value": {"key": "value", "type": "str"}, "localized_value": {"key": "localizedValue", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.value = None self.localized_value = None
[docs]class UserAssignedIdentities(_serialization.Model): """The list of user identities associated with the container group. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}'. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar principal_id: The principal id of user assigned identity. :vartype principal_id: str :ivar client_id: The client id of user assigned identity. :vartype client_id: str """ _validation = { "principal_id": {"readonly": True}, "client_id": {"readonly": True}, } _attribute_map = { "principal_id": {"key": "principalId", "type": "str"}, "client_id": {"key": "clientId", "type": "str"}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.principal_id = None self.client_id = None
[docs]class Volume(_serialization.Model): """The properties of the volume. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar name: The name of the volume. Required. :vartype name: str :ivar azure_file: The Azure File volume. :vartype azure_file: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.AzureFileVolume :ivar empty_dir: The empty directory volume. :vartype empty_dir: JSON :ivar secret: The secret volume. :vartype secret: dict[str, str] :ivar git_repo: The git repo volume. :vartype git_repo: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.GitRepoVolume """ _validation = { "name": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "azure_file": {"key": "azureFile", "type": "AzureFileVolume"}, "empty_dir": {"key": "emptyDir", "type": "object"}, "secret": {"key": "secret", "type": "{str}"}, "git_repo": {"key": "gitRepo", "type": "GitRepoVolume"}, } def __init__( self, *, name: str, azure_file: Optional["_models.AzureFileVolume"] = None, empty_dir: Optional[JSON] = None, secret: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, git_repo: Optional["_models.GitRepoVolume"] = None, **kwargs ): """ :keyword name: The name of the volume. Required. :paramtype name: str :keyword azure_file: The Azure File volume. :paramtype azure_file: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.AzureFileVolume :keyword empty_dir: The empty directory volume. :paramtype empty_dir: JSON :keyword secret: The secret volume. :paramtype secret: dict[str, str] :keyword git_repo: The git repo volume. :paramtype git_repo: ~azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.GitRepoVolume """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.azure_file = azure_file self.empty_dir = empty_dir self.secret = secret self.git_repo = git_repo
[docs]class VolumeMount(_serialization.Model): """The properties of the volume mount. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar name: The name of the volume mount. Required. :vartype name: str :ivar mount_path: The path within the container where the volume should be mounted. Must not contain colon (:). Required. :vartype mount_path: str :ivar read_only: The flag indicating whether the volume mount is read-only. :vartype read_only: bool """ _validation = { "name": {"required": True}, "mount_path": {"required": True}, } _attribute_map = { "name": {"key": "name", "type": "str"}, "mount_path": {"key": "mountPath", "type": "str"}, "read_only": {"key": "readOnly", "type": "bool"}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str, mount_path: str, read_only: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs): """ :keyword name: The name of the volume mount. Required. :paramtype name: str :keyword mount_path: The path within the container where the volume should be mounted. Must not contain colon (:). Required. :paramtype mount_path: str :keyword read_only: The flag indicating whether the volume mount is read-only. :paramtype read_only: bool """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.mount_path = mount_path self.read_only = read_only